The context for design
This research project explores the effectiveness of an auditory display prototype for the sonification of internet \(c{o_2}\) emissions to a small user group within their office context. To date, methods do not exist for the reporting of this information to users of personal computing while they perform simple internet enquiries. Underpinning the theoretical development of this project is a focus on auditory displays guided by the concept and forms of auditory displays, together with the auditory perception elements to be considered in their design.
122p runthenight05 01-03-2023 5 3 Download
The broad objective of research reported here was to develop a multi-publishing workflow for student atlases.
162p runthenight05 01-03-2023 5 3 Download
3D animation software is extensively used to create graphics for special effects sequences in live-action films, in animated feature film production and for the generation of computer games and virtual reality content. It is a commonly held view within the computer graphics community that 3D animation software is ―just another tool‖ for self-expression. This research questions that view by examining the inherent nature of the tool itself. In doing so, some of the philosophical assumptions embedded in the design of the new digital tool are revealed.
99p runthenight05 01-03-2023 6 2 Download
The ‘Ephemeral Laboratory’ seeks to create a methodology for myself and other practitioners working within the field of ephemeral architecture. It tests the proposition that a robust armature can be developed to act as a common methodological device in the design, curation and orchestration of a diverse range of temporal engagements with participants and other practitioners within a variety of public realms.
144p runthenight07 01-03-2023 6 3 Download
The aim of this research study "Exploring human resource management practices: an empirical study of the performing arts companies in Australia" is to explore HRM practices in the performing arts companies in Australia, using a qualitative research design and two phases of data collection. Firstly, interviews were conducted, with the overall objective to acquire richer data from key stakeholders on the perceived HRM practices in the performing arts sector, and the associated impact of the environment, for example, policy context and funding arrangements.
328p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
The thesis "Evaluating climate change mitigation and adaptation considerations in the Victorian planning system, Australia" is structured as follows: Chapter one: introduction; chapter two: climate change and the land use planning context: a review of literature; chapter three: policy and institutional framework for land use planning and climate change in Victoria; chapter four: research design; chapter five: assessing the state planning framework for awareness and analysis of climate change; chapter six: assessing local land-use implementation and action on climate change; chapter seven: c...
199p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 4 Download
Chapter 5 provides knowledge of creating and using meaning. Because we understand ourselves when we communicate intrapersonally, we assume that other people understand us the same way. Problems arise if we fail to realize that others interpret the world differently from us and that our meanings for things are not always shared.
16p nomoney2 10-02-2017 42 1 Download
In Vietnam, slaughter and preliminary processing of pork have not been developed. There are only 1 or 2 slaughtering systems in the whole country but the operation is not yet reached the design capacity. Most of porks are processed in small-scale facilities with poor hygienic condition. With this context, we designed a production chain for slaughter and semi-processing, including a machine for hair removing with a capacity of 60-100 porks/hour.
6p vanthang122141 07-05-2011 141 13 Download
Graphic Design for the 21st Century- P22: Covering a vast range of cutting-edge graphics, with politically charged anti-commercial work placed in the same context as Nike's latest ads, this book presents a sweeping look at today's most progressive graphic currents - from signage at packaging to branding and web design.
17p jupyter246 14-09-2010 110 15 Download
LINEAR SIGNAL CONDITIONING TO SIX-SIGMA CONFIDENCE INTRODUCTION Economic considerations are imposing increased accountability on the design of analog I/O systems to provide performance at the required accuracy for computerintegrated measurement and control instrumentation without the costs of overdesign. Within that context, this chapter provides the development of signal acquisition and conditioning circuits, and derives a unified method for representing and upgrading the quality of instrumentation signals between sensors and data-conversion systems....
20p huggoo 20-08-2010 87 6 Download
CONTINUOUS IMAGE MATHEMATICAL CHARACTERIZATION In the design and analysis of image processing systems, it is convenient and often necessary mathematically to characterize the image to be processed. There are two basic mathematical characterizations of interest: deterministic and statistical. In deterministic image representation, a mathematical image function is defined and point properties of the image are considered. For a statistical image representation, the image is specified by average properties.
19p doroxon 12-08-2010 84 16 Download