Closing a business
The purpose of the thesis "An empirical analysis of firm innovation capability and performance of Indonesian ICT SMEs" is to explore the antecedents of innovation capability and firm performance of ICT SMEs within clusters in Jakarta and Bandung in Indonesia. A causal model was proposed and tested by using Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM). Findings reveal that intellectual capital is a major contributor of innovation capability. Surprisingly, being spatially close in a specific location does not trigger firms to have innovation capability.
269p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
Argumentation has been traditionally the domain of rhetorics and logics, rather than linguistics. Since Aristotle’s time, scholars have studied how ideas are organized in different ways to make an argument. Aristotle was the first person who realized two main constituent of an argument, a Position, and its Justification. Later on Ad Herennium (862BC) expanded the argumentation structure to include five parts: a proposition, a reason, a proof of the reason, an embellishment and a resume.
89p chieu_mua 22-08-2012 82 25 Download