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Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh lớp 12 môn Anh

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Giúp các bạn học sinh củng cố lại phần kiến thức đã học, biết cấu trúc ra đề thi như thế nào và xem bản thân mình mất bao nhiêu thời gian để hoàn thành đề thi này. Hãy tham khảo đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh cấp tỉnh lớp 12.

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh lớp 12 môn Anh

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC – ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH THỪA THIÊN HUẾ LỚP 12 THPT NĂM HỌC 2010- 2011 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 180 phút ( Không kể thời gian giao đề) ĐIỂM CHỮ KÝ GIÁM KHẢO 1 CHỮ KÝ GIÁM KHẢO 2 PHÁCH ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I. LISTENING: ( 20 marks) Listen carefully and answer the questions below. Each part will be read aloud three times. PART 1 : People are talking about local businesses. Blacken TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) - (5 Marks). 1 a The girl goes to Muscles every morning to exercise. T F b It’s cheaper than other places. T F 2 a Sylvester’s is the best clothing store in town. T F b The clothes there are really well-made. T F 3 a Uncle bob’s is very close to the man’s house. T F b Sometimes they eat there three times a day. T F 4 a The only place the woman brings her broken car to is Sancken Automotive. T F b She really trusts the staff there. T F 5 a The musicians who play at the Blue Room are very disappointing. T F b The place is too small and the tables and chairs are uncomfortable. T F PART 2 : Fill in the blanks the words you hear from the tape - (5 Marks). Sandra Cisneros was (1) ....................... in Chicago, Illinois in 1954. 1. Her father was a Mexican and her mother was Mexican (2) ............... 2. She had six (3).............. and the family was very poor. She attended 3. Loyola University in Chicago and (4) .................. her first creative 4. writing class there in (5)................... . After graduating from college in 5. 1976, she attended the writing (6) ................. at University of Iowa. In 6. 1980, she published her first collection of (7) ................. , Bad Boys. 7. And in 1984, she published her first (8) .................., The House on 8. Mango Street . This book made her (9) ................... , and many more 9. books followed. In 1995, she (10)................ a McArthur Foundation 10. Fellowship, often called the “genius grant”. She had come a long way. PART 3 : Listen to the conversation and answer the questions using short answers - (10 Marks). 1. a. What does George hate more? Math or English? b. Does his friend prefer English? 2. a. What kind of music does Erica like? b. What kind of music does her friend like? 3. a. What does the woman invite her friend to do? b. Can the man eat pizza? 4. a. What do the man and the woman do all the time? b. What do they think about bicycling? .5 a. What is the man thinking about? b. What would the woman rather have? 1
  2. II. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR: (30 marks) Part 1: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes each sentence. Circle your answers. (0.5 x 15 = 7.5 marks) 1. My hands were so cold that I couldn't……….my coat buttons. A. open B. remove C. put out D. undo 2. I don't think that purple shirt ………with your yellow skirt.. A. suits B. goes C. fits D. wears 3. I'm …… every week to buy a new bicycle. A. making for B. getting over C. putting aside D. turning in 4. I have been planting trees all day and I'm …….. A. worn out B. taken in C. run down D. grown up 5. He always felt that he was living in the ……of his famous father. A. dusk B. gloom C. shadow D. mist 6. Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school ………. A. report B. papers C. diploma D. account 7. In Britain, children start ………. school at the age of five. A. kindergarten B. secondary C. nursery D. primary 8. It’s time for break. The bell has ……….. A. gone off B. struck C. rung D. sounded 9. I bought these shoes in the sale. They were a real ………. A. cheap B. economy C. bargain D. purchase 10. If you put your money in the bank, it will earn ten per cent ………. A. investment B. profit C. deposit D. interest 11. Edward was named after one of his father ‘s distant ………. A. family B. brothers C. members D. relations 12. Jane and Brian got married a year after they got ………. A. divorced B. proposed C. engaged D. separated 13. Graham works well in class but, but his ………. could be better. A. rudeness B. behaviour C. politeness D. acting 14. Julie had a terrible ………. with her parents last night. A. row B. discussion C. argue D. dispute 15. Parents have to try hard to understand the younger ………. A. generation B. people C. adolescents D. teenagers 16. My father likes to be called a senior citizen, not an old age ………. A. person B. relative C. gentleman D. pensioner 17. It is hard to get ………. parts for this car if something goes wrong. A. extra B. spare C. additional D. emergency 18. Don’t touch the wire! You’ll get an electric ………. A. surprise B. current C. charge D. shock 19. This knife is really ………. . I’ll have to sharpen it. A. blunt B. dull C. flat D. frank 20. Don’t forget to ………. your alarm clock for 6.30. A. put B. set C. ring D. go off Part 2: Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Circle your answers. (0.5 x 5 = 2.5 marks) 1. We sent a present for the children living next door. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. Penny took three exams and managed to succeed them all. (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. Items of luggage whose weight exceed 50 kilograms will not be allowed on the ferry. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2
  3. 4. The unemployment rate has increased considerably since last year. Another two millions (A) (B) (C) (D) are jobless. 5. The President often contradicts himself. He often says something which doesn’t agree (A) (B) with what he says earlier. (C) (D) Part 3: In the text below some lines are correct but some have a word that should not be there. Indicate the correct lines with a tick (). For the incorrect lines, write the words that should not be there. (0.5 x 15 = 7.5 marks) A HOLIDAY IN SCOTLAND Some friends of mine decided to go on holiday 1. ................. to Scotland. They asked me if I was wanted to go too 2. ................. but I had already arranged to go to Italy. I told them 3. ................. so that I had been to Scotland before, so they asked 4. ................. me to give them some ideas. I advised them to take up 5. ................. warm clothes and raincoats. " If I were like you, I'd 6. ................. always carry umbrellas!" I told them. " I doubt that 7. ................. whether you'll have any sunny days." I didn't see 8. ................. them again until was after their holiday. They were all 9. ................. very sun-tanned, and they told to me that they had 10. ............... had very hot weather. " If we had been taken your 11. ............... advice, we would have made a terrible mistake," they 12. ............... said. " Luckily we were told us before we left that it 13. ............... was very hot in Scotland. It is said to they have been 14. ............... the hottest summer ever! 15. ............... Part 4: Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (1 x 10 = 10 marks) SCHOOL REPORT Margaret started English Literature this term, and I’m afraid that her (1) ……………………… to the subject has not been INTRODUCE entirely (2) …………………….. She has not show much SUCCESS enthusiasm and does not always pay (3) ...………......……… in ATTEND class. Her assignments are often (4) ...………......……… , because READ she is so untidy, and because of her (5) ...………......……… to FAIL check her work thoroughly. She failed to do any (6) ...………......… REVISE before the end of term test, and had poor results. She seems to have the (7) ...………......……… idea that she can succeed without MISTAKE studying. She has also had many (8) ...………......……… and has ABSENT frequently arrived late for class. This has resulted in several (9) ...………......……… . Although Margaret is a PUNISH (10) ...………......……… student in some respects, she has not had GIFT a satisfactory term. III. READING COMPREHENSION: ( 25 marks) 3
  4. Part 1: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. Circle your answers. (0.5 x 10 = 5 marks) SPELLING Spelling presents a major problem to many students – and, indeed, native speakers – of English. This is (1) ______ surprising when you consider just how illogical the English spelling (2) ______ is. The spelling of such basic words as right, through, once, and who seems to (3) ______ no relation to their (4) ______ . And how can the words go, sew, and though all rhyme with each other? There have been attempts in the (5) ______ to reform English spelling. The playwright George Bernard Shaw was an enthusiastic (6) ______ for a more phonetic approach. In a clever illustration of the absurdity of English spelling he suggested that the word fish be (7) ______ by the letters “ghoti”: the gh from enough, the o from women, and the ti from nation. When he died in 1950 he (8) ______ a large part of his estate to promote spelling reform. So why do we persist in spelling words the way we do, despite the efforts of reformers like Shaw? One reason is that we are too (9) ______ with the words as they are currently spelled. It is certain that any change in the rules would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to enforce . Another is that there is (10) ______ a variety of regional accents within the English speaking world that it would be unfair to select just one as the standard model for spelling. 1. A. just B. hardly C. nearly D. strongly 2. A. system B. procedure C. method D. schedule 3. A. hold B. keep C. carry D. bear 4. A. voice B. speech C. vocation D. pronunciation 5. A. history B. years C. past D. ages 6. A. campaigner B. demonstrator C. champion D. candidate 7. A. described B. represented C. signed D. written 8. A. willed B. left C. gave D. divided 9 A. accustomed B. used C. friendly D. familiar 10. A. many B. quite C. such D. so Part 2: Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided. (1 x 15 = 15 marks) THE TREASURE HUNTERS Have you ever dreamed of finding hidden treasure and wondered what you (1) ______ if you were lucky enough (2) ______ find a fortune? Well, for Martin James, a professional hunter it 3) ______. all in a day's work, because that is how he (4) ______ a living. During his highly successful career, he (5) ______ discovered over 80 different shipwrecks, including one of the biggest cargoes of gold that has ever (6) ______ found. However, Martin would be the first to point (7) ______ that not all of his discoveries are as dramatic (8) ______ that. (9) ______ you are prepared to put in a great deal of hard work and careful research, treasure hunting is much less romantic (10) ______ it sounds. Just sailing around in the hope of finding something would (11) ______ a waste of time. Martin (12) ______ a great deal of time in museums and libraries looking at old maps and shipping records. (13) ______ this way, he can work out (14) ______ ships have sunk and where, and it is only then that he can begin to look (15) ______ them. 1. ……………..…..………. 2. …………..……..………. 3. ……………..…..………. 4. ……………..…..………. 5. …………..……..………. 6. …………..……..………. 7. ……………..…..………. 8. …………..……..………. 9. …………..……..………. 10. ………………..………. 11. …………..……..………. 12. …………..……..………. 13. ………………..………. 14. ………………..………. 15. ………………..………. 4
  5. Part 2 Read the passage and choose the correct answer for the following questions: (1 x 5 = 5 marks) All at once Hazel was coming in through the French windows, pulling off gardening gloves, and Bill was entering through the door, both at once. So I only had time to take one quick look at her before I turned to face him. All very confusing. What that first glimpse showed me was that time had thickened her figure but didn’t seem to have made much difference to her face. It still had good skin and youthful outlines. She was holding a bunch of roses – must have been cutting them in the garden while waiting for me. The gardening gloves lent a delightfully informal touch. It was quite an entrance, though Bill spoilt it a bit by making his at the same time. Bill seemed longer and thinner. His tightly massed hair had a tinge of grey. Apart from that, twenty years had done nothing to him, except deepen the lines of thoughtfulness that had already, when I knew him, begun to spread across his face. Or was that all? I looked at him again, more carefully, as he looked away from me at Hazel. Weren’t his eyes different somehow? More inward looking than ever? Gazing in not merely at his thoughts, but at something else, something he was keeping hidden or perhaps protecting. Then we were chattering and taking glasses in our hands, and I came back to earth. For the first ten minutes we were all so defensive, so carefully probing, that nobody learnt anything. Bill had forgotten me altogether, that much was clear. He was engaged in getting to know me from scratch, very cautiously so as not to hit a wrong note, with the object of getting me to contribute a big sub- scription to his African project. I kept trying to absorb details about Hazel, but Bill was talking earnestly about African education, and the strain of appearing to concentrate while actually thinking about his wife proved so great that I decided it would be easier just to concentrate. So I did. I let him hammer away for about ten more minutes, and then the daughter, who seemed to be acting as parlourmaid, showed in another visitor. Evidently we were to be four at lunch. 1. What effect had time had on Hazel and Bill? A. They had both lost weight. B. They were more withdrawn. C. They hadn’t changed at all. D. They had changed in subtle ways. 2. When they all started talking, the writer A. relaxed at last. B. stopped dreaming. C. spoke most to Hazel. D. began to remember things. 3. The writer found the first part of their conversation A. sentimental. B. irritating. C. uninformative. D. trivial. 4. Why did Bill speak seriously? A. He wanted some money from the writer. B. He did not remember the writer. C. His wife was present. D. He was talking about the past. 5. In the end the writer found Bill’s conversation A. monotonous B. convincing C. thought-provoking D. instructive IV. WRITING: ( 25 marks) 5
  6. Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 1. It's a long time since we spoke to your sister. We ............................................................................................................................. . 2. "Why don't you leave now. That's what I'd do." If ............................................................................................................................... . 3. Jill was the only person who came late. Everyone ................................................................................................................... . 4. This matter is so complicated that we don't know how to deal with it. So .............................................................................................................................................................................................. . 5. It's a pity you didn't ask us to spend the time with you. If only .................................................................................................................................................................................... . Part 2: For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way. (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 1. I'm afraid that we haven't got any eggs left. (run) ................................................................................................................... . 2. Let me tell you what I think you should do. (advice) ................................................................................................................... . 3. The numbers of cars on the roads must be reduced. (down) ................................................................................................................... . 4. Come on Thursday or Friday. It' s all the same to me. (difference) ................................................................................................................... . 5. Amanda has improved a lot this term. (progress) ................................................................................................................... . Part 3: Write a short essay on the following topic. Your essay should be between 200-250 words long. (15 marks) In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
  7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………….................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………............…………… …………………………………………………………………………………………............……… …………………………………………………………………………………………............……… …………………………………………………………………………………………............……… …………………………………………………………………………………………............……… ………………………………………………………………………………………………............… ………………………………………………………………………………………………............… ………………………………………………………………………………………………............… ……………………………………………………………………………………………............…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………............…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...........…… ………………………………………………………………………………………………...........… ………………………………………………………………………………………………............… ………………………………………………………………………………………………............… ……………………………………………………………………………………………............…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………............…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...........…… ………………………………………………………………………………………………...........… ………………………………………………………………………………………………............… ………………………………………………………………………………………………............… ……………………………………………………………………………………………............…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………............…… -- THE END -- . 7
  8. AV 12 HSG 25-11-08 1 UBND TỈNH TIỀN GIANG CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc -------------- ---------------- THI KỲ CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 THPT CẤP TỈNH Môn : ANH VĂN – ĐỀ A Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề ) ( Đề thi có 6 trang , gồm 11 câu ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PART I : LISTENING COMPREHENSION : ( 2 pts. ) Question 1 : Listen to the passage in the tape two times then state whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE : 1. In graduation ceremonies, graduates from high schools in the United States and Australia always wear traditional black caps and gowns. 2. Most commonly, the main speakers at this ceremony are two youngest teachers of the school. 3. For many students, after the graduation, they are free to find their places in the world and have their own lives. 4. Nowadays, there is a mix of ages with young adults to mature adults in graduating classes in universities and other institutions of higher learning. Question 2 : Listen to the passage in the tape two times then pick out the information to complete each sentence : 1. Halloween was introduced to America around the 1840s by the newly arrived………… 2. With their hands tied behind their backs, people try to catch one of the apples in a large tub using………………………. 3. Dressed in costumes of ghosts, goblins, witches and other favourite characters, children go from door-to-door trick-or-treating for………………………. 4. In many towns, ………………….for children and scary movies for the brave of heart are shown on television, adding to the Halloween atmosphere. PART II : VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR ( 8 pts.) Question 3 :Pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) to complete each blank : 1. The building has a smoke detector……………any fires can be detected immediately. A. as if B. such as C. so that D. even though 2. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver………….in the crash. A. was injured B. are injured C. have been injured D. were injured 3. I don’t know what you think about that design, but in my………it’s very good. A. feeling B. idea C. thought D. opinion 4. The government………… the earthquake victims with food, clothes and medicine. A. gave B. provided C. carried D. offered 5. We spoke quietly…………….disturb anyone. A. not in order to B. so that we would C. so as not to D. in order that we
  9. AV 12 HSG 25-11-08 2 6. The children can’t study in their classrooms now, they are still……………after the storm last week. A. being mended B. mended C. mending D. being mending 7. The police wanted……….. anything suspicious. A. we reported B. us reporting C. that we report D. us to report 8. I………… to keep fit, not because I like it. A. practise B. do C. make D. train Question 4 : Pick out ONE option ( A,B,C or D ) which needs to be changed to make a correct sentence : 1. Nam is very good at Mathematics when his brother is absolutely hopeless. A B C D 2. The play was so bored that all the audience had gone home before it ended. A B C D 3. Tien giang has long been well-known for it’s excellent durian fruit and fertile soil. A B C D 4. Hardly he had got downstairs when the phone stopped ringing. A B C D 5. If one does not have respect for himself, you cannot expect others to respect him. A B C D 6. The progress made in space travel for the early 1960s is remarkable. A B C D 7 I do not know where could he have gone so early in the morning. A B C D 8. There are only a little seats left for the concert on Saturday. A B C D Question 5 : Complete these sentences, using the suitable form of the words in brackets : 1. After his wife’s death, the old man liked to sit………in the garden for hours. ( loneliness ) 2. There is a shortage of pure water in the city nowadays.We have to use it………. . ( economy) 3. Sewage from these factories has………..the river water seriously. No fish has been able to live there for years.( contamination ) 4. The……… the remote areas has gradually decreased, thanks to volunteer movement.( literate ) 5. That new manigficent building does not………with the landscape of this poor region. ( harmony ) 6. Children with disability study slowlier than other children . …………people can not teach them as usual. ( patience ) 7. Everything should be…………after the big ceremony with the attendance of hundreds of people.( arrange ) 8. There was a big fire with a series of ………… at a gas station last night.( exploded ) Question 6 : Complete these sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs : 1. He climbed the tree and picked all the fruit………..his reach.
  10. AV 12 HSG 25-11-08 3 2. The woman nearly lost her own life ………attempting to save the child from drowning. 3. Oh! What an untidy room! Put these used newspapers and magazines…………... 4. A fight broke………between two groups of fans after the football match yesterday. 5. There is a problem with your answer. You multiplied nine…….five instead of substracting it.. 6. Thanks to the agreement with the management at the last minute, the strike was called…………... 7. We are so tired that we can’t take………. what he’s saying. 8. Not enough people signed up………the boxing class, so it had to be canceled. PART III : READING COMPREHENSION ( 6pts. ) Question 7 : Match each of these short articles ( 1- 8 ) with its related main idea ( A – J ) : THE 8 SHORT ARTICLES : 1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.This single invention has changed the world forever, making communication between individuals as simple as lifting the receiver, dialing the telephone number and talking. The first words ever spoken on the telephone were to Bell’s assistant, Thomas Watson.The famous words were: “Watson, come here, I want to see you.” 2. This is celebrated on April 21st which is the Queen’s “real” birthday. She also has an “official” birthday that is celebrated later in the year on the Saturday closest to June 10th due to the better weather for the Trooping the colour, the Queen’s birthday parade. All of the Queen’s regiments in their best uniforms and their finest horses are on parade to honor their queen. 3. Sharks are useful because they eat sick fish and keep the oceans clean.Sharks do not have ears.However, they can “hear” sounds and movements in the water. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrate. Sharks can feel these vibrations, which help them find food. They also use their large eyes to find food. Most sharks see best in dim light. They often hunt for food at dawn, in the evening, or in the middle of the night.Scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons. For example, cancer is common in many animals, especially in people. However, it is rare in sharks.Scientists want to find out why sharks almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer too. 4. As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it’s best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and covenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it’s wise not to use your mobile phone too often. 5. For many people, travelling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, although flying is no more dangerous than any other forms of travel and some experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accidents occur during take-off and landing when a pilot’s decisions are vitally important. 6. In the late nineteenth century a French doctor found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods.He did not walk erectly, could not speak intelligibly, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at them.Finally, the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of sounds well as write letters and form words.
  11. AV 12 HSG 25-11-08 4 7. Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feeling has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally. 8. What happens to dogs that are burdened with owners who treat them like people? They behave like spoiled children. A dog whose owner feeds him on her lap refuses to eat from a bowl on the floor. A dog belonging to a childless couple for several years developed paralysis in its hind legs when they produced a real baby. RELATED MAIN IDEAS : A. Advice to people who want to raise some pets at home. B. Is there any restriction in using a very popular instrument ? C. Suitable age for children to start doing sports. D. A simple invention that makes the world closer. E. What happens to the boy who was brought up by beast ? F. Public school - A special kind of school in Britain. G. Most people find it the fast and safe means of transport except for some people. H. Why does she have two different birthdays? I. Sign language becomes useful when there is a language barrier. J. The most terrible animal in the sea is also useful for human beings. Question 8 : Fill in each of the numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the meaning of the passage : The next generation of telephone users will probably laugh when we explain how we used to stand next to a wall in the kitchen to ( 1 ) a phone call. Mobile communications, already highly advanced compared with a decade ago, will completely change communications in the next few years. ( 2 ) there are millions of people using mobile phones, most people know ( 3 ) about the mobile telecommunications industry and its technology. There are three types of mobile phone. These are hand portables, pocket-sized hand portable and transportable. The smallest and most popular are the pocket-sized hand portables. These work on rechargeable batteries, which allow an ( 4 ) of up to 80 minutes’ conversation. Mobiles that are fitted permanently in a vehicle do not ( 5 ) on separate batteries. They require an external aerial on the vehicle. This can mean a stronger signal with clearer ( 6 ) . Transportables have a high power capability and can be used ( 7 ) anywhere. They come with powerful battery packs for longer, continuous use and may also be put ( 8 ) a vehicle, using its electrics. They tend to be bulkier than hand portable. Question 9 : These paragraphs of the passage below ( A – H ) are in disorder and illogical Rearrange them into a good logical passage ( 1 – 8 ) : A. The United States is in parnership with 15 other countries: Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Japan, Russia and Brazil. In November 2000, an international of three, made up of one American and two Russian astronauts, lived aboard the International Space Station for three months. . B. In addition to all the manned space flights, NASA is also continually exploring the universe with scientific probes such as the Pioneer and Voyager Spacecrafts. These explored the Moon, the planets and other areas of our solar system. Mars and Viking Pathfinders surveyed Mars, and the Hubble Space Telescope and
  12. AV 12 HSG 25-11-08 5 other space science spacecraft have made a number of significant astronomical discoveries about our universe. C. Space exploration is an eye to the future. It represents new solutions to problems with weather; medical inroads being made to prevent or combat diseases; and perhaps developing a new environment in which to live, should the Earth become uninhabitable due to global warming or the coming of the new Ice Age. D. As the United States began making progress in scientific and technological achievements in areas such as manned space flight and aeronautics , the NASA projects became increasingly sophisticated. E. Manned space flight resumed in 1981 through the Space Shuttle Program that continues today. The Space Shuttle Program is building the International Space Station and keeping it permanently manned. F. The American space program is run by the government agency called The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It was founded in 1958 after the beginning of the space race with the Russians. Their satellite Sputnik, went into orbit before the American version, called Telstar. This touched off a race for space exploration prominence by the two powers. G. NASA is involved in other explorations such as Earth Science Missions which observe the Earth’s atmospheric changes and weather patterns. It also explores terrestrial and marine ecosystems, monitoring conditions on land and sea to learn the impact of climate on these environments. H. NASA’s first program, Project Mercury, tested humans’ survival in space. But the tiny spacecraft could only accommodate one astronaut. The next project, the Gemini series, used an expanded version of the Mercury space capsule and were two-manned flights. The Apollo series, culminating with Apollo II in 1969, landed the first men on the Moon. Skylab and the Apollo - Soyuz Test Projects ( joint venture with Russia ) came in the early and mid-1970s. PART IV : WRITING ( 4 pts. ) Question 10 : Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given in such a way that they remain the same meaning as the old ones : 1. The hostess showed us her collection of paintings. Half of them had been bought from Europe. The hostess…… 2. Nobody told me that Susan had been in the hospital. I…… 3. The old lady said, “ We had to lived on the roof of our houses for several days.” The old lady told us…….. 4. John asked Mary if she had ever gone to Cairo. John asked , “ …………..” 5. The children could not return schools unless it stopped raining. If……….. 6. The whole city had to live in water because of the heavy rain for many days. Because…….. 7. The rain in Ha Noi last October was the biggest one since 1984. No rain…….. 8. Hundreds of soldiers tried their best but they could not prevent the strong tide of water. Despite………..
  13. AV 12 HSG 25-11-08 6 Question 11 : One of your pen-pals is living in Ha Noi. Through TV. and newspapers you knew that your friend and his/ her family had to endure a flood for days after a big rain. Write a letter to ask him / her about what they had to experience and show your feelings.( in about 80 words. Don’t use your real name and address.) ------------------------------------------------THE END------------------------------------------------------ UBND TỈNH TIỀN GIANG CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM SỞ GIÁO DỤC& ĐÀO TẠO Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM MÔN ANH VĂN ( ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC ) KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 THPT - CẤP TỈNH Khóa ngày 25 tháng 11 năm 2008 PHẦN I : NGHE HIỂU : 2.0 điểm Câu hỏi 1 : Nghe, chọn câu TRUE/ FALSE : 1.0 điểm, mỗi câu chọn đúng : 0.25 đ 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True Câu hỏi 2 : Nghe, tìm thông tin để hoàn chỉnh câu : 1.0 điểm, mỗi câu đúng : 0.25 đ 1. Irish immigrants 2. only their teeth 3. candy or money 4. Halloween cartoons PHẦN II : TỪ VỰNG VÀ NGỮ PHÁP : 8.0 điểm Câu hỏi 3 : Chọn thông tin, hoàn chỉnh câu : 2.0 điểm, mỗi câu chọn đúng : 0.25 đ 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B Câu hỏi 4 : Tìm thành phần viết sai của câu: 2.0 điểm, mỗi câu tìm đúng: 0.25 đ 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B Câu hỏi 5 : Tìm dạng thích hợp của từ, điền hoàn chỉnh câu:2.0 điểm, mỗi câu làm đúng: 0.25 đ 1. lonelily/ alone 2. economically 3. contaminated 4. illiteracy 5. harmonize 6. impatient 7. rearranged 8. explosions Câu hỏi 6 : Điền hoàn chỉnh câu bằng giới từ hoặc trạng từ thích hợp: 2.0 điểm, mỗi từ điền đúng : 0.25 đ 1. within 2. in 3. away 4. out 5. by 6. off 7. in 8. for PHẦN III : ĐỌC HIỂU : 6.0 điểm Câu hỏi 7: Ghép đôi đoạn văn với ý liên quan: 2.0 điểm, mỗi cặp ghép đúng: 0.25 đ
  14. AV 12 HSG 25-11-08 7 1. D 2. H 3. J 4. B 5. G 6. E 7. I 8. A Câu hỏi 8: Điền khuyết, hoàn chỉnh bài văn bằng từ thích hợp: 2.0 điểm, mỗi từ điền đúng: 0.25 đ 1. make 2. Although 3. little 4. average 5. rely 6. speech 7. almost 8. into Câu hỏi 9: Xếp các đoạn văn theo thứ tự hợp lý: 2.0 điểm, mỗi doạn xếp đúng: 0.25 đ 1. C 2. F 3. D 4. H 5. E 6. A 7. G 8. B PHẦN IV: VIẾT : 4.0 điểm Câu hỏi 10: Viết chuyển đổi câu: 2.0 điểm, mỗi câu viết đúng: 0.25 đ 1. The hostess showed us her collection of paintings half of which had been bought from Europe. 2. I was not told that Susan had been in the hospital. 3. The old lady told us that they had to live on the roof of their houses for several days. 4. John asked, “ Have you ever gone to Cairo, Mary?”. 5. If it did not stop raining, the children could not return school. 6. Because the rain was heavy for many days, the whole city had to live in water. 7. No rain in Ha Noi since 1984 was as big as the one in last October. 8. Despite their trial, hundreds of soldiers could not prevent the strong tide of water. Câu hỏi 11: Viết thư gữi bạn, hỏi thăm tình trạng gia đình của bạn sau trận mưa to, lụt lội và bày tỏ sự thông cảm của mình đối với sự khó khăn của bạn.: 2.0 điểm.  Ý tưởng: 1.0 điểm : Nêu lên lý do viết thư, thăm hỏi về tình trạng mưa to, lụt lội ở địa phương của bạn, đặc biệt là những khó khăn, thiệt hại xãy ra cho gia đình của bạn.Tình hình khắc phục những khó khăn của gia đình bạn và địa phương. Bày tỏ những lo lắng và suy nghĩ của mình đối với tình trạng của bạn…………  Kỹ thuật viết: 1.0 điểm. Phải trình bày dưới hình thức viết thư cá nhân, có phân rõ bố cục của lá thư, dài khoãng 80 từ. Câu văn viết mạch lạc, tự nhiên ,mang tính giao tiếp, đúng ngữ pháp, dùng từ phong phú , chính xác. Ghi chú:  Chấm sát đáp án, biểu điểm  Tổng điểm không làm tròn số, giử nguyên 2 chữ số thập phân ( ví dụ: 14.25 , 12.50 , 10.75 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



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