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Analysis of the socio-psychological climate in the work collective

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The article discusses the requirements for the level of psychological involvement of an individual in his labor activity and the complication of people's mental activity, the constant growth of their personal claims.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 465-475, Article ID: IJM_11_05_044 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.5.2020.044 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL CLIMATE IN THE WORK COLLECTIVE Smirnova Zh. Venediktovna Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation Bystrova N. Vasilievna Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation Golubeva O. Vladislavovna Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation Lebedeva T. Evgenievna Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation Kaznacheeva S. Nikolaevna Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation ABSTRACT The article discusses the requirements for the level of psychological involvement of an individual in his labor activity and the complication of people's mental activity, the constant growth of their personal claims. A study of the theoretical aspects of the concepts of socio-psychological climate. The features of the socio-psychological climate at the enterprise are considered. The problems of the socio-psychological climate in the organization under study are identified and suggest ways to solve them. Key words: Socio-psychological climate, Research, Motivation, Staff Cite this Article: Smirnova Zh. Venediktovna, Bystrova N. Vasilievna, Golubeva O. Vladislavovna, Lebedeva T. Evgenievna and Kaznacheeva S. Nikolaevna, Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Climate in the Work Collective. International Journal of Management, 11 (5), 2020, pp. 465-475. 1. INTRODUCTION In the conditions of the modern scientific and technological revolution, interest in the phenomenon of the socio-psychological climate of the team is constantly growing. The relevance of this problem is dictated, first of all, by increased requirements for the level of psychological involvement of the individual in his labor activity and the complication of 465
  2. Smirnova Zh. Venediktovna, Bystrova N. Vasilievna, Golubeva O. Vladislavovna, Lebedeva T. Evgenievna and Kaznacheeva S. Nikolaevna people's mental activity, and the constant growth of their personal claims. Improving the socio-psychological climate of the team is the task of deploying the social and psychological potential of society and the individual, creating the most full-blooded way of life of people. The formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate of the labor collective is one of the most important conditions for the struggle for the growth of labor productivity and the quality of products. At the same time, the socio-psychological climate is an indicator of the level of social development of the team and its psychological reserves, capable of more complete implementation. And this, in turn, is associated with the prospect of an increase in social factors in the structure of production, with the improvement of both organization and working conditions. Many acute problems of the collective socio-psychological climate are inextricably linked with the progress of modern scientific, technical and social progress, with its conflicting, social and socio-psychological trends and consequences. Not only in sociology, but also in psychology, the point of view has been established, according to which the main structure of the generative socio-psychological climate is mood. We refer, in particular, to the statement of the famous Soviet psychologist K.K. Platonov, according to whom the socio-psychological climate (as a property of a group) is one (albeit the most important) of the components of the internal structure of the group, is determined by interpersonal relations in it, creating persistent moods of the group, on which the degree of activity in achieving goals depends. The aim of this study is to analyze the socio-psychological climate in the team. 2. THERORETICAL BACKGROUND The state of the labor market requires constant staff mobility, a high level of education and a willingness to work in new conditions. The labor collective is a social community in which people provide mutual support to each other in achieving common goals and bear collective responsibility for their achievement. The number of people in a team can be different, it largely depends on the size of the enterprise itself [1]. The team is one of the types of a small group (see Fig. 1). Small groups can be different in size, in the nature and structure of relations existing between their members, in individual composition, characteristics of values, norms and rules of relationships shared by participants, interpersonal relations, goals and content of activities. The quantitative composition of the group is called its size, the individual - the composition. The structure of interpersonal communication, or the exchange of business and personal information, is called communication channels, the moral and emotional tone of interpersonal relations - the psychological climate of the group. The general rules of conduct followed by group members are called group norms. All of these characteristics are the main parameters by which small groups are distinguished, divided and studied. Among highly developed small groups, collectives stand out. The psychology of a developed collective is characterized by the fact that the activity for which it was created and which it practices in practice is undoubtedly of positive significance for very many people, not only for members of the collective. In a collective, interpersonal relations are based on mutual trust of people, openness, honesty, decency, mutual respect, etc [3]. Joint, collective labor is not just the sum of the individual efforts of a number of people. He became more productive, successful, allowed each member of the team to apply all his knowledge and skills, to gain the best work experience. The large social division of labor and specialization created the conditions for industrial cooperation. With the development of 466
  3. Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Climate in the Work Collective productive forces, the process of improving collective labor and the formation of stable labor collectives in factories was simultaneously going on. The basis of any production of material goods and services has become the labor collective. To date, there are three methods of personnel management in the organization (table. 1). Table 1 HR management system in the organization Paradigm System 1 System 2 System 3 economic Organizational Humanistic Administrative Social Human role production organization resource main subject of factor the organization Man's place element of formal element element of social member of the the labor organization organization - process family Management use of labor personnel human resource human control function resources Management management Content Organization Partial Integrated Human self Management of labor and management of Resource management salaries the human life Management cycle Subdivision Human personnel human resources whole Resources service management organization Department Main lever the salary authority and motivation organizational responsibility culture Stimulation payment of principle of quality of working merit working life hours Theoretical economic bureaucratic post bureaucratic social basis theory of theory of theory of psychology and taylorism organizations organizations philosophy of japanese management Training primary training and development workplace training continuing manager training education Modern mass medium and medium and large small business, application production, large firms of firms in high-tech basic science examples routine ordinary industries technology industries But this does not mean that individual labor has disappeared. A number of specialties and professions have survived, where not only individual labor is possible, but appropriate. People of free professions work individually, but they can also be united in any creative unions, associations, etc. [4]. The formed labor collective, like any living organism, goes through several stages in its development: the first corresponds to infancy and adolescence; the second - to the period of effective work and adulthood; third, weakening of potential, aging and, ultimately, either elimination or renewal. American researchers identify five or more stages of collective maturity: grinding, melee, experimentation, efficiency, maturity, etc. (see Fig. 1). 467
  4. Smirnova Zh. Venediktovna, Bystrova N. Vasilievna, Golubeva O. Vladislavovna, Lebedeva T. Evgenievna and Kaznacheeva S. Nikolaevna Figure 1 Five main stages of the development of the labor collective The first stage, which can be called the period of the formation of the team, is characterized at first by external calm, deliberate efficiency and at the same time hidden tension, careful study by the employees of each other, trying to hide their feelings and suppress emotions [5]. With a happy combination of circumstances, people gradually realize that they will have to work together. The search for consent, opportunities for improving relationships and a more conscious attitude to work begins. The second stage of the life of the work collective is called the period of maturity. As a rule, it takes a long time. Sometimes people work in such groups for several years, and sometimes it happens throughout their working life. Traditions, customs, norms of behavior, habits, and their own psychological climate are formed in such labor collectives. A high level of labor productivity is achieved, all the advantages of collective labor are developing. The third stage of the collective’s life can be both quite long and very short. This is almost always a period of anxiety, anxiety, and sometimes personal tragedy, the destruction of hopes and the search for ways to revive the team, or its transformation, or liquidation [6]. For the manager, the team is the main support in his work. After all, a team can potentially achieve more than each of its members in total. In addition, as a rule, people in a team are less prone to stress, but they develop more ideas and better solve large interdisciplinary problems. A special spirit of competition always arises in the team, which pulls up laggards and significantly increases the overall efficiency of work Despite this, teams often fail to use even a small part of their potential. Usually you have to observe that the interaction in the team is lifeless, aimed at protection, does not bring satisfaction, is confused and inefficient. However, teamwork can open up huge new opportunities. The team was once called "the most powerful weapon known to man." [7]. So, a team is a highly developed small group of people, the relations in which are built on positive moral standards, and has increased efficiency in work, which manifests itself in the form of an overly additive effect. The effectiveness of the team largely depends on its socio-psychological climate 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION An essential element in the general concept of the socio-psychological climate is the characteristic of its structure. This involves the calculation of the main components within the framework of the phenomenon under consideration for some unified basis, in particular for the category of relationship. Then, in the structure of the socio-psychological climate, it becomes apparent that there are two main divisions people's relations to work and their relations to each other (see Fig. 2). 468
  5. Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Climate in the Work Collective Figure 2 Structure of the socio-psychological climate We examine the example of one of the large companies involved in medical services, the socio-psychological climate in the team. Employees of the organization are friendly, exchange personal information, that is, trust each other, as often come to the aid of each other, if they need it. Depending on the mood of each employee, the tone in the organization's team can be both cheerful and cheerful, also passive and depressed. It all depends on external media and sources [9]. Also, some employees were disliked by each other, which means that the degree of conflict in the team increases. There is some rivalry between individual groups of workers, for example, administrators of the first and second shift. There is general discontent because of the promotion of the deputy general director to the acting general director, while leaving another person on maternity leave. Most, namely almost all employees have a negative attitude towards this person, most of the employees had conflicts with him more than once. Due to this increase, some workers have conflicts with the owner of the organization. According to the results of the observation included in the natural working conditions of the organization’s labor collective, it can be noted that a tense situation has been revealed between the whole team and the leader with whom conflicts are being created. In general, the team itself is friendly and aimed at a common cause, namely, increasing the productivity of the entire enterprise. For further research, the four main components of the socio-psychological climate of the organization that need to be oriented are identified. Conflict resistance is one of the most important characteristics of the socio-psychological climate. So the ability to confront conflicts is an important aspect in achieving a favorable climate. The next aspect is general satisfaction with work, which shows the integral degree of satisfaction of the whole team. General satisfaction also includes such characteristics as interest in work, satisfaction with achievements in work, satisfaction with relationships with employees and management, level of aspirations in professional activity, satisfaction with working conditions, professional responsibility. All these indicators are part of the socio- psychological climate [10]. 469
  6. Smirnova Zh. Venediktovna, Bystrova N. Vasilievna, Golubeva O. Vladislavovna, Lebedeva T. Evgenievna and Kaznacheeva S. Nikolaevna To check the socio-psychological climate of employees, the following methods were applied:  observation method (included observation in vivo);  testing method. Based on the test results, we compose the following graph (see Fig. 3). 7 Average favorable 27 53 Minor favors High auspiciousness Favorable 13 Figure 3 Climate Assessment in the Team Judging by the data obtained from Fig. 3, we can conclude that:  53% (17 out of 31 people surveyed) consider their psychological climate to be average favorable;  27% (8 out of 31 respondents) rate the psychological climate in terms of high favorable conditions;  13% (4 of the 31 people surveyed) replied that their psychological climate was negligible;  7% (2 of 31 respondents) rate their psychological climate as unfavorable. An unfavorable psychological climate was called by two new employees who have not yet undergone adapt ation. According to the results of the study, the team shows that the team itself evaluates the psychological climate as moderately favorable, while workers have a pronounced level of conflict [8]. Also, the person of the organization has an average level of satisfaction with work, and, in turn, a low level of development of the industrial climate. Management needs to apply a number of measures to improve the socio-psychological climate. Namely, to develop measures to improve the negative factors of the socio- psychological climate. The next step was to identify a number of interconnections that both favorably and adversely affect the development of the socio-psychological climate, as well as the organization as a whole. In order to prevent the development of negative correlations, it is necessary to introduce some recommendations for improving the socio-psychological climate. The obtained positive correlations suggest that the mutual influence of existing factors of the socio-psychological climate positively affects the collective climate and the work of the organization’s employees [12]. Improving the socio-psychological climate will only give a noticeable result when it is implemented systemically. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a project to improve the socio-psychological climate, taking into account the following factors: 470
  7. Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Climate in the Work Collective  conflict tolerance,  job satisfaction,  production climate. We also applied the method of included observation. We interviewed fifteen (15) people of the Enterprise. The observation results are shown in table 2. Table 2 The results of the methodology Employee Personal and Behavioral Features number 1 Calm, good-natured, sociable, open-minded, employee 2 Secretive, assertive, prone to conflict behavior, sociable, 3 A little fussy, sociable, cheerful, with a good sense of humor, good-natured 4 Secretive, unsociable, stubborn, prone to conflict behavior, knows his job well 5 Support conversation on any topic, inquisitive, open, easy to communicate 6 Sociable, always finds a compromise, "Myself", evades conflicts 7 Shy, unsure, trying to please everyone, soft-skinned 8 Calm, soft, friendly, sociable 9 Uncommunicative, violent, conflict prone 10 Sociable, fussy, conflict-free, good-natured 11 Verbose, cheerful, prone to provocation in conflict situations, a little annoying 12 Hot-tempered, not patient, conflicting, sociable 13 Shy, wary in communication, conflict-free, speaks absolutely essentially 14 Speaks with sarcasm, cheeky, prone to conflicts, inappropriate jokes 15 Calm, quiet, conflict-free, good-natured The above data in table 2 tells us the following: 6 employees are prone to conflicts and the creation of such situations. Of these, 2 employees are assertive in communication, sharpness. Although they are also quite sociable, they often create conflict situations. Another 2 employees are also sociable, but they can also be described as verbose, untied, those who are inappropriate joking and generally not pleasant in communication - this of course is the reason for the creation of conflicts in the social group. They are distinguished by secrecy, lack of sociability, obstinacy [13]. Based on the obtained data, we will compose a diagram that clearly reflects the types of employees in the conflict group (see Fig. 4) 34 33 Uncommunicative, hidden, stubborn Cheeky, verbose 33 Sharp, pushy, sociable Figure 4 Type of conflicting people 471
  8. Smirnova Zh. Venediktovna, Bystrova N. Vasilievna, Golubeva O. Vladislavovna, Lebedeva T. Evgenievna and Kaznacheeva S. Nikolaevna Below is a description of those employees who are conflict-free. This group consists of 9 employees. Among these employees, there are 4 people who are distinguished by their talkativeness, good nature, cheerful disposition, and openness. There are also 3 employees who are distinguished by poise, calm, friendliness. Finally, 2 people are not self-confident, shy, seeking to please everyone (see Fig. 5). 22 45 Shy, unsure Calm, balanced 33 Cheerful, chatty, good-natured Figure 5 Types of Conflict-Free People We can conclude that according to the results of the observation in the surveyed group, 40 percent of employees are prone to conflict situations, and 60 percent are conflict-free employees in communication. The next stage of our research is the psychological testing of employees [14]. The objectives of this testing are:  determine the level of communicative self-control;  identify the level of sociability;  determine the style of conflict behavior. After the study, we can conclude that the indicators that we obtained indicate that 4 employees have a high level of sociability - these people everywhere feel “like a fish in water,” but not every time they finish everything to the end. It is also worth noting that 7 employees have a median level of sociability. They can be described as talkative, curious, but not very assiduous people. When they encounter serious problems, they lack patience. In conclusion, it is worth noting that 4 employees are characterized by a low level of sociability. These people are closed and prefer loneliness to communication. The data are illustrated in fig. 6. 27 27 Low level Middle level 46 High level Figure 6 The level of sociability in the group of employees of the organization According to the results of an empirical study, it can be concluded that the largest part of the enterprise’s employees, namely 7 people, has a high level of communicative control. It is easy for them to enter any role, they can respond flexibly to various changes in the team, they also tend to predict the impression that they can make on other people [15]. 472
  9. Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Climate in the Work Collective It should be noted that in general, the analyzed 15 people are characterized by a very average level of communication, a fairly high level of communicative self-control, as well as a compromise in a conflict situation. The final stage of the survey was the interview. Its purpose is to identify the causes of conflicts and conflict situations, as well as the search for solutions to overcome them at the enterprise. Here are the interview questions: 1. Have you had any conflicts with the employees with whom you work? 2. Have you had any conflicts with customers? 3. Have you had any conflicts with your bosses? 4. Can you explain the causes of the conflicts? 5. What was the nature of the conflict? 6. How were your conflicts resolved? 7. Can you describe ways to resolve these situations that seem most optimal to you? 8. How do you think should prevent conflicts in the organization? The data obtained from the conducted interview tell us that 40 percent of conflicts and situations in the organization arise due to the usual communication processes - conversations at work, 35 percent - with the bosses and 25 percent - in communication with the population (see Fig. 7). Figure 7 Conflict Interview Results Thus, in the second chapter, we can draw the following conclusions. The initial step in our analysis was to elucidate behavioral and personal abilities by applying methods of observing opinions about each respondent. We also applied the included observation method. We interviewed fifteen (15) people in the enterprise. [16]. In the process of work, a huge number of disagreements appear among employees every day, which become conflicts afterwards. They can be characterized as short-term or protracted. 4. CONCLUSION The results of the observation showed that in the group of 40% of employees are able to create conflict situations and 60% are conflict-free in communication. According to the results of psychological testing, in general, the group is characterized by an average level of sociability, high communicative self-control and a search for cooperation in a conflict situation. However, rivalry in the conflict is typical for 20% of employees, and 33.3% of people prefer to avoid conflicts. 473
  10. Smirnova Zh. Venediktovna, Bystrova N. Vasilievna, Golubeva O. Vladislavovna, Lebedeva T. Evgenievna and Kaznacheeva S. Nikolaevna In the process of the study, we also determined the basic conditions for overcoming conflict situations in the communication of employees in the labor collective, with the head of the enterprise, with clients - to adhere to moral standards and ethics in communication; timely fulfill obligations to customers, cooperate, find a compromise; It’s good to know your weaknesses so that in difficult situations you don’t break; do not succumb to emotional provocations; Do not take other people's problems on yourself (in most cases these are personal problems of a “difficult” person); always maintain confidence and calm, friendly tone. Based on the results of the study, practical recommendations were given by the head of the organization. The main tasks, which in resolving conflict situations should be the careful selection of personnel when hiring; corrective work with conflicting people, if these people are of value to the organization. The implementation of these measures will allow you to resolve the conflict in the organization, it will also allow you to get a number of other long-term advantages, namely:  the emergence of an atmosphere of trust;  increasing employee motivation;  development of corporate culture in the organization;  improvement of working conditions;  increase the sustainability of the image of the organization. As the evaluation of the effectiveness of the project to attract the work of a specialized psychologist showed, these measures will be most effective if they are led by a specialist: staff turnover will decrease by 6.3%, and the level of conflict situations will also decrease. REFERENCES [1] Garin A.P., Zaitseva S.A., Smirnova Z.V., Potashnik Y.S., Artashina I.A., (2020), Research of the tools of influence on the behavior of market subjects. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 91. pp. 156-162. 030-32015-7_19 [2] Gruzdeva M.L., Smirnova Z.V., Chelnokova E.A., Cherney O.T., Chaikina Z.V., (2020), Technology of secure remote voting via the internet. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 91, pp. 275-281. 7_31 [3] Smirnova Z.V., Mukhina M.V., Katkova O.V., Gruzdeva M.L., Chernei O.T., (2020), Network interaction as a factor of professional qualities ’development of service workers. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 87, pp. 698-704. [4] Smirnova Z. V., Vaganova O. I., Gruzdeva M. L., Golubeva O. V., Kutepov M. M., (2020), Social and economic efficiency and quality of providing services to the population in the form of service activities. Collected: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future Perspectives. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Luxembourg, pp. 1029-1039. [5] Smirnova Z.V., Vaganova O.I., Vinnikova I.S., Lapshova A.V., Golubeva O.V., (2020), Modern multimedia didactic tools of interactive training. In the collection: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future Perspectives. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Luxembourg,. pp. 485- 491. 474
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