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Using cursors

Xem 1-16 trên 16 kết quả Using cursors
  • Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 40: Cursors. The main topics covered in this chapter include: a better way is to use cursors; a cursor is a pointer that is declared outside the container/aggregate object; aggregate object provides methods that help a cursor to traverse the elements;...

    ppt31p linyanjun_2408 23-04-2022 8 1   Download

  • This paper describes Dico II+, an in-vehicle dialogue system demonstrating a novel combination of flexible multimodal menu-based dialogueand a “speech cursor” which enables menu navigation as well as browsing long list using haptic input and spoken output.

    pdf5p hongdo_1 12-04-2013 51 2   Download

  • For many users, working in the UNIX environment means using vi, a full- screen text editor available on most UNIX systems. Even those who know vi often make use of only a small number of its features. This handbook is a complete guide to text editing with vi. Quickly learn the basics of editing, cursor movement, and global search and replacement. Then take advantage of the more subtle power of vi. Extend your editing skills by learning to use ex, a powerful line editor, from within vi. Topics covered include: Basic editing Moving around in a hurry Beyond the basics...

    pdf190p ken333 14-06-2012 74 9   Download

  • Learning the vi Editor is a complete guide to text editing with vi. Topics new to the sixth edition include multiscreen editing and coverage of four viclones: vim, elvis, nvi, and vile and their enhancements to vi, such as multi-window editing, GUI interfaces, extended regular expressions, and enhancements for programmers. A new appendix describes vi's place in the Unix and Internet cultures. Quickly learn the basics of editing, cursor movement, and global search and replacement. Then take advantage of the more subtle power of vi.

    pdf295p ken333 14-06-2012 72 5   Download

  • 3) Tạo đối tượng Command: o Xây dựng một đối tượng Command kết nối trực tiếp với Table (bảng) THANGHOA trong file dữ liệu HangHoa.mdb. o Nhấp chuột phải trên kết nối dữ liệu conHH & chọn Add Command; sửa Command Name là: comHH; chọn Table từ Combo Box Database Object, chọn THANGHOA từ Combo Box Object Name. o Trước khi đóng hộp thoại này, ta chuyển qua nhãn Advanced & thiết lập LockType là 3 – Optimistic (mặc nhiên là 1 – Read Only); Cursor Location: Use client-side cursor....

    pdf0p myxaodon11 15-11-2011 49 8   Download

  • Trắc nghiệm cở sở dữ liệu Oracle hot CHƢƠNG 1 1. Tính năng mới nào của Oracle9i cho phép nhiều user xem nội dung của table tại 1 số điểm trong qkhứ? A. LogMiner B. Import C. Metadata Viewer D. Oracle Flashback 2. Phát biểu nào dưới đây là đúng về tính năng nâng cao để chia sẻ các câu lệnh SQL trong shared pool? A. The cursor sharing feature can re-use a SQL statement even if the columns in the statement are in a

    pdf17p kemoc9 15-07-2011 394 68   Download

  • Bitmap Filters 9 10 11 12 13 14 g.beginFill(0xFFFF00, 1); g.drawRoundRect(0, 0, 200, 50, 20); g.endFill(); sp.filters = [ds]; addChild(sp); Because we went the simple route of using a sprite for our interactive element (rather than building a multistate button with the SimpleButton class, as seen in the applied example at the end of Chapter 8), we need to set the buttonMode property of the sprite to true in line 15. This won’t create the up, over, and down states of a button symbol, but it will provide visual feedback by changing the cursor to the hand cursor when over the sprite.

    pdf0p yukogaru13 30-11-2010 73 13   Download

  • 234 Chapter 5: Building Websites example 5.4: using jQuery to toggle a hidden menu Example 5.4 #state-choice { position: relative; /* to contain the drop element */ } #state-choice h4:hover { cursor: pointer; /* change the pointer on mouseover */ } #states { display: none; /* initial state is hidden */ position: absolute; top: 1.2em; /* move the links below the heading */ padding: .5em; background-color: white; /* need to cover of other content */ border: thin solid; } #states a { display: block; /* we don't get any breaks around here */ padding-top: .25em; font-size: small; }...

    pdf10p yukogaru13 30-11-2010 79 9   Download

  • Drill the counter bored hole Ø14-25 Select the face of the Ø50 cylinder. Choose hole+facing and fill out the dialogues as shown. . 8 Drill and tap 3 holes M4 Set the current coordinate system onto the face of the 50mm cylinder Select the normal (or top) view Draw a 38mm diameter circle at 0,0 Place the axis lines on the circle . . . . VIETNAM CAD/CAM TECHNOLOGY .,CO.LTD Support email: badaicadcam@gmail.

    pdf20p tieulac 29-11-2010 67 7   Download

  • Avoiding Locking Scenarios • Best Practices – Application – Use least restrictive isolation level that maintains the data integrity requirements of the application – Reduce Isolation level of specific statements by using statement level isolation (i.e.

    pdf3p hangkute_1 27-08-2010 70 5   Download

  • [ Team LiB ] Recipe 2.20 Retrieving Data from an Oracle Package Problem Given an Oracle package that returns multiple result sets for related tables as REF CURSOR data types, you want to access this data using a DataReader and load the data into a DataSet. Solution Use the data type OracleType.Cursor .

    pdf5p luvpro 04-08-2010 89 6   Download

  • Using Cursors When you execute a SELECT statement, all the rows are returned in one go. This might not always be appropriate. For example, you might want to take some action based on the column values retrieved for a particular row

    pdf4p daisuphu 29-07-2010 60 5   Download

  • Use buttons on toolbars to start commands, display flyout toolbars, and display tooltips. You can display or hide, dock, and resize toolbars. Toolbars contain buttons that start commands. When you move your mouse or pointing device over a toolbar button, the tooltip displays the name of the button. Buttons with a small black triangle in the lower-right corner are flyout toolbars that contain related commands. With the cursor over the icon, hold down the left button on your mouse until the flyout toolbar is displayed.

    pdf10p lyacau 30-12-2009 120 62   Download

  • This documentation contains, It is an application development language containing procedural statements and commands along with SQL commands, It bridges the gap between database technology and procedural programming languages, Uses procedural techniques of control, looping and branching, Supports SQL i.e. cursor operations, exceptions, functions and transactional commands ,Variables and constants, robust error handling and functions

    pdf529p thachnq 27-11-2009 244 81   Download

  • You may need to use a multiple row SELECT statement within PL/SQL to process many rows. To accomplish this, you declare and control explicit cursors, which are used in loops, including the cursor FOR loop. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to  Explain the difference between implicit and explicit cursors.  Declare and use explicit cursors to fetch rows from the database.  Create an explicit cursor containing parameters.  Write cursor FOR loops.

    pdf34p minhthanh 12-08-2009 114 10   Download

  • In this lesson, you access the database and control transactions through SQL statements in PL/SQL. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to  Use SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands in PL/SQL subprograms.  Determine the outcome of SQL statements by using implicit cursor attributes.  Control transactions within PL/SQL.

    pdf36p batrinh 12-08-2009 89 19   Download



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