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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi anh văn ngành thông dịch viên anh-pháp 2009 – 2010_4', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. TRƯỜNG CD VĂN HÓA NGHỆ THUẬT VÀ DU LỊCH SÀI GÒN ĐỀ THI ANH VĂN NGÀNH THÔNG DỊCH VIÊN ANH-PHÁP 2009 – 2010 THỜI GIAN: 90 PHÚT America ns ha ve be nefited in some way from ( 23) people are still (24) of the power of big government. They are more concerned about (25) own individual freedom than the common good of the group. Comprehension Check I. Answer the questions 1. What is the purpose of a primary election? 2. How are presidential candidates chosen? 3. What qualifications would be considered in choosing a presidential candidate ? 4. What is a “favorite son”? A balanced ticket? 5. What does a presidential candidate do to get elected? 6. What are the popular votes? What are the electoral votes? 7. What is Electoral College? 8. After the election who will be the president? In what situation does n o one win ? II. Wor k i n pairs. N umber the m 1-6 on the lines i n c orrect or der of the steps in electi ng a preside nt Electors ( me mbers of the Electoral College) cast their votes for President and Vice President. The candidates with the majority of the electoral votes win. Political parties hold national conventions to choose their candida tes for President and Vice President. Convention dele gates vote for the choices of the voters in their states The new President takes office d uri ng the inauguration (formal cere mony) on January 20 after the election. If no candidate wins the majorit y of the electo ral votes, the House
  2. of Representatives choose the new President. All cand idates ca mpaign until Elect ion Day, the first Tue sday after the first Monday in Nove mber. Then the voters make their choices. Political parties choose their candidates in state caucuses (conventions) or state primaries (elections). III. What eve nt are the ter ms about? 1 term may refer to different e vents. Write P if it’s about Pri maries, N for Nationa l conventions, C for Ca mpaigning, E fo r Election Day and I for Inauguration. delegates acceptance speech super-dele gates a balanced-ticket state campaign rallies national a running mate party TV debates proportional news cove ra ge winner-takes-all negativit y candidate popular votes no mination electoral votes favorite- son Electora 5. (1619-1808) American sla ve traders captured black Africa ns and forced the m to work on plantations in the United States. 6. (1820-1860) During the Industrial Revolution, about 3.5 million Irish Catholics left poverty and discri minatio n to work in America. They were coal miners and railroad and canal builders. At the sa me ti me, many Germans beca me far mers, laborers, and businessmen in the United States. 7. (1850-1870) After the Gold Rush in California, 200,000 poor Chinese came to work in mining ca mps and on the railroad. 8. (1850-1924) During the “Great Migration”, twenty-five million Europeans of almost e very nationality i mmi grated to America. They included Russian and Polish, Jews, Sla vic people fro m Eastern Europe, Italians, Greeks, Armenians, and Syrians. Canadians, Mexicans, and Central Americans ca me, too. 9. (1940s-1950s) The US welco med thousands of refugees after World War II. 10. (1960s-1990s) The U.S go vern ment abolished quotas for immigratio n fro m non - European nations. Today, most i mmi grants are from Asian and Latin American countries.
  3. I/ True (T) or False (F)? 1. The Native Americans are all from the sa me tribes. 2. Christopher Colu mb us called t he Native American “Indians” because he thought that he was in the Indies. 3. The Native Americans felt happy to be given reservatio ns 4. Footwear for skiers was invented by the Native Indians. 5. In 19th century, most immigrants from northern and western Europe were farmers. 6. Many immigrants from southern and eastern Europe worked in factories. 7. Most European immigra nts came to the US in the 1900s. 8. Hispanics are people who came fro m Spain. 9. There are two official langua ge s in California, New Mexico, and Colorado: English and Latin. 10. After the Civil War, black Americans enjoyed freedom and equal rights. 11. The civil rights mo ve ment fought for the release of Martin Luther King, Jr. 12. Ellis Island has been the doorway to America fo r many i mmigrants since 1892. 13. All the people co ming to the United States were voluntary i mmigrants. 14. Early Italian immigrants helped build the railroad systems in the USA. 15. California has the largest foreign–born populat ion. II/ Write the dates from the box 1870s – 1930s 1820 – 1860 1600 -1776 1965 – 1990s 1921 - 1965 1619 -1808 1. Most of English i mmigrants ca me to the U.S between . 2. The U.S. received its first great immigrants from northern and western Europeans between . 3. The black Americans were le gally brought to America between . 4. Many people ca me to the U.S. fro m eastern and southern Europe between . 5. The U.S. go ver n ment li mited on the immi grati on. 6. After the change in the Immigration Law, ma ny people fro m Latin America, the
  4. Caribbean and Asia ca me to the U.S. between _ _ III/ Put the na mes from 1 to 7 i n the order of ti me whe n they immigrate d to America WASPs Northern and Western Europeans American Eastern and Southern Europeans Indians African Americans Chinese Hispanics IV/ Whic h gr oup(s) of America n pe ople do the foll owi ng words relate to? First immigra nts Old immigrants New immigra nts no n-immigra nts ma jorit y Anglo -Saxo n no n-white Protestant Catho lic Sla vic Nordic Latin bicult ura l reservat io ns Civil R ights Mo ve me nt unw illing immigra nts polit ica l bosses V/ Answer the questions 1. What did British immigrants give to the USA? 2. What are the three main reasons why immigra nts have co me to the USA?



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