Listening test one
Question 1- 3 refer to the following table Low Airfares New York Berlin $349 New York San Francisco $239 New York Bombay $538 Washington Rome $379 San Francisco Paris $456 Alt flights make at least one stop with a change of aircraft. Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance. Once ticketed any alteration wit coat $25.00. No refunds.
15p peheo_4 20-09-2012 201 57 Download
There aren’t still the exact criteria for measuring speaking skills as well as the weighting given to such components as correct pronunciation. The interdependence of the speaking and listening skill increases the difficulty of any serious attempt to analyze precisely what is being tested at one time. Administration is another difficulty as it is impossible to test a large number of students because of limited time involved
17p namson94 20-07-2012 111 18 Download