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Tiếng Anh thông dụng và các bài luận: Phần 2

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Tài liệu Các bài luận tiếng Anh thông dụng: Phần 2 của Trịnh Thị Phượng giới thiệu tới các bạn hệ thống những bài luận ngắn trong tiếng Anh theo nhiều chủ đề khác nhau. Đặc biệt với phần giải thích từ vựng và biên dịch tiếng Việt nội dung bài luận sẽ giúp các bạn nắm bắt kiến thức một cách tốt hơn từ đó phát triển kỹ năng viết tiếng Anh của mình.

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Nội dung Text: Tiếng Anh thông dụng và các bài luận: Phần 2

  1. Commonly used English essay 53. CHICKEN THAT PLAYS THE PIANO Mrs. Little saw an ad on television. It was selling trained chickens, but each chicken cost a lot of money. S o Mrs. Little decided to train her own. S h e w ent to a farm, bought a chicken, and began teaching it. B a Little knew that chickens love to peck. Sh e acquired a toy piano and put food on the keys. T he chicken would pick at the piano keys to get the food. Each time the chicken pecked, it would be playing the piano. S o o n Mrs. Little had the chicken playing without food on the keys. T he chicken knew it would get fed after it finished playing. Mrs. Little had the only piano-playing chicken in Benld, lllions or anywhere! 1. chicken (n): con ga con 2. to decide (v): q u y e t d in h 3. ad (n): h a n h d o n g t h o n g bao, q u a n g cao 4. to train (v): d a o tao, h u d n g d dn 5. to peck (v): m o 6. to acquire (v): co d u o c 123
  2. C ac bAi Iuan t U nq an Ii Thowq duNq GA CON CHOI DAN DI/ONG CAM Mrs. Little da xem mot chifdng trinh quang cao tren ti vi noi ve nhCfng chu ga con difdc huan luyen, nhung gia cua moi chu ga do rat dat. Vi the ba quyet dinh tif minh huan luyen con ga. Ba di den nong-trai, mua mot con ga con va bSt dau day no. B a Little biet rang ga con thich mo. Ba kiem mot cay dan difong cam do choi va dat thCfc an tren cac phim dan. Ga con se md len phim dan de lay thifc an. Moi lan ga con m o, no cung se choi dan. Chang bao lau ba Little da tap cho ga con chcfi dan ma khong can de thifc an tren phim. Ga con biet no se difOc cho 3n sau khi choi dan xong. B a Little co con ga biet choi dan difOng cam duy nhat b • Benld, Illions va d bat cif noi dau. 124
  3. Commonly used English cssoy 54. A COURTESY CAMPAIGN In February my school organized courtesy cam paign. This cam paign was to m ake students realize the im portance of being courteous. During that m onth, we had an exhibition on the different ways of showing courtesy. T h ere was a picture of a young boy giving up his seat on the bus to an old lady. A nother picture showed a person saying “T h an k you” after receiving a gift from som eone. W e w ere also treated to a film show on the different ways a person could be courteous. W e learnt to greet our teachers politely. I also learnt to be m ore courteous to my friends. I said “Thank you” when I borrow ed som ething from them or when they helped me with my schoolw ork. Most of all, I felt that I had leam t to be m ore courteous to both people 1 knew as well as to strangers. I thought the courtesy cam paign in my school was a success. 1. cam paign (n): cu o c van d o n g , chien d ich 2. courtesy (n): th a i d o n h a nhd n , lich su 3. exhibition (n): cu o c t r u n g bay, trie n lam 4. different (adj): k h a c 5. to learn (v): h o c 125
  4. C a c bAi Iuan t U'n q an U Thong duNq CUOC VAN O0NG t h a n h lic h V ao thang hai, tnfdng toi phat dong mot phong trao thanh lich. Phong trao nay nham giup hoc sinh nhan thifc ditoc tam quan trong cua phep lich sif va le do. Trong suot thang do, chung toi co m ot cuoc tRfng bay ve viec bieu hien phep lich sif theo nhieu cach khac nhau. C o bifc tranh ve m ot cau be nhifdng ch o tren xe buyt ch o mot ba cu. BCfc tranh khac la hinh anh m ot ngifdi dang noi “C am On” sau khi nhan difOc m on qua cua ai do tang. Chung toi cung di/Oc xem phim ve nhieu cach the hien thai do lich sif khac nhau cua m ot ngifdi. Chung toi da hoc cach chao hoi thay co mot cach le phep. T oi cung hoc difdc cach lich sif hon vdi ban be. T oi noi “Cam cfn nhe" khi mifdn cua ban m ot vat gi do hoac khi ban giup toi lam bai tap d trifdng. Quan trong hon ca, tdi hieu minh phai lich sif hon vdi ngifdi quen cung nhif ngifdi la. Tdi nghi rin g cuoc van dong thanh lich d trifdng tdi da thanh cong. 126
  5. Commonly used English essay 55. SPORTS DAY Yesterday, my school held its annual Sports Day. It was an exciting day for all the students in my school. The events were to be held at two o ’clock in the afternoon. But all the students were told to report to school at nine o ’clock in the m orning." A lot of things needed to be done so that the event would run smoothly. A num ber of us helped to arrange the chairs in neat rows. A few schoolm ates helped to hang up som e decorations. T h e time passed very quickly. Before we realized it, parents and other visitors had begun to arrive. This was the first time I would be participating in a race. I felt really excited and nervous. W hen my race was announced, I went to the track to get ready. I did not win the race, but it was a good experience. By six o ’clock in the evening, all the sports events were over. It had been a very tiring but happy day. 1. to arrange (v): ui t r i 2. to participate (v): th a m d u 3. nervous (adj): ca n g thang, hoi h o p 4. track (n): d u d n g d u a 5. ready (adv): san sang 127
  6. C ac bAi Iuan Ticwq an U Thong dung NGAY HOl TH^ THAO Horn qua, trifdng toi da td chifc ngay hoi the thao hang nam . D o la mot ngay soi noi nhat doi vdi toan bo hoc sinh cua trifdng. C ac mon thi dau difdc tien hanh vao hai gid tnJa. Nhifng tat ca hoc sinh phai co mat tai trifdng luc chin gid sang. C an phai lam nhieu viec de cuoc thi dau dien ra tot dep. M&t so hoc sinh sap xep ghe ngoi thanh hang ngay ngan. So khac m ang theo mot so' do trang tri. Thdi gian troi qua that mau. Trifdc khi chung tdi nhan ra dieu do, phu huynh va khach khifa da bat dau den. Day la lan dau tien tdi tham dif m ot cuoc chay dua. Tdi that sif cam thay kich dong va cang th in g . Khi cuoc dua cua tdi difOc thong bao, toi di den difdng dua va chuan bi s in sang. Tdi khong th in g cuoc, nhifng do la mot kinh nghiem quy bau. V ao luc sau gid chieu, moi cuoc thi dau deu ket thuc. Do la mot ngay het sifc met nhoc nhifng vo cung vui ve. 128
  7. Commonly used English essay 56. THE REASON WHY THE YOUNG PEOPLE PREFER TO LIVE IN TOWN Young people are always active and keen on learning so m ost of them prefer to live in town. First of all, living in town they have many chances to widen their knowledge. Nowadays many language schools and centers open in town. T hey can go to any evening classes to improve their foreign languages such as French, English, Russian, G erm an, Ja p a n e se and C hinese. Experienced teachers and professors are ready to provide them with what they want to know. Besides that, they can go to public libraries or English speaking clubs to broaden their knowledge and drill their English speaking skills. Secon d , living in town they can keep abreast of current affairs all over the world by reading new spapers, magazines or by watching television or listening to the radio. In the morning, they saw Kuwait occupied by Irag troops but in the evening, they saw them driven out of this oil-producing country by powerful allied forces. Third, our country is open to all foreign investments and town is the cradle of industrial development. T herefore, upon graduating from university, they can have favorable opportunities to m ake full use of their ability. 129
  8. C ac bAi I uan Tieng Awh T h o n g dung Finally, there are many com fortable m eans of com m unication and entertainm ent in town. T hey can go anywhere they like and after a hard day's work they can enjoy minutes of recreation by watching interesting films on a large screen in a m odem and air-conditioned cinema in town. For the above-m entioned reasons, an urban life has always been a fascinating appeal to all young m en in the world. 1. active (adj): n d n g d o n g 2. to be keen on (v): h a m m e I 3. chan ce (n): c o hoi 4 . to widen (to broaden) (v): m o ro n g 5. to improve (v): cai th ie n L? DO TAI SAO THANH Nl£N THICH S6NG 6 THANH THj HON Gidi tre luon luon nang dong va hieu hoc vi vay ho thich song cf thanh pho. Trifdc het, song d thanh pho hp co nhieu cO hoi de md mang kien thCrc. Ngay nay nhieu trifdng va trung tam ngoai ngCf difdc m d tai thanh pho. Hp co the den bat ky mot ldp hoc dem nao de trau doi ngoai nguf nhif Phap, Anh, Nga, DifC. Nhat va Trung Quoc. NhCfng giao vien va giao sif giau kinh nghiem sin sang cung cap cho hp nhCfng gi hp can biet. Ngoai ra. hp con co the den nhCfng thif vien cong cong hay cac cau lac bo noi tieng Anh de me? rong kien thCfc va luyen tap ki nang noi. Thif hai, song tai thanh pho hp co the theo kip cac bien co dang xay ra khap noi tren the gidi bang cach doc bao, xem ti vi 130
  9. Commonly used English essay hay nghe dai. V ao buoi sang, ho nhin thay dat nifdc Kuwai bi quan doi Irak xam chiem nhung buoi chieu ho thay chung bi cac life lifdng dong minh hung m anh danh bat ra khoi quoc gia san xuat dau lira nay. Thtf ba, dat nifdc chung ta dang m d cite don nhan cac nguon dau tif nifdc ngoai va thanh pho la cai noi cua sif phat trien cong nghiep. D o do, sau khi tot nghiep dai hoc, ho co the co nhieu CO hoi thuan loi de tan dung tai nang cua ho. Sau cung, d tai thanh pho co nhieu phifdng tien thong tin va giai tn thuan loi. H o co the di den bat ky ndi nao hp thich va sau mot ngay lam viec m et m oi hp co the thifdng thCfc nhCfng giay phut giai tri bang cach xem nhCfng bo phim hap dan tren man anh rong trong mot rap chieu bong co may dieu hoa nhiet do. Vi nhCfng li do tren, cuoc song noi thanh pho luon luon hap d in doi vdi dai da so thanh nien tren the gidi. 131
  10. C a c bAi Iuan TiENq anU th o N q duNq 57. AT THE MUSEUM Dark black clouds in a dull sky m eant one thing only: there was going to be thunderstorm. Not one of us had brought an umbrella, or even a raincoat, when Ja c k suggested we should go to museum, we all agreed immediately. As we had been shopping all morning and were now feeling very tired, it would be pleasure to sit down. W e took a bus and arrived just as large drops of rain to beginning to fall. The museum was quite deserted and very peaceful. We sat down in the main hall and listened to the rain beating against the windows. Suddenly there was a great disturbance at the entrance. T hen large parties of school-boys were led in by a teacher T he poor man was trying to keep them quiet and Lhreatening to punish them, but they did not pay the slightest attention. T he boys ran here and there like a wild tribe. Apologizing for this lack of discipline, the teacher explained that the boy were "rather excited". But in the end the noise proved too much for us and we decided to leave. As Ja c k remarked when we were walking in the rain, the boys had m ore right to be in the museum than we had. After all, they had com e on an "educational visit, while we had simply wanted to get out of the rain.
  11. Commonly used English essay 1- thunderstorm (n): con m u a g io n g 2. to desert (v): h o a n g vdng, vdng ve 3. tribe (n): so lu o n g n g u d i ra t d o n g 4. to rem ark (v): d a n h d a u lai 5. rain (n): m u a TAI VI$N BAO TANG May den van vu tren nen trdi u am nghia la sap co m ot con mua giong. C a bon chung toi khong ai mang theo m ot cay du, ngay ca ao mua cung khong co. Vi the khi Ja ck de nghi nen den vien bao tang, tat ca chung toi deu dong y ngay. Vi da di mua sam suot ca buoi sang va gid dang cam thay rat m et, nen difdc ngoi xuong han la thu vi lam. Chung toi don xe buyt den vien bao tang vua luc nhCfng giot nifdc mua nang nang bat dau rOi xuong. Vien bao tang hoan toan vang ve va yen tinh. Chung toi ngoi d sanh phong, lang nghe nhCfng tieng mua dap vao cifa sd. D ot nhien, co tieng nao dong d cua vao. Sau do, mot doan hoc sinh dude m ot thay giao dan vao. Ngifdi thay dang thifdng co bao chung giCf yen lang va doa se trifng phat chung, nhifng chung chang chut chu y. Lu con trai chay khap noi nhif m ot dam tre mat kiem soat. Thay giao xin loi vi thai do thieu ky luat cua hoc tro minh, va giai thich rang bon con trai dang “phan khich ". Nhifng cuoi cung tieng on ao da chifng minh ch o chung toi thay la con hon the nDa, nen chung toi quyet dinh rdi khdi nOi nay. Khi chung toi bifdc di trong mifa. Ja c k nhan xet rang bon ;o n trai do co quyen d trong vien bao tang hdn la chung toi. Vi suy cho cung chung den la de “tham quan hoc h o i”, con chung toi don gian la muon tru mua! 133
  12. C a c bAi Iuan TiENq an Ii T^ONq dw q 58. A N EW FRIEND W hen the school reopened after the mid-year school holiday, we had a new class-mate. Her nam e is Cheng Siew Hong and she has emigrated with her family from Hong Kong to Singapore. T h e class was excited and I was especially so because she happened to sit next to me. My form teacher told us to make her feel at ease with us. Siew Hong is a cheerful-looking girl and an active athlete. Sh e runs fast, swims well and even takes part in high-jump com petitions. Siew Hong and I soon becam e very good friends because of our com m on interest in sports. We never run out of topics to talk about. W e have lots of fun together, both in class and out on the field. 1 help Siew Hong cope with the English language while she helps me out of with the Chinese language. Sin ce this was the first time sh e’s been in Singapore, the class decided to bring Siew Hong to som e of the local tourist attractions like Sentosa and Botanic Garden. W e also brought her to Satay Club to let her try the tasty local speciality. With our help, Siew Hong fitted into class in no time. Sh e is glad to join our class and we are glad to have her as a new friend. 1. to emigrate (v): d i cu 2. form teacher (comp.n): g ia o uien chu n h ie m 134
  13. Commonly used English gssqy 3. run out (of sth): d u n g h e t h odc can het cai gi 4. to cop e with (v): duefng dau, d d i p h o 5. speciality (n): d d c san M0T NGUOI BAN Nl6l Khi trifdng hoc m d cifa lai sau ki nghi giOfa nam , ldp chung toi co them m ot ngifdi ban mcfi. T en co ban la Cheng Siew Hong. C o da cung gia dinh di cif tif Hong Kong sang Singapore. Ldp hoc rat phan khich va toi con phan khi'ch hon nifa vi co ban tinh cd ngoi canh toi. Thay chu nhiem bao chung toi hay giup co thay thoai mai, de chju hon. Siew Hong la m ot co gai vui tifdi va la mot van dong vien tich cifc. C o chay rat nhanh, boi loi gidi va tham chi con tham gia tranh tai trong cuoc thi nhay cao nifa. Chang bao lau toi va Siew Hong da trd thanh ban be than thiet vi deu yeu thi'ch the thao. Chung toi khong bao gid het chuyen de noi vdi nhau. Chung toi chia se nhieu dieu thu vi, ca trong ldp hoc lln ngoai san cd. Toi giup Siew Hong difang dau vdi m on tieng Anh, con co ay giup toi hoc tieng Trung Quoc. Vi day la lan dau tien Siew Hong d Singapore, nen ca ldp quyet dinh dlin co di tham vai nOi hap dan khach du lich, nhif dao S en to sa hoac vifdn bach thao. Chung toi con difa den cau lac bo Satay de co nem thif dac san cua dia phi/ong. DifOc chung toi giup d
  14. C a c b/\i Iuan t icing ANh Thong duNq 59. A HOUSE I WOULD LIKE TO LIVE IN I would like to live in a house by the sea where I can see the sun rise and set every day. This is how 1 will want my house to be like: after passing the front gate, there will be a lovely rose garden. Then, the big white house com es into view. W hen 1 walk through the door, a white sitting room with a pink sofa set will greet me. Paintings of beautiful flowers hanging on the walls will make the room look com fortable and fresh. T he three bedroom s will be on the second level. O ne is for my parents, one for my brother and one for me. I will like my room to be painted pink. Above my bed, 1 will hang a big picture of a ballerina dressed in white. T he grey carpet on the floor will be strewn with many cushions to lie reading novels. 1 will do my homework on the table by the window through which I can see the stars at night. On the highest level will be an open space which overlooks the sea. It will be used for barbecue in the evening. No m atter how fine this house may seem , it is just a dream. W hat is reality for me is a three-room flat in Tiong Bahru 136
  15. Commonly used English essay 1. ballerina (n): nCt d ie n vien m u a ba le 2. to strew (v): tra i 3. barbecue (n): bua tiec ngoai trdi, dn thuc fin n u a n g tren u! 4. reality (n): th u c te 5. dream (n): g ia c m a NGOl NHA TOl t h ic h s 6 n g T oi thich difOc song d ngoi nha canh bd bien, d do ngay nao toi cung co the nhin thay m at trdi m oc va canh hoang hon. Ngoi nha mO ifdc cua toi la ngoi nha sau khi di qua cong trifdc se cd mot vifdn hoa hong dang yeu. Tiep do, mot can nha ldn mau trang hien ra trifdc mat. Khi toi qua cite chinh, mot phong khach mau trang vdi m ot bo ghe trang ky mau hong se chao don toi. NhCfng bifc tranh hoa treo tren tifdng se lam can phong trong d£ chiu va tifoi mat. B a phong ngu d tang hai. Mot phong danh cho cha m e, mot phong cho em toi va m ot cho toi. Toi thich can phong cua toi son mau hong. Phia tren giufdng toi se treo bifc tranh ve m ot vu cong bale mac do trang. Chiec tham mau xam dat tren san vdi that nhieu goi de nam doc tieu thuyet. Toi se lam bai tap ve nha d ban hoc ke ben canh cite sd de co the ngam sao trdi vao ban dem. T ang tren cung se la m ot khoang khong nhin ra bien. NhCfng bCfa tiec ngoai trdi vao buoi tdi se difOc td chCfc d do. C ho du can nha nay cd dep den dau di nifa cung chi la mot giac mO. Thifc te thi toi dang song trong mot can ho ba phong d T iong Bahru. 137
  16. C a c bAi Iuan t U n q Anh t h o n g duwq 60. CHOCOLATE TOWN T h e street lamps are shaped like chocolate candy kisses. The streets have nam es like East Chocolate Avenue. You are in C hocolate Tow n, U .S.A . Its real nam e is Hershey, Pennsylvania. In 1 9 0 5 , a man named Milton Hershey opened a chocolate factory in a cornfield. Today, there are thousands of people living in the town. Visitors are amazed at the huge vats that hold ten thousand pounds of chocolate each. It takes milk from fifty thousand cows every day to help make the candy. There are barns holding 9 0 million pounds of cacao beans. Chocolate is made from cacao beans. If you are ever near Hershey, Pennsylvania, stop at the world's largest chocolate factory. T here are free samples too! 1. chocolate (n): so co la 2. lamp (n): b o n g den 3. kiss (n): m a u , th o i 4. Avenue (n): d a i Ip, cao oc 5. to am aze (v): la m k in h ngac, la m s u n g sot 6. vat (n): th u n g , be, c h u m 7. bean (n): h at 8. free (adj): m ie n p hi, k h o n g m a t tien 9. sample (n): sd lu p n g n h o san p h a m bieu k h o n g 138
  17. Commonly used English cssqy THANH PH 6 SO-CO-LA D en difdng co hinh dang giong nhif nhufng thoi keo so co la. Difdng pho co nhCfng cai ten dai loai nhif la East C hocolate Avenue. B an dang d thanh pho S o co la, Hoa Ky. T en that cua no la H ershey, thuoc bang Pennsylvania. V ao nam 1 9 0 5 , m ot ngifdi dan ong ten Milton H ershey md nha may so co la tai m ot canh dong ngo. Ngay nay, co hang ngan ngifdi song trong thanh pho nay. C ac du khach kinh ngac trifdc nhdng cai thung khong lo, moi thung chifa mifdi ngan can so co la. Phai lay sCta tCf nam mifOi ngan con bo moi ngay de lam keo. C o nhieu nha kho chifa chin mifOi trieu can hat ca cao. S o co la difpc lam tif hat ca cao. Neu ban co luc nao den H ershey, Pennsylvania, hay ghe lai ? _ nha may so co la ldn nhat the gidi. O do cung co nhting mau hang difOc phat m ien phi nufa day! 139
  18. C a c bAi Iuan TitNq aimIi Thomq duNq 61. HOW GEESE HELPED A SWAN A swan was sleeping on a pond one winter. During the night w eather becam e very cold. T he water turned into ice. The swan couldn't move, and in time it could die. T he swan called, but there was no one to help. Suddenly, a flock of geese cam e flying by. W hen they saw the swan stuck in the ice, they landed right by it. Soon they were pecking away at the ice. After a short while, the swan was free. As it winged through the air it called a thank you. Maybe someday the swan would be able to help the geese. 1. goose (n): con n g o n g 2. swan (n): con th ie n nga 3. pond (n): cai ao 4. in time (idm): sdm hay m u o n , cu oi c u n g 5. flock (n): dan, bay 6. to stick (in sth) (stuck - stuck) (v): bi ket, bi hoc 7. to land (v): ha cach 8. to wing (v): bay (b d n g d o i canh) 140
  19. Commonly used English essay NGONG b a g iu p d o t h i £ n n g a n h u t h £ nao Mua dong no, co con thien nga dang ngu tren mot cai ao. Suot dem , thoi tiet rat lanh. Nifdc dong thanh bang. Con thien nga khong the cif dong difOc va sdm hay muon thi thien nga cung se chet mat. C on thien nga keu len nhifng khong co ai den giup no. Bat ngd, co m ot dan ngdng bay ngang qua. Khi thay con thien nga bi ket trong bang, chung dap xuong ngay gan do va nhanh chong md vang chd nifdc dong bang. Mot luc sau, con thien nga difpc cCfu thoat. Khi cat canh bay len no keu cam On. C o le mot ngay nao do thien nga co the se giup dd lai cac con ngong. 141
  20. C a c bAi Iuan t i in q Awh th o n g dung 62. A FLOOD After spending the morning in the school library, 1 was dismayed to find the sky overcast. T he first few drops of rain were already falling when 1 dashed to the nearby bus-stop. I was relieved when the bus cam e soon afterwards. A few minutes after I boarded the bus, the rains feel in torrent. T he bus moved along the road very slowly. About one hour later, the bus cam e to a standstill. 1 cleaned the clouded-up window with my hands. T o my dismay, 1 saw that we ere caught right in the middle of a flood. T he water cam e up to the first step of the bus. T he canal beside the road had overflowed. A car had stalled in the flood. Som e men were pushing it through the flood water to a side road so that other vehicles could pass. After they succeeded in doing so, the traffic continued at a very slow pace. 1 arrived hom e late that day. 1. overcast (n): bi m ay bao p h u , am u 2. to relieve (v): cam th a y n h e b at su cang th d n g 3. torrent (n): d o n g nuac, u.u.. chay m a n h , thac 4 . standstill (n): su d u n g lai, su d u n g lai 5. to stall (v): (ue m a y m oc) chet m a y 6. pace (n): toe d o (n h a t la d i hoac chay) 142



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