Managing database objects
The research objectives of the thesis: To establish the scientific basis and methodology to build WebGIS database in order to improve the efficiency of mineral exploitation management and activities.
27p dolphintaletale 23-04-2021 35 6 Download
Lecture "Chapter 13: Designing databases" provides students with the knowledge: Learning objectives, databases and database management systems, components of a DB and DBMS, DBMS important capabilities, relational databases, partial display of relational database,... Invite you to consult.
10p doinhugiobay_04 27-11-2015 59 2 Download
Built-In Database Objects In addition to creating the database files, several other structures are created. Data dictionary: Contains descriptions of the objects in the database Dynamic performance tables: Contains information used by the database administrator (DBA) to monitor and tune the database and instance PL/SQL packages: Program units adding functionality to the database. These packages are created when the catproc.sql script is run after the CREATE DATABASE command. PL/SQL packages will not be discussed within the scope of this course.
20p trinh02 28-01-2013 63 4 Download
Course Objectives This course is the first in a series of courses that cover the core database administrator tasks. The tasks covered in this course are: Outlining the Oracle architecture Planning and creating databases Managing the memory, process, physical, and logical structures Managing database users by controlling and monitoring their actions Using the Globalization Support features
4p trinh02 28-01-2013 59 4 Download
Workshop Methodology Group-Oriented and Interactive Structure The workshop is structured to allow individuals to work in groups to perform database backup, restore, and recovery operations. Each group is encouraged to share its approach to resolving database failures with other groups in the class. Intensive Hands-On Diagnosis and Problem Resolution The intent is to provide you with as much hands-on experience as possible to diagnose and work through backup and recovery scenarios.
18p trinh02 28-01-2013 71 3 Download
• Microsoft’s latest database object model • Allows VB programmers to use a standard set of objects to refer to data from any source • .NET approach uses disconnected datasets with common data representation (data types) from multiple sources Visual
15p rose_12 04-12-2012 41 3 Download
Once the SRS has been approved, implementation begins. Programming teams have many options: The programmers can simply start building the code and create the objects and user interface elements. Designers can build a user interface prototype to demonstrate to the users, stakeholders and the rest of the team. Any code used to develop the prototype is typically thrown away once the design has been finalized. Pictures, flow charts, data flow diagrams, database design diagrams and other visual tools can be used to determine aspects of the design and architecture.
20p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 64 6 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 7.17 Using ADO.NET Design-Time Features in Classes Without a GUI Problem The design-time environment provides controls and wizards to facilitate creation of and management of properties of ADO.NET objects.
4p luvpro 04-08-2010 90 8 Download
The DataViewManager Class A DataViewManager allows you to centrally manage multiple DataView objects in a DataSet. A DataViewManager also allows you to create DataView objects on the fly at runtime
1p daisuphu 29-07-2010 81 10 Download