This work demonstrated the potential of US for mitigating membrane fouling. However, the integration of the US transducers within the membrane system will be a major challenge for the application of US in membrane cleaning. It is more appropriate that US is used as pre-treatment to the membrane system, the transducers can be placed prior to the coagulant feed line. Further work on the determination of the detailed mechanisms associated with enhancing coagulation would enable optimisation of the system with regard to process, cost and energy efficiency.
108p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This study was aimed to investigate: the fouling potential of AOM released from M. aeruginosa on the ceramic MF membranes; the major components in the AOM governing the fouling of ceramic MF membranes; the role of the interaction between AOM and aquatic humics on the fouling of ceramic MF membranes; the effect of coagulation feed pre-treatment using various coagulants on the mitigation of AOM fouling; the effect of UV/H2O2 feedwater pre-treatment in mitigating AOM fouling.
154p runthenight07 01-03-2023 5 3 Download
Tài liệu tham khảo chuyên ngành môi trường, ứng dụng của bùn đỏ.
10p tudoia 06-04-2011 82 14 Download