Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of hardening mechanisms for carbon and low-alloy steels with different structural states
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The aim of the work is a quantitative approximate assessment of the contribution of various hardening mechanisms for carbon and low alloy steels according to their chemical composition and parameters of a thin metallographic structure.
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Nội dung Text: Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of hardening mechanisms for carbon and low-alloy steels with different structural states
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 1606–1614, Article ID: IJMET_10_03_161 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HARDENING MECHANISMS FOR CARBON AND LOW- ALLOY STEELS WITH DIFFERENT STRUCTURAL STATES Kanaev A.T "Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin", Kazakhstan, Astana Topolyansky P.A LLC "Plasmacentre", Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg Biizhanov S.K. "Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin", Kazakhstan, Astana ABSTRACT The aim of the work is a quantitative approximate assessment of the contribution of various hardening mechanisms for carbon and low alloy steels according to their chemical composition and parameters of a thin metallographic structure. It is generally accepted that the work is of scientific and practical interest, since, as is known, there is currently no theory that satisfactorily describes hardening mechanisms, especially for new promising hardening methods (combined hardening methods, combined heat treatment methods, plasma, laser processing, etc.). There are only approximations that describe the existing hardening mechanisms, which do not provide a rigorous quantitative assessment of the yield strength of steels with different structural states. In this paper, by analyzing the literature data and our own experimental studies (on chemical composition and structure parameters), the approximate contribution of various hardening mechanisms to the yield strength of carbon, wheel and low-alloy steels was quantified. The assessment is not strict, based on a number of assumptions. It was established that for hot-rolled steel (St5ps) [1] the greatest contribution to the yield strength is made by solid-solution and grain-boundary hardening (37.3% and 33.3%), in low-alloy steel 16G2AF [2], along with these components of hardening, dispersion hardening plays a noticeable role (21.5%). It is shown that the combined heat-strain treatment of St.5ps steel leads to an increase in dislocation hardening up to 32% due to an increase in the density of dislocations and the preservation of most of the dislocations in rolled metal during accelerated cooling of hot-deformed austenite. In wheeled steel, thermally treated by traditional technology (intermittent hardening and tempering), the main contribution to strength is the grain-boundary and dislocation http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1606 editor@iaeme.com
- Kanaev A.T., Topolyansky P.A., Biizhanov S.K. hardening (~ 33%). In the same steel, subjected to surface plasma hardening, due to the strong grinding of the structure and formation of the nano-structured phase components, strength indices increase significantly (42%). Key words: hardening mechanisms, yield strength, deformation-heat treatment, accelerated cooling, surface plasma quenching, nanostructured phase components, grain size Cite this Article: Kanaev A.T., Topolyansky P.A., Biizhanov S.K., Quantitative Assessment of the Effectiveness of Hardening Mechanisms for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels with Different Structural States, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 1606–1614. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 1. INTRODUCTION The methodological basis of the research is the idea of the existence of a deep connection between the structure and the physicomechanical and operational properties of metallic materials. The entire previous groundwork in this scientific field is an illustration of the central principle of materials science, according to which the behavior of materials is always determined by their structure [1-3]. It is known that one of the main problems of modern metallurgy is the establishment of quantitative connection between the structure and properties of alloys. To solve this problem, it is necessary to identify the role and contribution of the existing mechanisms of hardening in the constructive strength of steels subjected to different heat treatment, and therefore having different structure [4-6]. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical interest to quantify the contribution to the yield strength of individual hardening mechanisms for carbon, wheel and low alloy steels, widely used in construction and railway engineering. 2. RESEARCH MATERIALS AND METHODS The main characteristics of carbon and low-alloy steels, which determine their structural strength, are the yield strength and tendency to brittle fracture [11–13]. The yield strength, assessing the strength of steel, is determined by the well-known ratio of Hall-Petch, which for the conditions of tension has the form: 1 𝜎𝑇 = 𝜎𝑖 + 𝑘𝑦 ∙ 𝑑 −2 (1) where 𝜎𝑖 - friction tension of the crystal lattice during the motion of dislocations inside the grains; ky - coefficient characterizing the contribution of grains to the hardening; d - diameter of the grain. From formula (1) it follows that the strength of steel is inversely proportional to the square root of the grain size (σT of the material increases with decreasing grain size). Lattice friction tension 𝜎𝑖 = 𝜎0 + 𝛥𝜎𝑇𝐵 + 𝜎𝑃 + 𝜎𝐷 + 𝜎𝐷𝑖 . (2) In this equation, 𝜎𝑖 is the sum of 𝜎0 - friction tension of the α-Fe lattice, increasing the strength of solid solutions during doping - 𝛥𝜎𝑇𝐵 , hardening due to the formation of perlite - 𝛥𝜎𝑃 , deformation - 𝛥𝜎𝐷 and dispersion - 𝛥𝜎𝐷𝑖 hardening. In [13], it was shown that the influence of all the listed hardening mechanisms on the yield strength is linearly additive, i.e. they can be summed up. Therefore, the yield strength of the investigated structural steels (St5ps, wheel steel grade 2 and low alloyed steel 16G2AF) can be considered as the sum of the terms http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1607 editor@iaeme.com
- Quantitative Assessment of the Effectiveness of Hardening Mechanisms for Carbon and Low- Alloy Steels with Different Structural States Control of Semi-Active Suspension in equation (2). The share of the contribution of individual hardening factors (equations 1 and 2) to the total yield strength of steel is not the same, and it depends on the type of alloying elements and the degree of doping, the presence and dispersion of hardening phases, applied deformation-thermal, plasma treatment and other factors. Note that the tendency of steel to brittle fracture is estimated from the temperature of transition from a viscous to a brittle state, which is defined as the ratio of the area of a viscous fracture to the initial design section. The lower the temperature of the transition from a viscous to a brittle state, the more reliable the material is, therefore, the more often they tend to apply a material whose transition temperature is below the operating temperature, and this temperature significantly depends on the grain size [14,15]. Based on the well-known hardening mechanisms described by equation (2), we analyzed the effectiveness of various hardening mechanisms for carbon, wheel and low-alloyed steels used in construction and railway transport, which differ not only in chemical composition, but also in heat treatment [16-18]. The value of individual hardening factors and their contribution to the total yield strength of these steels were determined by the known empirical formulas. The necessary for the calculation coefficients are taken from the literature data [8,19]. In this case, the calculated values of the yield strength of the investigated steels were compared with experimental data according to GOST 5781, GOST 10884, GOST 19281 and GOST 10791. Determination of structure parameters (content of perlite in steel, diameter of ferritic grains, size and volume of the carbonitride phase fraction, etc.) to quantify the yield strength by quantitative metallographic methods using a Neophot 21 research horizontal microscope and Jeol JEM 2100 electron microscope. As the diameter of ferritic grains (d), we used the average length of a straight line segment that intersects the grain in the plane of the thin section [20-22]. The volumetric fraction of dispersed particles (f) and their diameter (D) in low-alloy steel 16G2AF was determined by the method of electronic photography of thin foil, and the interpartial distance (l) - by a known ratio 1 𝑙 = 𝐷 ∙ (𝑃⁄6 𝑓)2 . The share of the pearlite component was determined by the Rosevale method, according to which the areas of the structural components are calculated from the lengths of the straight segments that fell on each of the structural components in accordance with the Cavalieri principle [23]. The density of the dislocations of hardened steels was determined by X-ray analysis on the form of diffraction lines, and in hot rolled steel the density of dislocations was quantified by the translucent electron microscopy of thin foil [24, 25] (Table 1). Note. Based on the experimental data, it was assumed that ~ 0.015 (C + N) was dissolved in the ferrite, the rest of the carbon and nitrogen were bound into carbonitrides. The friction tension of the α-iron lattice (Peierls-Nabarro tension) is estimated by the formula 𝜎0 = 2 ∙ 10−4 ∙ 𝐺 (3) where G is the shear modulus of iron. G = 84000 MPa. The Peierls-Nabarro tension is the minimum tension necessary for the movement of a dislocation in a crystal, and it is determined by the properties of the crystal lattice and characterizes the friction forces in it. At alloying of metal there is an increase of friction forces, i.e. alloying increases resistance of dislocations, due to interaction of dissolved atoms of alloying elements with dislocation. In the first approximation, the Peierls-Nabarro tension can be correlated with the yield strength of a single crystal metal. This value significantly depends http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1608 editor@iaeme.com
- Kanaev A.T., Topolyansky P.A., Biizhanov S.K. on the content of impurities in the metal. Therefore, as the purity of the metal and the degree of perfection of the crystals improved, it turned out to be an ever-smaller value of the yield strength of single crystals. Taking into account the literature data in the calculation, the friction tension of the α-Fe lattice is assumed to be ~ 30 MPa [8,26,27] (Table 2). Table 1 Baseline data for the quantitative assessment of the yield strength of the investigated steels Mark of the studied steels and their structural state Grade 2 wheel steel, Grade 2 wheel St5ps, № Steel characteristics St5ps, intermittent steel, 16G2AF deformation-heat hot Rolled hardening and surface plasma Normalization treatment medium hardening tempering Content of alloying elements in α- Fe, %: Mn 0,65 0,65 0,80 0,80 1,5 Si 0,11 0,11 0,40 0,40 0,45 P 0,04 0,04 0,033 0,033 0,035 1 V - - - - 0,11 (C+ N) 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015 Cr - - 0,25 0,25 - Ni - - 0,23 0,23 - Cu - - - 0,10 - Hardening phase (dispersed 2 - - - - V (С, N) particle) 3 Perlite share, % 40 30 - 37,5 17 Grain size: (number according to GOST 5639- 0,061 0,015 0,017 0,007 0,014 4 82), (5) (9) (9) (11) (9) d, MM Volume fraction of dispersed 5 - - - - 0,096 particles, f, % 6 Size of disperse particles, D, nm - - - - 30 7 Interpartial distance, λ, nm - - - - 765 The nature of the dislocation 8 structure (with a uniform 109 109 109 109 109 distribution of dislocations), ρ, cm-2 Table 2-Quantitative estimation of the yield strength of steels with different structural state Steel Grade Grade 2 wheel steel, Grade 2 wheel St5ps, № Indicators St5ps, intermittent steel, 16G2AF deformation-heat hot Rolled hardening and surface plasma Normalization treatment medium hardening tempering 1 Lattice friction tension 30/11,8 30/6,3 30/5,7 30/4,3 30/6,1 Solid solution 2 95/37,3 95/20,2 171/32,8 175/25 115/23,5 hardening Hardening, poured 3 40/15,7 35/7,5 31,0/6,0 35/5,0 40/8,2 with perlite 4 Dislocation hardening 5/2.0 150/32 120/23 170/23,6 5/1,0 5 Dispersion Hardening - - - - 105/21,4 Grain Boundary 6 85/33,3 160/34 170/32,6 295/42 195/39,8 Hardening Calculated value of 7 255 470 522 705 490 yield strength Experimental value of 8 285 440 585 790 440 the yield strength http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1609 editor@iaeme.com
- Quantitative Assessment of the Effectiveness of Hardening Mechanisms for Carbon and Low- Alloy Steels with Different Structural States Control of Semi-Active Suspension Note. In the numerator - the absolute value of hardening (MPa), in the denominator - the proportion of hardening due to this mechanism, (in% of the calculated value of the yield strength). As noted above, currently there is no theory that satisfactorily describes hardening mechanisms, especially for new promising hardening methods, such as combining hot deformation with subsequent hardening heat treatment, plasma hardening, etc. There are only approximations describing the mechanisms of hardening, which do not give a rigorous quantitative estimate of the yield strength. The remaining hardening factors (𝛥𝜎𝑇𝐵 , 𝛥𝜎𝑃 , 𝛥𝜎𝐷 , 𝛥𝜎𝐷𝑖 , 𝛥𝜎3 ), besides the resistance of the lattice to the dislocation movement, were taken into account using known formulas. At the same time, the principle of linear additivity of hardening by individual mechanisms is used. 3. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In carbon steel St5ps (hot rolled state) the main components of hardening are solid-solution and grain-boundary hardening, the share of which for this steel is 37.3% and 33.3%, respectively. In absolute terms, the proportions of these terms are 95 MPa and 85 MPa. In steel St.5ps, subjected to a combined deformation-heat treatment, deformational (dislocation) hardening makes a significant contribution to the overall hardening. If the share of strain hardening in St.5ps steel cooled in calm air from a rolling end temperature of 1050 °С (hot rolled state) is ~ 5%, then in the same steel hardened according to the interrupted quenching scheme followed by high self-tempering (heat-strengthened state) the deformation fraction hardening increases to 32%. (absolute value 𝛥𝜎𝐷 = 150 MPa). This is probably due to an increase in the density of dislocations when combining hot rolling followed by immediate quenching and tempering. As mentioned above, recrystallization processes are suppressed by quenching and a significant part of the dislocations caused by hot rolling of austenite are fixed. At the same time, the dislocation structure of hot-deformed austenite is inherited by martensite in the process of phase austenite- martensitic transformation. In addition, during deformation-heat treatment, along with the grinding of austenitic grain, the grinding of martensite crystals is achieved [28,29]. The dominant hardening mechanism in wheel steel subjected to traditional heat treatment (according to GOST 10791) is grain-boundary and solid-solution hardening, which are ~ 170 and 171 MPa, respectively [30]. If we take into account that solid-solution hardening is due to the difference in the atomic diameters of the matrix and the alloying element and their elastic moduli, then a high proportion of solid-solution hardening in this steel can be explained by the resistance to moving dislocations from dissolved Mn, Si and P atoms in α-Fe. The hardening coefficients of ferrite with these elements are KMn=35, KSi=85, KP=690 [13]. In plasma-hardened wheel steel, the role of grain-boundary hardening (𝛥𝜎3 = 280 МПа) is noticeable due to the strong grinding of grain size (d=0.007 mm) with the formation of nanostructured elements of the phase components of the structure. As is known, when using ultrahigh heating and cooling rates (~6000 ºС/s), which takes place with innovative plasma technologies, a high complex of physic-mechanical properties of the processed materials is created, unattainable with traditional heat treatment methods [31]. The possibility of creating a nanostate of highly crushed (fragmented) structure and elements of nanocomposites in the process of phase transformation is also shown in [32, 33], where it is noted that the physic- mechanical properties of nanostructured steels (strength, ductility, toughness, crack resistance, etc.) with the volume fraction of the nano-structural elements ~ 20-30% significantly surpass the indicators of the corresponding materials received by traditional technologies. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1610 editor@iaeme.com
- Kanaev A.T., Topolyansky P.A., Biizhanov S.K. In low-alloy steel 16G2AF, the role of dispersion hardening is noticeable - 21.5% 𝛥𝜎𝐷𝑖 = 105,0 МРа. As can be seen from table 1, dispersed carbonitride phase V (C, N) is formed in this steel, which strengthens the ferrite by the Oroan mechanism. It is assumed that the carbonitride phase V (C, N) is incoherent with the matrix (α-Fe) and therefore the dislocations envelop the V (C, N) discharge. However, there are opinions [9] that in low-alloyed construction steels, small particles of carbonitrides released directly from the matrix can be coherently associated with it. The effect and prospects of dispersion hardening is also indicated by the influence of dispersed phases on the grain size. From table 1 it follows that in steel 16G2AF in the structure of which there is a dispersed carbonitride phase V (C, N) a smaller grain d=0.014 mm is formed. Это объясняется зародышевым влиянием частиц V (C, N) при переходе через критические точки Ас1 и Ас3. In addition, the carbonitride phase inhibits the growth of austenite grain with further heating up to the temperature of dissolution of these phases in austenite. These two circumstances lead to the fact that in steel 16G2AF noticeable grinding of ferritic grains occurs. Thus, dispersed particles of the carbonitride phase V (C, N) in steel cause additional grain-boundary hardening. This feature of strengthening by dispersed particles carbonitride phase contains in [34,35]. In carbon and low alloyed steels, the main phase and structural component is ferrite, its share in these steels reaches 85-90%. When a load is applied, the deformation begins to develop in the ferrite, and pearlitic colonies are “barriers” for such deformation. Therefore, hardening from the pearlite component also contributes to the overall hardening [36–37]. From the above data it can be seen that the proportion of hardening from the formation of perlite is about 4.0-15%, in absolute value 𝛥𝜎𝑃 = 20 − 40 MPa. It should also be noted that nonmetallic inclusions can also affect the mechanical properties of these steels. However, their volume fraction in the steels under consideration does not exceed 0.1%, they do not have a strengthening effect and therefore the behavior of non-metallic inclusions is not considered in this study. Thus, the contribution of various hardening mechanisms to the yield strength of carbon and low alloy steels is different. For hot-rolled steel St.5ps the greatest contribution to the yield strength is given by solid-solution and grain boundary hardening (37.3% and 33.3%), for St.5ps hardened steel, the share of dislocation (strain) hardening is 32% due to an increase in the density of dislocations and the preservation of the majority of dislocations during accelerated cooling of hot-deformed austenite. In dispersed hardening steel 16G2AF, along with solid- solution and grain-boundary components of hardening, dispersion hardening plays a noticeable role (21.5%). 4. CONCLUSIONS 1. Effective and promising ways of increasing the strength of structural carbon and low alloy steels are solid solution strengthening by alloying relatively cheap alloying elements (Mn, Si), and precipitation hardening and dislocation by applying a combined deformation and heat treatment in combination with microalloying with carbide- and nitride-forming elements (V, Al). 2. A quantitative assessment of the strength of ferritic-pearlitic low-carbon and low-alloyed steels in terms of chemical composition and structure parameters allows approximately to identify the contribution of each hardening mechanism to the yield strength of steel and predict balanced hardening mechanisms. 3. Reducing the size of the actual grain is an effective way to increase the strength of structural steels, which simultaneously reduces the tendency of ferritic-pearlitic steels to brittle fracture. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1611 editor@iaeme.com
- Quantitative Assessment of the Effectiveness of Hardening Mechanisms for Carbon and Low- Alloy Steels with Different Structural States Control of Semi-Active Suspension This is especially important in case of surface plasma hardening, which leads to severe grain refinement, which is a consequence of ultrafast heating and cooling (103–105 K/s) and short duration of impact on the metal (10–2–10–4 s). 4. An important result of the research is experimental evidence that the plasma quenching due to the specificity of treatment is possible to obtain such a structure, and properties that are unattainable with traditional methods of treatment. Innovative technologies based on combining hot plastic deformation followed by heat treatment, as well as intensively developing plasma finishing technologies provide significant technical and economic benefits. KEY NOTES [1] International analogues of the material - ISO Fe490 [2] Foreign analogues of the material 16G2AF Czech United Germa Engla Cana Chin Swed Hung Polan Roma Switzerl Japan France EU Italy Spain Bulgaria Repub States ny nd da a en ary d nia and lic DIN, AFNO - JIS BS HG EN UNI UNE GB SS BDS MSZ PN STAS CSN SNV WNr R A633G SM49 E420RI 400W 1.89 FeE420 AE420 Q42 09G2BF 18G2 1.8902 50E 2143 58C K510 13220 StE43 r.E 0A FP T 02 KG KG 0C BFF AV REFERENCES [1] 1. L. Van Fleck, Theoretical and Applied Materials Science, Translated from English. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1995, 472 p. [2] 2. Tushinsky L.I. Structural theory of constructive strength of materials. Novosibirsk, NSTU Publishing House, 2004, 400 p. [3] 3. Pickering FB Physical metallurgy and development of steel. Per. from English Moscow, Metallurgy, 1982, 182 p. [4] 4. Baranov A.A., Minaev A.A., Geller A.L., Gorbatenko V.P. Problems of combining hot deformation and heat treatment. M.: Metallurgy, 1985, 128 p. [5] 5. Kanaev A.T., Nechaev Yu.S., Prokhorchenko N.V. On the issue of the mechanism of thermomechanical hardening of low carbon and low alloy steels. Metals, Lime RAS. 1995, № 2, p.57-60. [6] 6. Kozlov E.V., Popova N.A., Koneva N.A. Fragmented structure formed in BCC steels during deformation. Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences, physical series, 2004, t. 68 No. 10, pp. 1419-1427. [7] 7. Uzlov I.G. Development of the theory and technology of thermal and thermomechanical hardening of structural steels. Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy. Collection of scientific papers. Dnepropetrovsk. 2004, issue 8, pp. 250-260 [8] 8. Goldstein, MI, Litvinov, VS, Bronfin, B.M. Metal physics of high-strength alloys. Moscow, Metallurgy, 1986, 312 p. [9] 9. Bolshakov V.I., Starodubov K.F., Tylkin M.A. Heat treatment of rugged building steel. Moscow, Metallurgy, 1987, 209 p. [10] 10. Lyakishev NP, Sherbedinsky GV. Increasing the strength of low-carbon steel for mass use. News of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Metals, 1990, №1, p.3-5 [11] 11. Bernstein M.L., Zaymovsky V.A., Kaputkina L.M. Thermomechanical processing of steel. - M.: Metallurgy, 1993. - 479 p. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1612 editor@iaeme.com
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