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Organizational bying behavior

Xem 1-20 trên 34 kết quả Organizational bying behavior
  • With the increase of importance for collaboration, intelligence, operational integration with partners in supply chain and inter-organizational partnership, there has been change in the role of supply managers in improving corporate performance. This is reflected in the research related to firms and entrepreneurial settings. The mechanism identified in previous research studies along with the entrepreneurial skills and role of supply management have been explored in this research study.

    pdf8p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 0 0   Download

  • Aim of study "Impact of organizational commitment for tourism supply chain management on organizational citizenship behaviour by mediation of psychological attachment and work alienation in Indonesian tourism industry" was to examine the impact of organizational commitment for tourism supply chain management (TSCM) on organizational citizenship behavior with mediation of work alienation and psychological attachment in employees working in tourism industry of Indonesia.

    pdf13p longtimenosee07 29-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, leadership and supply chain (information flow) management on employee green behavior through organizational culture as a mediator variable on the employees of PT. X in East Java. This research is a quantitative research type with a sample of 86 employees. By using Smart PLS as an analytical tool to examine the relationship between variables and mediation of organizational culture variable.

    pdf9p longtimenosee06 27-03-2024 2 2   Download

  • Part 1 book "Handbook of principles of organizational behavior" includes content: Select on intelligence, select on conscientiousness and emotional stability, structure interviews to recruit and hire the best people, design training systematically and follow the science of training, conduct performance appraisals to improve individual and firm performance, promote job satisfaction through mental challenge, control voluntary turnover by understanding its causes.

    pdf304p oursky01 24-07-2023 6 5   Download

  • Part 2 book "Handbook of principles of organizational behavior" includes content: Attain emotional control by understanding what emotions are, motivate employee performance through goal setting, cultivate self effi cacy for personal and organizational effectiveness, using empowerment to motivate people to engage in effective self and shared leadership, pay for performance, provide recognition for performance improvement.

    pdf379p oursky01 24-07-2023 10 5   Download

  • Ebook Entrepreneurship: The engine of growth ( Volume 3: Place), edited by Mark Rice and Tim Habbershon, examines place. In this volume and in the literature, place refers to a wide and diverse range of contextual factors that influence the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial process. We represent these contextual factors as a series of concentric circles ranging from environmental and global forces, to national and regional policies, industries and infrastructures, to cultural communities, families, and organizational forms.

    pdf356p haojiubujain02 03-07-2023 5 3   Download

  • Organizational behavior: Lecture 14 provide students with knowledge about: need theories of motivation; Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory; ERG theory by Alderfer; David McClelland’s theory of needs; equity restoration behaviors;... Please refer to this lesson for details!

    ppt58p hanlamcoman 26-11-2022 7 3   Download

  • The proposed model clearly explains the relationship between personal factors, including thriving at work, psychological capital, organizational factors presented by organizational climate, supervisor support and entrepreneurial orientation. The research also suggests a number of research directions in the future.

    pdf6p vipatriciawoertz 31-05-2022 14 3   Download

  • Using qualitative and quantitative methods, this study investigates impacts of organizational culture on employee engagement in Vietnamese enterprises. The research model is based on Recardo & Jolly (1997) and Zain (2009) by adding an aspect of "leadership behavior" as one component of organizational culture. With the survey sample of 267 employees working in different types of Vietnamese enterprises, the empirical results show that nine aspects of organizational culture have strongly positive impacts on employee engagement.

    pdf14p huyetthienthan 23-11-2021 15 2   Download

  • After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: What is perception and why is it important? What are the common perceptual distortions? What is the link between perception, attribution, and social learning? What is involved in learning by reinforcement?

    ppt35p koxih_kothogmih7 29-09-2020 8 0   Download

  • After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: What is leadership? What is followership? What do we know about leader-follower relationships? What do we mean by leadership as a collective process?

    ppt25p koxih_kothogmih7 29-09-2020 9 0   Download

  • The influx of behavioral scientists into business schools brought different perspectives, research tools, and ideas. Their impact was felt on organization design and job design. Personnel management evolved into human resource management. Organizational theory evolved from a number of factors, internal and external. Better theory, it was suggested, can be built by examining successful practice.

    ppt51p koxih_kothogmih7 29-09-2020 14 1   Download

  • After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: What is organizational politics? actions by political decision makers, increase in organizational politics, importance of organizational politics, organizational politics: conventional OB versus sustainable OB,...

    ppt24p koxih_kothogmih6 23-09-2020 17 1   Download

  • Chapter 5 - measuring results and behavior. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Creating competitive advantages. After reading this chapter, you should be able to: the importance of developing forecasts of the business environment; why environmental scanning, environmental monitoring, and collecting competitive intelligence are critical inputs to forecasting; why scenario planning is a useful technique for firms competing in industries characterized by unpredictability and change;...

    ppt39p koxih_kothogmih2 20-08-2020 10 1   Download

  • The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between servant leadership and organizational justice towards OCB. The study also evaluates the legitimacy of OCB in estimating emotional quotient and whether or not it is mediated by social exchange.

    pdf16p murielnguyen 25-06-2020 10 0   Download

  • This research explores the antecedence of the lecturer’s organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of the private higher education in Indonesia. This research used a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample of this research is 190 lecturers selected by purposive sampling. The data were obtained by spreading questionnaires and analyzing with path analysis based on supporting descriptive statistics and correlation.

    pdf6p tozontozon 25-04-2020 13 0   Download

  • Organizational knowledge is regarded as a key source of sustainable competitive advantages for organizations. Along with the development of information technology, organizations often find many ways to facilitate the online knowledge sharing process. However, the establishment of successful online knowledge sharing initiatives seems to be challenging to accomplish.

    pdf26p nguyenminhlong19 19-04-2020 18 0   Download

  • This research empirically investigates the impacts of three components of organizational culture (Decisiveness, Team orientation, Attention to detail) on service frontliners’ behaviors, represented by organizational commitment and customeroriented behavior (COB) in the airport services in Vietnam. It also estimates the effect of organizational commitment on COB of frontliners.

    pdf9p elandorr 03-12-2019 34 0   Download

  • The main objective of this study was to test the effects of two types of beliefs about knowledge sharing, i.e., individual and collective, on the intention and behavior of knowledge sharing. In addition, this study considered the moderating roles of organizational support and training among variables. Data were obtained from 1056 participants (55.7% women and 44.3% men), all of whom were knowledge workers. A model was constructed for the relationships between the variables.

    pdf16p kequaidan1 05-11-2019 21 0   Download

  • The study explores the case of express bus companies in Tay Ninh province, Vietnam. By using the structural equation model approach to analyze the data collected from 295 passengers, who have experience in using the express bus, the results reveal that service quality has a significantly positive relationship with both perceived value and corporate image. Specifically, customer satisfaction and organizational image also positively influence behavioral intention.

    pdf13p mat_vang1 14-01-2019 39 1   Download



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