Understanding the code
This research thesis seeks to understand how governments, the legal system and the people responsible for construction can be encouraged to incorporate sustainable design in all building developments. Most important within this research is to question the lack of checks of ESD conducted from the planning permit through to the construction phase or on completion of a building.
160p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This chapter is an introduction to the application layer. In the next eight chapters we introduce common client-server applications used in the Internet. In this chapter, we give a general picture of how a client-server program is designed and give some simple codes of their implementation. The area of network programming is a very vast and complicated one; it cannot be covered in one chapter. We need to give a bird’s-eye view of this discipline to make the contents of the next eight chapters easier to understand.
20p tangtuy09 26-04-2016 56 4 Download
Project name "C# Coding convention" this document is specified for SWT’s developers who will attempt to a C# project development. The developers should read this specification for standardization coding style and understandable for other teammates. After all, it could make your project more standard and professional.
5p xaydungk23 30-12-2015 72 6 Download
Recent studies suggest that diverse types of intronic and small non-coding RNAs play pivotal regulatory roles, often as a part of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes, in a variety of cellular proces-ses such as transcription and translation. Thus, isolation and char-acterization of novel RNP complexes, such as micro RNPs, small nuclear RNPs, small nucleolar RNPs, and heteronuclear RNPs, are crucial to understand the biological systems.
20p galaxyss3 19-03-2013 44 2 Download
People begin programming before they understand the problem Everyone likes to feel that they’re making progress When the team starts to code as soon as the project begins, they see immediate gains When problems become more complex (as they always do!), the work gets bogged down In the best case, a team that begins programming too soon will end up writing good software that solves the wrong problem
15p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 75 8 Download
A combinatorial bijection between k-edge colored trees and colored Pr¨ufer codes for labelled trees is established. This bijection gives a simple combinatorial proof for the number k(n − 2)!nk−n n−2 of k-edge colored trees with n vertices.A k-edge colored tree is a labelled tree whose edges are colored from a set of k colors such that any two edges with a common vertex have different colors
7p thulanh5 12-09-2011 84 7 Download
Whereas current building codes legally apply to seismic design of tall buildings, their prescriptive provisions do not adequately address many critical aspects. Performance-based engineering provides a desirable alternative.
19p tranduyphung 24-08-2011 194 17 Download
We know that you all know the benefits of thorough, accurate, and understandable documentation. There may be some of you out there who wish that documentation wasn’t an integral part of a programmer’s job. There may be others of you who are thrilled to write documentation, to exercise a different part of your brain, to help your fellow programmers, to capture (hey you, in the back, stop laughing!) your company’s technical assets.
19p dmptit 04-11-2010 132 9 Download
The Developer exam is challenging. There are a lot of complex design issues to consider, and a host of advanced Java technologies to understand and implement correctly. The exam assessors work under very strict guidelines. You can create the most brilliant application ever to grace a JVM, but if you don’t cross your t’s and dot your i’s the assessors have no choice but to deduct crucial (and sometimes substantial) points from your project.
14p dmptit 04-11-2010 119 11 Download
OK, so now you know everything about the language. But can you actually build something in it? You’ll hear that argument from some who’ve never taken (or passed) the programmer’s exam. Obviously, they don’t understand how darn difficult the programmer’s exam actually is, but nonetheless there is something to the claim that, “just because you know how the compiler and VM work does not mean you can develop software.” The Developer exam, which is unique in the IT exam world, lets you answer that question (most often posed by a prospective employer)....
15p dmptit 04-11-2010 106 9 Download
Data and the Binary Code System ‘Data’, a plural noun, the term used to describe information which is storedand processed by is in computers. It is essential to know how such data are represented electronically before we can begin to understand how it can be communicated between computers, communication devices (e.g. facsimile machines) other data storage or devices. As a necessary introduction to the concept of ‘digital’ transmission, this chapter is devoted to a description of tha method of representing textual and numeric information which is called the ‘binary code’. ...
11p huggoo 20-08-2010 104 6 Download
Understanding Outlook's VBA Programming and VBA scares a lot of people off. It's really not hard and many code samples are available on the Internet for you to use
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 91 6 Download
[ Team LiB ] Understanding Outlook's VBA Programming and VBA scares a lot of people off. It's really not hard and many code samples are available on the Internet for you to use, so you don't even have to know how to program. But if you're unsure of whether you're ready for this, put it down, get yourself an introductory Visual Basic programming book, and come back to this hour when you feel you're ready. Typing code samples from books isn't a favorite hobby of mine, even for short code snippets. It's too easy to make a typing error and...
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 118 10 Download