Learning to recognize
This study aims at investigating the linguistic features of verbal repairs in English and Vietnamese conversations in films via the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic features. Besides, the similarities and differences in linguistic features of verbal repair in two the languages were to be recognized. Finally, some implications were given to help English and Vietnamese interlocutors, researchers of films learn about how to overcome the breakdowns during their conversations.
246p caphesuadathemtieu 02-03-2022 19 4 Download
Learning objectives: Understand the central role played by end-users and their demands in the design of marketing channels, define “service outputs” and identify and analyze them, recognize how to divide a market into channel segments for the purposes of marketing channel design or modification, understand how to target channel segments to optimize sales and profits.... and other contents.
6p tieu_vu08 05-05-2018 40 2 Download
Learning objectives: Describe the types of retail structures that exist worldwide, explain how a retail positioning strategy flows from both cost-side and demand-side factors, define the retailers positioning strategy as a set of service outputs delivered to the market, recognize important trends and developments on the consumer and channel sides that affect retail management.... and other contents.
4p tieu_vu08 05-05-2018 38 2 Download