Coastal zone management
Thesis objectives: The thesis is to establish the scientific grounds for functional zoning and recommend spatial orientation priority solutions for integrated Hai Phong coastal natural resources management.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 15 4 Download
The thesis is to establish the scientific grounds for functional zoning and recommend spatial orientation priority solutions for integrated Hai Phong coastal natural resources management.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 11 3 Download
The general objective of the thesis is to analyze the relationship between the exchange rate and foreign investment capital in Vietnam and propose implications of the exchange rate policy and policies to attract foreign investment into Vietnam.
35p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 27 3 Download
Words can easily borrow, but the meaning of love from the heart of a people is difficult to describe. So I want to ask for forgiveness from the people that support can not be appreciated in the words and from those who, by any chance, I forgot to mention. First of all what I want to thank prof. Wind Herman and his wife - Joke. The interviews with prof. Wind held in Bangkok and his decision has helped me to be here, at the University of Twente, to carry out my doctoral research. Herman and Joke, I will never forget...
139p gauhaman123 17-11-2011 64 11 Download