E. coli hosts
Employing transgenic plants as alternative systems to the conventional Escherichia coli, Pichia pastorisor baculovirus hosts to produce recombin-ant allergens may offer the possibility of having available edible vaccines in the near future. In this study, two EF-hand-type Ca 2+ -binding allergens from olive pollen, Ole e 3 and Ole e 8, were produced in transgenic Arabid-opsis thaliana plants.
10p inspiron33 25-03-2013 40 3 Download
Enterohemorrhagic and enteropathogenicEscherichia coliproduce various effector proteins that are directly injected into the host-cell cytosol through the type III secretion system. E. colisecreted protein (Esp)B is one such effector protein, and affects host-cell morphology by reorganizing actin net-works.
7p mobifone23 21-01-2013 36 3 Download
ZF-RNase-3 is one of the RNases from zebrafish (Danio rerio) with special (i.e. noncatalytic) properties. These include angiogenic and bactericidal activities. Given the interest of fish RNases as host-defense effectors, we studied the mechanism of the bactericidal action of ZF-RNase-3 onEscheri-chia coli as a model Gram-negative bacterium.
8p mobifone23 21-01-2013 36 4 Download