The computer age
This purpose of this work was to investigate the patient radiation doses and image quality of a Philips/Agfa computed radiographic (CR) system and a Philips indirect-capture digital radiographic (DR) system in a paediatric setting. A CDRAD digital radiographic contrast-detail phantom was used to assess radiographic image quality. Perspex slabs of three different thicknesses (6, 11 and 16 cm) were used to simulate paediatric patients of three arbitrary ages.
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Complete this customer review from a website by typing in the words from the box. perform word processor online download digital built-in store personal monitor data 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful: 5 out of 5 stars: The best professional laptop on the market 12 Feb 2008 By nrobinson – See all my reviews I bought a new MacBook Pro last month, and I’ve been very happy with it so far.
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The death of Francis Crick, who succumbed to colon cancer on 28 July at the age of 88, does more than mark the end of one of the most distinguished, and influential, scientific careers of the last century. It also helps mark the end of an era: the remarkable era when biology was transformed from a descriptive, largely organism-based science into a molecular one. Now we are living through another period of transformation, as genomics allied with molecular biology changes the subject into one that is more quantitative, more dependent on computational and engineering tools -...
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If you are playing a saved game, it must be from the same version of Age of Empires you currently have installed. For example, you cannot save a game using version 1.0b, then revert to version 1.0 and play the game saved in version 1.0b.
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