Structure of earth
The purpose of the thesis research: Synthesis of new complexes of platinum and rare-earth elements containing quinoline's derivatives that are resistant to cancer cells, high antimicrobial activity or good fluorescence.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 21 4 Download
Biological functions governed by the circadian clock are the evident result of the entrainment operated by the earth’s day and night cycle on living organisms. However, the circadian clock is not unique, and cells and organisms possess many other cyclic activities.
8p media19 06-03-2013 39 4 Download
Life grows almost everywhere on earth, including in extreme environments and under harsh conditions. Organisms adapted to high temperatures are called thermophiles (growth temperature 45–75C) and hyperthermophiles (growth temperature ‡80C). Proteins from such organisms usually show extreme thermal stability, despite having folded structures very similar to their mesostable counterparts.
11p media19 04-03-2013 52 3 Download
All life forms on earth require a continuous input and monitoring of car-bon and energy supplies. The AMP-activated kinase (AMPK)⁄sucrose non-fermenting1 (SNF1)⁄Snf1-related kinase1 (SnRK1) protein kinases are evolutionarily conserved metabolic sensors found in all eukaryotic organ-isms from simple unicellular fungi (yeast SNF1) to animals (AMPK) and plants (SnRK1).
13p cosis54 09-12-2012 46 4 Download