Editing in photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a very powerful and versatile image editing/graphics creation application that is the industry standard in its category. Though Photoshop’s interface is intuitive enough for an absolute beginner to learn basic image editing tasks such as cropping and resizing, to be able to fully master and utilize all of its tools takes a considerable amount of time. If you’re interested in honing your Photoshop skills to create spectacular compositions, this is for you.
19p bongbong_hong 11-12-2012 63 9 Download
Photoshop Elements 3 Solutions: The Art of Digital Photography- P13: This book rocks! It is not just a revised version; this is a brand new edition. So much has changed in Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 that it is practically a whole new program, and Mikkel Aaland has completed quite an amazing undertaking with Photoshop Elements 3 Solutions.
6p venus246 23-09-2010 118 12 Download
CREATING GAME ART FOR 3D ENGINES- P12: Iwish to thank the editing team at Charles River Media (Emi Smith, Karen Gill, Jennifer Blaney, and Jenifer Niles) for their help in getting this book publish-ready. Thanks, too, to my technical editor, Mike Duggan. Also deserving recognition are the guys who make the Torque Game Engine available, GarageGames, who directly or indirectly made this book and the accompanying CD possible. In particular, I want to thank Joe Maruschak at GarageGames for the great articles and forum answers that have helped me and many others get a handle on this engine. I...
7p camry246 20-09-2010 86 9 Download
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP FOR UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHERS- P1: In a matter of a few short years, the underwater digital camera went from a novelty item to the predominant method for taking underwater pictures. Never before has a technology advanced so rapidly. Thanks to digital, though, underwater photography has evolved into a shootto- edit process.
15p camry246 20-09-2010 73 6 Download
The Non-Designer's Design Book- P7: So you have a great concept and all the fancy digital tools you could possibly require—what's stopping you from creating beautiful pages? Namely the training to pull all of these elements together into a cohesive design that effectively communicates your message. Not to worry: This book is the one place you can turn to find quick, non-intimidating, excellent design help. In The Non-Designer's Design Book, 2nd Edition, best-selling author Robin Williams turns her attention to the basic principles of good design and typography.
14p camry246 16-09-2010 88 12 Download
Printer / Print sharpness Bạn cần biết rằng, chất luợng của bản in lệ thuộc lớn vào phẩm chất của phần mềm dùng để edit hình ảnh như Photoshop, Window Pro, Paint shop Pro. Capture One NX của Nikon etc…và điều quan trọng không kém nữa đó là Working color space mà bạn chọn lựa chẳng hạn như Adobe RGB (1998), sRGB IEC61966-2.1, Apple RGB, Nikon sRGB, Nikon Bruce RGB etc… Điều kế tiếp là chọn kích thước ảnh nghĩa là phải hiểu và biết cách làm việc của Image Resize như thế nào (sẽ được giải thích ở...
9p traitimmuathu241 11-05-2010 208 71 Download
Tutorial ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 5.0 Working with Selections Learning how to select areas of an image is of primary importance when working with Adobe® Photoshop® — you must first select what you want to affect. Once you’ve made a selection, only the area within a selection can be edited; areas outside the selection are protected from change. .WORKING WITH SELECTIONS PAGE 2 OF 14 In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following: • • • • • • • • • • Use the marquee, lasso, and magic wand tools to select parts of an image in various ways. Reposition a selection marquee. Deselect a selection....
14p thachcotran 03-02-2010 79 9 Download
Foreground & Background Color Foreground: màu tiền cảnh Để lấy màu Foreground chúng ta chỉ cần kích đúp chuột vào Foreground sẽ xuất hiện bảng màu cho phép ta chọn màu thích hợp. Background: màu hậu cảnh Để lấy màu Background chúng ta chỉ cần kích đúp chuột vào Background sẽ xuất hiện bảng màu cho phép ta chọn màu thích hợp (có thể xem dưới dạng web). .Adobe Photoshop 7.0 2. Edit in Standard Mode & Edit in Quick Mask Mode 106 - Edit in Standard Mode = ...
3p vantuanvic 18-01-2010 196 85 Download