System parameter structure
A clear difference in the enthalpy changes derived from spectroscopic and calorimetric measurements has recently been shown. The exact interpretation of this deviation varied from study to study, but it was generally attributed to the non-two-state transition and heat capacity change. Although the temperature-dependent thermodynamics of the duplex formation was often implied, systemic and extensive studies have been lacking in universally assigning the appropriate thermodynamic parameter sets.
10p system191 01-06-2013 36 4 Download
The kinetics of the reversible thermal unfolding, irreversible thermal unfolding, and reductive unfolding processes of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) were investi-gated in NaCl/Pi solutions. Image parameters including Shannon entropy, Hamming distance, mutual information and correlation coefficient were used in the analysis of the CD and 1D NMR spectra. The irreversible thermal unfolding transition of RNase A was not a cooperative process, pretransitional structure changes occur before the main thermal denaturation....
9p tumor12 22-04-2013 43 4 Download
The glyoxalase pathway ofLeishmania infantumwas kinetically character-ized as a trypanothione-dependent system. Using time course analysis based on parameter fitting with a genetic algorithm, kinetic parameters were estimated for both enzymes, with trypanothione derived substrates. A Kmof 0.253 mmand aVof 0.21lmolÆmin )1 Æmg )1 for glyoxalase I, and a Kmof 0.098 mmand aVof 0.18lmolÆmin )1 Æmg )1 for glyoxalase II, were obtained.
11p awards 06-04-2013 46 2 Download
Experimental design has a long tradition in statistics, engineering and life sciences, dating back to the beginning of the last century when optimal designs for industrial and agricultural trials were considered. In cell biol-ogy, the use of mathematical modeling approaches raises new demands on experimental planning.
17p vinaphone15 27-02-2013 40 3 Download
Memory global static heap malloc( ) , new Stack non-static local variabled value parameters Buffer is a contiguously allocated chunk of memory Anytime we put more data into a data structure than it was designed for.
16p muathu_102 28-01-2013 73 4 Download