The early history
This thesis comprises an historical examination of the ‘Stay or Go’ policy of bushfire safety in Australia, with a particular focus on the state of Victoria, Australia. The bushfire management strategy practised in Victoria is unusual, in that public safety advice recommends residents take responsibility for deciding their response to a threatening fire. This approach is based on the belief that it is the most effective way to prevent losses.
312p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
Research purposes: The thesis was to develop intensive and systematic painting of the patriotic movement against the Frenchin Cochinchine period 1885-1918. On the basis, of an overview, the science nature and characteristics, the impacts of the movementfor the development of Cochinchine history in the early twentieth century.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 15 4 Download
Research purposes: The thesis builds measures to develop social skills to improve social skills for children aged 5-6 years with ASD, helps children confidently interact, communicate and have appropriate behaviors, and prepare for children entering grade One.
28p thebadguys 08-06-2021 13 2 Download
In order to further test the hypothesis, this paper will first present a history of globalization in China as well as research on income inequality before the creation of the Open Door Policy. Second, research will be conducted on the impact of globalization in China post Open Door Policy using multinationals as case studies. The research results will provide evidence that the process of globalization led by the economic reform has changed the Chinese economy outlook, and caused income inequality comparing to how it was before the economic reform.
26p fugu897 03-07-2019 36 2 Download
The case of homologous monomeric c-type and oligomeric b-type crystallins has been described and analyzed in evolutionary terms. Data and hypotheses from molecular genetics and structural investigations converge and suggest a novel three-phase model for the evolutionary history of crystallin-type proteins. In the divergent cascades of monomeric and oligomeric crystallins, a pivotal role was played by alterations in the gene segments encoding the C-terminal extensions and the intermotif or interdomain linker peptides.
9p system191 01-06-2013 41 4 Download
The identification of TUBBY-like genes in organisms ranging from single-celled to multicellular eukaryotes has allowed the phylogenetic history of this gene family to be traced back to the early evolutionary stages of eukaryote development.
9p media19 05-03-2013 28 1 Download
In an effort to shed more light on the early evolutionary history of the heavy-chain subunits of heteromeric amino acid transporters (hcHATs) rBAT and 4F2hc within the a-amylase family GH13, a bioinformatics study was undertaken.
14p vinaphone15 27-02-2013 29 2 Download
"Over increasingly large areas of the United States spring now comes unheralded by the return of birds, and the early mornings are strangely silent where once they were filled with the beauty of bird song." Rachael Carson, 1962, Silent Spring.
4p nguyenvanquan037 07-01-2011 72 12 Download
A personal look at the history of aqueous organometallic catalysis “Organometallic chemistry deals with moisture sensitive compounds therefore all manipulations should be carried out under strictly anhydrous conditions” – this was the rule of thumb ever since the preparation of the first organometallic compounds. Not as if there were no isolated examples of water-stable organometallics from the very beginning, in fact Zeise`s salt, was prepared as early as 1827. Nevertheless, it is true, that compounds having highly polarized M-C, M-H etc.
10p boyminsk 10-06-2010 116 6 Download