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English in focus level C: Part 1

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Part 1 book English in focus level C gives the learner the exercises rewriting sentences, fill and vocabulary of the first 13 lessons in level C of the field: Habits and Interests, traveling air flying , a world of water, ... Invite you to consult.

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Nội dung Text: English in focus level C: Part 1

  2. ENGLISH IN FOCUS LeveI C WORKBOOK NICHOLAS SAMPSON NGUYEN QUOC HUNG, M.A. nhA xuat ban t h An h p h o ho c h i m in h
  3. L O l N O I D AU ENGLISH IN FOCUS la bo sach luyen nang luc su dung tieng Anh, viet cho ngudi Viet Mam hoc tieng Anh. Bo sach gom ba quyen, bat dau tu trinh do so dang (elementary level) va nham dua nguoi hoc len tcfri trinh do cao (low advanced level): Level A - Level B - Level C. Bo sach nay dugc viet tren co so quan tarn den nhung yeu to dac thu cua ngudi Viet hoc tieng Anh, cua xa hoi va van hoa Viet Nam, va cua ttnh hudng Viet Nam. Chung toi quan niem rang dai da so ngudi Viet hoc tieng Anh can phai biet su dung tieng Anh de gidi thieu vdi nude ngoai ve con nguoi va dat nude Viet Nam. Moi bai hoc cua bo sach deu bao gom nhung loai h'inh bai tap ren luyen bon ky nang nghe, noi, doc, viet va phan gidi thieu cac t'rnh huong giao tiep o Viet Nam cung nhu o Anh va nuoc ngoai. Vdi chuc nang giup nguoi hoc phat huy vai tro trung tam cua m'rnh, phan tieng Viet chu yeu giup nguoi hoc hieu duoc nhiem vu cua mlnh phai lam doi vdi timg bai tap. Nhung bai doc hieu khong duoc dich ra tieng Viet ma chi them phan chu thich ngon ngu, giup ngudi hoc vucrt qua nhung cho kho cua bai, vi du tir it dung den, nhom tu thanh ngu, m^u cau kho hoac nhung yeu to van hoa lam cho bai doc kho hidu doi vdi ngudi Viet. Cac cau hoi, cac loai bai tap (activities) nhu dien vao cho trong, dmh nghla tu, xep lai trat tu cau, .v.v... khong dugc djch ra tieng Viet, vi trong nhieu trudng hop, dich la lam ho bai. Doi vdi cac bai tap, chung toi cung khong "dich" ma huong dan lam bai tap (instruction) bang ca hai thu tieng. Nhu vay ngudi hoc vua hieu ro nhiem vu vira tiep can dugc vdi loai "chi d in " bang tieng Anh de su dung sau nay nhu khi su dung quy^n C, khi lam cac loai bai thi va kiem tra. Rieng doi vdi quyen bai tap (workbook) cua cac trinh do A va B, chung toi chi them phan hudng d in lam bai tap bang tieng Viet ben canh tieng Anh. Den quy^n C se chi con lai hudng d in bang tieng Anh ma thoi. Cung trong cac sach bai tap (workbooks) cac bai (units) 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 va 40 khong dugc in lai vi ban than nhung bai do la bai tap (on thi) va da dugc in trong sach hgc vien (students’ books). Vi the cac ban se tha'y trong sach bai tap trong nhung bai do. Tuy nhien chung toi van giu nguyen trat tu so bai theo sach hgc vien de tranh gay lung tung cho ngudi hoc. Phan ngu phap la phan quan trgng doi vdi ngudi hgc o ngoai moi trudng ban ngu dugc viet bang tieng Viet d hai quyen trinh do A va B. Phan nay trong quyen C chi dugc trinh bay bang tieng Anh. Phan nay giup cho ngudi hgc hieu ro nhung quy tac ngu phap, lam c a so cho viec ren luyen ky nang. Mot trong nhung kho khan Ion nhat cua ngudi Viet khi hoc tieng Anh la phat am: trgng am, nhip dieu va ngu dieu. Phan nay, cung nhu phan ngu phap, dugc giai thich bang tieng Viet d quyen A va B, bang tieng Anh d quyen C. Vdi phuong thuc phoi hgp giua hai thu tieng vdi tu cach giup su hie^u chu khong phai Mdich". chung toi hy vgng giup ngudi hgc su dung tu dien, phat huy kha nang phan doan, suy luan cua minh de? day nhanh quy trinh luyen tieng. Xin chuc cac ban hoc thanh cong. Hguyin Quoc Hung, M.A.
  4. HUONG DAN SU* DUNG SACH English in Focus d m6i trinh do (A, B, C) tron bo bao gom nhung tai lieu sau: Sach Hoc vien (Student’s Book) Sach Bai tap (Workbook) Sach Giao vien (Teacher’s Book) Bang ghi am (dung cho cac bai tap luyen nghe va luyen phat am theo sach) Bang ghi am (chuong trinh phat song VOV) Bang ghi hinh (chirong trinh phat song VTV) Phan "Muc luc" (Contents) chi dan cho cac ban yeu cau phai dat ducrc sau khi hoc xong moi bai, ve kien thurc ngu- phap (grammar), kha nang phat am (pronunciation) va nhung chuc nang giao tiep (functions). Cach cau tao cua chuong trinh giup hoc ''ien di tung bincrc vung chac. Vi the cir sau 3 bai lai co mot bai goi la "Exam Focus" vdi muc dich giup cac ban vira on lai nhung gi da hoc trong nhung bai trudc do vira lam quen voi cac loai hinh thi va kiem tra. Voi muc tieu giong nhau, cac bai "Exam Focus", turc la nhung bai (units) 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, va 40 co cau true giong nhau, chu yeu huong d in loai hinh thi doc hieu (reading comprehension) va nghe hieu (listening comprehension). Doi voi nhung bai chinh, cac ban luyen theo yeu cau cua tung bai tap (activity). Khi b it dau vao bai (unit), cac ban doc phan muc luc de n lm vung yeu cau phai dat duoc sau khi hoc xong bai. Budc tiep theo la dung tCr dien de tra nghTa tu moi (phan Vocabulary), roi doc ky phan giai thich mot so hien tuong ngCr phap (grammar). Sau ba viec lam tren cac ban hay bat dau lam bai tap (activity) theo yeu cau cua tung bai. Xin chu y moi bai tap can dugc lam di lam lai vai Ian. Neu chi lam mot Ian roi xem dap an thi chua du, vi bai tap ngoai ngu dung de luyen cho nhuan nhuyen chu khong phai chi dung de chua xem dung hay sai. Sach bai tap (Workbook) dung de lam d nha. No chu yeu giup cac ban cung co ngu phap va tang cudng von tir vung. Phan Ion cac bai tap d day la doc hieu va viet. Doi voi nhung bai kiem tra (Exam Focus), cac ban hay lam nhu lam mot bai kiem tra. Doc ky yeu cau cua timg bai tap. Khi lam bai can han dinh thoi gian. Xin luu y cac ban mot dieu: nhung bai tap ve ky nang giao tiep doi hoi phai tinh den thoi gian, Co nhung bai neu de chung ta lam "ngam nga" trong 60 phut ch ln g han, chung ta co the dat diem tuyet doi. Nhung cung bai do neu chi dugc lam trong mot nira then gian tren thi ket qua khong chac da cao. Cac ban nen lam cac bai nay theo cac chuong trinh phat song VTV hoac VOV. Bo bang ghi am dung de luyen nhung bai tap nghe hieu va phat am. Ngoai ra con co bo bang ghi am dung de lam nhung bai tap phat song VOV. Bo bang ghi hinh dLjng de lam nhung bai tap phat song VTV. Sach giao vien (Teacher’s Book) hudng dan cac ky thuat thuc hien cac bai luyen *-e- Idp, cung cap dap an cho cac bai luyen va tapescript cho cac bai luyen nghe hie^ Xin chuc cac ban hoc thanh cong. Cac tac gia
  5. ENGLISH IN FOCUS CHUONG TRINH PHAT SONG DAI TRUYEN HINH VIET NAM (VTV) VA DAI TIENG NOI VIET NAM (VOV) Day la chirong trinh theo phuong thirc giao due tir xa (distance education). No tuan thu nhung quy djnh va phuong phap dao tao nay (tieng Anh goi la phuong thuc off-cam pus learning ), vi du tinh chat dinh huong va huong dan nguoi hoc tu hoc. Chuong trinh VTV va VOV deu su dung bo sach English in Focus. Ca hai chuong trinh deu huong dan du 42 bai (units) cr trinh do A. Tuy nhien, moi bai trong sach co ten 11 bai tap (activities), trong khi do thoi lupng phat song bi han che (30 phiit/bai cho VTV va 15 phiit/bai cho VOV) cho nen chung toi chi co the chon mot so bai luyen (activities) quan trong de dira len song ma thoi. Vi the khi theo doi chuong trinh phat song, cac ban co the thay trong mot bai (unit) chung ta dang luyen Activity 1, thi lai sang Activity 4, roi Activity 7, v.v... Muc dich giu nguyen so thu tu cac "activities" theo sach la de giup cac ban de tim bai khi theo doi chuong trinh. Viec lira chon bai luyen dua len song nh&m phat huy cao nhat the manh cua tim g loai hinh phat song. Vi du doi voi phat thanh, chung toi lira chon nhung bai nghe hieu (listening comprehension) va luyen am (pronunciation practice) la chinh. Nhung ngupc lai, truyen hinh lai rat manh ve viec the hien bang hinh anh nhung hoat dong giao tiep. Vi the chung toi da hinh thanh mot lop hoc tren song, mot lop "thuc" (gom nhung hoc vien dang hoc o trinh do A) de dira cac ban hoc theo song vao lop. Day khong phai la mot lop "mau" mang tinh chat “bieu d iln " ma la mot lop hoc thuc su nhu muon van nhung lop hoc khac. Moi cac ban tham gia. Moi bai dugc phat song lap lai nhieu Ian trong mot tuan. Neu cac ban theo doi ca hai chuong trinh VTV va VOV thi hau nhu dugc hoc toan bo cac "activities". Sach hoc co kern theo bang video va bang tieng de giup cac ban hoc ngoai gid phat song. Xin chuc cac ban hoc thanh cong! Nguyen Quoc Hung, M.A.
  6. CONTENTS * Unit 1 7 Unit 17 59 Unit 2 12 Unit 18 63 Unit 3 16 Unit 19 67 Unit 5 20 Unit 21 71 Unit 6 24 Unit 22 75 Unit 7 28 Unit 23 79 Unit 9 33 Unit 25 83 Unit 10 38 Unit 29 85 Unit 11 43 Unit 26 87 Unit 13 47 Unit 27 91 Unit 14 51 Unit 29 95 Unit 15 55 Unit 30 100 Unit 31 104 6
  7. u n it 1 Habits and Interests { jjr a m w ia jv ____________________________________________________________________ A Think o f suitable questions for the answers given. Follow the example. 1 Yes. I plav the vio lin . Do you plav a musical instrument? 2 She’s 42 vears old. 3 I like listening to music and collecting stamps. 4 He is a Journalist. 5 I was born in Hanoi. 6 It’s four o’clock. 7 He likes plaving badminton and football. 8 No, thanks. I’m not thirstv. 9 It’s in the bedroom.^ 10 She speaks French, Vietnamese and English. B Circle the correct pronouns in these sentences. Follow the example. 1 Mr Harrison is 45 years old. (He)/Him is a teacher. Him/(His) subject is economics. 2 Mr Harrison has two sons - they/them are both teenagers. 3 His/Him wife works at the local hospital. 4 They/Them go for they/their holidays in France. 5 This is my friend Cathy. .She/Her is a good chess player. 6 ,1/My am interested in all sports, especially football. 7 We/us always spend us/our holidays in Thailand. 8 Neil asked I/me if I/me had ever played chess. I/me said no. 9 Me/My brother and his/her wife have their/our own business. 10 When the player started to argue the referee told he/him to behave. C The names of many hobbies and interests are gerun ds. A gerund is really the -in g form of a verb which acts as a noun. For example, Mr Harrison likes cooking and he enjoys spending his holidays in France. Use the •in g form o f the verbs in the box and say whether you en jo y or d on 't en jo y doing them. Follow the example. 7
  8. swim in the sea play chess meet new people watch television listen to music eat in restaurants sing study English buy clothes talk on the telephone 1 I ertiov swimming in the sea_____________ 2 3 4 _ 5 ______________________ 6 ____ ______ ___________ 7 __________________________ 8 _____________ 9 ___________________________________________ 1 0 D Complete these sentences using the correct p resen t sim p le form o f a suitable verb. Follow the example. 1 Mr and Mrs Harrison have two children. 2 We_______________ visiting different countries. 3 My parents_____________ tennis very well. 4 Both my brothers____________ architects. 5 Charles_____________ many hobbies so he is busy at the weekends. 6 I____________ in a small village in the country. 7 My friends and I_____________to the local cinema every week. 8 Barbara_____________ to work because it is too far to walk. 9 John______________ so many books that he has a library in his house. 10 I know someone who____________ four languages. (T)oeahulafij______________ A. Mr Harrison can speak F re n ch and often goes to F ran ce. Most countries have words to describe the people who live in that country (nationality') and the language those people speak. Often the nationality and the language use the same word but not always. Complete the table with the correct nationalities and languages o f the g u en countries. Follow the example.
  9. C ou n try N ationality L a n gu a ge 1 France French French 2 USA 3 Vietnam 4 Thailand 5 Great Britain 6 Australia 7 Canada 8 Japan 9 Spain 10 The Philippines B Mr Harrison enjoys several hobbies including birD -w a tch in g. Many words for hobbies and interests use a noun and a verb together to describe what the hobby involves. Complete these sentences using the examples o f these words in the box. Follow the example. bird-watching water-skiing flower-arrranging horse-riding hill-walking model-making ice-skating stamp-collecting 1 My brother loves bird-watchina_____ . He can sit for hours waiting to see an eagle or a hawk. 2 My mother is very good at______________ - she uses roses from her large rose garden. 3 I have been_____________ twice and both times I fell off. 4 My father is very patient so he likes____________ - I could never spend so '> much time creating tiny little ships and buildings. 5 My son is keen on____________ and he hopes to buy his own speedboat next year. 6 I used to like___________ but now it makes me feel too cold! 7 My uncle is very fit and he loves being out in the countryside so he enjoys_____________very much. 8 is a good hobby for children as it is quite cheap, and it teaches them about different countries.
  10. Ql&e o
  11. H Now, however, it is put to a much more dramatic use! I Just as his head splashes into the water, he is pulled back upwards by the rubber bungee. J This is usually situated high (over 40 metres high, in fact) above a river. 11
  12. u n it 2 Travelling by Air A Complete these sentences using the correct tense o f the verbs in brackets. Follow the example. 1 Last time I flew (fly) I forgot (forget) to reconfirm my flight. I will not do (not do) that again! 2 The tickets (cost) $900 each but it was worth it - we really_________ (enjoy) our holiday. 3 Last time I ___________ (go) to the airport by taxi but it was very expensive. Next time, I ___________ (go) by bus. 4 I always__________ (travel) by plane. It__________ (be) the fastest and best way to travel. 5 This flight__________ (land) in two hours, at nine o’clock local time. 6 Every air ticket__________ (show) the passenger’s name and how he________ (pay) for the ticket. 7 We have been__________ (wait) to board our flight for three hours and we are still waiting. 8 When she__________ (be) young, Sara_________ (want) to be an air hostess. Now, she_________ (want) to be a pilot. 9 After the plane landed we__________ (go) through passport control and customs, then we_________ (collect) our luggage and finally we________ 'take* a taxi to our hotel. 10 They_________ (fly) to Europe every year for a holiday. B Write out these numbers and times in the way you would say them in spoken English. Follow the example. 1 24 November the twenty-fourth of November____________________________ 2 1 January __________________________________________________________ 3 1967 __________________________________________________________ 4 11/2/66 __________________________________________________________ 5 £101 __________________________________________________________ 6 $589.01 __________________________________________________________ 7 5,000,000 ________________________________________________ ___
  13. 8 123,456 9 7.45 am 10 24.00 ____________________________________________________________ ___ C Here is a list o f things which you w ould need, m igh t n eed or w o u ld n ’t n eed if you were an aeroplane pilot, about to take off on a flight. Write sentences saying whether you would, m igh t or w ou ldn't n eed these things. Follow the example. 1 a uniform If I was a pilot I might need a uniform._____________ 2 a fur coat ___________________________________________________ 3 an aeroplane ___________________________________________________ 4 sunglasses ___________________________________________________ 5 a bottle of wine ___________________________________________________ 6 a passport ___________________________________________________ 7 a pilot’s licence ___________________________________________________ 8 an air t i c k e t ___________________________________________________ 9 a bunch of flowers ___________________________________________________ _ 10 good eyesight D Complete these sentences using w ou ld need, m igh t n eed or w ou ld n 't need. Follow the example. 1 If I won a million dollars I wouldn't need to work any more. 2 I____________ to w7ork late tonight - I’ll call you later and tell you. 3 If you bought that big dog you______________ a bigger house. 4 If I failed my exams I_____________to study harder next time. 5 Sheila____________ a car if she lived closer to her office. 6 It looks like it might rain later so I_____________ my umbrella. 7 If I hadn't lost my wallet I______________to go to the lost property office. 8 Tom______________ some help with his homework - ask him if he does or not 9 If you wanted to buy a car you______________to learn to drive first. 10 If you turned that music down wre___________ to shout!
  14. a Many words and expressions include the word air. Match these words in Column A with their meanings in Column B. Follow the example. colum n a colum n b 1 airport j LL a) a machine to cool the air 2 air freshener b) letters and parcels carried by plane 3 aircraft c) not allowing air to enter or escape 4 airsick D) a place where planes take off and land 5 airmail e) something (like a disease) carried on the air 6 airline f) a substance used to make air smell nice 7 air conditioner g) a feeling of illness experienced while flying 8 airborne h) a machine used to clean the air 9 air filter i) a company which provides passenger flights 10 airtight j) any machine or vehicle which flies. b Now use the words above to complete these sentences. Follow the example. 1 There is a strange smell in this room. I will buy some air freshener to get rid of it. 2 This box is __________________so it keeps food fresh. 3 "Which_________________ are you flying with?" "I think it’s Cathay Pacific.” 4 The common cold is an__________________ virus. 5 I hate flying because I always get________________. 6 My cousin is arriving from Hong Kong at eight o’clock. I’m going to meet her at the______________ . 7 If you live in a very hot country it is good to have an______________ 8 A plane and a helicopter are both kinds of_________________ . 9 I need this letter to arrive quickly so I will send it by______________ . 10 It is so smoky in here - you should get an______________
  15. ^ lis e £ n g lL tfa The sentences in this passage are in the wrong order. Read each one through carefully and then put them in the correct order. Write a number from 1 -10 in the box provided. Follow the example. □ The very first plane was invented and built by two brothers called Orville and Wilbur Wright. □ Other pilots worked for the newly established mail service. □ Almost 10 years later he was proved right when planes proved invaluable in the First World War. □ After the war, however, no-one needed the planes or pilots any more. □ In 1907, the third flyer flew an astonishing 24 miles non-stop. □ It was only then that President Roosevelt realized the importance of the Wright’s invention. □ It was called Flyer and it flew 120 feet on 17th December 1903. □ Working for the mail service was dangerous as the pilots had to fly in all kinds of weather with no radios. □ Some unemployed pilots travelled around America performing amazing flying stunts to huge crowds. □ He saw that the plane could be used as a powerful military weapon. 15
  16. u n it 3 A World of Water A Use the -ing form o f the verb phrases in the box to rewrite these sentences. Follow the example. to buy bottled water to drink unclean water to add sugar to boil water to swim far out to sea to live without water 1 it’s impossible for all animals and plants Living without water is impossible for all animals and plants 9 it’s vey unhealthy and unhygienic 3 it makes tea taste different 4 it’s dangerous 5 it’s expensive 6 it’s the easiest way to make water clean B There are many activities which use water. Using the -in g form o f the verb phrases given, say whether you love, like, d islik e or h a te doing the following things and give a reason why you feel the way you do. Follow the example. to drink cold water on a to swim in the sea to have a hot bath hot day to stand in the rain to drink tea to wash the dishes to make soup to go fishing to wash the window’s to go water-skiing 1 I love drinking cold water on a hot day because it makes me feel cool/because it is refreshing.______________________________________ 16
  17. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Complete these sentences using the correct forms o f the pairs o f verbs in the box. Follow the example. to finish/to drink to suggest/to go to dislike/to carry to practise/to swim to give up/to fish to deny/to break to hate/to wash to like/to watch 1 I like watching_________ the rain as long as I am dry indoors. 2 I knew Phil didn’t like my cooking when he______________ to a restaurant for dinner. 3 My baby brother Frank__________ j so he is always dirty. 4 Claire__________________ the vase. 5 You will become a good swimmer if you_________ _________________ every day. 6 I__________________an umbrella so I often get wet! 7 My father_ .because he never caught any fish. 8 When you_ _that water, please wash the glass. D Complete these sentences saying what you would do in these situations. (There are lots o f possible answers, so just think o f what you would do.) Follow the example. 1 If I got lost in a big city I would ask someone for directions/l would buy a map.__________________ 2 If I was very thirsty 3 If I won a million dollars fcAlHQCmAi nguyCNi 4 If I saw a traffic accident TRUNGTIMBQCLTfiD 5 If I fell into the sea 6 If I was late for work 17
  18. 7 If I was dirty ___________________________ :______ 8 If I was swimming and I saw a shark ___________________________________ 9 If I found a diamond r i n g ____________________________________ 10 If I was cold __________________________________ r()o?iihtilavij________________________________________________ A Water can come in many different shapes and sizes. Match these words describing water in Column A with the correct meanings in Column B. Follow the example. colum n a colum n b 1 puddle e) a) when there is no rain for a long time 2 wave b) a short period of rain 3 damp c) tiny particles of water floating in the air 4 flood d) a very small river 5 steam e) a little pool of water on the ground 6 drop f) a little, but not totally, wet 7 shower g) water that is so cold, it is solid 8 drought h) the movement of water in the sea 9 ice i) a very small amount of water 10 stream ___________ j) when there is too much rain and the water causes damage b Use the words above to complete the following sentences. Follow the example. 1 During the drought all the crops were ruined and many animals died from lack of water. 2 I knew it was starting to rain when a_________ of water landed on my nose 3 It wasn’t raining any more but I still got wet by stepping in a big________ 4 Don’t go out in the cold when your hair is___________ . 5 Could I have some___________ in my drink - it’s a little warm. 6 The_______ was so serious many houses were swept away and several people drowned. 7 The children got their feet wet w'hen a huge_________ swept up the beach. 8 The_________ was quite narrow so we jumped over it. 9 Take your umbrella - it looks like there might be a____________soon. 10 The bath was so hot that the air was full of____________ _.
  19. (TAajl o4 £n g liiii Choose one o f the sentence endings from the list (A -J) to complete each blank in the passage. Follow the example. Water is a central part of all life on Earth. In fact, J However, living things are not the only things affected by water. The Earth itself has been coloured, shaped and changed____ One of the greatest natural monuments to the power of water is the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is found in Arizona, ______ The canyon is like a huge split in the surface of the earth. It covers an immense area stretching for 350 kilometres through the desert,______ The canyon was formed by the waters of the Colorado River. Millions of years ago, ______ As it did so, the water cut a channel through ______ Where the river divided, towers of stone formed between the gradually widening canyon walls. The various channels became deeper and deeper until, after six million years, _____This process has never ended, however, and the river continues to Today, the Grand Canyon i s ______Over three million people visit it every year and no one is disappointed with what they find. The canyon is indeed an awe-inspiring spectacle,______ A the river began flowing through the desert. B the canyon, as we know it today, had been formed. C one of the biggest tourist attractions in America. D and measuring between 6 and 29 km wide and up to 1,740 metres deep. E and is one of the most beautiful sights in America. F cut through the desert rock and make the canyon gradually deeper and deeper. G as well as a breathtaking reminder of the power of water. H by the water moving across its surface. I the layers of rock which formed the desert. J there could be no life on Earth without water. 19
  20. u n it s Music or Noise? Q v iiM im u jv A Choose which o f the co n n ectiv es in the box should be used to complete these sentences. Follow the example. for example one of these if... then in other words such as so however 1 I have lots of hobbies. For example . I enjoy listening to music. 2 We couldn’t afford tickets to the concert__________we couldn’t go to it. 3 I could choose an instrument to play, _____________I would play the flute. I 4 I like most music. __________ , I don’t like jazz. 5 There are many kinds of modem music. _____________is rock music. 6 Neil doesn’t have a job. ____________ , he is unemployed. 7 I like more traditional music, _______________ folk music. 8 Most young people like pop and rock music. _____________ , there are some who prefer classical and traditional music. 9 Music is like a common language. _______________, it is something everyone can understand and enjoy. 10 1 love music, __________ I have a lot of records and CDs. B Rewrite these direct questions and statements as rep o rted sp eech . Follow the example. 1 "Will you carry my bags for me?" she asked him. She asked him if he would carry her baas for her.___________________________ 2 "Will you buy this hat for me?" she asked him. 3 "You remind me of someone, but I’m not sure who," she said. 4 "Shall I ask a policeman for directions?" he asked Fiona. 20



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