Navigate the office
Using the Navigation Pane The Navigation Pane combines the Outlook Bar and Folder view from previous versions of Outlook into one column. It provides the following layouts:
8p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 80 4 Download
Use the following switches to control how you start Outlook, including switches that enable you to disable the Navigation Pane or reading pane.
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 87 3 Download
Navigation in a form refers not just to the fields that appear on the form but also to the records within the form. When you’re working on a form, you can navigate the form using several methods. The first is to use the Enter key. The Enter key accepts the data that the user entered into the field and moves the focus to the next field. The Tab key performs the same action, but the user doesn’t need to enter any data.
20p vongsuiphat 04-01-2010 110 17 Download