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Trắc nghiệm toeic năm 2009 - part 1

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  1. 2009 년 1 년 년년 1. In times of -----, the price of precious metals (C) evidential such as gold generally increases dramatically. (D) evidently (A) prosperity (B) prospering 7. An arbitrator must listen ----- to both parties (C) prosperous in a dispute and not allow personal prejudice or (D) prosper opinion to affect his or her decision. (A) objection 2. The Judge became furious when her ----- was (B) objective questioned by the plaintiffs attorney. (C) objects (A) neutralize (D) objectively (B) neutralization (C) neutrally 8. All the plants inside and outside the office (D) neutrality need to be watered -----. (A) period 3. The enclosed brochure will assist customers (B) periodical to make a ----- on whether to buy or try the new (C) periodic software. (D) periodically (A) deciding (B) decision 9. In fact, within two years, it is not unusual for (C) decide a management trainee to receive multiple (D) decided promotions and increase his or her income -----. (A) substantiation 4. They were fined for holding a boxing match (B) substantial without the official ----- of the state Boxing (C) substantiate Commission. (D) substantially (A) approving (B) approval 10. Please fasten your seat belt ----- and bring (C) to approve back the rest of your seat to its vertical position. (D) approved (A) security (B) secure 5. ----- show that less competition and poor (C) secured service are usually the result of government (D) securely regulation in the telecommunications business. (A) Study 11. Please provide all of the information as ----- (B) Studies as possible to enable your request to be (C) Studying properly processed. (D) Studied (A) clear (B) clearer 6. Market researchers have presented ----- that (C) clarity companies with small market shares will suffer (D) clearly a great deal throughout the course of the year. (A) evidence 12. Military spending cuts have ----- impacted (B) evident manufacturing business in the United States. 1
  2. (A) strong executive meeting of ten or a large reception of (B) strongly five hundred. (C) strength (A) beauty (D) strengthen (B) beautiful (C) beautifully 13. The report was ----- written and must be (D) beautify reviewed and redone. (A) poor 19. This Bed & Breakfast house can provide (B) poorly comfortable accommodations at a ----- price. (C) poorest (A) reasonable (D) poorer (B) reason (C) reasonably 14. This rebate offer is only available with the (D) reasoning purchase of a new Novatel modem and the customer must ----- maintain OmniSky 20. The network is not ----- at this time due to Wireless Service a minimum of six months. software failure. (A) continue (A) accessible (B) continuation (B) accessed (C) continuous (C) accessing (D) continuously (D) access 15. Safety regulations have recently been 21. Most of our door-to-door salesmen prefer to reinforced to protect workers who work in ----- live in the area they serve because it is more hazardous jobs. ----- for them. (A) potential (A) convenient (B) potentialize (B) convened (C) potentially (C) convenience (D) potentiality (D) conveniently 16. The European trade discussions came to an 22. Though baseball purists prefer that the end with the representatives ----- supporting the game be played in the open-air, most modern call for a free trade zone. ballparks are ----- in either fixed or retractable (A) completely roof domed stadiums. (B) completeness (A) enclose (C) complete (B) enclosing (D) completed (C) enclosure (D) enclosed 17. Our direct-deposit service has turned out to be ----- attractive to our customers. 23. According to Jenkins, a new highspeed (A) extreme machine will ------- that will cut the patterns for (B) extremely the gloves in half the time it takes now. (C) extremity (A) be installing (D) extremes (B) be installed (C) install 18. The Club's nine versatile meeting and (D) have installed banquet rooms ----- accommodate a small 2
  3. 24. The inspectors' recommendations ----- that (A) in case of the company needs to increase its production. (B) moreover (A) indicate (C) so that (B) are indicated (D) even though (C) to indicate (D) indicating 30. I was a member of the Country Club's Recreation committee ----- it was first 25. At Good Brothers Inc. we want our established, but I quit after a few months. employees to be the most competitive (A) nevertheless individuals in their fields so we put great (B) still emphasis ----- training and career growth. (C) when (A) to (D) since (B) between (C) out 31. ----- I have exchanged email and memos (D) on with the Regional Vice President, I have never met him in person. 26. This packing system, ----- ensures a total (A) Except vacuum to retain freshness and flavor for a long (B) Although period, is used in more than 200 food- (C) Unlike processing plants. (D) However (A) who (B) which 32. The rebuilt plane will be ready for use next (C) what week ----- we can get the local and federal (D) whose approvals for the repairs. (A) otherwise 27. Although we requested that we ----- a room (B) if with garden view when we made the (C)whether reservation, we were taken to a sea view room (D) instead when we arrived. (A) have given 33. Contest entry forms will be discarded ----- (B) were giving accompanied by a proof of purchase of one of (C) gave the company's products. (D) be given (A) nevertheless (B) as long as 28. Constant quality improvement is intended to (C) therefore maintain our competitiveness and ---- us for the (D) unless challenges of the future. (A) to prepare 34. Even though the boss encouraged you to put (B) preparing ----- idea into effect, you ignored him and now (C) prepared someone else has done it and received all the (D) have prepared credit. (A) you 29. Among other reasons, annual reports are (B) your published ----- an informed reader may interpret (C) yourself and evaluate the performance and prospects of a (D) yours company accurately. 3
  4. 35. The green skis and black boots belong to (D) contributing my sister and the gray skis and boots are -----. 41. All of the Seashore Hotel's staff are (A) I committed to ----- top-quality service and a (B) mine comfortable environment for their guests. (C) myself (A) provision (D) my (B) provided (C) providing 36. When the golf cart broke down, Mr. Lucas (D) provider and the other golfers in his group made it worse when they tried to repair it by ----- instead of 42. The food division is considering ----- a new calling for help. line of gourmet spices in select areas next (A) they summer. (B) their (A) to introduce (C) them (B) introducing (D) themselves (C) introduce (D) introduced 37. Of the several plants, one plant gets 50% of its energy needs from solar power while ----- 43. Please refrain from ----- cellular phones uses windmills to produce 28% of its energy. during the lecture. (A) another (A) use (B) others (B) uses (C) another (C) using (D) the others (D) to use 38. The boxers may have appeared angry in the 44. ----- messages is the responsibility of a ring, but in fact they have a great deal of respect secretary. and admiration for -----. (A) Taking (A) ones (B) Taken (B) the others (C) Took (C) others (D) Take (D) each other 45. A job used to be obtained ----- in the past 39. Constant exercise has been proven ----- than it is now. health benefits for people of all ages and (A) easiest occupations. (B) more easily (A) have (C) easily (B) to have (D) easier (C) having (D) had 46. This new coffee machine makes cappuccino froth ----- more efficiently than the old one. 40. All students are welcome to ----- their (A) much suggestions about ways to improve the teaching (B) so system at this institute. (C) really (A) contribution (D) very (B) contributable (C) contribute 4
  5. 47. This is by far one of the ----- jobs Mrs. Rita 51. The new facilities are both more ----- and has ever taken in her entire career as a modern. laboratory technician. (A) conveniences (A) challenging (B) convenient (B) more challenged (C) convenience (C)most challenging (D) conveniently (D) more challenging 52. If you write the memo tonight, I will copy 48. Those who do not pick up their season ----- distribute it in the morning. tickets by August 20 ----- their stadium seats. (A) and (A) forfeit (B) so (B) will forfeit (C) as (C) will have forfeited (D) in (D) forfeited 53. Vortex Medical is a well known leader in 49. The road was very muddy because it ---- all manufacturing medical equipment for its ---- night. patents. (A) rained (A) number (B) rains (B) numerous (C) will be rained (C) numerical (D) have rained (D) numeral 50. All employees are expected and ----- to 54. According to the poll, ----- factors may not exercise care when leaving e-mail messages affect election results, unless of course turnout within the company. is low. (A) required (A) each other (B) have required (C) require (B) another (D) requiring (C) others (D) other ANSWER 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. C 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. A 51. B 52. A 53. B 54. D 5



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