The state apparatus
Studying the models of Parliamentary Ombudsman institution in the world in order to describe its position in state's activities as well as clarify the advantages of this institution in the modern rule of law state. This research proposes to apply appropriately the Parliamentary Ombudsman model in Vietnam in order to improve the efficiency of the state apparatus in controlling power over public administrative agencies and promoting human rights and citizens' rights in the current period.
27p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 27 1 Download
Innovation in the field of state administration is essentially the development of best practices or applications of institutions, apparatus, governance, and public services to improve systems to provide added value.
13p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 16 3 Download
Research object are the organization and state management activities on ITI in Vietnam. The scope limited in the contents of state management on ITI systems, focusing on policies, strategies, planning, plans and programs; legal documents; inspection and examination to eliminate violations; organizing the state management apparatus on ITI in the field of manufacturing computer hardware and computer software.
30p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 46 4 Download