Building a functional
The research subjects of the thesis are theoretical and practical issues on the oversight function of the Committee on Judicial Affairs of the National Assembly of Vietnam in the context of innovating the National Assembly’s organization and operation, strengthening the control of state power, protecting human and civil rights, speeding up judicial and administrative reform as well as building Vietnam as a socialist rule-of-law state.
35p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 37 2 Download
The thesis aims to study the problems of image processing under the approach of HA theory. Building a gray level transformation function in S form to enhance the contrast for color images to apply HA. New homogeneity with hedge algebra applies to enhance contrast for color images. Building a photo fading transformation that applies to multi-channel images does not lose image detail.
31p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 15 2 Download
Many pharmacologically important agents are assembled on multimodular nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) whose modules comprise a set of core domains with all essential catalytic functions necessary for the incorporation and modification of one building block. Very often, d-amino acids are found in such products which, with few exceptions, are generated by the action of NRPS integrated epimerization (E) domains that alter the stereochemistry of the corresponding peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) bound l-intermediate....
15p fptmusic 12-04-2013 30 2 Download
Crystalline arrays of protein or glycoprotein subunits forming surface layers (S-layers) are the most common outermost envelope components of prokaryotic organisms (archaea and bacteria). The wealth of information on the structure, chemistry, genetics, morphogenesis, and function of S-layers has revealed a broad application potential.
12p inspiron33 23-03-2013 62 4 Download
Upon completing this module, you will be able to: Explain how bridging and switching operates Explain the purpose and operations of the Spanning-Tree Protocol Verify the default configuration of the device, given a functioning access layer switch Build a functional access switch configuration to support the specified network operational parameters, given a network design Execute an add, move, or change on an access layer switch, given a new network requirement
15p trinhvang 25-01-2013 60 5 Download
Upon completing this course, you will be able to: Execute an add, move, or change so that the network functions in accordance with the new requirement, given a new network requirement Use available configuration tools to establish connectivity to the appropriate network device to complete the initial device configuration Build a functional configuration to support the specified network operational requirements, given a network design Use the command-line interface to accurately determine network device operational status and network performance...
12p trinhvang 25-01-2013 70 5 Download
Once the SRS has been approved, implementation begins. Programming teams have many options: The programmers can simply start building the code and create the objects and user interface elements. Designers can build a user interface prototype to demonstrate to the users, stakeholders and the rest of the team. Any code used to develop the prototype is typically thrown away once the design has been finalized. Pictures, flow charts, data flow diagrams, database design diagrams and other visual tools can be used to determine aspects of the design and architecture.
20p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 64 6 Download
In 1991, David Gale and Raphael Robinson, building on explorations carried out by Michael Somos in the 1980s, introduced a three-parameter family of rational recurrence relations, each of which (with suitable initial conditions) appeared to give rise to a sequence of integers, even though a priori the recurrence might produce non-integral rational numbers. Throughout the '90s, proofs of integrality were known only for individual special cases. In the early '00s, Sergey Fomin and Andrei Zelevinsky proved Gale and Robinson's integrality conjecture.
13p thulanh8 19-09-2011 67 4 Download
In 1991, David Gale and Raphael Robinson, building on explorations carried out by Michael Somos in the 1980s, introduced a three-parameter family of rational recurrence relations, each of which (with suitable initial conditions) appeared to give rise to a sequence of integers, even though a priori the recurrence might produce non-integral rational numbers. Throughout the '90s, proofs of integrality were known only for individual special cases. In the early '00s, Sergey Fomin and Andrei Zelevinsky proved Gale and Robinson's integrality conjecture.
37p thulanh8 19-09-2011 58 14 Download
Media relations: gaining editorial coverage Issues and risk management Crisis management CEO reputation management Change management Internal communications Corporate identity and image management Managing stakeholder conflicts: NGOs and managing activists Corporate social responsibility Publications of Annual Reports: corporate reporting Corporation reputation management Financial and investor relations Managing shareholder expectationsExhibition and event management Brand building Promoting professional services and business to business services Managing sponsorship Managing relationship ...
6p dangcap_pro 29-12-2009 168 41 Download
It is likely that most people can communicate mathematics to a computer more eectively (rapidly and accurately) by speaking than they can by using a stylus on a computer tablet. This may seem surprising, but is our speculation based on trying various alternative input methods. An even better setup may be to speak and simultaneously use pointing or handwriting. Unfortunately, building a properly functioning prototype using this concept is dicult
20p baohan 17-06-2009 113 13 Download