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Dynamic mechanical

Xem 1-20 trên 671 kết quả Dynamic mechanical
  • The study of the asymptotic behavior of dynamical systems arising from mechanics and physics is a capital issue, as it is essential, for practical applications, to be able to understand and even predict the long-time behavior of the solutions of such systems.

    pdf9p visergey 02-04-2024 0 0   Download

  • Part 2 book "Quantum mechanics - An introduction for device physicists and electrical engineers" by author David K Ferry includes content: Basis functions, operators and quantum dynamics, stationary perturbation theory, time-dependent perturbation theory.

    pdf176p muasambanhan10 06-04-2024 0 0   Download

  • Part 1 of ebook "Seismic safety of high arch dams" includes the following main contents: Chapter 1 - General description; Chapter 2 - Outline of bases of seismic fortification and seismic hazard analysis at dam site; Chapter 3 - Determination of correlation design seismic motion parameters on dam Site; Chapter 4 - Design acceleration time process; Chapter 5 - Dam site seismic motion input mechanism; Chapter 6 - High arch dam body–foundation system three-dimensional contact nonlinear dynamic analysis method;...

    pdf298p khuynhlinhnguyet1009 05-04-2024 1 1   Download

  • Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "Seismic safety of high arch dams" includes the following main contents: Chapter 12 - The experimental research on the dynamic and static mechanical characteristics of dam concrete and the constitutive materials; Chapter 13 - Experimental study of dynamic and static damage failure of concrete dam based on acoustic emission technology; Chapter 14 - Testing research on large dam concrete dynamic-static damage and failure based on CT technology; Chapter 15 - Research on numerical analysis of full gradation large dam concrete dynamic behaviors;...

    pdf315p khuynhlinhnguyet1009 05-04-2024 1 1   Download

  • Ebook "Heterogeneous photocatalysis: From fundamentals to green applications" explains the principles and fundamentals of photocatalysis and highlights the current developments and future potential of the green-chemistry-oriented applications of various inorganic, organic, and hybrid photocatalysts. The book consists of eleven chapters, including the principles and fundamentals of heterogeneous photocatalysis; the mechanisms and dynamics of surface photocatalysis;...

    pdf419p tudohanhtau1006 29-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • The proposed paper is an analysis of the impact of coordination mechanisms on the procurement performance indicators of participants in supply chains.

    pdf8p longtimenosee06 27-03-2024 2 2   Download

  • The human gut harbors trillions of microbes that play dynamic roles in health. While the microbiome contributes to many cardiometabolic traits by modulating host inflammation and metabolism, there is an incomplete understanding regarding the extent that and mechanisms by which individual microbes impact risk and development of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

    pdf16p vibransone 28-03-2024 2 2   Download

  • Ebook "Molecular quantum dynamics: From theory to applications" focuses on current applications of molecular quantum dynamics. Examples from all main subjects in the field, presented by the internationally renowned experts, illustrate the importance of the domain. Recent success in helping to understand experimental observations in fields like heterogeneous catalysis, photochemistry, reactive scattering, optical spectroscopy, or femto- and attosecond chemistry and spectroscopy underline that nuclear quantum mechanical effects affect many areas of chemical and physical research.

    pdf281p tudohanhtau1006 29-03-2024 2 1   Download

  • Ebook "Protein modelling" detailed description of cutting-edge computational methods applied to protein modeling as well as specific applications are presented. Chapters include: the application of Car-Parrinello techniques to enzyme mechanisms, the outline and application of QM/MM methods, polarizable force fields, recent methods of ligand docking, molecular dynamics related to NMR spectroscopy, computer optimization of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion extended by toxicity for drugs, enzyme design and bioinformatics applied to protein structure prediction.

    pdf332p tudohanhtau1006 29-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • Ebook "Correlation force spectroscopy for single molecule measurements" addresses the development of a new force spectroscopy tool, correlation force spectroscopy (CFS) for the measurement of the properties of very small volumes of material (molecular to µm3) at kHz-MHz frequency range. CFS measures the simultaneous thermal fluctuations of two closely-spaced atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilevers. CFS then calculates the cross-correlation in the thermal fluctuations that gives the mechanical properties of the matter that spans the gap of the two cantilevers.

    pdf135p tudohanhtau1006 29-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • The activation of the telomere maintenance mechanism (TMM) is one of the critical drivers of cancer cell immortality. In gliomas, TERT expression and TERT promoter mutation are considered to reliably indicate telom‑ erase activation, while ATRX mutation and/or loss indicates an alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). However, these relationships have not been extensively validated in tumor tissues.

    pdf16p viellison 28-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • Ebook "Crystallization and growth of colloidal nanocrystals" provides a current understanding of the mechanisms related to nucleation and growth for use in controlling nanocrystal morphology and physical-chemical properties, and is essential reading for any chemist or materials scientist with an interest in using nanocrystals as building blocks for larger structures. This book provides a compendium for the expert reader as well as an excellent introduction for advanced undergraduate and graduate students seeking a gateway into this dynamic area of research.

    pdf101p coduathanh1122 27-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • Ebook "Rip currents: Beach safety, physical oceanography, and wave modeling" is the culmination of research from over 100 coastal scientists, engineers, forecast meteorologists, lifeguard chiefs, and other practitioners from around the world who participated in the 1st International Rip Current Symposium. These experts identify advancements in research that will lead to a better understanding of the dynamics, mechanisms, and predictability of these dangerous currents, and lower the number of rip current drownings.

    pdf290p cotieubac1004 15-03-2024 0 0   Download

  • Part 2 book "Kinetics of chemical reactions - Decoding complexity" includes contents: Linear and nonlinear relaxation - stability; nonlinear mechanisms - steady state and dynamics; kinetic polynomials; temporal analysis of products - principles, applications and theory; joint kinetics; decoding the past; decoding the future.

    pdf348p muasambanhan09 16-03-2024 1 0   Download

  • Part 2 book "Quantum mechanics - The theoretical minimum" includes content: Combining systems - entanglement, more on entanglement, particles and waves, particle dynamics, the harmonic oscillator.

    pdf216p muasambanhan09 12-03-2024 1 0   Download

  • Part 1 book "Sears and Zemansky's university physics - With modern physics" includes content: Units, physical quantities, and vectors; motion along a straight line; motion in two or three dimensions; Newton’s laws of motion; applying Newton’s laws; work and kinetic energy; potential energy and energy conservation; momentum, impulse, and collisions; rotation of rigid bodies; dynamics of rotational motion; equilibrium and elasticity; fluid mechanics; gravitation; periodic motion.

    pdf497p muasambanhan09 16-03-2024 3 1   Download

  • Part 1 book "Fundamentals of physics - Mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics" includes content: The structure of mechanics; motion in higher dimensions, Newton’s laws I, Newton’s laws II, law of conservation of energy; conservation of energy in d = 2; the kepler problem; multi particle dynamics; rotational dynamics I; rotational dynamics II; rotational dynamics III; special relativity I; the lorentz transformation.

    pdf223p muasambanhan09 16-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • The article discusses the implementation of strategic planning in the agricultural sector. The aim of the study is to justify the priority development of the industry as the basis for a new level of agri-industrial complex evolution. It has been suggested that the existing in some sectors of the agro-industrial complex management mechanism is not efficient enough, since it doesn’t take into account modern challenges and the requirements of a dynamically changing external environ-ment.

    pdf6p longtimenosee04 06-03-2024 1 0   Download

  • Part 2 book "Chemical and energy process engineering" includes content: Entropy and equilibrium, work from heat, mechanical energy balance, chemical reaction engineering, process dynamics.

    pdf265p muasambanhan09 04-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • Part 2 book "Fundamentals of physics II - Electromagnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics" includes content: Electromagnetic waves, electromagnetism and relativity, optics I - Geometric optics revisited, optics II - More mirrors and lenses, wave theory of light, quantum mechanics - The main experiment, the wave function and its interpretation, quantization and measurement, states of definite energy, scattering and dynamics, summary and outlook.

    pdf301p muasambanhan08 01-03-2024 3 1   Download



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