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When……he (leave) Hanoi for HCM city? -He …….(leave) yesterday morning. 2.They…….(start) to learn E when they ………(be) only 10 years old. 3.she ……..(play) the piano when we ….(arrive). 4.What you………(do) at 8 o'clock yesterday when he………(come) to see you? -Oh, I………(write) a leter to my eldest brother. 5.They still…….(sleep) when their father………(come) back from work. 6.She……..(come) into the room,……..(open) the window,…….( turn) on the light, and ………(begin) to read a newspaper....

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: TENSE

  1. I. TENSE A.Put in the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: 1.When……he (leave) Hanoi for HCM city? -He …….(leave) yesterday morning. 2.They…….(start) to learn E when they ………(be) only 10 years old. 3.she ……..(play) the piano when we ….(arrive). 4.What you………(do) at 8 o'clock yesterday when he………(come) to see you? -Oh, I………(write) a leter to my eldest brother. 5.They still…….(sleep) when their father………(come) back from work. 6.She……..(come) into the room,……..(open) the window,…….( turn) on the light, and ………(begin) to read a newspaper. 7.It……….(rain) hard when they ……..(be) on their way home.As they………(have) no raincoats with them, they….. (be) wet through. 8.Her mother …….(cook) in the kitchen while her father…… (clean) the sitting - room. 9.When I………( come ) to her house, She ………(work) in the garden. She…….(tell) me that she usually ……..(do) the gardening when she …….(have) free time. 10. It…….(be) 2a.m. Elisa………(wake) up.She ……(look) out.It……….(snow). B.Use the simple present, the present continuous tense, the simlpe past or past continuous tense. 1.We often……..(drink) coffee in the morning. But yesterday morning we……..(drink) tea. 2.On my way home I often……….(meet) many children who ……(go) to school. 3.The sun……..(rise) in the East and …….(set) in the West. 4.When they……….(finish) their work? They…….(finish) it two hours ago. 5.What she still……..(do) when her mother………(go) to bed last night? -She still……..(write) an essay on the hames. 6.What you……..(do)now? -We ……(repair) our house. We……..(hope) everything ….. (be) nice. 7.He often…….( buy) presents for his daughter on her birthday.Yesterday ………(be) her 15th birthday. He……… (buy) her a big doll. 8. He……..(begin) to learn foreign languages when he……. (be) quite young. 9.People………(know) that Columbus ……..(discover) America nearly 500 years ago. 10.They all…….(believe) that he just …..(come) back from London last week. C.Use the simple past or present perfect tenses. 1.They just…….(decide) to buy a new house. 2."Gone with the Wind" is the most interesting film we…… ( see) recently. 3.You……..(see) Nam last Sunday.? Oh, no I……..(not see) him for many days now. 4.Since when you…….(learn) E? I……..(learn) it since I……….( be) a girl of twelve. 5.You ever ……(be) to HCM city? -No, I ……(not be) there yet. But my parents ……..(be) there twice this year. 6.They ……..(do) nothing since they ……(get) up. 7.My brother………..(join) the army when he………( be) 18.
  2. He…….(serve) in the army for 3 years and then ……(go) to universiy. 8.How long you……..(live) in this town? -I……….(live) in this town for ten years. 9.My sister……….(finish) school in 1997 and ……..(be) a student at the National University since then. 10.My parents……….(go) out.They will be back soon. D.Use the simple past or past perfect tense. 1.What you………(do) there before you ……..(return) home? 2.When I…….(come) to his house yesterday, his mother….. (tell) me that he……..(go) to the cinema with his friend two hours before. 3.He………(go) to England after he………(study) E for two years. 4.Before they………(go) very far, they ………(find) that they………(lose) their way. 5.When their father………..(get) home from work, they …. (tell) him that they already ……..(cook) the dinner. 6.By the time he………..( return) home from England, they Already………(build) a new house for him. 7.When Peter………(arrive) at the cinema, the film already ……..(start). 8.The boy …….(say) that he………..(do) all his homework before he……..(go) to bed. 9.The children………..(begin) to do the exercise after they… …..(review) all the rules. 10.He…………(make) a report on the history of England after he …….(read) a lot of books abou it. E.Use the simple present or simple future tense. 1.He………..(learn) French when he………(have) time. 2.They ………(not go) on working until the rain ………(stop) . 3.I……….(not do) it until they……….(tell) me to. 4.They………..(come) to see their grandparents before they ……….(leave) for New York 5.She………(learn) one more foreign language when she….. ….(go) to university. 6.They……………(not go) home until it………….(stop) raining. 7.Where you…….(be) at this time tomorrow? -I……….(be) at the meeting. 8.Nobody……………(know) what he……….(do) to earn his living after he……………( finish) school. 9.When we………..(meet) again? -We ……………(meet) again when I……………( return) home from Australia. 10.He………….(be) busy at the moment. But he………….. (come) to give you a helping hand as soon as he…………. ( finish) his work. F.Use an appropriate tense of the verbs in brackets. 1.We still………(do) our work now. But we……..(go) with you right after we……..(finish) it. 2.He…………(get) off the train and…………(go) straight home.But he soon……………..(realize) he ……………..(leave) his umbrella on the train. 3.My brother…………….(decide) that he……………(buy) a motorbike next year. 4.He…………(be) good to me since I……………(be) a little girl. I……………(hope) I…………(not forget) his kindness. 5.They still ………….(live) in a small hoouse now. But they …………..(move) to a big building as soon as they…….. (finish) repairing it. 6.Since when you…………..(work) a this factory? -I……….(work) at this factory since I………(be) very young. 7.How long they………..(be) here? -I ………(not know) exactly .May be , they …….(be) here since 7 o'clock. 8.He……….(come) into the study, …………(stare) at me and……..(leave) without saying a word. G.Use correct form of the verb in brackets.
  3. 1.She has to ask the boys………(stop) (make) noise. 2.Please keep the fire……..(burn). I'ts so cold in here. 3.You mustn't come into this room without ……..(knock) first. 4.Do you get used to……….(swim) in the river or in the sea? 5.They kept……….(talk) about the tiger - tamers. 6.I hope you are……..(satisfy) with what you……..(just do). 7.She was sitting alone……….(look) very unhappy. 8.I'm not expecting him………..(phone) me tonight but I hope he does. 9.Why do you always look so ………..(bore)? Is your life really ………..(bore) ? 10.How about ……….(give) me a hand? -Sure. I'd be glad to help . 11.I'm having mu house……..(paint) . 12.They always have him……..(help) them with their E. 13.He works very hard. It's not…………( surprise) that he is always tired. 14.This car used to…….(paint) white. 15.My friends suggested…………(go) by bus. 16.They were made ……….(work) for nothing. 17.We are reading "David Copperfield"…………(write) by Charles Dickens. 18.In spite of ……….(live) far from school, this pupil always comes to class on time.



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