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Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 9: Mobile Computing and Commerce and Pervasive learning objectives: Describe the mobile computing environment that supports m-commerce (devices, software, services). Describe the four major types of wireless telecommunications networks. Define mobile commerce and understand its relationship to e-commerce. Discuss the value-added attributes, benefits, and fundamental drivers of m-commerce. Discuss m-commerce applications in finance, shopping, advertising, and provision of content. Describe the application of m-commerce within organizations.
53p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 21 3 Download
The world today is of innovation and creativity. Splashes of genius of the most obvious strike us every now and the n and make us smack our head at the sheer wonder of it. Innovation is again nothing but application of our well preserved common sense in uncommon situations to solve quite ordinary problems.
34p camnhung_1 07-12-2012 77 11 Download