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Increase of productivity in assembly and machining lines of clutch servo assembly line

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The objective of this paper is to improve the productivity of the various assembly & machining lines. Productivity can be increased by reducing the total cycle time of the assembly lines of clutch servo assembly lines, finding the non-value added time, reducing the bottle neck time, line balancing in each assembly station, by supplying proper material flow and by improving the line layout

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Nội dung Text: Increase of productivity in assembly and machining lines of clutch servo assembly line

  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 454-464, Article ID: IJM_11_05_043 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.5.2020.043 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed INCREASE OF PRODUCTIVITY IN ASSEMBLY AND MACHINING LINES OF CLUTCH SERVO ASSEMBLY LINE S. Karthik Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Veltech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India ABSTRACT Every industry face the challenges of improving productivity in order to remain successful in a highly competitive environment. Every year input costs goes higher and industry is responsible to provide the better products at lower costs to the end customer by improving the efficiency of the plant. The objective of this paper is to improve the productivity of the various assembly & machining lines. Productivity can be increased by reducing the total cycle time of the assembly lines of clutch servo assembly lines, finding the non-value added time, reducing the bottle neck time, line balancing in each assembly station, by supplying proper material flow and by improving the line layout Key words: clutch servo, Line balancing, Material flow Cite this Article: S. Karthik, Increase of Productivity in Assembly and Machining Lines of Clutch Servo Assembly Line. International Journal of Management, 11 (5), 2020, pp. 454-464. 1. INTRODUCTION Productivity is defined as a total output per one unit of a total input. In control management, productivity is a measure of how efficiently a process runs and how effectively it uses resources .In a simple words, productivity is the ratio between output and input. It is a quantitative relationship between what we produce and what we have spent to produce. Productivity is nothing but reduction in wastage of resources like men, material, machine ,space, time, capital etc.. It can be expressed as human efforts to produce more and more with less inputs of resources so that there will be a maximum distribution of benefits among maximum number of people. Productivity = output/ input. Productivity improvement is to do the right things better and make it a part of Continuous process. Productivity denotes relationship between output and one or many inputs. It is certainty of being able to do better than yesterday and continuously. In the words of Peter Drucker productivity means a balance between all factors of production that will give a maximum output with the smallest effort. 454
  2. S. Karthik Therefore it is important to adopt efficient productivity improvement technique so as to ensure individuals and organizations growth in productivity. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Productivity can be increased by many ways. It can be done by 1. Line balancing. 2.Reducing 7 types of waste. 3. Applying KAIZEN 2.1. Line Balancing Line balancing is one of the most efficient tool in increasing productivity. Line balancing is the assigning operation to work station along the production line, assignment should be in such a way that assignment is optimal in such a sense. This can be done by reducing bottle neck time, calculating TAKT time, mainly focus on the work sharing method (1). In every industry the common problem encountered is Bottle necking and excessive workers are common problems rose in assembly line. These are the major problems that encounter and yet need to be overcome as soon as possible (2). Assemblers are often encounters this problems and if this happen it will be decreased the line efficiency and the targeted run rate. In preventing these problems, engineers should come out with a solution in order to fix these problems (3). One way to do so is using line balancing method. This aim is to minimizing workloads and workers on the assembly line while meeting a required output (4). 2.2. Seven Types of Waste The 7 wastes are at the root of all unprofitable activity within your organization. The 7 wastes consist of 1. Defects 2. Overproduction 3. Transportation 4. Waiting 5. Inventory 6. Motion. 7. Processing. 2.3. Kaizen Kaizen, also known as continuous improvement, is a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in processes in order to improve efficiency and quality(4). Kaizen can be applied to any kind of work, but it is perhaps best known for being used in lean manufacturing and lean manufacturing (4). If a work environment practices kaizen, continuous improvement is the responsibility of every worker, not just a selected few. 3. METHODOLOGY Company xxx assembly line was studied and line balancing was proposed and implemented. The methodology involves finding the takt time for a particular clutch servo assembly line, determining the bottle beck in assembly line , balancing to takt time and Re allocate work and rebalance. Figure 1 below shows the steps involved in Line Balancing. The Man machine 455
  3. Increase of Productivity in Assembly and Machining Lines of Clutch Servo Assembly Line chart for the clutch servo Assembly line is shown below. The number of stations in assembly line is 15 and number of operators working is 9 Find the TAKT time Finding the bottle neck Balance to TAKT time Reallocate work & Re- balance Figure 1 Steps in Line Balancing The activity chart also known as Man Machine chart for clutch servo assembly line is shown in table 1 below 3.1. Activity Chart of Clutch Servo Assembly Line Table 1 The man machine chart MANUAL MACHINE OPERATOR TIME TIME NUMBER CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLY Pick cartridge 1.0 1 Place the cartridge on grease dispenser(Bottom side) 1.0 1 Press greasing button 1.0 1 Auto Greasing 3.0 1 Pick , rotate and place the cartridge on the second greasing fixture (Top side) 1.0 1 Take piston 1.0 1 Assemble O-ring onto piston 2.0 1 Place the piston on fixture 1 1.0 1 Auto Greasing (Top side) 3.0 1 Pick & Assemble Greased Big & Small U Ring onto cartridge 4.0 1 Pick and press the Cartridge on piston in fixture 1 2.0 1 Pick and assemble the Bonded valve to Lip 4.0 1 Assemble Bonded Valve with lip Seal onto Cartridge 3.0 1 Pick Hydraulic body 1.0 1 Move to next fixture 1.0 1 Load the hydraulic body on the pin pressing fixture 2.0 1 456
  4. S. Karthik Rotate swivel arm to home & Place the pin on the greasing Fixture 2.0 1 Press cycle start 1.0 1 Auto greasing 5.0 1 Move cartridge to kanban 3.0 1 Waiting time during Pressing 3.0 1 Position the swivel arm and Press cycle 2.0 1 Auto cycle for pressing 5.0 1 Waiting time during Pressing 4.0 1 Press cycle start for barcode 1.0 1 Pick Sticker from printer 7.0 1 Pick the hyd. Body from previous fixture, Put sticker over it and place it over Kanban 4.0 1 52.0 16.0 END COVER ASSEMBLY List of activities Press nut runner switch for scanner ON & Scan the QR code on hydraulic body 2.0 2 Load the hydraulic body onto end cover tightening fixture 2.0 2 Pick and Swipe the Spring Lock Washer through the slit 2.0 2 Place Spring lock washer on the hydraulic Body 1.0 2 Pick & Place the Equipped Cartridge 3.0 2 Pick & Assemble both Springs 7.0 2 Rotate and engage clamp for Load check 2.0 2 Dis-engage and Rotate the clamp to home position 2.0 2 Pick the cover plate sub assembly 1.0 2 Position the cover plate sub assembly on the hydraulic body 2.0 2 Position the Toggle clamp and switch toggle 1.0 2 Pick and assemble four bolts onto cover plate 7.0 2 Nut running 20.0 2 Unclamp & unload the component from fixture 3.0 2 55.0 0.0 SUB ASSEMBLY TESTING List of activities Press greasing button to scanner ON & Scan QR code on hydraulic body 3.0 2 Place the body on Sub Assembly leak test fixture 2.0 2 Plug the Weh connector to the Pneumatic port 3.0 2 Press greasing button for testing 1.0 2 Sub assembly testing(Auto) 40.0 2 Pick & assemble exhaust valve & Pipe and place it in kanban 3.0 2 Unplug the weh connector and put it in location 2.0 2 Unload the hydraulic body and place it in lip seal pressing fixture 2.0 2 16.0 40.0 GUIDE ASSEMBLY List of activities Pick Guide 1.0 3 Assemble o ring onto guide 3.0 3 Pick and Place hydraulic lip seal on vacuum catch 2.0 3 Place guide on greasing station 1.0 3 Auto greasing 2.0 3 Pick Interface O-ring 1.0 3 Assemble O-ring onto face 3.0 3 Close the door 2.0 3 Pressing of lip seal(Auto) 6.0 3 Pick guide and pneumatic seal & assemble 3.0 3 Assemble guide in hydraulic body 1.0 3 Unload the hydraulic body 1.0 3 457
  5. Increase of Productivity in Assembly and Machining Lines of Clutch Servo Assembly Line 18.0 8.0 MAIN BODY ASSEMBLY List of activities Walk to 4 bolt tighteningfixture 1.0 3 Scan QR code on hydraulic body 2.0 3 Place the Hydraulic body on main body Assembly fixture over pneumatic body 2.0 3 Put toggle clamp 1.0 3 Rotate the fixture 2.0 3 Nut running + Pick and placing of 4 screws in parallel 30.0 3 Rotate the fixture 1.0 3 Switch toggle & Unload the assembly 2.0 3 Load the Assembly to grease bunk 1.0 3 Auto Greasing of Pneumatic Body 4.0 3 Unload the greased assembly and place it in chute 2.0 3 Walk to pick pneumatic body 1.0 3 Pick pneumatic body and load it in main body assembly fixture & press nut runner switch to scanner ON 4.0 3 Walk back to start of Station 1.0 3 50.0 4.0 PISTON CRIMPING List of activities Pick piston Plate and place in the Crimping Fixture 2.0 4 Pick the hydraulic rod & Position the rod in 3.0 4 Close the door 2.0 4 Crimping of Piston (Auto) 10.0 4 Unload the piston and Clean the piston 7.0 4 Walk to gauge stand 1.0 4 Height checking of piston (1/20th variant) 1.0 4 Radial & axial Run out checking (1 in 20) 4.0 4 Walk to next station 3.0 4 23.0 10.0 PISTON SUB ASSEMBLY List of activities Pick retainer and assemble it to the Piston 6.0 4 Put grease on hydraulic rod O-ring area 5.0 4 Pick and place the adapter on the greasing fixture 3.0 4 Press greasing button 1.0 4 Auto greasing 3.0 4 Load piston in fixture 2.0 4 Pick Lip seal 2.0 4 Place lip seal in the lip seal assembly fixture 3.0 4 Pick & Position the adapter in the Lip seal assembly fixture 1.0 4 Manually Press the adapter on Lip Seal 1.0 4 Pick guide ring & assemble it on piston 3.0 4 Pick and Assemble O-ring onto piston 5.0 4 Pick & Place the adapter with lip seal on Piston sub assembly Fixture 4.0 4 Press Cycle start 1.0 4 Pressing of adapter and greasing of Hydraulic Rod 5.0 4 Unload the piston sub assembly and place it in greasing fixture 3.0 4 Walk Back to crimping station 3.0 4 43.0 8.0 PISTON ASSEMBLY 0 List of activities Pick and place the armature with fork in the greasing bunk 4.0 5 Press cycle start RH button 1.0 5 Auto greasing of Piston sub assembly and armature with Fork 5.0 5 458
  6. S. Karthik Assemble fork and Clip of fork on adapter 7.0 5 Unload the piston sub assembly 1.0 5 Load the piston sub assembly upside down in the top of piston assembly fixture 3.0 5 Walk to chute & pick clutch servo 3.0 5 Load the Clutch Servo Subassembly in Piston assembly fixture 2.0 5 Pick & Use guide pipe for Armature. 3.0 5 Pick and place the spring 3.0 5 Press Cycle Start 1.0 5 Insertion of Piston to Pneumatic body 10.0 Place the Front cover sub Assembly on clutch servo 2.0 5 Press cycle start for pressing 1.0 5 Wait for Pressing 2.0 5 Press again cycle start 1.0 5 Wait to declamp 2.0 5 Unload the component, insert the pipe onto front plate and place the guide in location 7.0 5 Walk to start of station 5 43.0 15.0 FRONTCOVER SUB ASSEMBLY List of activities Pick boot & Front Cover 2.0 5 Pick & Assemble boot onto front cover 9.0 5 Pick and Place the pushrod in the fixture 2.0 5 Assemble the boot with front cover through the bullet 2.0 5 Unload the sub Assembly onto locator 1.0 5 Pick and place O-ring in the sensor assembly fixture 2.0 5 Pick and place the sensor body on the fixture 2.0 5 Pick and place O-ring on sensor body 1.0 5 Assemble O-Ring onto Sensor module 2.0 5 Manually press the sensor body 2.0 5 25.0 ACESSORY SUB ASSEMBLY List of activities Pick clutch servo from Kanban 2.0 6 Scan QR code on hydraulic body 2.0 6 Press cycle start to clamp 1.0 6 Pick sensor & assemble O-ring on the sensor 3.0 6 Pick the sensor body and assemble sensor 2.0 6 Pick rear plate and place it on sensor body 2.0 6 Pick 2 screws and insert on the body 4.0 6 Place the sensor assembly on the clutch servo over hydraulic body 1.0 6 Pick socket, Manually tight the screws for 2 thread using hand 5.0 6 Insert socket in tightening tool 2.0 6 Nut running 2 screws 30.0 6 Exchange the socket (end connector) in tightening tool 6.0 6 place the bleed screw 2.0 6 nut runner 6.0 6 70.0 LEAK TESTING List of activities load the clutch servo in station 3.0 7 scan the barcode on the clutch servo assembly 1.0 7 press cycle start 1.0 7 connect quick connectors 3.0 7 press cycle start for testing 1.0 7 time for testing 47.0 7 remove the connectors from clutch servo assembly 1.0 7 place it in kanban 1.0 7 459
  7. Increase of Productivity in Assembly and Machining Lines of Clutch Servo Assembly Line 11.0 47.0 PERFORMANCE TESTING pick the clutch servo assembly from kanban and putting on testing fixture 2.0 7 scan the barcode 2.0 7 load the clutch servo in testing 3.0 7 connect quick connections 18.0 7 press cycle start 1.0 7 time for testing 190 7 placing it in kanban 2.0 7 28.0 190 PERFORMANCE TESTING List of activities scan the barcode 2.0 7 load the clutch servo in testing 3.0 7 connect quick connections 18.0 7 press cycle start 1.0 7 time for testing 190 7 placing it in kanban 2.0 7 28.0 190 7 NAME PLATE PRESSING 7 List of activities Unload the Clutch Servo from test rig & place it in kanban(Another component loading) 2.0 8 Pick Clutch Servo & Walk to name Plate fixture 2.0 8 Scan QR code 2.0 8 Name plate marking(Auto) 12.0 8 Load the Clutch Servo into the Name plate mounting fixture 2.0 8 waiting for name plate marking 10.0 8 Pick and place name plate on hydraulic body 4.0 8 Press cycle start 1.0 8 Name plate pressing 10.0 8 23.0 22.0 P.D.I List of activities Pick assembly from marking & check name plate pressed properly & Load it on PDI bench 4.0 8 Rotate the sensor and check the position of sensor with tool 8.0 8 Place the gauge in location 1.0 8 Check exhaust pipe fixed to the pneumatic body 3.0 8 Check front plate fixed to the pneumatic body 3.0 8 Check any damage in port thread ,bolt heads, push rod 12.0 8 Remove the barcode label 4.0 8 Clean the clutch servo assembly using cloth 15.0 8 Unload the clutch servo and walk to the next station& place it in kanban 4.0 8 54.0 The man machine chart is shown in Table 1 above and the Cycle time of Each Station of Clutch Servo is shown in Table 2 460
  8. S. Karthik Table 2 Cycle time of Each Station of Clutch Servo Manual Machine Operation time time 10 Cartridge assembly 52 16 20 End cover assembly 55 0 30 Sub assembly testing 16 40 40 Guide assembly 18 8 50 Main body assembly 50 4 60 Piston crimping 23 10 70 Piston sub assembly 43 8 80 Piston assembly 44 15 90 Front cover sub assembly 25 0 100 Accessory sub assembly 70 0 110 leak testing 11 47 120 Performance test 14 95 130 Name plate pressing 23 22 140 P.D.I 54 0 150 Fire wall station 42 0 3.2. Manual Time Vs Takt Time Figure 2 shows the number of operators in clutch servo assembly line before line balancing and it has been reduced to 8 after line balancing which is shown in Figure 3. MANUAL TIME BEFORE BALANCING WITH 9 OPERATORS MANUAL TIME 95 sec 71 sec 68 sec 69 sec 70 sec 66 sec 64 sec 52 sec 50 sec 42 sec 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TAKT TIME Figure 2 Number of operators before line balancing in clutch servo assembly line 461
  9. Increase of Productivity in Assembly and Machining Lines of Clutch Servo Assembly Line MANUAL TIME AFTER LINE BALANCING WITH 8 OPERATORS MANUAL TIME 92 sec 95 sec 81 sec 71 sec 68 sec 66 sec 69 sec 52 sec 42 sec 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TAKT TIME Figure 3 Number of operators after line balancing in clutch servo assembly line 3.3. Clutch Servo Assembly Line Layout The assembly line layout for the clutch servo assembly line is shown in Figure 4 The layout for the clutch servo assembly line is shown below Figure 4 Layout of clutch servo assembly line 3.4. Finding the Takt Time Takt time = Available time/demand Available time = 7.25 hours× 3 shifts =7.25×3×60×60×0.80 (Taking operator efficiency as 80%) = 62640 sec Demand = 639 units Takt time = 62640/660 =95 sec 462
  10. S. Karthik 3.5. Finding the Bottle Neck Time Machine bottle neck time= 95 sec, in the station of performance test Man bottle neck time = 71sec, the2nd operator manual time is the man bottle neck time Bottle neck time = maximum of ( Man bottle neck time ,Machine bottle neck time) = 95 sec Without balancing with 9 operators The output/shift =available time per shift/bottle neck time = 436 min per shift = 436×60×0.8 (taking operator efficiency as 80%) =20928/95 = 220 units per shift With balancing with 8 operators After reallocating work load to operators the bottle neck time is 98 sec The output/shift=436×60×0.8 (taking operator efficiency as 80%) =20928/95 =220 units 4. CONCLUSION Before line balancing the number of operators was 9 and bottle neck time was 95 sec. The output per shift was 220 pieces. After implementing Line balancing in the clutch servo assembly line, the number of operators is reduced to 8 and the output was 220 pieces per shift. After reallocating work load to operators the bottle neck time is 98 sec REFERENCES [1] James C. Chen, Chun-Chieh Chen, Ling-Huey Su, Han-Bin Wu, Cheng-Ju Sun, (2012), “Assembly line balancing in garment industry” Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10073–10081. [2] Pereira, (2013),“An enumeration procedure for the assembly line balancing problem based on branching by non-decreasing idle time”, European Journal of Operational Research, 229, 106–113. [3] Olga Battaı, Alexandre Dolgui, (2013), “A taxonomy of line balancing problems and their solution approaches”, Int. J. Production Economics, 142, 259–277. [4] Amardeep, T.M. Rangaswamy, Gautham j, (2013), “Line balancing of single model assembly line” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 5. [5] Md. Rezaul Hasan Shumon, KaziArif-Uz-Zaman and Azizur Rahman, (2010), “Productivity Improvement through Line Balancing in Apparel Industries”, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 9 – 10. [6] Agpak, K., & Gökçen, H. (2005). Assembly line balancing: Two resource constrained cases. International Journal of Production Economics, 96, 129– 140. [7] Becker, C., & Scholl, A. (2006). A survey on problems and methods in generalized assembly line balancing. European Journal of Operational Research, 168, 694–715. [8] Chen, J. C., Hsaio, M. H., Chen, C. C., & Sun, C. J. (2009). A grouping genetic algorithm for the assembly line balancing problem of sewing lines in garment industry. In 463
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