The old master
The key text chosen for this study is the contemporary American novel The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Whilst Sebold‟s first book Lucky was the autobiographical account of her own rape, The Lovely Bones is Sebold‟s first novel, and tells the fictional story of the rape and murder of fourteen year old Susie Salmon, in December 1973 on the eve of her high school career.
83p runthenight07 01-03-2023 4 3 Download
This qualitative study offers a significant contribution to addressing the increasing youth suicide rate in Australia, with suicide now the leading cause of death for young people aged 15 to 24 years old (AIHW, 2017, 2020b; Robinson et al., 2016). The research goal is to investigate what guides and shapes school social work practice in preventing and responding to suicidal students in Victorian secondary schools, and the implications for social work practice and education.
197p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 4 Download
The study aims to propose guidelines for teachers of English in DPA kindergartens in the implementation of experiential activities in English teaching for 5- 6 year – old kids.
99p beloveinhouse04 01-09-2021 18 4 Download
The first thing you’ll notice when you start using Office 2007 is the new and improved interface. There’s a lot of material in this book to get you up to speed on this. The interface is completely redesigned and contrary to what Microsoft implies, is going to take some time to master. There are no longer drop-down menus; instead, you select a tab at the top of the page, and the choices change underneath the tab depending on what you’ve selected. Some of the old standbys are hard to find though, like settings that were easily accessed in Office XP’s...
10p vongsuiphat 04-01-2010 112 13 Download