Medical doctoral dissertation
To describe the clinical characteristics and paraclinical parameters in patients with acute obstructive pyelonephritis due to ureteral calculi; to evaluate the results of early treatment and somes risk factors predictive of septic shock in patients with acute obstructive pyelonephritis due to ureteral calculi
28p badbuddy10 21-04-2022 21 2 Download
The meaning of the dissertation topic: This research contributes to complete the list and evaluate the diversity of medicinal plants in the coastal districts of Thai Binh province to serve local medical needs.
30p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 33 3 Download
Investigation of clinical changes, paraclinincal and some immune modifications in patients with lupus nephritis after induction therapy was indicated Mycophenolate mofetil. Investigation of clinical changes, paraclinincal and some immune modifications in patients with lupus nephritis after induction therapy was indicated Mycophenolate mofetil.
30p trinhthamhodang7 31-08-2020 25 3 Download
To evaluate the screening results for pre-eclampsia - eclampsia by mean artery blood pressure, PAPP-A and uterine artery doppler at 11 weeks 0 day to 13 weeks 6 days of gestation. The efficacy of low-dose aspirin prophylaxis in prevention of preeclampsia in high-risk pregnancy.
31p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 18 1 Download
The study acknowledges some limitations such as a conclusion section as well as the order of the moves is still neglected. In addition, there is a lack of the MCRs written in English by Vietnamese authors. Despite these limitations, the study is hoped to provide some pedagogical implications for teaching writing in Vietnamese settings to encourage student to be aware of the moves when writing a MCR.
30p kethamoi2 14-12-2019 37 2 Download
Comment on the results of the method of visualization and sentinel lymph node biopsy in thyroid carcinoma by Methylene blue in Hanoi Medical University Hospital from 11/2014 to 9/2018 and analyze the some factors affecting the results of method. Evaluate the value of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the diagnosis of occult cervical lymph node metastasis.
27p cotithanh321 06-08-2019 53 5 Download
Research objectives: Study the rationale on medical ethics and the development of medical ethichs of military physicians; survey analysis and evaluate the development of medical ethics of doctors and the causes of the restriction; propose measures to develop medical ethics of military physicians today; ponduct empirical measures of some measures to develop medical ethics of military physicians.
28p change03 06-05-2016 58 4 Download
Research mission: The characteristics and changes in plasma (natriuretic peptide type B) BNP levels in patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis. Understanding correlation between plasma BNP levels with some morphological parameters of ultrasound, left ventricular systolic function and value of BNP in predicting heart failure, mortality prognosis in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing dialysis.
28p change03 06-05-2016 58 4 Download