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Tham khảo tài liệu 'bài tập tiếng anh lớp 12ctc - unit 7', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12CTC - Unit 7

  1. BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12CTC - Unit 7 PART 1: VOCABULARY: Exercise 1. Hãy điền vào các ô trống các từ loại còn lại (nếu có) từ các từ cho sẵn sau đây: Noun Adjective Adverb Verb Nghĩa của từ đã cho economic economically to economize economy Nền kinh tế economical to reform reform Sự cải cách improvement to improve Cải thiện promotion To promote Thăng tiến, thúc đẩy To carry out Thực hiện Constant constantly Một cách thường xuyên National Congress Đại hội toàn quốc, Quốc hội Communist Party Đảng Cộng Sản initiation initiative To initiate Khởi xướng overall Toàn diện renovation Sự đổi mới To restructure Xây dựng lại Living standard Mức sống experience To experience Trải qua To under-develop Phát triển kém domination dominative To dominate Thống trị agricultural agriculture Nền nông nghiệp stagnation To stagnate stagnant Trì trệ inflation Sự lạm phát To eleminate Xóa bỏ To subsidize subsidies Sự bao cấp priority Sự ưu tiên To shift Chuyển dịch To reduce Làm giảm, rút ngắn intervention Sự xen vào, sự can thiệp Trade relation Quan hệ thương mại To encourage Khuyến khích domestic Trong nước. nội địa private Tư nhân, riêng tư To invest investment Sự đầu tư Subsequent to Tiếp theo, tiếp tục To commit commitment Sự cam kết To reaffirm Khẳng định lại To call for Kêu gọi administration To administrate administrative Thuộc về quản lý guidelines Đường lối, nguyên tắc chỉ đạo Land Law Luật đất đai Enterprises Law Luật doanh nghiệp
  2. Legal ground Nền tảng pháp lý dissolution dissolvant To dissolve Giải tán, phân hủy Co-operatives Hợp tác xã, sự hợp tác to undergo Trải qua substantial Quan trọng, trọng yếu Land use rights Quyền sử dụng đất Ethnic minority Dân tộc thiểu số Those (Pron) Người, Những ai Exercise 2. Hãy cho biết từ đồng nghĩa hoặc gần nghĩa, từ trái nghĩa của các từ sau (nếu có): từ cho sẵn từ đồng / gần nghĩa Từ trái nghĩa A shortage of A lack of To eleminate To delete, to cancel To change To shift import export To discourage To encourage chance opportunity effective ineffective To rise, to go up To decrease, to reduce, to go down To increase achievement accomplishment urban rural (Từ Exercise 3 trở đi, GV có thể cho HS làm tại lớp, làm ở nhà để kiểm tra bài cũ hoặc làm trong các tiết học tăng tiết. ) Exercise 3: Hãy chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất: 1. Everybody should be made aware ________ the risks involved. A. on B. in C. for D. of 2. The recent economic crisis has brought ________ a slump in world trade. A. about B. in C. over F. out 3. The government is aiming ________ 50% reduction in unemployment. A. to B. at C. on D. for 4. Sport is sometimes used by governments as a tool of foreign ________. A. policy B. political C. politics D. politician 5. The President has ________ his commitment to the peace process. A. reargued B. reenacted C. reaffirmed D. reminded 6. The government made serious attempts to raise the ________ of living. A. standard B. cost C. level D. mode 7. The police have asked for the ________ of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the escaped convict. A. partnership B. co-operation C. association D. alliance 8. The government shifted economic priority from heavy industry to three major economic programmes. A. moved B. continued C. changed D. encouraged 9. The government introduced a wage freeze so that ________ might be brought under control.
  3. A. renovation B. economy C. inflation D. development 10. A strike in the mining industry is threatening to bring about a shortage of coal in the near future. A. redundant B. ruin C. storage D. lack 11. The Vietnamese Communist Party ________ an overall economic reform in December, 1986. A. intimated B. initiated C. inherited D. inhaled 12. To promote the development of our country, we should ________ economic reforms. A. marry to B. bring about C. carry out D. take out 13. The aim of “Đổi Mới” was to ________ the economy of Vietnam and to raise the living standards of the people. A. restructure B. restroom C. restate D. remote 14. Before “Đổi Mới”, our country ________ a lot of difficulties on many aspects of life. A. expected B. experienced C. excepted D. extracted 15. Before “Đổi Mới”, our economy was ________ and was dominated by traditional agriculture. A. over-developing B. super-developing C. out-developed D. under- developed 16. Before “Đổi Mới”, our country was ________ and the people led a /an ________ life. A. rich / poor B. rich / stable C. poor / poor D. poor / wealthy 17. Before “Đổi Mới”, there were ________ schools and hospitals. A. a lack of B. an overdosage of C. sufficiency of D. abundance of 18. It is quite important ________ me to get on and think. A. of B. to C. on D. with 19. If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it ________ your diet. A. for B. without C. from D. on 20. The new policies include cutting ________ subsidies and trade barriers. A. agriculture B. agricultural C. agriculturalist D. agriculturally 21. The control of ________ has been carried out through measures rooted in monetarism. A. inflate B. inflationist C. inflation D. inflator 22. It is often a good idea to start with small, easily ________ goals. A. achieve B. achievement C. achievable D. achiever 23. Economic reforms began in the Soviet Union in June 1985 by the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to ________ the Soviet economy. A. repair B. reproduce C. restructure D. reply 24. After more than a decade of Doi Moi or economic ________ , the Vietnamese Communist government has achieved diplomatic and economic links with numerous foreign partners.
  4. A. relation B. investment C. productivity D. renovation 25. For more than 20 years, the Vietnamese government has pursued the open-door ________ and continued to woo foreign investment. A. policy B. way C. export D. guideline 26. After a decade of economic liberalization, Vietnam has seen a dramatic rise in living ________ in urban areas. A. surface B. standards C. levels D. backgrounds 27. ________ laws and regulations which impose restrictions on any rights should be revised to comply with international law. A. Domestic B. Program C. Encouraged D. Expanding 28. These new economic reforms have allowed for international ________ and development in the country. A. pay B. renovation C. investment D. opportunity 29. In 2001 ________ Vietnamese Communist Party approved a 10-year economic plan that enhanced the role of the private sector while reaffirming t he primacy of the state. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 30. It would also concomitantly attract foreign investment to Vietnam, not only from ____ U.S., but also from ________ Europe, Asia, and other regions. A. Ø / the B. the / the C. Ø / an D. the / Ø 31. Economic reforms are often carried ________ to promote the developing of a country. A. out B. on C. for D. in 32. Being aware ________ the importance of economic reforms, the Vietnamese Communist Party initiated an overall economic reform policy. A. for B. at C. of D. in 33. For more than ten years, we have seen the significant ________ in the economy of our country. A. develop B. developments C. developers D. developed 34. Henry was a studious student. He needed no ________ to work hard. A. encourage B. encouraging C. encouragement D. encouraged 35. During the time of economic reforms, the economy has grown ________ with only a few major setbacks. A. constant B. constantly C. constants D. constancy 36. The ________ effect of the new policy is that the farmer is now working for himself, and not for the state sake. A. legal B. common C. all D. overall 37. Considering peasants make up nearly 80% of Vietnam's population. A. specialists B. economists C. professors D. farmers 38. The Doi Moi reforms have ________ new possibilities in farming systems research in Vietnam. A. risen B. opened C. renovated D. called 39. The introduction of appropriate farming practices to Vietnam farmers can help them achieve a higher output. A. productivity B. renovation C. guideline D. achievement
  5. 40. This development project could be of great help to the ________ Vietnamese population. A. major B. living C. rural D. domestic 41. In the South, ________ development concentrated on rice cultivation, and nationally, rice and rubber were the main items of export. A. industrial B. agricultural C. mining D. textile 42. There was a shortage ________ food and safe water after the flooD. A. on B. with C. for D. of 43. The new measures are aimed ________ increasing the productivity of crops. A. at B. over C. upon D. beyond 44. The ________ challenge of economic, reform was to solve the problems of motivating workers and farmers to produce a larger surplus. A. initial B. initiate C. initiative D. initiation 45. Since 1990, India has had high growth rates, and has emerged as one of the wealthiest ________ in the developing worlD. A. economics B. economies C. economists D. economically 46. Those specialists are trying to find ways of making more ________ use of agricultural lanD. A. produce B. production C. productive D. productivity 47. Industry in the area consisted mostly of food-processing plants and factories ________ consumer goods. A. renovating B. initiating C. developing D. producing 48. The government gave top ________ to reforming the legal system. A. priority B. primary C. preference D. major 49. A ________ is money that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an industry or business, or to pay for a public service. A. capital B. subsidy C. investment D. salary 50. They still remain the need for an integrated system of subsidies which will ________ farmers to look after their upland environment and producing fooD. A. enable B. adopt C. consume D. expand 51. Development plans were to focus equally on agricu lture and industry and investment was to favor projects that developed both ________ of the economy. A. parties B. parts C. sections D. sectors 52. Despite the plan's emphasis on agricultural ________ , the industrial sector received a larger share of state investment. A. shortage B. commitment C. development D. achievement 53. Before “Đổi Mới”, the production of pur country was ________. A. developing B. stagnant C. prosperous D. stable 54. To solve the problems before Đổi Mới, our Government introduced a number of ________ measures. A. renovation B. remember C. résumé D. resolution 55. Since Đổi Mới, our country has undergone ________ changes in many branches of life.
  6. A. subsidy B. submarin C. substitute D. substantial 56. “________” means “an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable.” A. Renovation B. Reform C. Inflation D. Intervention 57. As a result of the strike, the government is urging people to be ________ with electricity. A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economically 58. The reform has brought ________ positive effects in many sectors of the economy. A. in B. about C. on D. to 59. It is ________ to shoot an alligator in the Everglades where animals are under the protection of the National Park Service. A. legal B. illegal C. legally D. illegality 60. The government cut spending through reductions in state ________ to industry. A. benefit B. subsidies C. intervention D. taxes 61. The government is aiming ________ 50% reduction ________ unemployment. A. at/ in B. to/ in C. at/ of D. for/ of 62. After many years of Doi Moi process, Vietnam has ________ many encouraging results. A. achieve B. achieved C. achieves D. achieving 63. Did your country ________ a lot of difficulties before Doi Moi? A. experience B. experienced C. experiences D. experiencing 64. I want you to ________ these instructions exactly. A. take up B. put out C. turn up D. carry out 65. The committee ________ among themselves for hours. A. have been arguing B. have been argued C. has been arguing D. has been argued 66. Industrial countries ________ a great amount of raw materials. A. absorb B. apply C. employ D. consume. 67. The most important impact of ________ is the change in urban economic life. A. renew B. renovation C. recycle D. change 68. We need a ________ improvement in sales so that they are greater. A. greatly B. economic C. substantial D. particularly 69. Don’t you think the manager should deal ________ this problem? A. with B. to C. on D. from 70. You have to work hard to keep ________ with the rest of the class. A. out B. up C. in D. on 71. Being aware ________ the importance of economic reforms, the Vietnamese Communist Party initiated an overall economic reform policy. A. for B. at C. of D. in 72. This development project could be of great help to the ________ Vietnamese population. A. major B. living C. rural D. domestic 73. The authorities are det ermined to take together________ to reduce crime.
  7. A. situations B. measures C. requirements D. interests 74. The old theater is in need of complete________. A. renew B. rebuild C. renovation D. review 75. Prior to the economic reform, the country had ex perienced many years of a ________ economy. A. stagnant B. fluent C. fluently D. smoothly 76. Education is our first________ now. We are trying to do what we can to make it better. A. prior B. prioritization C. priory D. priority 77. They have made a substantial change; that means, they have made a(n) ________ change. A. economic B. considerable C. steady D. subtle 78. M.D. played much better than their opponents; they almost________ the match. A. dominated B. eliminated C. activated D. terminated 79. The company was________ because of a shortage of orders. A. solved B. resolved C. dissolved D. involved 80. With the tactful guidelines of the Vietnamese Communist Party, we have ________ to wish to live a brighter life. A. wrongdoings B. corrects C. truths D. rights Since the introduction of economic reforms in India in early 1990s, the major thrust of the country has been to achieve faster economic (1)________, higher export earnings, greater foreign reserves, and enhanced foreign direct investment. (2)________ efforts have been directed towards achieving the desired goals in these macro -economic parameters. (3)________ it is heartening to note the accomplishments at the macro - economic front, it is (4)________ disturbing that the enhanced rate of economic growth has failed to address certain issues of vital importance. These issues and concerns include the dynamics of labor marker, progress (5)________ the agricultural sector, gender equality, caste representations, cultural development, and environmental protection. 1. A. grew B. growing C. growth D. grows 2. A. Wide B. Big C. Enormous D. Large 3. A. With B. While C. By D. When 4. A. equation B. equal C. equality D. equally 5. A. of B. on C. with D. at



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