Complication of adding
Tonsillectomy was 1st performed by a roman surgeon named Celsus 30 AD. Over time, different instruments have been used: snare, guillotine( the Sluder Ballenger).The last 30 years, an explosion of new modalities made the surgery somewhat safer and with less blood loss: -CO2 Laser -Bipolar Scissors -Coblation Technique -Harmonic Knife -Microdebrider(for intracapsular tonsillectomy) Tonsillitis The correct diagnosis is very important, that should include: sore throat, fever, and neck node swelling. ...
15p sinhtobo111 13-04-2011 51 2 Download
For two decades now, executives have witnessed an explosion of managementtools, ranging from Knowledge Management to Strategic Alliances. That burstwas fueled by their need to successfully navigate an increasingly competitivemarketplace. With operations spanning the globe, companies have become morecomplex, adding to the challenging decisions corporate leaders face. Fortunately,they now have an expanded toolset at their fingertips, thanks to the emergenceof faster, less expensive information delivery systems.
7p tuyetson23 07-08-2010 78 3 Download