Teacher's notes
WAGE RETURNS FOR POST -SECONDARY EDUCATION: A COMPARISON FOR SELECTED PROGRAMS BY LEVELS OF EDUCATION AND INDUSTRY TYPE The potential effects of school choice programs depend critically on what characteristics parents value in schools. Hanushek, for example, notes that parents might not choose effective schools over others that are less effective but offer pleasant surroundings, athletic facilities, [and] cultural advantages, (1981, p. 34). To the extent that parents choose productive schools, market discipline can induce greater productivity from school administrators and teachers.
148p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 62 11 Download
earning is skill acquisition and increased fluency. A teacher is anyone who affects the environment so that others learn. (By this definition you don't even have to be alive to be a teacher!) These notes describe some building blocks for effective teaching. They do not deliberately target teaching children with autism but you will certainly see that focus.
17p namson94 20-07-2012 127 8 Download