Number system basics
Programming tools: Input/output (assign/graph-&-display) Repetition (for) Decision (if) Arrays List of numbers in brackets A comma or space separates numbers (columns) A semicolon separates row Zeros and ones Matrices: zeros() ones() Indexing (row,column) Colon Operator: Range of Data first:last or first:increment:last Manipulating Arrays & Matrices Transpose
17p doanhung_dtvtk10 19-03-2013 69 4 Download
An empirical study of scale economies in the Chinese Railway System Although results are not presented here, I have estimated several additional specifications of the basic empirical test. The absence of a positive choice effect does not seem to derive from the particular weighting of the data used hereone might prefer to weight MSAs equally, or by the number of SAT-takers, rather than by their high-school-age populationsnor from the inclusion in the sample of schools with too few SAT-takers to permit accurate estimation of the school mean...
125p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 42 7 Download