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Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng: Phần 1

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Cuốn sách “Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng” được biên soạn nhằm giúp các thí sinh làm tốt bài thi môn Viết trong các kỳ thi tiếng Anh, đang luyện thi IELTS hoặc chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi chứng chỉ quốc gia cấp độ A, B, C với những đề tài phong phú thường gặp trong các bài thi cũng như được sắp xếp cẩn thận theo từng cấp độ. Nội dung sách được chia thành 2 phần ebook, mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 1 sau đây.

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Nội dung Text: Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng: Phần 1

  1. C K .0 0 0 0 0 4 4 1 1 2 IM NH NH T n| U 0 N G | 1 £ CAC BAl LUAN ■ ■ A # THONG DUNG ■ COMMONLY USED ENGLISH ESSAY g r im i p ic nhA XUAT BAN T l/D I^ N bach khoa
  2. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bai luan tieng Anh thong dung C O M M O N L Y U S E D E N G L IS H E S S A Y Download Ebook Tai:
  4. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 1. THINGS I LIKE TO DO I have many interests. T he activities I spend m ost of my leisure on, however, are reading, jogging and painting. I enjoy reading very much. I read widely, ranging from fairy tales to non-fiction books on outer space and nature. Reading helps to widen my general knowledge and improves my writing skill. T herefore, my parents think well of my hobby and often buy me books that I can not find in the library. W hen my eyes get tired from reading too much, I would go for a slow jog with my dog in the park near my house. Jogging regularly m akes on e healthier. I have also made a few friends among the regular joggers in the park. Som etim es, instead of jogging, I would stroll in the park, carrying with me Thy painting equipment. I love to capture beautiful things on paper. I have taken arts lesson since I was nine and I am especially good at w ater-colour painting. Besides painting pictures of the park, I also like to draw portrait of my family m em bers. All my interests are funny and useful pastim es. I believe that everyone should spend their time on som e useful hobbies rather than laze precious time away. Download Ebook Tai:
  5. Tron Bo SGK: C a c bAi Iuan TitNq a n Ih t ^onc * duNQ 1. non-fiction (n): sach, bai uiet, u.u. ue n h u n g s u viec co th a t 2. to stroll (v): d i dao, tan bo 3. to capture (v): ( th a n h c o n g t r o n g uiec th e h ie n ai/cai gi t r o n g m o t buc a n h , bo p h im , u.u..) g h i lai 4. portrait (n) ch a n d u n g 5. to laze sth away (idm): an k h o n g n g o i ro i p h i thcri g ia n NHLTNG Vl£C TOl THICH LAM T oi co nhieu sd thich. Tuy nhien, toi thi/Ong danh het thdi gian ranh roi cua minh de doc sach, chay bo va ve tranh. Toi thich doc sach bao. T oi doc rat nhieu the loai, ti/ truyen than thoai den sach khoa hoc ve vu tru va tif nhien. D oc sach giup toi m o rong kien thtfc pho thong va phat trien ky nang viet. Do do, cha me toi danh gia cao sd thich nay cua toi va thirdng mua cho toi nhCfng quyen sach ma toi khong the tnr> thay trong thii vien. Khi mat qua moi vi doc nhieu, toi chay bo vdi con ch o cua minh d cong vien canh nha. Ghay bo thudng xuyen lam ch o ngifcrt khoe manh. Toi con ket ban vofi m ot vai ngi/cfi trong so nhCfng ngu'Oi thUOng chay bo trong cong vien. Doi khi thay vi chay bo toi lai di dao trong cong vien va mang theo dung cu ve tranh ben minh. T oi rat thich ghi lai nhCfng gi dep de tren trang giay. T oi da hoc ve ti/ khi len chin va dac biet gioi m on ve tranh mau nifdc. Ben canh nhung buc tranh ve canh cong vien, toi con thich ve chan dung cac thanh vien trong g.a cf:nh 6 Download Ebook Tai:
  6. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay_______________________ T a t ca nhCfng sd thich cua toi deu thu vi va hdru ich. T oi tin r§ng m oi ngi/di nen sii dung th
  7. Tron Bo SGK: C a c bAi Iu an TiENq a n U ih d N q diJNq 2. NEWSPAPER READING Reading new spapers is good for school children since it helps them to know m ore about their country and the people as well as the world beyond. T here are m any benefits of reading new spapers. Besides increasing our general knowledge, it improves our standard of English if we are in the habit of reading new spapers daily. It is im portant to know what our governm ent is doing for the welfare of its citizens. W e will know about governm ent program s like building flats, constructing bridges or roads and opening new school from new spapers. Som etim es we read about events in far away countries in Africa or South Am erica. It is interesting to know about earthquake disaster or volcanic explosion. All this is inform ation which a new spaper reports. Newspaper reading is also considered a pastim e if we take it as a casual reading. 1. benefit (n): ich lai ■2. to improve (v): cai th ie n , cai tien 3. welfare (n): sue k h o e tot, t h in h u u g n g 4. volcanic explosion (n): su b u n g n o cua n u i lira 5. to report (v): tit a n g th u a t 6. pastim e (n): tr o g ia i t r i , tie u k h ie n 7. casual (adj): k h o n g t h u d n g xuyen Download Ebook Tai:
  8. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay DOC BAO D oc bao rat bo ich cho hoc sinh yi bao chi giup hoc sinh hieu them ve dat nifdc va dan toe minh, cung nhif ve the gidi ben ngoai. D oc bao co nhieu loi ich. Ngoai viec lam tang kieri thifc pho thong, doc bao con giup cai thien trinh do Anh ngCf neu chung ta co thoi quen doc bao hang ngay. Biet difdc nhCfng gi chinh phu se lam vi sif thinh vifOng va hanh phuc cua nhan dan la mot dieu rat quan trong. Qua bao chi, chung ta se hieu biet ve cac chifOng trinh cua chinh phu, nhif la xay dtfng cac can ho, cau cong hoac difdng sat va m d nhCfng trifcfrig hoc m 6i. Doi khi chung ta con doc thay nhCfng sif kien xay ra d nhCfng dat nude xa xoi tan Chau Phi hoac Nam My. Cung rat thu vi neu dtfOc "biet ve m ot tai hoa dong dat hoac m ot vu no cua nui ltfa. Tat ca nhCfng thong tin nay deu difOc bao chi ttfdng thuat lai. D oc bao con duWc xem la mot thu tieu khien neu chung ta khong co thoi quen doc thifcfng xuyen. 9 Download Ebook Tai:
  9. Tron Bo SGK: C a c b/vi Ilian tIenq a n U th o N q duNq 3. A BLACKOUT W e were all watching a humourous television program m e and laughing gaily. T he next m om ent, it was pitch dark. I was too surprised to open my mouth, but my little sister, A lice, scream ed shrilly. My elder brother immediately told her to shut up. Our parents had gone for a show, so big P eter was to take charge. He felt his way into his room to get his torch. B a n g !... "O u ch !" Peter must had knocked into his big chair. S o o n , we saw a beam of light and Peter cam e out of his room , rubbing his left knee. H e told us to follow him to the kitchen to hunt for candles and m atches. W e rummaged through the drawers and found twelve small coloured candles and a box of m atches. 1 realized the candles were the ones used for my birthday a few days ago. T ogether, we went back to the sitting room and lit the candles. Peter arranged the candles in a sem i circle on the glass table and they gave a warm and cheerful glow. T o while away the time, P eter told us a fa iry ta le . H ow ever, before the tale the ended, the lights cam e on. W e felt proud that we had handled the situation well and looked forward to telling our parents about it. 1. blackout (n): t h d i d ie m trcfi to i d o m a t d ie n 2. to shut up (v): im m o m , ca m m ie n g lai 10 Download Ebook Tai:
  10. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 3. torch (n): d e n p in 4. to rumm age (v): lu c tu n g 5. glow (n): lu o n g sang, q u a n g sang 6. to while away (v): h e t t h o i g i d M0T LAN MAT Dl£N T at ca chung toi dang cifdi khoai chi khi xem m ot chifOng trinh hai hifdc tren ti vi. Ngay sau do, dien cup toi thui. T oi ngac nhien den noi khong noi difOc ldi nao nhifhg em gai toi. Alice, het len the the. A nh trai toi lap tufc bao em im lang. C ha me chung toi da di xem phim, nen anh Peter phai dam difcfng moi thC/. Anh lan difdng di vao phong cua anh de lay den pin. R am !..."U i da!". At han P eter da dung phai cai ghe 16n. Mot lat sau, chung toi thay mot tia sang va Peter bufdc ra khoi phong, tay xoa dau goi trai. Anh bao chung toi theo anh vao bep de tim nen va diem. Chung toi luc tung cac ngan keo va tim thay mUdi hai cay nen mau loai nho va m ot hop diem. T oi nhan ra nhCftig cay nen nay da dtfOc dung trong sinh nhat cua toi vai ngay tri/dc do. Chung toi cung t r d lai phong khach va dot nen. P eter xep nhCfng cay nen theo hinh ban nguyet tren mat ban bang kinh va chung tao nen m ot quang sang rife ref, am ap va vui m at. D e giet thdi gian, Peter ke cho chung toi nghe m ot cau chuyen than thoai. Tuy nhien, trifdc khi cau chuyen ket thuc den da sang trd lai. Chung toi cam thay tif hao vi da giai quyet tot tinh huong nay va m ong ke lai cho cha me chung toi nghe. 11 Download Ebook Tai:
  11. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bAi Iuan TitNq /wh th o n g dying 4. MIKILE’S HUNT Mikile lives far to the north, in Greenland. He is on e of the Inuit people. T hey live much as Eskim os have for hundreds of years. Today, though, is an im portant on e for Mikile. H e is now old enough to be a real Inuit hunter. With the other hunters, Mikile is in a small boat. T hey paddle slowly in order to sneak up on a herd of six narwhals. A narwhal is a three-thousand-pound whale with a single long horn in its forehead. Com ing within a few feet of on e of the w hales, Mikile throws his harpoon. T he other hunters quickly paddle over to help. Still fighting against the strong whale, Mikil6 is pleased. T here will be food for the family during the long Greenland nights. 1. hunter (n): n g a d i d i san 2. to paddle (v): c heo x u o n g 3. to sneak up (v): len d e n gan 4. narwhal (n): con ki Ian bien 5. whale (n): ca voi 6. horn (n): cai sitn g 7. forehead (n): tra n 8. harpoon (n): cay lao m o c 12 Download Ebook Tai:
  12. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay CHUYEN 01 SAN CCA MIKILE Mikile song d Greenland cach xa ve phia bac. Cau la m ot trong nhCfng ngifdi In u it.'H o song nhif ngifdi Eskimo da hang tram nam. T he nhifhg, hom nay la mot ngay quan trong doi vdi Mikile. Gid day cau da du 1cm de trd thanh mot thd san Inuit that s if. Cung vdi nhCfng ngifdi di san khac, Mikile di tren m ot chiec thuyen nho. H o eheo xuong cham cham , bi mat tiep can m ot bay sau con ki lan bien. Ki lan bien la mot con ca voi nang ba ngan can vofi doc m ot cai sifng tren tran. Den cach m ot con ky lan bien trong vong vai bo, Mikile phong ngon lao. C ac thgf san khac nhanh chong den giup dd. Van dang chien dau vdi con ca voi manh m e, Mikile cam thay rat hai long. S e co thifc an cho ca gia dinh trong suot nhCfng dem dai b Greenland. 13 Download Ebook Tai:
  13. Tron Bo SGK: C a c bAi Iuan tiENg a n ^ t h o n g dung 3. A PLEASANT DREAM My story book entitled “Fairy tales” slipped from my fingers and fell onto the carpet. I felt too sleepy to pick it up. Suddenly, the door bell rang. 1 went to answ er it and was surprised to see seven dwarfs standing at the door. O n e of them was holding a glittering shoe. W hen I put it on, I was immediately transform ed into a beautiful princess in a lovely gown. T h e dwarfs then took me to the palace in a carriage to see the king. The king gave me a warm em brace. “Cinderella, my daughter, you're final h o m e", he said. “T h e maids will see to your every need". Ja n e , who was always quarreling with m e in class, becam e very submissive as my maid. I tried on m any beautiful dresses and shoes and thought that I had never looked so pretty before. T here w eie also many cooks who prepared all my favourite dishes. O ne day, I was riding my horse to visit a duke w hen I heard my mum saying, “Cindy, hurry up! You'll be late!" S h e started shaking me so hard that 1 alm ost fell off my horse. I w oke up and found myself in my bedroom . It had only been a dream , but it was certainly a wonderful start to my day. 1. dwarf (n): ch u lu n 2. glittering (adj): la p la n h, nha'p nhay 14 Download Ebook Tai:
  14. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essqy 3. gown (n): do p h u n tf 4. submissive (adj): n g o a n ngoan, de bao 5. duke (n): c o n g tu d c M0T GIAC MO THCJ V! Quyen truyen co tifo de “Truyen than tien” tuot khoi tay toi va rcfi xuong tham . T o i da qua buon ngu nen khong the nhat no len noi. B at thinh linh chuong cute reo. Toi ra md cite va ngac nhien thay bay chu lun dang duYig d cite. Mot chu dang giCf chiec giay sang lap lanh. Khi di giay vao, toi lap tu t bien thanh m ot nang cong chua xinh dep trong bo ao dai sang trong. Sau do, chu lun dua toi den cung dien gap dCfc vua tren c6 xe hinh qua bi. Nha vua om cham lay toi: “Co be Lo Lem , con gai cua ta, cuoi cung con da ve n h a ” - ngai noi. “NgUOi hau se dap Cfng tat ca moi yeu cau cua c o n ". Ja n e , ngufoi luon cai nhau v6i toi trong lc?p, gid trc/ nen rat ngoan ngoan trong vai tro ngifdi hau cua toi. T oi da m ac thif nhieu bo vay ao, giay dep dep de va nghl rang chifa bao gid toi xinh dep den the. Cung co rat nhieu dau bep chuan bi thifc an m a toi ite thich. Mot ngay no toi dang cifdi ngifa di tham m ot C ong Tifdc thi nghe tieng m e toi goi: “Cindy, nhanh len! Con se bi tre gid d ay!”. Me bat dau lay toi m anh den n6i toi gan nhif nga xuong ngifa. T oi thufc day va nhan thay minh dang trong phong ngu. D o chi la m ot giac m d nhifng no thifc sii la mot khdi dau tuyet vdi ch o m ot ngay mdi cua toi. 15 Download Ebook Tai:
  15. Tron Bo SGK: C a c b Ai luan tiewq awU Thowq duwq 6. THE PERSON I HATE MOST W e cann ot be friendly with all people w hom we cam e to m eet. W e hate som e people for good reasons. T h e person I hate m ost is Billy, who lives a few blocks away from my flat. He is bully, a pick-pocket and an extortioner. He was arrested by the police several times and still he is incorrigible. T h e boy has grown up on the streets, for his parents had died when he was only five years old. O n ce he was arrested for being a vagrant and kept in the welfare hom e for som e time. O n another occasion he picked a m an ’s pocket and was jailed for six m onths. H e demanded m oney from youngsters like m e and if we refused he would threaten us with a knife. I am terribly afraid of this bully. I am sure, on e day he will land up in prison with a longer sentence. This boy is a danger to the society and so 1 hate him. I hope everyone will agree with me. 1. bully (n): ke d u n g vu lu c d e h a m doa, la m to n thucfng n g u d i kh ac 2. extortioner (n): ke to n g tien, ke m o i tien 3. to arrest (v): bat g iu 4. incorrigible (adj): k h o n g the sua chira d u o c 5. vagrant (n): n g u d i k h o n g co c h o 6, c o n g viec 6 n d in h 16 Download Ebook Tai:
  16. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 6. jail (n): nha tu ' 7. to land up (v): d e n tin h h u o n g cu o i c u n g 8. sentence (n): ban an NGlfCJI MA TOl GH£T NHAT Chung ta khong the than thien difdc vdi tat ca nhCfng ngifdi ma ta da gap. T h e nao chung ta cung ghet m ot ngifdi nao do vi nhCfng li do chinh dang. Billy chinh la ke ma toi ghet nhat. Han ta song cach can ho cua toi vai can. Han la m ot ten chuyen an hiep ngi/di yeu the, m ot ke m oc tui va m ot ten tong tien. Han da bi canh sat bat giCf nhieu lan nhifng van chifhg nao tat ay. Han ldn len b difdng pho vi cha me cua hSn da mat khi han vite mdi len nam tuoi. C o lan han da bi bSt vi toi lang thang leu long va bi giCf b nha phuc loi mot thcrt gian. Mot lan khac han da m oc tui mot ngifdi no va bi tong vao tu sau thang. H an doi tien cua nhCfng dife tre nhif chung toi va neu nhif chung toi tif choi thi han lien rut dao ham doa. T oi rat khiep sO ten ac on nay. T oi chac chan rang m ot ngay nao do han cung se vao tu vdi mifc an cao hon. H an la mot moi nguy hiem cho xa hoi vi the toi cam ghet han. T oi hi vong moi ngifdi cung dong y vdi toi. 17 Download Ebook Tai:
  17. Tron Bo SGK: C a c bAi Iuan m N q a n N Ttidwq dunq 7. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF AIR TRAVEL? S cie n ce has made great strides in every field and up to now travelling has been much improved. Many m eans of travelling have been at our disposal: train, car, ship and plane. T herefore when we are on holiday or intend to travel abroad as a tourist, we should first of all decide on the m eans of travelling. In my view, travelling by air is both advantageous and disadvantageous. First, when travelling by air we can sit com fortably in an arm -chair, reading m agazines or watching a free film on television. T h en , at meal time, we'll be servgd heartily and carefully by smiling stewards and stewardesses. Finally, travelling by air is the fastest m eans of transport. We can reach our destination in a few hours and we don t feel tired at all after such a com fortable trip. Apart from these advantages, however, travelling by air has its disadvantages too. First of all, this is the m ost expensive form of transport Only a minority of people can afford a trip by plane w hereas a ourney on land or by sea is much cheaper. 18 Download Ebook Tai:
  18. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English cssqy T h en air travels have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them. T here have been plane crashes in which the crew and passengers have died to a man! Finally, we c a n ’t stop wherever we want to enjoy beautiful landscapes on our way as we do on a trip by car or boat. Sceneries seen from plane are merely vague and blurred sights. Air travels only give us a bird's eye view of the world. 1. to make great strides (idm): d a t d u a c n h irn g bxjtac tien hem 2. m eans of travelling (n): p h i t o n g tien g ia o th o n g 3. to be at o n e ’s disposal (idm): d a t th u o c quyen si/ d u n g cua ai 4 . free film (n)- p h i m m ie n p h i 5. steward, stewardess (n): nam , nic tie p vien 6. destination (n): n o i d en 7. minority (n): th ie u so 8. to afford (v): co d u tie n bac, co d u kh a n a n g 9. w hereas (adv): t r o n g k h i 10. hardened traveller (n): d u k h a c h gan da 11. to intimidate(v): la m ch o ai s o hai 12. plane crash (n): uu r a t m ay bay 13. to die to a m an (idm): c h e t sach 14. blurred (adj): m a , k h o n g rd ra n g 15. bird's eye view (idm): q u a n g ca n h to n g q u a t 19 Download Ebook Tai:
  19. Tron Bo SGK: C a c bAi Iuan m N Q ANh Thong duNq NHL/NG thu An loi vA b At l o i k h i d u u c h b a n g m a y b a y K h o a h o c da dat difOc nhCfng tien b o ldn trong m oi linh vifc va ch o den tan bay gid viec di lai da difOc cai tien nhieu. Nhieu phifOng tien van chuyen difOc dat th u o c quyen stf dung cua chung ta: tau lute, x e hoi, tau thuy va m ay bay. D o do,> khi chung ta di nghi m at hay dinh di du lich nifdc n goai trifdc h et ch u n g -ta nen quyet dinh di bSng phifOng tien gi. T h eo toi di du lich bang may bay vifa tien loi vifa bat loi T afd c het, trong khi di du lich bang may bay chung ta co the ngoi thoai mai trong m ot chiec ghe banh, doc tap chi hay xem phim mien phi tren ti vi. Roi d en gid an , chung ta se difOc c a c nam nCf tiep vien phuc vu tan tinh chu dao. Sau cung, du ljch bang may bay la phifong tien van chuyen nhanh nhat. Chung ta co the tdi noi den trong m ot vai gid ma c h ln g cam thay m et moi chut nao sau m ot chuyen di thoai mai nhif vay. Tuy nhien, ngoai nhCfng thuan loi nay, du lich bang may bay cung co nhieu bat loi nCfa. Trifdc het, day la hinh thifc van chuyen dat tien nhat. Chi co m ot sd it ngifdi co kha nang di du lich bang may bay trong khi du lich b5ng difdng bo hay difdng thuy re hon nhieu. Tiep den, du lich bang may bay noi tieng la nguy hiem nhat, ngay ca nhung du khach gan da cung phai so. Da co nh:e_i vu roi may bay ma phi hanh doan va hanh khach deu chet het. 20 Download Ebook Tai:
  20. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay C uoi cu ng, ch u n g ta khong the difng lai noi n ao m a chung ta m uon de thifdng thifc ph ong can h dep tren difdng di n hif trong cu o c h an h trinh b3n g x e hoi hay tau thuy. P h on g can h nhin thay qua m ay bay chi la nhCfng phong can h Id m d. NhCfng chuyen du lich bang m ay bay ch i c h o chung ta m ot phong can h tong quat ve the gidi m a thoi. ">1 Download Ebook Tai:



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