Đề tài khoa học và công nghệ cấp cơ sở: Xây dựng hệ thống quản lý phòng máy thực hành tại trường CĐ CNTT
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Mục tiêu nghiên cứu đề tài là xây dựng một hệ thống website quản lý lịch thực hành, nhờ đó giảng viên có thể dễ dàng nắm được lịch dạy thực hành của mình, biết được cán bộ phòng máy nào sẽ trực tại thời điểm cụ thể nào. Khi có sự cố bất ngờ xảy ra, giảng viên có thể đăng thông báo trực tiếp trên hệ thống, như vậy cán bộ phòng máy sẽ thông báo kịp thời đến các sinh viên.
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Nội dung Text: Đề tài khoa học và công nghệ cấp cơ sở: Xây dựng hệ thống quản lý phòng máy thực hành tại trường CĐ CNTT
- TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ i LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................. iii THÔNG TIN KẾT QUẢ NGHIÊN CỨU............................................................ iv INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 1. Reasons .......................................................................................................... 1 2. Research objectives and tasks ....................................................................... 2 3. Research subjects........................................................................................... 2 4. Layout ............................................................................................................ 2 CHAPTER 1. RELATED WORK ........................................................................ 3 1.1. Integrated Module ...................................................................................... 3 1.2. Software ...................................................................................................... 4 1.3. Discussion ................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2. DESIGN AND BUILD THE SYSTEM ........................................ 6 2.1. Survey the system ....................................................................................... 6 2.2. Build functions ........................................................................................... 7 2.2.1. System Management ............................................................................ 7 2.2.2. Category Management ......................................................................... 8 2.2.3. Manage the operation of the equipment .............................................. 8 2.2.4. Manage your practice calendar registration......................................... 8 2.2.5. Message Management ......................................................................... 8 2.2.6. Statistics - reports ................................................................................ 8 2.5. Some demo system figures ......................................................................... 9 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL, SURVEY AND EVALUATION ................ 11 3.1. Purposes of studying................................................................................. 11 3.2. Technology acceptance model (TAM) ..................................................... 11 3.2.1. Perceived usefulness (PU) ................................................................. 12 3.2.2. Perceived ease to use (PEU) .............................................................. 13
- 3.2.3. Attitude toward using (ATU) ............................................................ 13 3.2.4. Behavioral intention to use (BI) ........................................................ 14 3.3. Conceptual model ..................................................................................... 14 3.4. Research Hypotheses ................................................................................ 15 3.5. Operational Definition .............................................................................. 16 3.6. Questionnaire Design ............................................................................... 17 CHAPTER 4. CONCLUSION ............................................................................ 22 4.1. The results of the thesis ............................................................................ 22 4.2. Existence, weakness ................................................................................. 22 4.3. Future development .................................................................................. 22 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 23
- i LIST OF FIGURES Fig 1. The borrowings - check out the lab, lecturers have to write on papers ...... 1 Fig 1.1. Screenshots of tmProx ............................................................................. 3 Fig 1.2. Screenshots of iTALC demonstrating the work with it ........................... 4 Fig 1.3. Screenshots of iTALC demonstrating the work with it ........................... 5 Fig 2.1. Demonstration of laboratory equipment management ............................ 9 Fig 2.2. Demonstration of equipment scheduling functionality ......................... 10 Fig 3.1. Conceptual model of the survey ............................................................ 15 Fig 3.2. Structural model ..................................................................................... 18
- ii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. Requirements for a proposed system ................................................... 6 Table 3.1. Factor definition ................................................................................. 16 Table 3.2. Survey questionnaire items ................................................................ 17 Table 3.3. Hypotheses testing result ................................................................... 19
- iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IT Lab Room ' staff LIMS Laboratory Information Management System TAM Technology acceptance model PU Perceived usefulness PEU Perceived ease to use ATU Attitude toward using BI Behavioral intention to use
- iv ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM TRƯỜNG CĐ CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc THÔNG TIN KẾT QUẢ NGHIÊN CỨU 1. Thông tin chung: - Tên đề tài: XÂY DỰNG HỆ THỐNG QUẢN LÝ PHÒNG MÁY THỰC HÀNH TẠI TRƯỜNG CĐ CNTT - Mã số: T2017-07-09 - Chủ nhiệm: Phan Trọng Thanh - Thành viên tham gia: Nguyễn Anh Tuấn - Cơ quan chủ trì: Trường Cao đẳng Công nghệ Thông Tin - Thời gian thực hiện: 04/2017 đến 12/2017 2. Mục tiêu: - Xây dựng một hệ thống website quản lý lịch thực hành, nhờ đó giảng viên có thể dễ dàng nắm được lịch dạy thực hành của mình, biết được cán bộ phòng máy nào sẽ trực tại thời điểm cụ thể nào. Khi có sự cố bất ngờ xảy ra, giảng viên có thể đăng thông báo trực tiếp trên hệ thống, như vậy cán bộ phòng máy sẽ thông báo kịp thời đến các sinh viên. - Hệ thống website còn có thể quản lý cơ sở vật chất trong phòng thực hành. Nhờ vào hệ thống, cán bộ phòng máy sẽ thuận tiện hơn trong việc quản lý các thiết bị trong phòng máy. Khi có sự cố máy hỏng, giảng viên có thể trực tiếp ghi chú trên hệ thống các nội dung chi tiết về sự hỏng hóc, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi hơn cho các cán bộ phòng máy trong việc sửa chữa kịp thời. - Hệ thống hỗ trợ cho sự tương tác giữa cán bộ phòng máy và giảng viên trở nên thuận tiện và dễ dàng hơn
- v 3. Tính mới và sáng tạo: - Xây dựng hệ thống quản lý phòng máy thực hành phù hợp và đáp ứng được với đặc thù công tác của cán bộ phòng máy tại trường Cao đẳng Công nghệ Thông Tin. 4. Tóm tắt kết quả nghiên cứu: - Tiến hành tìm hiểu tổng quan nghiên cứu đề tài, khảo sát nhu cầu công việc thực tế của cán bộ phòng máy tại trường Cao đẳng Công nghệ Thông tin. - Phân tích, thiết kế các tính năng cần thiết và xây dựng hệ thống quản lý phòng máy. - Thực nghiệm hệ thống bằng hình thức khảo sát mức độ hài lòng của các đối tượng khi sử dụng hệ thống. 5. Tên sản phẩm: Website quản lý phòng máy thực hành tại trường Cao đẳng Công nghệ Thông tin 6. Hiệu quả, phương thức chuyển giao kết quả nghiên cứu và khả năng áp dụng: Có khả năng áp dụng vào công tác quản lý phòng máy tại đơn vị. Đà Nẵng ngày 24 tháng 12 năm 2017 Cơ quan chủ trì Chủ nhiệm đề tài Phan Trọng Thanh
- 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Reasons The current system is just able to work with module that integrated in schedule on the website of official of academic affairs, there is no integrated module yet for lab room’ staff (IT) on the mobile platform. In addition, some of the management functions that necessary for IT is not met the requirement such as tracking the number of broken machinery; interaction between lecturers and IT whenever there is an urgent inform, needed installed software or statistics on students' activities on computer room equipment ... In most cases, the basic processes for running a computer lab are not computerized at all, this results in the following problems, just to name a few: IT do not have effective means to maintain and query the list of users known for malicious activities (fig 1). Fig 1. The borrowings - check out the lab, lecturers have to write on papers There is no way for a lab assistant to know that a student signing in to use a workstation damaged a huge amount of money of equipment. Room occupancy cannot be managed. Lab rooms staff in an exactly day cannot tell whether any room are available, whether another is booked for a class, under-occupied or has
- 2 users on a waitlist. As a result, there is no way to redistribute users to vacant workstations in other locations. 2. Research objectives and tasks - Build a website management system that allows the trainer to easily master his or her practice schedule and know which department staff will be available at any given time. In the event of a sudden occurrence, the lecturer can post a notice directly on the system, so the machine room staff will promptly notify the students. - Website system can also manage facilities in practice room. Thanks to the system, the machine room staff will be more convenient to manage the equipment in the machine room. In the event of a breakdown, the instructor may directly make notes on the system detailing the breakdown, creating more favorable conditions for the machine room staff to repair in time. - The system facilitates the interaction between machine room staff and faculty members. 3. Research subjects Training system, LAN computer, lecturers, students and IT room staff (IT). 4. Layout Chapter 1. Related work Chapter 2. Design and build the system Chapter 3. Experimental, survey and evaluation Chapter 4. Conclusion
- 3 CHAPTER 1. RELATED WORK A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is an application that manages the data that is digested or produced in a laboratory setting and include support for many laboratory-specific needs [6]. Currently, the lab room management software for IT is available in two kinds: 1.1. Integrated Module Software is a module that integrates into an overall training management system. - This module [4] allows lecturers and laboratory staff to know specific laboratory information such as: study time, LAB room location, number of students, teacher name. Fig 1.1. Screenshots of tmProx - Therefore, Lab and Resource Scheduler [7] is designed to give educational organizations an easy and quick way to schedule rooms, labs and other resources such as projectors, digital cameras. - tmProx [5] is software for job management and training in high-end universities that follows the signal generation process. Software management support catalog data
- 4 management (faculty, students, industry - curriculum framework, ...), training plan, scheduler, learning fee and fees, point management and handling of professional training; 1.2. Software Software is a commercially available or open source laboratory and laboratory management (LIMS). Fig 1.2. Screenshots of iTALC demonstrating the work with it - Its main function is to manage information and control the use of student computer room such as Classroom Management [8] which powerful software for lab management with license (Figure 1.2). - According to [9] iTALC is a famous open source for lab management system, LabStats [10] is the computer lab management software choice for 80% of the top 20 US universities and colleges. It is the most and easiest economical software solution for tracking computer usage in universities and colleges. Designed specifically for environments of networked computer as Figure 1.3.
- 5 Fig 1.3. Screenshots of iTALC demonstrating the work with it 1.3. Discussion Fundamental functions of facilities management, management of teaching schedules are very good. These systems are most stable running modules integrating training schedules on the website, no integrated module for computer room engineers integrated on the platform. In addition, some of the management functions necessary for IT not meet such as tracking the number of broken machinery; interaction between the trainer and the IT when there is a holiday message, what software to install.
- 6 CHAPTER 2. DESIGN AND BUILD THE SYSTEM 2.1. Survey the system Implementation of a professional quality and fully integrated Computer Lab Management System can significantly increase the efficiency, security, and cost-effectiveness of computer lab operations. Build a website management system that allows lecturers to easily control his or her schedule and be able to know which staff will be available at any given time. If lecturers meet some sudden incidents that they cannot come to the lab, they can post a notice directly on the system, so lab rooms’ staff will promptly notify to students. Website system can also manage facilities in lab rooms. Thanks to the system, the lab rooms staff will be more convenient to manage the equipment in the lab room. In the event of a failure, lecturers may directly make notes on the system detailing the failure so that IT can easily fix these problems quickly. The system facilitates the interaction between IT and lecturers. Table 2.1. Requirements for a proposed system Function Requirement Equipment Lecturers may request repairs, loan management. management Calculate the time spent Damage statistics to plan timely repairs Lab room, equipment Check in, check out, lab room, equipment scheduling scheduling Interactive faculty with Lecturer notice to do inform IT IT - The scheduling management module makes it easy for lecturers to master their practice schedule and to know which department staff will be available at any given time. In the event of a sudden occurrence, the lecturer can post a notice
- 7 directly on the system, so the IT will promptly notify the students. The system also provides the user with information about the device: device code, device name, information about each type of device: device type, type name, department information: room code Employee name, employee's name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, email and stock information: stock code, warehouse name, warehouse location as well as unit information for each type of device. - Website systems can also manage facilities in lab rooms. The lab room’ staff will be more convenient to manage the equipment in lab rooms. In the event of a breakdown, the instructor may directly make notes on the system detailing the breakdown, creating more favorable conditions for the lab room’ staff to repair in time. - The system was developed using free licensed software tools as Apache, PHP, MySQL. We design our web management framework using MVC (Model- View-Control) architecture, which encourages developers to partition the applications in the design phase. Our system design is scalable, flexible and reusable for more functionality in the future. 2.2. Build functions 2.2.1. System Management + System Log: allows users to log on to the system + Change Password: allows users to change their login password if they want. + Backup and restore: Allows users to copy, save and restore data when a risk occurs. + User Management: The administrator will manage the information and allow the user to log in. + Log out system: allow to exit the system.
- 8 2.2.2. Category Management + Device management: manage device information: name, code, type of device. + Device type management: management and update of information of each type of equipment. + Employee management: management of employee information (employee records). + Unit Management: manage the calculation of each device, can manage according to one or manage in sets. 2.2.3. Manage the operation of the equipment + Make entry tickets: the equipment will be imported from the general finance department. + Make a handover voucher: use it for your room, personal. + Prepare coupon: make a repair voucher when the equipment has problems. 2.2.4. Manage your practice calendar registration + Check in Lab room. + Check out Lab Room. + Borrow equipment + Return the device 2.2.5. Message Management + Log chat between Lecturer and IT + Notice of absence from school + Notice of examination 2.2.6. Statistics - reports + Statistics of equipment list by department: Statistics of each type of equipment, what kind of equipment and how.
- 9 + Equipment inventory has been liquidated: listed lists of equipment have been liquidated. + Equipment damage, loss. + Statistics of equipment by type: Statistics by type of equipment, what equipment. + Report on equipment efficiency: report on the performance of equipment during use: good quality, reach or not. + Statistics check in - check out the practice room. 2.5. Some demo system figures Fig 2.1. Demonstration of laboratory equipment management
- 10 Fig 2.2. Demonstration of equipment scheduling functionality
- 11 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL, SURVEY AND EVALUATION We have built a web-based interactive system, after that we deploy an experimental setup on the proposed system. Finally, we create a survey of system function requirements from lecturers and lab rooms staff, analysis the survey data using SPSS and AMOS software in order to make sure whether lecturers will accept the system. 3.1. Purposes of studying First, the purposes of this study provide a comprehensive view of the factors affecting behavioral intention to use – a key factor that user acceptable use lab management system. The main contribution of this study is to show the level of impact of individual factors to attitude and behavioral intent to use. Second, the objective of the study also has practical implications show that the important of each element so that the services providers can understand the user psychology and improve their system. Finally, the purposes of this research are: determining the factor responsible for the adoption of lab management system. 3.2. Technology acceptance model (TAM) The theory of reasoned action (TRA), created by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) is the premise for developing a model of the tremendous influence. This is technology acceptance model (TAM). Many studies explain and predict human behavior in many different fields through the use of model TRA (Chen, Gllenson & Sherrell, 2002). Fred Davis and Richard Bagozzi is the first person to propose and develop technology acceptance models (Davis 1989, Bagozzi, Davis & Warshaw 1992). Technology acceptance has been defined as “an individual's psychological state with regard to his or her voluntary or intended use of a particular technology” (Gattiker, 1984). The original technology acceptance model is formed by the main components such as perceived ease to use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude toward using (ATU), behavioral intention to use (BI), and actual system use (AU). The two most significant

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