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Bài giảng Sức khỏe toàn cầu và giới tính

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Bài giảng Sức khỏe toàn cầu và giới tính trình bày các nội dung chính sau: Giới và sức khỏe toàn cầu, nguyên nhân tử vong hàng đầu ở phụ nữ 2001, sự khác biệt nguy cơ thụ đắc về mặt sinh học,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm nội dung chi tiết.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Sức khỏe toàn cầu và giới tính

  1. Sức Khỏe Toàn Cầu và Giới Tính Global Health and Gender GS TS Lê Hoàng Ninh
  2. Giới và sức khỏe toàn cầu • Women Gender and 10/90 Gap • HIV/AIDS and Women • Maternal and Reproductive Health • Missing Women • Gender Based Violence • Research on Gender and Global Health
  3. Gender and 10/90 GAP 10/90 GAP = only 10% current global funding for research is spent on diseases that afflict 90% of the world’s population In developing countries- • Women have less access to health care and gender analysis to health research is lacking. • There are distinct differences in patterns of health and health outcomes when gender analysis is applied
  4. Nguyên nhân tử vong hàng đầu ở phụ nữ 2001 HIV/AIDS 1.3 million Malaria 592,000 Maternal Conditions 509,000 Tuberculosis 500,000 Source: World Health Report 2002, World Health Organization
  5. HIV/AIDS and Women More than 50% of those living with HIV are women < 1% globally have access to anti-retrovirals In sub-Saharan Africa nearly twice as many women as men are infected
  6. HIV/AIDS and Women Potential reasons • Biological differences of risk of acquisition • Economic vulnerability leading to transactional sex • Coerced sex/rape/marriage • Inability to negotiate condom use
  7. HIV/AIDS and Women Sự khác biệt nguy cơ thụ đắc về mặt sinh học • Several studies have shown that it is easier for a woman to contract HIV/AIDS from a sexual contact with an infected man than it is for a man with an infected woman • The presence of an untreated STI increases the risk to contract 10X. STIs often do not give rise to any symptoms in women so they remain untreated or unrecognised • Coerced sex increases risk of micro-lesions; more frequent for women, although also important in young boys
  8. Gender and Global Health • Women Gender and 10/90 Gap • HIV/AIDS and Women • Maternal and Reproductive Health • Missing Women • Gender Based Violence • Research on Gender and Global Health
  9. Tử vong mẹ (Maternal Deaths)
  10. Reasons for Maternal Deaths in Low Income Countries Low income countries - 53% attended during delivery 30% receive postnatal care
  11. Gender and Global Health • Women Gender and 10/90 Gap • HIV/AIDS and Women • Maternal and Reproductive Health • Missing Women • Gender Based Violence • Research on Gender and Global Health
  12. Missing Women Number of Women per 1000 Men, India
  13. Missing Women 60 million “missing girls” mostly in Asia Reasons: • Neglect of female children in health care, admissions to hospitals and feedings • Female infanticide/abortions/dowry deaths • Maternal mortality
  14. Missing Women – Young Adults • DOWRY DEATHS: – Bride burning - Dowry Deaths India – 1987 - 1,786 dowry deaths in India (frequently kerosene burning) – Maharashtra state 19% deaths women 15-44 “accidental burns” – < 1% in Guatemala, Ecuador • HONOR KILLINGS: (1000 Pakistan – 1999)
  15. Gender and Global Health • Women Gender and 10/90 Gap • HIV/AIDS and Women • Maternal and Reproductive Health • Missing Women • Gender Based Violence • Research on Gender and Global Health
  16. Violence Against Women - Internationally Female Circumcision and Mutilation >80 million women in 39 countries worldwide have undergone female mutilation of the external sex organs. 2 million annually undergo circumcision
  17. Violence Against Women - Internationally Definitions: 3 types of “female mutilation” 1. Circumcision (type I - sunna) cutting of the hood of the clitoris (least severe) - least practiced 2. Excision (type II - reduction) removal of clitoris and labia minora 3. Infibulation (Type III - “pharaonic circumcision”) cutting of clitoris, labia minora and medial part of labia. Two sides of the vulva are sewn with catgut and a small opening is left for menses Age: few days old (Ethiopia), 7 years (Egypt, Central Africa), Adolescence (Nigeria, Tanzania)
  18. Documented Female Circumcision
  19. Violence Against Women-Internationally Health Sequelae of Female Circumcision 83% women will have a medical complication Immediate: hemorrhage (within 10 days) urethral damage or other adjacent organs, tetanus, infection, urinary retention from pain Long term: chronic infections, scarring, pelvic infections, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), difficulty with urination Effects on Childbirth: need for de-infibulation delayed labor-increased mortality fistulas Unknown Effects: ?HIV transmission, sexuality, psychological trauma



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