Post harvest technology
The scope of research: Study on pre-process before preservation. Study on sea grape preservation by MAP method. Study on evaluating the quality by preservation time. Propose the pre-process and prservation of sea grapes by MAP method.
32p tunelove 11-06-2021 19 2 Download
Nowadays, people looking towards the agriculture as industrial point of view or as business, which cannot sustain without research and development and astute investments. In the past three decades, the role of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in agribusiness has increased enormously. Apart from investment in agricultural research, intellectual property rights (IPRs) have profound impact on technology development, and its transfer. There has been an increasing interest in the innovations of pre-harvest as well as post-harvest agriculture machinery.
8p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 24 3 Download
The fruit industry in Vietnam has a great potential and plays an important role in agricultural production. In 2003, Vietnam exported US$43 million of high value fruit to high-income countries and imported US$14 million of fruit and vegetables. Vietnam is experiencing difficulties in competing with other Asian nations in export markets and its own domestic market, especially with China and Thailand. This suggests that Vietnam’s horticultural industries require substantial development to be globally competitive. Vietnamese consumers are demanding safer and higher quality fruit.
61p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 84 10 Download
p 01-01-1970 Download
Reduced whole grain rice yield by cracking is one of the key issues directly reduced income and the availability of staple food for farmers in the Mekong Delta. Cracking or fissuring of the grain part may occur in the rice fields by not harvested on time / practice, improper post-harvest drying conditions and milling operations inappropriate. This project aims to improve the quality and value of Rice, through an integrated approach including farmers, millers and services providers and extension staff and educational institutions....
25p xinh_la 10-02-2012 72 7 Download
The experimental research of the authors from 2003-2006 on the following agricultural products: Watermelon, sugarcane, cassava, groundnuts, maize and rice. The results show that post-harvest losses of agricultural products is very high: Watermelon 6.6 - 12.6%, sugarcane 1:46 to 3:26%, Wu 8.88 - 1.18%, rice 8:36 to 12:25%, 17:02% 13:33 Lac, San slices of 13:27 to 17:49% cassava flour and 5:17 to 8:22%.
7p thulanh2 07-09-2011 92 7 Download
Công nghệ sau thu hoạch (postharvest technology)
18p vantrung_li 07-12-2010 176 67 Download