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A study on personality traits of architects which influences their job performance

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The survey was conducted based on a structured questionnaire distributed among 115 architects from whom 84 responses were received. The statistical analysis was conducted by SPSS using Descriptive Statistics followed by correlation methods.

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  1. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM) ISSN 0976-6502 (Print) ISSN 0976-6510 (Online) A STUDY IJM Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 431-436 ©IAEME Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) A STUDY ON PERSONALITY TRAITS OF ARCHITECTS WHICH INFLUENCES THEIR JOB PERFORMANCE L. Saikala Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli A. Selvarani Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Jamal Institute of Management, Tiruchirapalli ABSTRACT In building industry the role of Architects and other related professionals are of great significance which results in economic prosperity and uplift of the society overall. One of the prominent trends in business organizations especially in the construction field today is the attention placed on individual personality traits as a means of predicting job performance. As such this study investigates the impact of personality traits of construction professionals such as Architects and Designers. The various measures considered here are Knowledge, Responsibility and Reliability which has direct impact on the overall performance. It also investigates the technical ability along with the cognitive skills and creativity to establish them in their profession long run. The survey was conducted based on a structured questionnaire distributed among 115 architects from whom 84 responses were received. The statistical analysis was conducted by SPSS using Descriptive Statistics followed by correlation methods. The results shows that the most significant personality traits to perform better jobs are responsibility, reliability and to some extent the degree of diligence. It further suggests that technical ability and creativity are the inbound correlated cognitive abilities for long stand in association with knowledge gained. Key words: Personality traits, Architects, Cognitive abilities, Job Performance, Construction Industry Cite this Article: L. Saikala and A. Selvarani. A Study on Personality Traits of Architects which Influences their Job Performance. International Journal of Management, 7(2), 2016, pp. 431-436. 1. INTRODUCTION The characteristics of one’s personality have been demonstrated in numerous research studies to be the factors impacting the job performance (Kichuk and Wiesner, 1997; Tett 1991). Furthermore this personality acknowledged to hold potential of optimal performance (Franklin, 1995). This research holds that the contribution of personality traits of architects will be the significant variables impacting the outcome of the projects and ultimately overall job performance. As we move into a more technically mechanized and fast paced area in the construction industry the role of architects driven by 431 L. Saikala and A. Selvarani, “A Study on Personality Traits of Architects which Influences their Job Performance” – (ICAM 2016)
  2. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 431-436 © IAEME Publication the attitude and functions of the personality will become a critical concern. This current paper highlights the characteristics of Architects to perform high in their field. A survey recorded the professional data of responding architects and their assessment patterns. The main aim of the research is to rank the attributes along with knowledge and also to test the hypothesis that the personal traits influence job performance. It further identifies the correlated cognitive abilities which influence the professionals to stand in their jobs for long run. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Development of all mankind societies has caused critical complex problems for them in the current world. The management in the social life is regarded as an important factor which is in need of qualitative development and special controls. According to the Architects Registration Council (ARC), Architects must possess and exude their knowledge and skills that effectively perform the design requirements in order to compete in their field. Generally Architects provide objective expert advice to clients by applying cognitive ability, job knowledge, task proficiency, experience, conscientiousness, social skill to offer best of their professional service. (Ling, 2003). Many professional and regulatory bodies in architectural practice continue to set out and emphasize the benchmark standards competencies against which professional practicing architects should acquire, maintain and ensure continuous development towards higher standard practice (Royal Institute of British Architects,(RIBA); Ghana Institute of Architects (GIA); Architects Accreditation council of Australia(AACA); Commonwealth Association of Architects(CAA); American Institute of Architects(AIA)). It is asserted that competency is context-bound, visible, and changeable and must be connected to task activities and require learning and development process (Biemans et al., 2004). From the notable professional regulatory bodies in Architecture, design and management competencies remain the man tenets of professional competencies required for architectural practice to engender the needed performance to meet client expectations and delivery success (AACA, 2008; RIBA, 2013). The design and management skills in professional practice are thus considered critical for the competent architect to meet client goals (Cheug et al., 2002). The design competencies refer to the skills and knowledge applied in the design process to evolve a design product that meets both regulatory requirements and technical soundness. Management competencies on other hand include the managerial concepts, skills and proficient knowledge necessary to successfully manage, control, monitor, evaluate and deliver the product from the design. Given that architects professional competencies relate to performance outcomes that delivers superior job performance to meet client needs. Knowledge and Skills Design competencies Professi onal Job Client compet Performance Satisfaction encies Management Competencies Study Model of Relationship between Professional Competencies and Job Performance There are different theories about the personality traits by different scholars; however they all believe that these traits contribute the fundamental basis. (Judge, T.A., Bono et al. (2002)). 432 L. Saikala and A. Selvarani, “A Study on Personality Traits of Architects which Influences their Job Performance” – (ICAM 2016)
  3. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 431-436 © IAEME Publication Generic Professional Characteristics Mental Agility Enterprise Interpersonal Capabilities Lateral thinking ability Initiative Perception Creativity Resourcefulness Leadership skills Judgement Motivation Team working skills Intelligence Confidence People orientation Flexibility Energy Decisiveness Practicality Willingness Extroversion Ability to work Take Challenges Environmental Economic The characteristics of one’s personality have been demonstrated have been demonstrated in numerous research studies to be factors impacting job performance (Kichuk and Wiesner, 1997; Tett 1991). Psychometric instruments have been designed to provide trait profile of people's personalities. The major grouping of personality traits have been referred to as the Big Five Personality factors (McCrae and Costa 1987). These factors can be measured and used to provide an indication of how an individual will react in certain situations faced with a particular challenge or task. This research undertaken in this study is to use personality testing against critical project success factors to evaluate the Architects job performance. The following strategies can be taken into consideration for building a career model that would facilitate motivating and retaining performance testers by making their jobs more interesting and exciting. 5 1 2 3 4 Induce an Define Build an innovation culture clear Focus beyond apt in person and Make more career the ‘tool’ team with the team challenging and paths rewarding work nature A Career model for Best Job Performance 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS This research aims that the personality traits of Architects are the roots for their successful job performance. Data was collected structured questionnaire. The respondents were required to assign scores to the personality traits and cognitive skills so as to make evident which is most significance for the architects. The required knowledge was also ranked using the same approach. Data was processed with SPSS and correlation analysis in order to draw conclusion. The results based on the survey concerning the cognitive abilities and personality characteristics of the architects are presented in the Table 1. The corresponding body of knowledge is presented in the Table 2. 433 L. Saikala and A. Selvarani, “A Study on Personality Traits of Architects which Influences their Job Performance” – (ICAM 2016)
  4. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 431-436 © IAEME Publication Table 1 Ranked List of Personality Traits and Mean Score Order of Mean Score significa Personality Traits 1 2 3 4 5 nce 1 Responsibility 0 0,6 5,7 21,9 31,8 949 2 Reliability 0 2,4 8,4 35 42,4 937 3 Diligent 1,8 0,7 11,4 12,8 30,7 912 4 Hardworking 1,3 1,4 16,3 31,4 31,6 909 5 Team spirit 1,9 2,9 2,8 27,7 29,3 871 6 Creativity 0,8 4,7 5,7 21,8 31,4 869 7 Social Perception 2,4 6,6 17,6 32,4 29,3 843 8 Methodology 2,7 12,8 21,7 39,8 18,4 827 9 Analytic Thinking 3,8 13,1 21,9 41,5 18,3 8,18 10 Aesthetic Sense 8,5 13,4 32,3 43,6 12,5 804 11 Dominating 4,1 14,5 32,7 45,9 10,5 720 12 Instructiveness 10,8 15,7 33,6 45,6 9,3 761 13 Originality 11,4 15,8 35,8 50 9,1 744 14 Decisiveness 11,8 31 39,3 51,8 8,3 701 Table 2 Ranked list of Body of Knowledge and Mean Score Order of Knowledge Of 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Score significance 1 Construction Process 0 0,3 4,2 16,4 61,7 712 2 Regulations 2,1 7,3 9,4 21,7 691 3 Legislation 1,4 2,8 12 32,9 4,8 607 4 Materials 1,3 7,5 13,9 37,4 9 572 5 Scheduling 5,3 10,6 26,8 27 528 6 Modern Equipments 18,4 12,8 31,7 25,6 503 7 Economics 11,5 16,7 30,1 15,6 441 Through descriptive statistics, cross tabs were selected and the data was categorized. The results present the associations and related scores among each category. The correlation study using Pearson correlation method identified correlation among various factors is tabulated in Table 3. Table 3 Identified Correlations Age Gender Years of Experience Attributes 24-35 36-49 50-60 Male Female 1-7 15-20 Creativity 4 5 4 6 9 4 Instructiveness 3 3 5 3 Typicality 2 2 3 Communicative 3 2 2 4 skills Collaborative 4 3 Methodicalness 2 3 2 The mostly correlated attributes are Instructiveness, Creativity, Communicative skills and the least correlated attributes include collaborative methodicalness and typicality. With no. Of other characteristics which are classified into personality attributes correlations and knowledge attribute correlation are shown in figures 1 & 2 434 L. Saikala and A. Selvarani, “A Study on Personality Traits of Architects which Influences their Job Performance” – (ICAM 2016)
  5. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 431-436 © IAEME Publication Aesthetic Sense Instructiveness Dominating Methodology Analytic thinking Social perception Team spirit Hardworking Creativity Originality Diligent Reliablity Responsibility 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 1 Number of Correlations per Personality Attitude Economics Modern Equipments Materials Scheduling Legislation Construction Process Regulations 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 2 Numbers of Correlations per Knowledge Attitude 4. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK The results of the current research show that there is a positive relationship between personality traits and job performance. As far as knowledge is concerned it could be with the experience with great efficiency. Furthermore there seems to exist a consistency among results of various groups such as experience and age which would normally be anticipated. The furthermore work control focus on psychometric tests and cognitive abilities with reference to personality characteristics. It could also be extended to various levels of personalities along with different age groups. 435 L. Saikala and A. Selvarani, “A Study on Personality Traits of Architects which Influences their Job Performance” – (ICAM 2016)
  6. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 431-436 © IAEME Publication BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] AACA.C (2208). The National Competency Standards in Architecture. [2] Cheug, F.K.T; Kuen, J.L.F, & Skitmore, M. (2002) Multi-Criteria evaluation model for the selection of architectural consultants. Construction Management and Economics, 20(7), 369-580. [3] Judge, T.A. Bono, J.E., Ilies, R., and Gerhardt, M. (2002). Personality and leadership: A Qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 765-780. [4] Kichuk,Susan L. and Wiesner , Willi H. (1997); “The Big Five Personality Factors and Tem Performance;” ‘Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol 14, 195- 221, 1997. [5] Ling Y.Y.(2003). A Conceptual model for the selection of Architects by project managers in Singapore. International Journal of Project Management, 21, 135-144. [6] RIBA: Plan of Work (2013). Consultation Document. Retrieved Dec 6, 2013. [7] Tett, Robert P.,Jackson,Douglas N. and Rothsein; Mitchell, (1991) “Personality Measures as Predictors of Job Performnce; A Meta-Analytic Review, ‘Personal Psychology, Vol. 44, 703-739, 1991. 436 L. Saikala and A. Selvarani, “A Study on Personality Traits of Architects which Influences their Job Performance” – (ICAM 2016)



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