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Economic surplus

Xem 1-5 trên 5 kết quả Economic surplus
  • This paper aims is to empirically investigate the influence of macro–economic factors on the changes of the public debt in lower middle-income countries. By applying DGMM regression method on the dataset of 40 countries during the 1996-2015, the study provides empirical evidences on the role of macroeconomic factors on changes of public debt in lower middle-income countries, including trade openness, interest rates, budget surplus, inflation, economic growth, foreign direct investment, infrastructure, financial development.

    pdf7p thiendiadaodien_6 12-02-2019 32 3   Download

  • Lecture Managerial economics - Chapter 7 include contents: Basic pricing strategies, extracting consumer surplus, pricing for special cost and demand structures, pricing in markets with intense price competition.

    pdf44p kiepnaybinhyen_04 24-12-2015 72 4   Download

  • National parks or generally protected areas (PAs) normally hold a high value as a recreational resource or destination. Though in many cases no fee or charge is made to view or enjoy natural ecosystems, people still spend time and money to reach PAs. These costs of spending (for transport, food, accommodation, time, etc.) can be calculated, and a visitation rates can be compared to expenditures. These travel costs reveals the value that people place on recreational, tourism or leisure aspects of PAs....

    pdf32p luuhuong0402 28-08-2013 66 14   Download

  • Perform the essential function of channeling funds from economic players that have saved surplus funds to those that have a shortage of funds Promotes economic efficiency by producing an efficient allocation of capital, which increases production Directly improve the well-being of consumers by allowing them to time purchases better

    ppt14p sony_12 25-06-2013 63 9   Download

  • In order to answer how much government should tax, we must know the costs and benefits of taxation. The benefits result from the roles of government. The costs of taxation include: The direct cost of the revenue paid to government The loss of consumer and producer surplus caused by the tax The administrative costs of collecting the tax.

    ppt53p mientrung102 29-01-2013 77 10   Download



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