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Tài liệu dạy học môn Tiếng Anh (Trình độ: Cao đẳng): Phần 2 - Tổng cục Giáo dục nghề nghiệp

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Tài liệu dạy học môn tiếng Anh trong chương trình đào tạo trình độ Cao đẳng bao gồm 12 đơn vị bài học (unit). Mỗi đơn vị bài học gồm các phần: warm up, vocabulary, grammar focus, listening, speaking, reading, writing. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 2 của tài liệu!

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Nội dung Text: Tài liệu dạy học môn Tiếng Anh (Trình độ: Cao đẳng): Phần 2 - Tổng cục Giáo dục nghề nghiệp

  1. UNIT 7: ACTIVITIES  WARM-UP A. Talk about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? Where are the people? (a) (b) (c) (d) B. Match each activity below with a picture. _______drink coffee in the café _______ learn in the room _______ work in the office _______ ride a motorbike on the road 79
  2.  VOCABULARY 1: DAILY ACTIVITIES A. Match each activity with a picture. 1. _____ wash the dishes (a) 2. _____ watch a movie 3. _____ play basketball 4. _____ play a computer game 5. _____ make a cake 6. _____ study English 7. _____ make the bed 8. _____ do homework 9. _____ iron the clothes 10. ____ go shopping (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 80
  3. B. Ask and answer questions with a partner. What is she doing? She is washing the dishes.  GRAMMAR FOCUS 1: PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS Present Simple Present Simple is used to describe habits, truths and fixed arrangement. Affirmative He always gets up early. Grammar point Negative He doesn’t like coffee. Interrogative Does the train leave at 7 a.m.? Present Continuous Present Continuous is used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking. Affirmative She is making a phone call. Negative He isn’t talking on the phone now. Interrogative Is your brother learning in the room? A. Complete the conversation with the Present simple or Present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Rose: Hi Anne. (1)_____ (you/enjoy) the song? Anne: Not very much. I (2)_____ (like) pop songs. This one is not my style. Rose: It’s my mother’s favourite song. Anne: Oh, really? The band (3)_____ (not play) badly now. Lots of people (4) _____ (dance) and (5)_____ (sing). Who is your mother’s favourite singer? Rose: This one. She (6)_____ (wear) a red hat. Anne: Great! But I (7)_____ (not know) her name. Rose: She’s Christina. She (8)_____ (perform) very well. 81
  4.  LISTENING A. Steven is talking about his activities. Listen and check () the activities he does or does not do. Steven’s activities does does not do 1. Playing video games 2. Going camping 3. Hiking 4. Shopping 5. Surfing the Internet B. Listen again and answer the following questions 1. What do the speaker and his friends want to do in their free time? 2. Why doesn’t the speaker love going shopping? 3. What is his favourite indoor activity?  SPEAKING Complete the questionnaire. Then interview a friend. Questions Your answer Your friend’s answer 1. What time do you usually get up? 2. Do you always have breakfast? 3. What time do you go to school? 4. Are you often late for class? 5. What time do you have dinner? 6. What time do you often do your homework? 7. Do you study at night? 82
  5.  READING Dear Jenny, Hi! I’m enjoying my vacation in Dalat city. I’m staying with my aunt’s family. They’re very hospitable. I’m writing this letter in the living room and my aunt’s children are sitting here with me. They’re watching cartoons on TV. As you know, I’m going sight-seeing here. I really love this city because I’m learning a lot about Vietnamese culture. I visit a lot of places and the landscapes are very beautiful. I can speak a little Vietnamese, but I can’t read and write it. Anyway, the food is delicious and I’m eating a lot! The weather is also wonderful. It’s quite cold here in December. Lots of love, Susan P.S. I’m sending you a photo of Dalat city. Read the letter and check () your answers about Susan. Yes No Don’t know 1. Susan is enjoying her vacation in Dalat city.    2. She’s staying in a hotel.    3. Susan’s aunt has two sons.    4. She is watching cartoons on TV now.    5. She’s going swimming.    6. Vietnamese culture is hard to understand.    7. She can read and write in Vietnamese very well.    8. Vietnamese food is good.    9. She likes the weather.    10. The photo of Dalat city is beautiful.    83
  6.  GRAMMAR FOCUS 2: VERB + INFINITIVE OR –ING FORM (GERUND) In English: 1. Some verbs are followed by the infinitive of another verb. Mary wants to learn Vietnamese. 2. Some verbs are followed by the –ing form (gerund) of another verb. Mary enjoys learning Vietnamese. Verb + infinitive Verb + -ing form agree, arrange, ask, decide, avoid, consider, enjoy, fancy, expect, hope, learn, offer, plan, keep, mind, practice, postpone, promise, refuse, want finish, dislike Verb + infinitive or –ing form (with little or no change in meaning) begin, continue, hate, like, love, prefer, propose, start A. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or –ing form of the following verbs. pay win learn help talk play go 1. I’m very confident. I usually expect ______ any games. 2. John is very generous. He always offers ______. 3. Susan is a big fan of films. She enjoys ______ to the cinema every weekend. 4. She is so talkative. She keeps ______ even when no one listens. 5. He is very busy, so he refuses ______ me with the homework. 6. My brother really enjoys sports, so he likes ______ tennis almost every morning. 7. I begin ______ English today. B. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or –ing form with your true information. Then tell your classmates. 1. I usually avoid… 2. I don’t mind… 3. I really want… 4. Now I decide… 5. I enjoy… 6. I sometimes keep… I usually avoid walking in the rain. I don’t mind helping him. 84
  7.  VOCABULARY 2: PERSONALITY ADJECTIVES A. Match the personality adjectives in A with their opposites in B. A B kind quiet polite shy confident pessimistic optimistic unkind talkative rude lazy mean funny unfriendly friendly serious patient hard-working generous impatient B. Fill in each gap with an appropriate adjective in Exercise A . 1. John is very ______. He keeps doing things until he is successful. 2. Mr Jackson usually gives some of his money to the poor. He is so ______. 3. When I was at high school, I was too ______ to speak before the class. 4. My sister always says “thank you” when someone helps her. She is ______. 5. Peter never finishes his homework before class. He is so ______. 6. Tom is very ______. He always thinks about bad results before doing something.  WRITING Imagine you are at breaktime at school. Write a short paragraph about current activities of your classmates and yourself using Present simple and Present continuous. Include the following information in your writing. 1. Note where you and your friends are . 2. Note the estimated number of people you can see at breaktime . 3. Mention what you and your friends are doing. 4. Mention how you and your friends feel. 85
  8. UNIT 8: HOBBIES AND INTERESTS  WARM-UP Talk about the pictures with a partner. Who are these people? Where are they? What are they doing?  VOCABULARY 1: HOBBIES AND INTERESTS A. Match each activity with a picture. 1. _____ read a book (a) (b) 2. _____ go to a concert 3. _____ plant flowers 4. _____ take photos 5. _____ watch a movie 6. _____ visit places 7. _____ learn a language 8. _____ collect stamps (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 86
  9. B. Match each activity above with an interest. a. _____ photography b. _____ languages c. _____ gardening d. _____ movies e. _____ reading f. _____ music g. _____ collecting h. _____ travel C. Share your interest with a partner. I like reading books I like learning in my free time. How English. about you?  GRAMMAR FOCUS: PAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUS Past Simple Past Simple is used to describe a sequence of actions or events that happened one after the other in the past. Grammar point I opened the door, entered the room and sat down in my place. Past Continuous Past Continuous is used to describe a scene in the past. The sun was shining. Birds were singing. Past Simple & Past Continuous Past Simple and Past Continuous are used together to describe a sudden action or event that interrupted another action or event. When she came yesterday, he was watching TV. A. Complete the text with the Past simple or Past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Yesterday, when Mary 1_______ (come) to John’s house, he 2_______ (watch) his favourite program on TV. Mary 3_______ (want) to ask John to help her with the English homework. The homework 4_______ (be) too difficult for her to finish it on her own. Mary 5_______ (need) his help because John 6_______ (study) English very well. While John 7_______ (explain) the homework to her, she 8_______ (take) notes what he 9_______(say). At last, Mary 10_______ (understand) and 11_______ (finish) her homework. 87
  10.  LISTENING A. People are talking about their activities. Which activity does each person enjoy doing now? Listen and choose the correct answer. 1. Uyen Playing the guitar Playing in a band Playing the piano 2. Carey Bird watching Hiking Reading the newspaper 3. Alex Watching videos Playing video games Hiking 4. Uyen Collecting stamps Collecting paintings Collecting baseball cards 5. Carey Reading newspapers Playing golf Going swimming  SPEAKING Complete the questionnaire. Then ask a friend. Questions Your answer Your friend’s answer 1. What is your hobby? 2. When did you start it? 3. Does it cost a lot of money? 4. When was the last time you read a book? 5. When was the last time you travelled? 88
  11.  READING What is a hobby? We have a hobby for pleasure and we have no idea of making a profit out of it. Some people like collecting stamps while some others enjoy photography. These hobbies or interests are sometimes expensive but very pleasant. Some people are interested in going fishing because they feel relaxed when they sit near a lake or a river with the rod and line in hand. Others spend their spare hours painting or gardening and these are creative hobbies. There may be as many hobbies as there are men. In selecting hobbies, people should follow certain rules. A person should select a hobby that causes no harm to others. A person gets annoyed when his neighbour plays the music too loudly. In fact, a hobby is extremely personal, so it should not affect people around. Moreover, one should be careful not to select a hobby that is too expensive because the hobby can become a burden. Last of all, hobbies should also be creative; however, people should not try to make hobbies their professions to earn money because hobbies may lose their value. Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are True (T), False (F) or Not given (NG). 1. People have hobbies for money. 2. Most hobbies are very expensive. 3. People enjoy going fishing because they can have a feeling of relaxation. 4. Drawing and planting flowers can be creative hobbies. 5. People should freely choose their hobbies without thinking about anything else. 6. People tend to choose harmful hobbies. 7. A person should not choose a hobby that makes people around him or her annoyed. 8. Earning money from hobbies is sometimes not very good.  VOCABULARY 2: PLAY/GO/DO + SPORT A. Fill in the blank with play, go or do and match each phrase with a picture. 1. _play_ badminton _e_ 2. _____ baseball _____ (a) 3. _____ cycling _____ 4. _____ golf _____ 5. _____ aerobics _____ 6. _____ judo _____ 7. _____ swimming _____ 8. _____ weightlifting _____ 9. _____ table tennis_____ 10. _____ surfing_____ 89
  12. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. What sports do you enjoy? 2. When did you start them? 3. How often do you do them? 4. Where do you do them? 5. What sports do you enjoy watching on TV? 6. Who are your favourite players? / What are your favourite teams? What sports do your I really enjoy football enjoy? and badminton. 90
  13.  WRITING Write a short paragraph about your hobbies and interests. Include the following information in your writing. 1. Note one hobby or interest you have. 2. Mention when and why you began to do it. 3. Mention who you do with and where you do it. 4. Mention the reasons why you enjoy it. 5. Mention the second hobby or interest with the same steps as in 1, 2, 3 and 4. 91
  14. REVIEW & EXPANSION UNITS 7&8 A. Complete the sentences with the Past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Yesterday at 6 p.m. we ____________ (have) dinner. 2. Harry ____________ (not listen) so he didn’t know how to do the exercise. 3. Kate ____________ (lie) on the beach and Anna ____________ (eat) an ice cream. 4. Tom and Peter ____________ (smile) and Nancy ____________ (take) a photo of them. 5. Why ____________ you and Zoe ____________ (argue)? 6. Hannah was annoyed because a man on the train ____________ (talk) loudly on his phone. 7. At 1 a.m. Fred ____________ still ____________ (chat) with his friends on Facebook. 8. My eyes were closed, but I ____________ (not sleep). B. Complete the text with the Past continuous form of the verbs below. carry follow hurry leave rain stand wear not wear When I got off the coach in London, the weather was awful. It 1_________ and there was a cold wind. A short, fat man, who 2_________ a hat and 3 _________a small briefcase, got off after me. It was five o’clock and lots of people 4_________ work and 5_________ to catch the bus or the Underground. I 6_________ a raincoat so I went into a department store and bought a cheap umbrella. When I came out, the short, fat man from the bus 7_________ outside the department store. 8_________ he _________ me? C. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences. 1. Tom looked at the weather outside: it was grey, but it didn’t rain / wasn’t raining. 2. You didn’t answer when I phoned you this morning. What did you do / were you doing? 3. Mary switched off her computer, put on/ was putting on her coat and left / was leaving the office. 92
  15. 4. She closed the window because some children made / were making a lot of noise outside. 5. When I told my friends about the robbery, they didn’t believe / weren’t believing me. 6. She didn’t hear the doorbell because she had / was having a shower. D. Complete the sentences. Use the Past simple form of one verb and the Past continuous form of the other. 1. I ___________ (see) Henry as I ___________ (cycle) to the sports centre. 2. While we ___________ (prepare) the picnic, it ___________ (start) to rain. 3. All my friends ___________ (leave) the party when I ___________ (arrive). 4. As we ___________ (walk) by the river, we ___________ (hear) a shout. 5. We ___________ (not eat) very much while we ___________(stay) in that hotel. 6. I ___________ (drink) my dad’s coffee while he ___________ (not look). 7. She ___________(drop) her new phone as she ___________(put) it in her pocket. 8. I ___________(meet) a really interesting person while I ___________(wait) for the bus. E. Complete the text with the Past simple or Past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. In January 2014, a doctor from New Zealand 1__had__ (have) a frightening experience with a shark – but his calm reaction 2__________ (make) him the star of new reports around the world. James Grant 3__________ (fish) with friends one Saturday when a shark attacked him. He 4__________ (not see) anything, but he 5__________ (feel) a sudden pain in his leg. At first, he thought that his friends 6__________ (play) a prank on him. He 7 __________ (turn) around – but nobody 8__________ (be) behind him. Then he 9 __________ (realize) what 10__________ (come). Luckily, James 11__________ (carry) a knife so he 12__________ (use) it to fight off the shark. Then he 13__________ (get) out off the water and 14 __________ (look) at his leg. The bites were 5 cm long and they 15__________ (bleed) a lot. James 16 __________ (clean) his leg. Then he and his friends 17__________ (go) to a nearby 93
  16. café! While they 18__________ (enjoy) a drink, somebody 19__________ (give) James a bandage because his leg 20__________ (bleed). He 21__________ (go) to hospital for some treatment, but on Monday he was back at work. F. Circle the correct verb form in these sentences. Tick the box if both forms are correct. 1. My friends agreed paying / to pay for my ticket.  2. I don’t mind cycling / to cycle in the rain.  3. I start learning / to learn the piano.  4. Two men admitted stealing / to steal the painting.  5. We end up staying / to stay at the hotel for a week instead of two nights. 6. Do you like going / to go for walks on the beach?  7. I hate seeing / to see animals in pain.  8. I don’t expect passing / to pass all my exams.  9. She offered phoning / to phone me later. G. Complete the text with the infinitive or –ing form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes both are correct. At the end of a long journey, most people prefer 1__to get__ (get) home and relax as soon as possible. They don’t fancy 2__________ (shop), but they don’t want 3 __________ (arrive) home with nothing to eat. Now, travellers who pass through Gatwick Airport in London can avoid 4__________ (return) home on an empty fridge by choosing 5__________ (visit) a virtual shop. There are no real products in the shop, only images on ten large screens. When you decide 6__________ (buy) something, you use your smartphone to scan it. You keep 7__________ (scan) items until you’ve found everything you need, then you pay. After that, you can spend a week or two 8__________(enjoy) your holiday. The shop promises 9__________ (deliver) your shopping soon after you get home. According to the retailer, the virtual shop is a perfect combination of traditional and online shopping. People enjoy 10 11 __________ (look) around shops, but they also love __________ (shop) online because it’s so convenient. 94
  17. UNIT 9: FUTURE PLANS  WARM-UP A. Talk about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? What is happening? How do you know?  VOCABULARY: CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS A. Match each activity with a picture. 1. _____ put up decorations (a) 2. _____ light candles 3. _____ set off fireworks 4. _____ dress up in traditional clothes 5. _____ blow up balloons 6. _____ send cards 7. _____ invite friends (d) 8. _____ have meals (b) (c) 95
  18. (e) (f) (g) (h) B. Match each verb with a word or phrase. exchange make send stay up visit watch 1. _____ a cake 2. _____ presents 3. _____ cards 4. _____ relatives 5. _____ parade 6. _____ late C. Tell your partner about your favourite celebration. I really like Valentine’s Day. I usually… 96
  19.  GRAMMAR FOCUS 1: WILL AND GOING TO Will Will is used for 1. Predictions with little reasonable evidence (especially after I (don’t) think that) 2. Offers and promises 3. Decisions that you make while you are speaking Grammar point Affirmative He will buy a new motorbike next month. Negative She won’t pass the exam. (won’t = will not) Interrogative Will she come here tomorrow? Going to Going to is used for 1. Predictions with reasonable evidence 2. Intentions Affirmative My sister is going to take an exam. Negative He’s not going to do the test. Interrogative Are you going to lend her some money? B. Write sentences about your future using will or going to.  Three things you plan to do next week  Three things you think you’ll do after your graduation C. Share what you plan to do and what you think you will do with your partner. I’m going to finish my English class next week.  LISTENING A. People are talking about where they live. What do the people dislike about each place? Listen and circle the correct answers. 1. Location Condition Rent 2. Neighbours Noise Size 97
  20. 3. Location Noise Size 4. Size Location Rent 5. Size Condition Noise B. Listen again. What do the people like about each place? Write the correct letter. 1. ______ a. It’s huge. 2. ______ b. The location is perfect. 3. ______ c. It’s convenient for shopping. 4. ______ d. It’s nice and quiet on the weekends. 5. ______ e. The neighbours are fantastic.  SPEAKING Prepare some notes and talk about your plan for an important occasion with a friend. Your plan 1. Occasion (my birthday, my It’s ________ next week. brother’s birthday, holidays, my sister’s wedding,…) 2. Activities I think I’m going to ________. 3. Clothes I’m going to wear ________. 4. Food and drink I’m going to eat ________ and drink ________. 98



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