Exponential notation
When the ARPANET was commissioned in 1969, no one anticipated that the Internet would explode out of the humble beginnings of this research project. Over the next decade, the number of hosts on the Internet grew exponentially, from 159,000 in October 1989 to over 72 million by the end of the millennium. As of January 2007, there were over 433 million hosts on the Internet.
50p vanmanh1008 21-05-2013 43 5 Download
To print a variable in your display on the command window, its place must be indicted by % in the format-string followed by the format of presentation (d, f, e, g). %d: integer notation %f: fixed point (decimal) notation %e: exponential notation %g: whichever is shorter, %f or %e
70p feteler 27-11-2012 62 1 Download