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Building OpenSocial Apps- P2

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Building OpenSocial Apps- P2: Nhà phát triển của Thư viện Series từ Addison-Wesley cung cấp hành nghề lập trình với độc đáo, tài liệu tham khảo chất lượng cao hướng dẫn về các ngôn ngữ lập trình công nghệ mới nhất và họ sử dụng trong công việc hàng ngày của họ. Tất cả các sách trong thư viện của Nhà phát triển được viết bởi chuyên gia công nghệ các học viên những người có kỹ năng đặc biệt tại các tổ chức và trình bày thông tin một cách đó là hữu ích cho các lập trình viên khác....

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  1. 24 Chapter 2 Getting Basic MySpace Data // If the view name passed in is in the supported hash table if(supported[view]){ // Request to navigate to that view gadgets.views.requestNavigateTo(supported[view]); } } This function takes in the name of the view to navigate to and then gets the list of currently supported views by calling gadgets.views.getSupportedViews(). This function returns a hash table of gadgets.views.View objects, keyed by the names of the views. If the list of supported views contains the specified view, requestNavigateTo is invoked and the View object is passed in. To make use of the rNT function, you might do something like this in the onclick handler of a button: rNT(gadgets.views.ViewType.CANVAS); That will cause the browser to navigate to the app’s Canvas page. Error Handling JavaScript errors from apps seem to be an all-too-common occurrence, but they don’t have to be. Most developers don’t expect errors to occur, and so they don’t test or pre- pare for them as a result, but errors do happen.Your best defense against them is to admit that yes, they do occur, and yes, you need to be ready for them. OpenSocial offers a few functions you can use to deal with errors. In the following example we check for errors before we parse the response for data. If an error is found, the response data isn’t parsed. /** * Check if the response had an error; if it did, log it and if * it was an INTERNAL_ERROR attempt to retry the request * @param {opensocial.DataResponse} data */ function requestHadError(data){ // Return true if data is null or undefined if(!data) return true; // Check the opensocial.DataResponse for the global error flag if(data.hadError()){ // Find the specific opensocial.ResponseItem that had the error var ri = data.get(Tic-Tac-Toe.RequestKeys.VIEWER); Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  2. Error Handling 25 if(ri && ri.hadError()){ // Output the error message log(ri.getErrorMessage()); // Check the error code; an INTERNAL_ERROR can simply mean // network congestion or MySpace server instability if(opensocial.ResponseItem.Error.INTERNAL_ERROR === ri.getErrorCode()){ // Retry the request a certain number of times; make // sure you don't create an infinite loop here! if(retries > 0){ retries--; window.setTimeout(getInitialData, 1000); } } } return true; } return false; } First, we check if the response is null or undefined, and then check if the global error flag was set in the DataResponse object by calling the object’s hadError() function. This flag is set if any of the requests had an error. Each ResponseItem has an error flag as well, so we’ll need to check each ResponseItem in order to find out which request had the error, if the global flag was set. We do this by calling the ResponseItem’s hadError() function. In this case we had only one request, so there is only one ResponseItem, but in the event of multiple ResponseItem objects we would check each one in turn to determine its error state. Similar to an opensocial.Enum object that has two types of data, one for display and one for logical comparisons, each opensocial.ResponseItem that encounters an error also has two types of data.The error message, accessed by getErrorMessage(), is an arbitrary string that should describe the error and help you debug what happened.The error code, accessed by getErrorCode(), matches up to one of the codes found in the opensocial.ResponseItem.Error enum. Common causes for each type of error code may be found in Table 2.4. You’ll notice that we also attempted to retry the request in the event of an INTERNAL_ERROR.This is because an INTERNAL_ERROR can sometimes occur because of network congestion or other temporary problems.Your request might succeed if you wait a second or so and try again. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  3. 26 Chapter 2 Getting Basic MySpace Data Table 2.4 Common Error Code Causes Common Error Codes Causes opensocial.ResponseItem.Error. The most common cause of this error is that BAD_REQUEST some part of your request didn’t make sense to the container. For example, you passed in a negative value that should be positive, you didn’t supply a required field, or you passed in an invalid ID for a particu- lar request. opensocial.ResponseItem.Error. This error is returned only when the server FORBIDDEN responds with a status code of 403 and is not commonly seen. opensocial.ResponseItem.Error. This is a catchall error that typically occurs INTERNAL_ERROR when something unknown happens on the MySpace side of the request. As such, it should be intermittent. It can also occur in opensocial.requestPermission (a topic we’ll cover in the section on requesting per- missions in Chapter 3) if a permission was requested but no new permission was granted, or if the server returned an unknown status code. opensocial.ResponseItem.Error. This error is returned if you’ve requested NOT_IMPLEMENTED some OpenSocial functionality that MySpace doesn’t support. If you receive this error, either the entire function you’re calling isn’t available, or some parameter in a request isn’t supported. An example of the latter would be that you requested an opensocial.Person field that isn’t supported. opensocial.ResponseItem.Error. This error most commonly happens when UNAUTHORIZED you’ve requested data to which you don’t have access. It may be possible to use opensocial.requestPermission to ask the user to grant your app access to the data. Again, see Chapter 3 for details. Handling errors offers two benefits: n There are no embarrassing JavaScript errors when you try to retrieve objects that don’t exist. n There’s a possibility that you can recover from your error by retrying the request. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  4. Summary 27 Warning When retrying your request after an error, be careful you don’t code yourself into an infinite loop! It’s best to keep a retry counter as we do in the code shown previously. Summary In this chapter we covered the basic flow of an OpenSocial application, focusing on the process of accessing data on the API and OpenSocial’s request/response pattern.We also defined an opensocial.Person object—what it is, how to get it, and what to do with it. This request/response pattern is the foundation of any OpenSocial app.You will use it every time you request data from the server, so we hope you were paying attention. Note Code listings and/or code examples for this chapter and every other chapter can be found on our Google Code page under Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
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  6. 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data I n the preceding chapter we covered how to fetch and make use of the Person object on the MySpace platform. But there’s a lot more data out there—such as the user’s friend list and the photos the user has uploaded. It’s the use of all this data that will propel your app from a lifeless Web game to a dynamic and social application with viral potential. Most application developers use the friend list in order to spread and share their applications (see Chapter 5, Communication and Viral Features, to learn how) and other endpoints like albums and videos to make their apps more personal and engaging for the user. In this chapter we’ll do just that by covering how to access and use your users’ data to make your app more dynamic and appealing.We’ll show how to retrieve your users’ friends; use paging to sort, sift, and display the data; as well as explore viewing albums, photos, and videos.We’ll also discuss some extras, such as how to check whether a user already has an app installed and how to check for and request permissions from a user. As we start to request more and more sensitive data, such as a user’s photos, permissions will start to come into play more and more. From now on, our Tic-Tac-Toe game is no longer a boring JavaScript applet. It’s a feature-packed app that actually uses the power of the MySpace social network. How to Fetch a Friend List and Make Use of the Data This section will show you how to fetch a list of friends and then page through that list. You’ll also learn the various ways you can sort and filter a friend list, such as restricting it to only friends who have the app installed. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  7. 30 Chapter 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data In our example Tic-Tac-Toe app, we’ll use the list of friends in two ways: n Provide a list of all the Viewer’s friends so the Viewer can send invitations to those friends to add the app. n Provide a list of friends who already have the app installed so the Viewer can challenge those friends to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The actual invitation sending and game play challenges will be covered in Chapter 5, Communication and Viral Features.This section will lay the foundation for those functions by showing you how to pull out the friend list and filter it accordingly. A Quick JavaScript Lesson Up until now, we’ve kept the code simple by sticking to OpenSocial-specific JavaScript. We did this by separating the Tic-Tac-Toe game logic from the OpenSocial code and keep- ing everything globally namespaced (meaning the code can be called from anywhere; this is its “scope” in programming terms). Moving forward, our app will become more and more complex. This added complexity requires us to start introducing more advanced JavaScript techniques such as object notation and object-oriented programming. This is not a book on JavaScript programming but on how to build dynamic OpenSocial apps on MySpace. You’ll find, however, that you’ll learn a lot about JavaScript along the way! To this end you’ll start to notice the use of the TTT namespace. This is where we’ll keep all the code for game-specific functionality. For example, in Chapter 2, Getting Basic MySpace Data, we provided a key of "v" when we requested the Viewer data. In this chapter we move all of those keys into an enum: TTT.RequestKeys. So instead of using key "v", we use key TTT.RequestKeys.VIEWER. We concentrate on the OpenSocial code in this book, but feel free to dig into the full code listings found at our Google Code site: Getting the Friend List This is the same request/response idea from Chapter 2, Getting Basic MySpace Data, that helps define OpenSocial. In fact, the friend list is just an opensocial.Collection of opensocial.Person objects, but instead of dealing with just one Person as in Chapter 2, we’re dealing with a list of them. There are two major differences between fetching a single Person and fetching a friend list: n Call newFetchPeopleRequest instead of newFetchPersonRequest. n Instead of passing in an ID (such as Viewer or Owner), pass in an opensocial.IdSpec object. An IdSpec object is a different way to specify a group of IDs. It requires you to define two parameters: the user ID and the network distance.The user ID specifies the Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  8. How to Fetch a Friend List and Make Use of the Data 31 context for the IdSpec—basically letting MySpace know if you’re asking for a group involving the Owner or the Viewer. MySpace supports the contexts of only Viewer and Owner. In other words, you can’t get a friend list for a random user; it has to be for either the Viewer or the Owner. The network distance defines how far out the connections go. For example, specify- ing a network distance of 0 would denote just the Owner or the Viewer, and a network distance of 1 would denote the friends of the Owner or the Viewer. At this time MySpace supports a network distance only to a maximum of 1, so you can’t fetch the friends of your friends. Let’s create a fetchFriendList()function to get a basic friend list.This function wraps the newFetchPeopleRequest. Our example is heavily simplified, though, so it isn’t our final version of the function. We’ll expand on it as we see what else you can do with a friend list. We’ll be inserting this function into the code of our Tic-Tac-Toe app found in Chapter 2. For those of you following along at home, place this function anywhere in the script tag in that code: function fetchFriendList(callback){ // Create the IdSpec object var params = {}; params[opensocial.IdSpec.Field.USER_ID] = opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER; params[opensocial.IdSpec.Field.NETWORK_DISTANCE] = 1; var idspec = opensocial.newIdSpec(params); // Create the DataRequest object var request = opensocial.newDataRequest(); // Add the request to the queue request.add(request.newFetchPeopleRequest(idspec), TTT.RequestKeys.VIEWER_FRIENDS); // Send it off request.send(callback); } First, the IdSpec object is created using a user ID of VIEWER and a network distance of 1 to specify that we want the friends of the Viewer. Next, an opensocial.DataRequest object is instantiated and the request is added to the queue with a custom key of TTT.RequestKeys.VIEWER_FRIENDS. Finally, the request is sent off (and the response will find its way back to the specified callback). Filters and Sorts The first example we showed you just fetches an arbitrary subset of friends of the Viewer. This list is typically returned in the order in which the friendships were made and is not Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  9. 32 Chapter 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data terribly complex. OpenSocial, however, defines a number of ways to sort and filter fetched lists, making them a lot more useful. Before getting to the code, let’s look at the available options.The MySpace-supported filter types and sorts are shown in Table 3.1. Let’s revisit the fetchFriendList() function, but this time with support for sorts and filters. Again, we’re not quite at the final version of our function, but this code brings us a step closer: function fetchFriendList(callback, filter, sort){ // Create the IdSpec object var params = {}; params[opensocial.IdSpec.Field.USER_ID] = opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER; params[opensocial.IdSpec.Field.NETWORK_DISTANCE] = 1; var idspec = opensocial.newIdSpec(params); params = {}; // Add any filters if(filter && filter.length > 0){ params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.FILTER] = filter; } // Add any sorts if(sort && sort.length > 0){ params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.SORT_ORDER] = sort; } // Create the DataRequest object var request = opensocial.newDataRequest(); // Add the request to the queue request.add(request.newFetchPeopleRequest(idspec), TTT.RequestKeys.VIEWER_FRIENDS); // Send it off request.send(callback); } You can see that the filters and sorts are specified by adding opensocial. DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.FILTER and opensocial.DataRequest. PeopleRequestFields.SORT_ORDER to the parameters. Paging According to the OpenSocial spec, the default number of items returned for a request is 20. That means our fetchFriendList() function returns the first 20 friends in the list. But what if a user has more than 20 friends? Enter paging. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  10. How to Fetch a Friend List and Make Use of the Data 33 Table 3.1 Supported Friend List Filters and Sorts on MySpace Filter Type Details opensocial.DataRequest.FilterType. The default filter, essentially no filter ALL opensocial.DataRequest.FilterType. Fetches only those friends who have HAS_APP added the app opensocial.DataRequest.FilterType. MySpace allows users to define top or TOP_FRIENDS favorite friends; these are the friends who appear at the top of the user’s Friend Space, and this filter fetches only those friends. MyOpenSpace.DataRequest.FilterType. Fetches only friends who ONLINE_FRIENDS are currently online MyOpenSpace.DataRequest.SortOrder.ID Not a filter; allows you to sort a friend list by ID (ascending). Note that this sort is applied after the page is fetched, so it doesn’t take the user’s entire friend list, sort it, and return a particular page. What happens is that a page of friends is taken and that list is sorted. This is not particularly useful. opensocial.DataRequest.SortOrder.NAME Another sort; sorts the returned list by nickname (ascending). Like the pre- ceding sort, this one isn’t the most useful as the entire friend list isn’t sorted up front, only the returned page. Paging is a way to get a large collection of data one chunk at a time.That means that once we have fetched friends 1 to 20, we can then fetch friends 21 to 40, then 41 to 60, and so on. OpenSocial also provides a way to specify which chunk of friends you want for a given request. To demonstrate paging, let’s expand one final time on our fetchFriendList() function: function fetchFriendList(first, max, callback, filter, sort){ // Create the IdSpec object var params = {}; params[opensocial.IdSpec.Field.USER_ID] = opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER; Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  11. 34 Chapter 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data params[opensocial.IdSpec.Field.NETWORK_DISTANCE] = 1; var idspec = opensocial.newIdSpec(params); params = {}; // Set the paging parameters if(first){ params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.FIRST] = first; } if(max){ params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX] = max; } // Add any filters if(filter && filter.length > 0){ params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.FILTER] = filter; } // Add any sorts if(sort && sort.length > 0){ params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.SORT_ORDER] = sort; } // Create the DataRequest object var request = opensocial.newDataRequest(); // Add the request to the queue request.add(request.newFetchPeopleRequest(idspec), TTT.RequestKeys.VIEWER_FRIENDS); // Send it off request.send(callback); } You’ll notice that opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.FIRST and opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX have been added to the parameters. MAX defines the maximum number of friends to fetch at a time, so if you specified a MAX of 100 (the maximum allowed by MySpace), you’d get the friend list in chunks of 100. FIRST specifies which friend to start fetching from, so if you specified that FIRST is 201 and MAX is 100, you’d get friends 201 to 300. That means you’ll want to keep MAX at a constant value and increment FIRST by that value for each request. Assume we define MAX to be 50; we’d start out with a value of FIRST as 1. If the user requested the next page, we’d change FIRST to 51, and then 101, and so forth.The API provides you with the total number of friends in the list (in addi- tion to the number fetched with the current request) to aid you in paging. In our Tic-Tac-Toe app we fetch 20 friends at a time. You can see a successful friend list request in Figure 3.1. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  12. How to Fetch a Friend List and Make Use of the Data 35 Figure 3.1 Screen shot of a successful friend list request. Let’s take a look at the paging object we used: TTT.Lists.Pager = { pager_wrap:"{0}", pager_prev:">", page_size:20, getMarkUp:function(){ var current_list = TTT.Lists.getCurrentList(); if(current_list.list.length < this.page_size){ // If the length is less than the amount requested // there is only one page, no need for a pager return ""; } var markup = ""; if(current_list.first > this.page_size){ // If the first index is greater than the size of // a page then there will be a previous page markup += this.pager_prev; } if( > current_list.first + current_list.list.length - 1){ // If the total number of records is greater than Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  13. 36 Chapter 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data // the current index, plus the amount in the current // result set, minus 1, then there's another page. // e.g., first = 1, current set = 20, total = 55 // 1 + 20 - 1 = 20 records fetched, < 55 // e.g., first = 21, current set = 20, total = 55 // 21 + 20 - 1 = 40 records fetched, < 55 // e.g., first = 41, current set = 10, total = 55 // 41 + 15 - 1 = 55 records fetched, == 55 markup += this.pager_next; } if(markup.length > 0){ markup = this.pager_wrap.replace("{0}", markup); } return markup; }, prev:function(){ var current_list = TTT.Lists.getCurrentList(); current_list.first -= this.page_size; fetchFriends(current_list.list_type); }, next:function(){ var current_list = TTT.Lists.getCurrentList(); current_list.first += this.page_size; fetchFriends(current_list.list_type); } }; The Pager object in our Tic-Tac-Toe app does three things: 1. Provides HTML markup for Next and Prev buttons that we can use to allow the user to actually navigate between pages. 2. Stores the value of FIRST that is the current value. 3. Handles what happens when the Next and Prev buttons are clicked. Meanwhile, the getMarkUp() function handles the actual paging algorithm. With this function there are three possible outcomes: 1. The number of records fetched is less than the number requested (MAX). This means there is only one page of data, so no paging is required. 2. The value of FIRST is greater than the size of a page.Therefore, there is at least one previous page, so we need the Prev link. 3. The total number of friends is greater than all the friends fetched so far. Therefore, there are more friends who can be fetched, so a Next link must be added. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  14. How to Fetch a Friend List and Make Use of the Data 37 Tip: Advanced Technique You’ll see as we progress through this chapter that our Tic-Tac-Toe app presents the user with three lists. One is the entire friend list, one is the list of friends who have the app installed, and the third is the list of photos the user has uploaded to his or her MySpace Profile. The lists all appear fairly similar—each item is in a box that can be clicked, each has a picture, and each has some text underneath. If all these lists are so similar, why not abstract the code so you can use the same functions to generate all three lists? This is exactly what we did. We created a TTT.List object to represent a list, a TTT.Lists object that keeps track of all the current lists that are on the page (note the s at the end), and a TTT.ListTypes enum to differentiate the types of lists. The TTT.List object contains the status of a particular list, including which type it is. It also has references to the actual Document Object Model (DOM) elements that get displayed, the OpenSocial objects that were fetched, paging parameters, what to do when it’s clicked, and the keys used to access the stored OpenSocial data. It’s essentially an interface for what a list should look like. The TTT.Lists object stores the collection of lists and which list is currently selected. We also do something similar for the set of tabs along the top of the app. Check out the TTT.Tab and TTT.Tabs objects for more abstraction fun! Using the Data We’ve now defined a function that wraps the OpenSocial function newFetchPeopleRequest(). In our Tic-Tac-Toe app we call that function like so: function fetchFriends(list_type){ // Make sure the correct list is set TTT.Lists.setCurrentList(list_type); // Get the current list var current_list = TTT.Lists.getCurrentList(); // Do we need to add any filters? var filter = ""; if(TTT.ListTypes.HASAPP_FRIENDS === list_type){ // Add the HAS_APP filter filter = opensocial.DataRequest.FilterType.HAS_APP; } // Call the fetch friends wrapper fetchFriendList(current_list.first, current_list.max, TTT.Lists.callback, filter); } First we get a reference to the currently selected list. If it’s the list of friends who have the app installed, we add that filter (TTT.ListTypes.HASAPP_FRIENDS) and send it into the wrapper. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  15. 38 Chapter 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data The callback function we passed in, TTT.Lists.callback, will be executed once the friend request has been made and the API responds with some data. Let’s take a look at the callback function’s code and walk through it in detail. You’ll recognize a lot of the OpenSocial aspects from when we discussed callbacks and data parsing in Chapter 2, Getting Basic MySpace Data: TTT.Lists.callback = function(response){ var current_list = TTT.Lists.getCurrentList(); var retryRequest = function(){ current_list.retries--; window.setTimeout(fetchFriends, 250); }; // Check for an error if(!response.hadError()){ var data = null; // Loop through the available keys to // find the actual data in the response for(var key in TTT.RequestKeys){ if(response.get(TTT.RequestKeys[key])){ data = response.get(TTT.RequestKeys[key]).getData(); break; } } // Something bad happened to it if(null === data){ retryRequest(); return; } else{ // Save the actual data to the TTT.List object current_list.list = data.asArray(); // Save the total number of items in the list = data.getTotalSize(); // Draw the list TTT.Lists.draw(); } } else{ // If there was a permission issue if(data.getErrorCode() === opensocial.ResponseItem.Error.UNAUTHORIZED){ var reason = "To set a custom background for the game board!"; opensocial.requestPermission( Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  16. Fetching Media 39 [MyOpenSpace.Permission.VIEWER_ACCESS_TO_PUBLIC_VIDEOS_PHOTOS], reason, TTT.Lists.permCallback); } // If there was an error and there are retries left, go for it else if(current_list.retries > 0){ retryRequest(); return; } // Out of retries ... else{ log("Oops, there was an error! Try refreshing the page."); } } }; The callback checks for errors in the request and handles any retry attempts. Each list maintains its own retry count, and a failed request is retried the specified number of times. If there was no error, the response is looped through in an attempt to find out what data it contains.This allows the callback to handle any kind of response. It can currently handle the friend list responses, and as you’ll see later on, it can also handle the response for the photo list. If everything works (and it should), the data is saved to the TTT.List object, along with the total size of the collection for paging purposes, and the filtered list is drawn. Since each friend is represented by an opensocial.Person object, actually parsing out the data for each friend is similar to how it was done in Chapter 2. For details, refer to that chapter, or for a complete code reference for the function TTT.Lists.draw(), check the Chapter 3 sample code found here: browse/#svn/trunk/chapter3. Note You can get only the basic person fields for friends; you can’t get extended data. Basic person fields are the friend’s ID, display name, thumbnail URL, and Profile URL. Fetching Media Media includes a user’s albums, photos, and videos. Dealing with media items is very similar to the other requests we’ve covered so far, including how they’re fetched, how you page through a list, and how the response is parsed. Photos You can fetch all of the photos your user has uploaded to his or her MySpace Profile, provided the user grants your app proper permissions. Users can limit permissions, but we’ll explore how to deal with that later in the permissions section of this chapter. By default, though, you should have access to all of a user’s public photos. Photos are Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  17. 40 Chapter 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data defined by the MyOpenSpace.Photo object, which contains the fields shown in Table 3.2.These fields are accessed in the same way as for a Person, for example, photo.getField(MyOpenSpace.Photo.Field.CAPTION). Let’s take a look at the function signature that’s used to fetch photos.You’ll notice that it’s slightly different from how we fetch people: MyOpenSpace.DataRequest.newFetchPhotosRequest = function(id, opt_params) id is a string used to identify who owns the photos.The value can be either opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER or opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.OWNER. opt_params is an object that specifies optional parameters. In this case only the paging parameters opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.FIRST and opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX are allowed. The reason the function signature is in a different format from the other request functions is that it is a MySpace-specific extension.The OpenSocial spec defines ways for containers to extend the core functionality of the OpenSocial spec. In this case MySpace has added several new endpoints. Because it’s an extension, the function exists in the MyOpenSpace namespace and not the opensocial namespace. In our Tic-Tac-Toe app we fetch the list of photos for the user and allow the user to select one. That photo then becomes the background for the Tic-Tac-Toe game board. Let’s take a look at a function that wraps MyOpenSpace.DataRequest.newFetchPhotosRequest: function fetchPhotosList(first, max, callback){ // Add some paging parameters var params = {}; params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.FIRST] = first; params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX] = max; // Create the DataRequest object var request = opensocial.newDataRequest(); // Add the request request.add(MyOpenSpace.DataRequest.newFetchPhotosRequest( opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER, params), TTT.RequestKeys.VIEWER_PHOTOS); // Send it off request.send(callback); } Table 3.2 Fields for the MyOpenSpace.Photo Object Field Description PHOTO_ID The ID number—a photo’s unique identifier PHOTO_URI The RESTful API URI that corresponds to this photo IMAGE_URI The URL of the photo, which can be used to output the photo to the UI CAPTION The photo’s caption Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  18. Fetching Media 41 Figure 3.2 Screen shot of a successful photo request. We set some paging parameters, create the opensocial.DataRequest object, and send off the request.You’ll notice the other big difference here, besides the namespace change, of executing one of the MySpace extensions.Typically the fetch request, such as newFetchPeopleRequest, is called via an instance of an opensocial.DataRequest object. However, when using this MySpace extension, we call it statically from the MyOpenSpace.DataRequest namespace.You can compare and contrast this function with the fetchFriendsList function to see the slight differences.This code can be seen in action in Figure 3.2. Albums and Videos The pattern for fetching albums and videos is actually the same as it is for fetching photos. So, if you know how to request photos, you know how to fetch albums and videos. Obviously, the fields and objects differ depending on what you’re fetching, but the basic structure remains the same.That said, we’ve included the fields and function signatures here as a reference for you. Albums Albums are defined by the MyOpenSpace.Album object, which contains the fields outlined in Table 3.3. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  19. 42 Chapter 3 Getting Additional MySpace Data Table 3.3 Fields for the MyOpenSpace.Album Object Field Description ALBUM_ID The ID number—an album’s unique identifier ALBUM_URI The value (RESTful URI) that the API recognizes TITLE The album’s title LOCATION The geographic location where the album’s photographs were taken DEFAULT_IMAGE A URL that points to the album’s default image PRIVACY A string indicating the album’s privacy settings; set to either “Private” or “Public” PHOTO_COUNT An integer indicating the number of photos in an album PHOTOS_URI The value (RESTful URI) for accessing the photos within the album The function signature is as follows: MyOpenSpace.DataRequest.newFetchAlbumsRequest = function(id, opt_params) id is a string used to identify who owns the albums.The value can be either opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER or opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.OWNER. opt_params is an object map that specifies optional parameters. In this case only the paging parameters are allowed: opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields. FIRST and opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX. Videos Videos are defined by the MyOpenSpace.Video object, which contains the fields out- lined in Table 3.4. The function signature is as follows: MyOpenSpace.DataRequest.newFetchVideosRequest = function(id, opt_params) id is a string used to identify who owns the videos.The value can be either opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER or opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.OWNER. opt_params is an object map that specifies optional parameters. In this case, only the paging parameters are allowed: opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields. FIRST and opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX. Since the implementation of both the video and album endpoints is so similar to that of photos, which we’ve already discussed, we leave it to you to experiment with these as you wish. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  20. Using opensocial.requestPermission and opensocial.hasPermission 43 Table 3.4 Fields for the MyOpenSpace.Video Object Field Description VIDEO_ID The ID number—a video’s unique identifier VIDEO_URI The value (RESTful URI) that the API recognizes TITLE The video’s title DATE_CREATED The date when the video was created LAST_UPDATE The date when the video was last updated MEDIA_TYPE An integer indicating the media type of the video DESCRIPTION A description of the video THUMB_URL A URL pointing to the thumbnail image associated with the video MEDIA_STATUS The current status of the video RUN_TIME The run time, or length, of the video TOTAL_VIEWS The total number of views a video has received TOTAL_COMMENTS An integer indicating the number of comments the video has received TOTAL_RATING An integer representing the video’s overall rating TOTAL_VOTES An integer representing the total number of votes the video has received COUNTRY A string indicating the video’s country of origin; typically used to identify culture, not geographic location LANGUAGE A string indicating the video’s language Using opensocial.requestPermission and opensocial.hasPermission to Check a User’s Permission Settings Permission settings are applied to both data and actions. A user can specify permissions on a per-app basis, but there are a couple of global permission settings that you’ll need to either work with or work around (see Chapter 2, Getting Basic MySpace Data, for details). In our Tic-Tac-Toe app we display a list of the user’s photos to the user. But public and private photos each have their own permission setting, so we should first check to see if we have permission before we send out the request. In our app we check whether we at least have access to the user’s public photos: function setBackgroundClicked(){ // Create a permission object var perm = MyOpenSpace.Permission.VIEWER_ACCESS_TO_PUBLIC_VIDEOS_PHOTOS; // Can we get the photos? if(opensocial.hasPermission(perm)){ // Yep fetchPhotos(TTT.ListTypes.SET_BACKGROUND); } Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



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