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PHOTOSHOP CS4 QuickSteps- P8

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PHOTOSHOP CS4 QuickSteps- P8: QuickSteps books are recipe books for computer users. They answer the question “How do I...?” by providing quick sets of steps to accomplish the most common tasks in a particular program. The sets of steps are the central focus of the book. QuickSteps sidebars show you how to quickly do many small functions or tasks that support the primary functions. Notes, Tips, and Cautions augment the steps, yet they are presented in such a manner as to not interrupt the fl ow of the steps....

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  1. 1 NOTE COPY AN EXISTING LAYER If a selection is active, the Layer Via Copy command 2 You also can create a new layer by copying an existing layer. In the Layers panel, (CTRL/CMD+J) copies the selected portions to a new layer. If there is no selection, then the command copies click the source layer. The cursor changes to a fist. Perform one of these options: the entire layer. • Drag the layer to the Create A New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. • Click Layer | New | Layer Via Copy. 3 • Press CTRL/CMD+J. UICKSTEPS Photoshop creates a new layer that is an exact copy of the original. The new layer appears immediately above the source layer in the Layers panel. LINKING AND UNLINKING LAYERS 4 CREATE A NEW LAYER FROM A SELECTION Layers that are linked move, rotate, and transform together. If you move the contents of a layer 50 pixels You can create a new layer by copying only the selected portions of an existing to the left, the contents of all layers linked to that layer layer. This is a useful way to separate a selected element or elements from the will also move 50 pixels to the left. You can also link background while leaving your original image intact. groups of layers. Linked layers can be unlinked, unlinked 5 temporarily, and then relinked as needed to edit or view 1. Use any of the selection tools to select the portions of a layer that you want to copy. the effects. 2. Click Layer | New | Layer Via Copy. LINK LAYERS –Or– To link another layer to the currently selected layer, select Press CTRL/CMD+J. 6 6 the layers you want to link; this is done by holding SHIFT as you click neighboring Shows these two layer titles on the Layers layers are linked Edit with Layers panel, or by holding CTRL/ You can add as many layers to a document as needed (as the amount of system RAM and scratch disk space you’ve allocated 7 CMD to select noncontiguous layers. Then click the Link to Photoshop allows). Some commands, such as painting, can Layers icon at the bottom only be made to one layer at a time. Other adjustments, such of the Layers panel. A chain as moving, applying styles, or transforming, can be made icon appears to the right of to multiple layers at a time. To identify which layers will be 8 each layer’s name. Another type of link Click here to link or between selection and style unlink selected layers included in an edit, select layers, link, or group them. Here is UNLINK LAYERS how you can manipulate the layers, make the background layer Select a linked layer and then click the Link Layers icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. The chain icon editable, and add additional layers as needed. 9 disappears. 10 132 132 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  2. 1 UNLOCK THE BACKGROUND LAYER 2 The background layer in a Photoshop document is initially locked. You cannot erase it (other than painting over it with a background color). You cannot move, rotate, or resize it as you would a document layer (there are commands to rotate and scale a background that can be found in the Image menu); nor can you 3 create a mask for it. To make these kinds of changes on the background, you must first turn it into a normal layer: • Click Layer | New | Layer From Background. The background becomes a normal layer. NOTE 4 –Or– The background layer is fixed to the bottom of the stack • Double-click the background layer thumbnail on the Layers panel, and then respond to and cannot be moved unless you rename it or convert the New Layer dialog box. it to a new layer. You will want to do this to have more 5 flexibility in what you can do to the image. Once you have converted a background layer to a normal layer, you can convert it back to a background layer by clicking Layer | New | Background From Layer. You cannot create a background layer simply by renaming it “Background.” 6 6 COPY MERGED LAYERS You might want to copy a merged version of a layered document—a version that looks the same but does not contain multiple layers—to the Clipboard. 7 Remember that the size of image files may cause this to be an unwise way of TIP copying your images. Double-click the background layer lock icon to create a 1. Select the entire document by clicking Select | All or by pressing CTRL/CMD+A. layer from the background. 2. Click Edit | Copy Merged or press SHIFT+CTRL/CMD+C. All layers in the document are 8 copied to the Clipboard as a single layer. When you copy the contents of the Clipboard to a new document, the contents NOTE appear as a new layer made up of all layers from the parent document 9 Any time you paste something into a Photoshop (see Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3). If the original layers had transparency, the document, it goes on a new layer located immediately transparent regions that did not overlap any opaque areas on other layers will above the currently selected layer. still be transparent. 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 133 133
  3. 1 COPY FROM ANOTHER APPLICATION TO A NEW LAYER 2 To copy an item from another application (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer) to a Photoshop document: 1. Open an image in Photoshop. 3 2. Switch to another application, such as a web browser, and select and copy an image. 3. Return to Photoshop and click Edit | Paste. The new image is pasted into the Photoshop document on a new layer. CTRL/CMD+V is the keyboard shortcut. 4 If you need to copy text as editable text into Photoshop, click the Type tool on the Tools panel before pasting. Click an insertion point in your document, and then press CTRL/ 5 CMD+V. Reformatting your text is usually necessary, but this Figure 6-2: Before using the Copy Merged command, the document is composed of many layers. beats retyping a paragraph of text. If you choose to paste using a tool other than the Type tool, a new layer is created, but the pasted text is a bitmap, and not editable text. 6 6 The system clipboard typically doesn’t handle transparency between applications. Usually, if you copy an image containing transparent regions and try to paste it into a Photoshop document, you’ll get a black area instead of the original image 7 transparency. You can copy and paste to new layers within Photoshop because Photoshop uses an internal clipboard, not your system’s clipboard. COPY A LAYER BY DRAGGING 8 You can drag layers directly from one Photoshop document to another. To copy a layer from one Photoshop document to another: 9 1. Open two images in Photoshop with the Layers panel open. Figure 6-3: Copying the merged layers into a new document results in a 2. Click Window | Arrange | Tile to display both images at once. single layer. 10 134 134 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  4. 1 NOTE 3. Make sure the source document is selected. If it is not, you can just click its title bar. You cannot copy a layer to a background layer. You must 2 4. Click the desired layer title on the Layers panel and drag it into the destination first convert the background layer to a regular layer. document. It will be added to the second document as a new layer. Press and hold SHIFT as you drag a layer from one document to a different document window to make it centered in the receiving document. 3 REARRANGE LAYER ORDER The order of layers in the Layers panel usually determines the final result, as shown in Figures 6-4 and 6-5. 4 To change the order of layers: 1. Click a layer title on the Layers panel. 2. Drag the layer up or down to a new position. TIP The original background layer is locked and therefore cannot be moved. 5 Before making changes, copy your work to a new layer. Make changes on the new layer, and if you don’t like them, delete the layer. 6 6 7 8 9 Figure 6-4: The image of the “bear” is partially obscured by the other layers when it is not the top layer. 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 135 135
  5. 1 2 3 UICKSTEPS 4 MANIPULATING LAYER GROUPS MOVE THE CONTENTS OF A LAYER GROUP 1. Select the Move tool from the Tools panel. 5 2. Click a layer group in the Layers panel. 3. Drag the image to move the entire layer group. Figure 6-5: When the “bear” layer is moved, it appears as the top layer, RESIZE A LAYER GROUP no longer obscured by the others. 1. In the Layers panel, click the layer group you want 6 6 to resize. DELETE A LAYER 2. Press CTRL/CMD+T to enter Free Transform mode, To delete a layer: or click Edit | Free Transform. 1. Click a layer’s thumbnail in the Layers panel. 3. Drag the handles to resize all layers in the layer group at once. Press and hold SHIFT while you drag 2. Drag the layer to the Delete Layer button at the bottom of the panel. 7 to constrain the resizing to proportional resizing. –Or– 4. Press ENTER/RETURN, click Commit (the check 1. Right-click the layer’s name in the Layers panel, and click Delete Layer. button on the Options bar), or double-click the 2. Photoshop asks you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes. image to accept the changes. 8 DELETE A LAYER GROUP 1. Click a layer group thumbnail in the Layers panel. Consolidate Layers into 2. Drag the layer group to the Delete Layer button at the bottom of the panel. Layer Groups 9 Layers can be grouped together into folders called layer groups. Layer groups –Or– help you keep multilayer documents organized. You can group parts of an Continued . . . image together so that they work as a single component of the image. 10 136 136 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  6. 1 UICKSTEPS With ambitious and complex compositions, you may have several groups. 2 MANIPULATING LAYER GROUPS Although you cannot paint on a layer group, in most other ways, they act the (Continued) same as individual layers. You can reposition, resize, mask, and hide all layers 1. Right-click the layer group’s name in the Layers in a layer group at the same time. panel, and click Delete Group. 2. Photoshop asks you to confirm the deletion. You Create a Layer Group 3 can choose between deleting both the group layer and its contents or only the group layer. Click When you create a new layer group, you first create a blank folder into which Group And Contents or click Group Only. you can drag other layers in the document. Creating layer groups when DUPLICATE A LAYER GROUP working with a multilayer document makes it easier for you to work within 4 1. Click a layer group thumbnail in the Layers panel. the Layers panel, since you can collapse any layer groups you are not currently 2. Drag the layer group to the Create A New Layer editing to eliminate clutter and confusion in the Layers panel. button at the bottom of the panel. Photoshop To create a new layer group: creates a duplicate of the layer group and • 5 appends the layer group name with “Copy.” Click the Create A New Group icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. –Or– Right-click the layer group’s name in the Layers panel, and click Duplicate Group. 6 –Or– 6 • Click Layer | Group Layers. MOVE A LAYER INTO A LAYER GROUP To move a layer into a layer group: 7 TIP 1. In the Layers panel, click an existing layer. Rename a duplicated layer group to reflect the duplicated 2. Drag it to the desired layer group. group’s intended purpose. 8 CAUTION 9 You may need to relocate your layer group to a different place in the stack in order to maintain the intended image effect. 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 137 137
  7. 1 UICKSTEPS REMOVE A LAYER FROM A LAYER GROUP 2 FLATTENING AN IMAGE To remove a layer from a layer group: When you flatten an image, you condense all layers in 1. In the Layers panel, within the layer group, click the layer that you want to remove. the document into a single layer. As a result, you can no longer edit the layers you created. Flattening an image 2. Drag it to a position outside of the layer group. is generally the last step prior to saving an image in 3 a file format other than PSD for clients who don’t own Photoshop or don’t need editable layers in their work. If Merge Layers you intend to edit the image further in another session, When you are finished editing several layers in a document, you can select do not flatten it. Save the document as a Photoshop them and then merge them into a single layer. When you merge selected layers, 4 (PSD) document. Doing so preserves all layers in the document for further editing. the other layers in the document are still editable. You can apply edits to the layer created by merging other layers. You can also select other layers in the To flatten all layers into a single layer: document and merge them. • Click Layer | Flatten Image. 5 –Or– Merge a Layer with the Layer Beneath It 1. In the Layers panel, click the Options button. The Options menu appears. When you have edited two layers to your liking, you can select a layer and merge it with the underlying layer. This creates a new layer, which can be 2. Click Flatten Image. further edited. 6 6 1. In the Layers panel, select the topmost layer of the two layers you want to merge. 2. Click the Options button in the upper-right area of the Layers panel, and click Merge TIP Layers from the flyout menu. 7 If you want to work on a composition later, but need to –Or– send a copy of your work to someone, it’s often a good Press CTRL/CMD+E. technique to save your work as a PSD file, then click File | Save As, choose the file format you need in the Merge Linked Layers Save As dialog box, choose a location for the copy, then 8 click Save. You’ll see that the As A Copy check box is To merge all linked layers into a single layer: automatically checked and a little caution icon appears at 1. In the Layers panel, click one of the linked layers to select it. the bottom of the dialog box, telling you that the file format 2. Click Layer | Select Linked Layers. you chose necessitates that special Photoshop-specific 3. Click Layer | Merge Layers. 9 features such as layers won’t be saved. Your work is auto- flattened to conform to the new file format’s structure. –Or– 10 138 138 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  8. 1 NOTE 1. Click the Options button in the upper-right area of the Layers panel. The panel The Merge Layers command will not be available if the 2 Options menu appears. bottom layer is a text or shape layer. 2. Click Select Linked Layers. 3. Right-click the selected layers and click Merge Layers. UICKSTEPS Merge Visible Layers 3 CHECKING FILE SIZE To merge visible layers into a single layer, you first must hide the layers you The file size for your image depends on the image don’t want to merge: size—specifically the number of pixels it contains. If you 1. In the Layers panel, click the eye icon for all layers you want to hide, or do not want 4 have many layers, depending on the number of pixels to merge. in each layer, your file size can become quite large. You 2. Click a visible layer to select it. may find that you need to reduce your file size to make editing easier, to make web page loading faster, or to 3. Click the Options button in the upper-right area of the reduce disk space. Layers panel. The panel Options menu appears. 5 To check your file size: 4. Click Merge Visible. 1. On the Status bar, click the right-pointing –Or– arrow in the lower-left corner of the Press CTRL/CMD+SHIFT+E. document window. A context menu will 6 –Or– 6 display. Right-click a layer title to access the merge commands 2. Click Show for a submenu. from the context menu. 3. Click Document Sizes. The Doc Size will be displayed. It contains two numbers: 7 the size on the left is the size of the flattened image; on the Work with Layer Masks right is the size of the file with all its layers and channels. When working with layers, you may find that you want only part of a layer to show, or perhaps a layer to show only faintly in the background. In this case, you can use layer masks. A layer mask hides, or masks, part of a layer. Layer 8 masks are by default black, white, and shades of black. Where the layer mask is TIP black, the masked layer is not visible. If the mask is a shade of black (gray), the underlying mask is partially visible. If the mask is white, the layer is completely Mask, don’t erase. When you erase a pixel, it’s gone visible. You can add or subtract from a layer’s visibility by painting on the mask 9 forever; but you can always change a mask if you with shades of gray to partially reveal areas on underlying layers, or with black change your mind later—nothing is ever lost. to completely reveal areas of the underlying layer. 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 139 139
  9. 1 QUICKFACTS Click to create a pixel mask for a bitmap image USING THE MASKS PANEL 2 The Masks panel helps you to refine your layer mask. You display the panel by clicking Window | Masks. With it you Indicates active mask Click to create a vector can create a pixel or vector mask by clicking the appropriate mask for a vector image button, as shown in Figure 6-6. You can also set the density 3 of the mask, soften the edges of the mask with feathering, Drag to control the refine the mask edges, and do other editing. opacity of the mask Click for more options for the mask edges Drag to soften the edges of the mask Create a layer mask or selection using sampled 4 color ranges Toggle between hide all and reveal all mask type TIP Click to load a previously saved mask To move the masked layer slightly, with the Move tool 5 Click to apply Toggle to hide or selected, press ARROW to move the mask one pixel. To the mask show the mask move it ten pixels, press SHIFT+ARROW. Figure 6-6: The Masks panel provides controls for working with your layer masks. 6 6 Masks come in two types in Photoshop, but their use is the same: CAUTION • Bitmap masks Created with paint tools such as the Brush tool, and also by creating A layer mask is by default linked in its position to the selections you then fill with foreground color. 7 contents of a layer, so when you move a mask, you move the contents of the layer as well, which might not be what • Vector masks Created using the Pen tools. They produce crisp edges (so feathering is best done using bitmap masks) and can be edited and moved using the selection you have in mind. To move a mask but keep the layer tools on the Tools panel. contents in the same position, click the link icon between the layer thumbnail and the mask; the icon disappears 8 (disabling the link) and you can then move the mask, Create Layer Masks revealing different areas of the layer. Make certain before You can create a layer mask from an image, from a Quick Mask, or from a you move the mask that the layer mask is highlighted selection. Figure 6-7 shows an example of a layer mask that shows part of the on the Layers panel list and not the layer thumbnail. You image as a background and hides part of it. 9 can link the mask once more by clicking the vacant area between the mask and the layer thumbnail. 10 140 140 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  10. 1 2 3 TIP If the mask is not perfect, press Q to revert to Quick Mask mode, and then paint white over the areas you do not want to mask or black over those you do want to mask. 4 NOTE 5 Be sure that the mask, not the layer, is selected when you are working with the mask. Click on the layer mask thumbnail in the Layers panel to select the mask. When the layer mask is selected you will see a selection border 6 Figure 6-7: Using layer masks, you can hide, obscure parts of, or reveal all of an image, 6 around its thumbnail, or, in the Masks panel thumbnail, such as this one where the background sky is hidden and the cliffs are dimmed using a “Pixel Mask” or “Vector Mask” notation confirms the the Opacity setting. selection. PAINT A LAYER MASK 7 Overall, layer masks without previous selections are created in two steps: Click the layer thumbnail to edit the layer 1. You create a mask that will either hide all or reveal all. 2. You refine the mask by painting the parts you want to be seen, seen partially, or 8 hidden. To either hide or show the whole layer, follow these steps: Click the mask thumbnail to edit the mask 1. Deselect any active selections so that none of the image is selected. 2. In the Layers panel, select the layer or group to be masked. 9 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 141 141
  11. 1 3. These are your options: 2 • To reveal the whole layer, either click the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel, or click Layer | Layer Mask | Reveal All, or click the Pixel Mask button in the Masks panel. A new white mask for the selected layer is created, identified by the white icon to the immediate right of the layer image thumbnail. • To hide the whole layer, either ALT/OPT+click the Add Layer Mask button at the 3 bottom of the Layers panel, or click Layer | Layer Mask | Hide Selection, or ALT/OPT+click the Pixel Mask button in the Masks panel. A new black mask for the selected layer will be created, which you identify by the black icon to the immediate right of the layer thumbnail. 4 4. Select the Brush tool or other painting tool from the Tools panel. TIP 5. Notice that the foreground and background colors are changed with active masks. If you want to change the mask colors, click the foreground or background thumbnails If at any time you want an onscreen preview of what is and select the image you want. hidden and revealed with layer masks, press and hold 6. Paint the mask with the color you need for the effect you want, as shown in Figure 6-8. 5 SHIFT+ALT/OPT and then click the layer mask thumbnail on the Layers panel. The Quick Mask tinted overlay shows you where you’ve painted. SHIFT+ALT/OPT+click the mask thumbnail again to hide the Quick Mask indicator. 6 6 7 8 9 Figure 6-8: Paint on a layer mask to reveal or conceal underlying layers. 10 142 142 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  12. 1 UICKSTEPS CREATE A LAYER MASK FROM A QUICK MASK 2 EDITING A MASK Chapter 5 describes selecting using Quick Mask mode: The best thing about masks is that they aren’t 1. Select the layer image for which you want to create a Quick Mask. permanent. You can edit them at any time, hiding or revealing the underlying image. 2. Press Q to switch to Quick Mask mode. 3. Select a painting or drawing tool from the Tools panel. 3 EDIT A MASK WITH THE BRUSH TOOL 1. In the Layers panel, click the layer mask you want 4. Set the foreground color to black, and paint on the areas of the image you want to to edit. mask. 2. Select the Brush tool or other painting tool from 5. Press Q again to leave Quick Mask mode. An animated dashed outline (called the Tools panel. “marching ants” by Photoshop pros) signifies the area to be masked. 4 3. Select a foreground color: black to mask, white to 6. In the Layers panel, click the layer to be masked. reveal, or gray to partially reveal. 7. Click the Add Layer Mask button (or press ALT/OPT+ click Add Layer Mask to hide 4. Paint to alter the mask. the pixels within the selection) at the bottom of the Layers panel. Photoshop creates a new layer mask from the selection. 5 ADD A SELECTION TO A MASK CREATE A LAYER MASK FROM A SELECTED AREA You can expand a layer mask by selecting additional pixels to be masked and adding them to the layer mask: 1. In the Layers panel, click the layer to be masked. 1. In the Layers panel, click the layer mask you want 2. Use one or more of Photoshop’s selection tools, such as the Rectangular Marquee or to modify. Lasso tool, to select the part of the image to be masked. 6 6 2. Use any selection tool to select an area you want 3. Click the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. Photoshop to mask. creates a new layer mask from the selection. Only pixels that were within the selection are now visible in this layer. 3. Press D to set the foreground and background colors to black and white. CREATE A NEW BLANK LAYER MASK 7 4. Press CTRL/CMD+BACKSPACE to fill the selected • Click the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. area of the mask with black. –Or– CREATE A NEW SELECTION FROM A MASK • Click Layer | Layer Mask | Reveal All. In the Layers panel, press CTRL/CMD while you click the You can now paint in the layer mask with black or shades of gray to hide parts 8 mask thumbnail. All unmasked pixels are selected. of the layer. HIDE A LAYER WITH A NEW LAYER MASK • Click Layer | Layer Mask | Hide All. 9 You can now paint in the layer mask with white or shades of gray to reveal parts of the underlying layer. 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 143 143
  13. 1 NOTE CREATE A GRADIENT MASK You cannot mask the original background layer. 1. Press D to set the foreground and background colors to black and white. 2 2. In the Layers panel, click the layer to be masked. 3. Click Add Layer Mask at the bottom of the Layers panel to create a new blank layer mask. NOTE 4. Select the Gradient tool from the Tools panel. 3 It’s not necessary for the gradient to run completely 5. Right-click within the image to bring up the Gradient context menu. across the image. You can create gradient masks that 6. If you hover the pointer over a gradient, a Tool Tip appears showing you that gradient’s shade from white to black over a smaller area to smooth name. Click Foreground To Background from the presets menu. edge transitions. 7. Drag in the image from left to right or from top to bottom to create the background 4 gradient, as shown in Figure 6-9. The areas of the gradient that are white reveal the underlying layer; black reveals the entire masked layer; while shades of gray partially reveal the underlying layer. 5 6 6 7 8 9 Figure 6-9: A linear gradient mask causes the top layer to fade in from left to right, giving the image depth. 10 144 144 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  14. 1 UICKSTEPS In the same way, you can use any of Photoshop’s other gradient settings— 2 MASKING A LAYER GROUP Radial, Angle, Reflected, or Diamond—to create different effects, as shown Layer groups can be masked in the same way as can in Figure 6-9. individual layers: TURN MASKS OFF AND ON 1. In the Layers panel, click a layer group thumbnail. To temporarily disable a layer mask, in the Layers panel, right-click a layer 3 2. Click the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom of mask and click Disable Layer Mask. A red X appears across the layer mask. the panel. 3. Use the Brush or Gradient tool to paint a new mask. 4 Disabling a mask does not delete it. To turn the mask on again, in the Layers panel, right-click a layer mask and TIP click Enable Layer Mask. The red X disappears from the layer mask. To see a mask full-screen while you edit it, press 5 ALT/OPT while clicking the layer’s mask thumbnail in DELETE A LAYER MASK the Layers panel. Press ALT/OPT and click the layer To delete a layer mask, in the Layers panel, right-click a layer mask and click thumbnail again to return to layer view. Delete Layer Mask. APPLY A MASK 6 6 When you apply a mask, masked pixels are permanently deleted from the layer and the layer mask is discarded. Visually, the image will look the same, but the mask is no longer available for editing. In the Layers panel, right-click a layer mask and click Apply Layer Mask. 7 Layer used Work with Clipping Masks for content Clipping masks are used to reveal contents of a layer masked by the layer 8 Pointer morphs into a double circle beneath it. The resulting image of a clipping mask is that content from the when creating the upper layers are displayed in the pattern defined in the bottom masking layer. clipping mask Figure 6-10 shows an example of a clipping layer. Clipping mask layer 1. Place your images in order, the mask image below the content image. 9 Base or background 2. Press and hold ALT/OPT and place the pointer over the line between the layer you want layer of the image as the clipping mask and the layer that will be used as the content. When the pointer turns into two circles, click the pointer. 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 145 145
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 6-10: A clipping mask lets you provide content for a pattern using an image, such as 6 6 the color-enhanced, sandy beach layer used as the content for the text layer. 7 –Or– Select the layer above the layer that is the background or base for the image, and click TIP Layer | Create Clipping Mask. 3. You will see a downward-pointing arrow next to an indented layer that is directly above To undo the clipping mask effects, click Layer | Release 8 the clipping mask layer, as shown in Figure 6-10. Clipping Mask. Or you can press ALT/OPT and click the 4. If you have additional layers to add to the effects of the clipping mask, continue with line between the clipping mask and the layer above it. each layer, using the previously used top layer as the line between the two layers. 9 10 146 146 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  16. 1 Use Fill and Opacity for 2 Transparency When working with layers, you often want ways to vary the opaqueness of a layer. Photoshop’s Layers panel provides two options, Fill and Opacity, to 3 control the transparency or background opaqueness of an image. Opacity varies the degree to which all pixels on an image are hidden or revealed, while NOTE Fill controls the opacity of drawn or painted pixels without affecting the other You can change the opacity and fill of layers in any blend pixels of an image. (Blend modes can also play a part, changing the appearance 4 mode, not just Normal mode. of an image by changing the way a layer interacts with any layers beneath it. See Chapter 7 for an in-depth discussion about blend modes.) Work with Opacity and Fill 5 There is a distinct creative difference between opacity and fill, which becomes clear and very useful when you’ve applied a layer effect to the contents of a layer. A layer containing a photograph looks the same at 50 percent opacity as it does 6 6 at 50 percent fill, as you can see in Figures 6-11 and 6-12. The difference is that the Fill setting affects the pixels in the layer; it does not affect any layer effects, such as drop shadows. Opacity, on the other hand, affects the pixels in the layer and 7 any layer effects. See Figures 6-13 and 6-14 for a comparison. These show a text layer with several effects applied. As you can see, reducing the fill to 25 percent leaves the actual text and the effects entirely intact. On the other hand, reducing the 8 opacity to 25 percent renders the entire layer, including the Figure 6-11: Example of an image Figure 6-12: Example of an image layer at 70 percent opacity layer at 70 percent fill stroke effect, partially transparent. 9 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Editing LayersKnowSelections PC QuickSteps Getting to and Your PC 147 147
  17. 1 2 3 Figure 6-13: Example of a text layer with special effects at 25 percent opacity Figure 6-14: Reducing the text layer fill to 25 percent still preserves the layer effects. 4 Adjust Layer Opacity or Fill 1. In the Layers panel, click the thumbnail of the layer you want to adjust. 5 2. Locate the Opacity or Fill control at the top of the Layers panel. 3. Click the arrow to the right of the current value, and use the drop-down slider to reduce the layer’s opacity or fill. 6 6 7 8 9 10 148 148 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Editing Layers and Selections PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  18. 1 How to… • Create a Ghosted Image 2 • Work with Dissolve Mode Adding Grit and Warmth to a Photograph 3 • Work with Lighten and Darken Modes Merging Your Blend Layers Together Chapter 7 Using Paint and Layer 4 • Know When to Use Screen and Multiply Modes • Use Multiply Mode for Shadows Blend Modes • Work with Lighter and Darker 5 Colors Replacing Lighter Colors Whenever you decrease the opacity of an image layer, you’re with Darker Ones using a blend mode; by default, this is called Normal mode, • Use Color Burn and Linear and the results are predictable. However, Photoshop has 6 Burn Modes over two dozen blend modes for layers, and additional ones • Consider Color Dodge and Linear Dodge for painting—they’re not “Normal,” but instead they open myriad editing and retouching possibilities. The following 7 Using Hard Light to Retain 7 Blend Colors sections take you beyond Normal blend mode; some modes • Know When to Use Overlay are closely related to others, and in this chapter they are and Light Blend Modes grouped accordingly. The distinction between painting 8 • Explore the Difference Blend Mode with the Brush tool, the Clone Stamp tool, and other paint Understanding Exclusion Mode application tools in a mode, and using Normal mode paint • Work with HSL Blend Modes or a photo on a layer that is in a blend mode is made in the 9 Using Luminosity Mode specific sections in this chapter. • Paint with Clear 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Using Paint and Layer Blend Modes 149
  19. 1 Use Layer Blend Modes 2 The great things about layer blend modes is that they don’t alter the underlying image; they’re nondestructive, and you can create stunning, significant changes to your finished image, usually without any knowledge of selection tools. Depending on the blend mode you use, you might or might 3 not see a difference in a composition if you use a painting tool in a mode, or you use Normal mode paint on a layer that is in a blend mode. However, when you paint directly on an image (not using a layer) with a painting tool in a specific blend mode, you make permanent changes to your work; the 4 only way to back out of a blunder is to revert your work (press F12) or use the History panel to undo your edits. You have a hypothetically unlimited number of layers in a Photoshop document, and each layer can have its own blend mode and opacity setting. 5 Create a Ghosted Image Perhaps you want to compose a composition that’s collage-style, such as 6 a motion-picture treatment in which a large image is ghosted—partially superimposed on top of—the main background image. Many times this is easily performed as follows: 1. Float the two images you will use for this creation—the background image and the 7 7 superimposed ghost image—in your document window, with the ghosted image in the foreground. 2. Drag the thumbnail in the Layers panel for the ghosted image onto the document NOTE window containing the background image. You’ve duplicated the layer to a different 8 If your “ghost” image is the wrong size for the document; this is usually the easiest way to make a multilayer document—see composition, press T to display the Free Transform Chapter 6 for comprehensive details on layers. Use the Move tool (press V) in the new handles on the layer’s nontransparent areas, and combined-image window to position the layer you want to ghost (superimpose). By then scale the object by first holding SHIFT (constrains default, this new layer is highlighted on the Layers panel, so it’s immediately available proportions) and then dragging a corner bounding box for editing. 9 handle. When you’re happy with the scaling, click the 3. Drag the scrubby slider for Opacity to the left until the document looks correct. check button on the Options bar to finalize your edit. 10 150 150 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Using PaintPC Layer Blend Modes PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your and
  20. 1 NOTE 4. Right-click over either layer title on the Layers panel, and then choose Flatten Image, Alternative ways to decrease the opacity of a layer are: 2 but only if you’re certain you’re finished and want to save a little hard drive space Type a value in the box to the right of the Opacity scrubby (or save as a JPEG or PNG file). slider, then press ENTER. Click the button directly to the right of the value box to reveal The preceding steps assume that you’re using Normal blend mode, indicated by a slider that you drag to increase or decrease opacity. its name on the drop-down list on the Layers panel. Normal blend mode might 3 Click on the document window so the Layers panel is not in not always get you where you want to go compositionally; partially opaque red “focus.” Then type a number on your keypad. For example, on top of blue produces purple, for example, but you can use other blend modes type 5 to make the currently highlighted layer 50% opaque; to make the result in your composition lighter, darker, and even the inverse of type 3 for 30%; typing two numbers sets a precise opacity two colors on different layers. level, such as 54; type 0 to set the opacity to 100%. 4 TIP 5 You’ll achieve different results if you reorder layers on the Layers panel. If, for example, you can’t achieve an effect using a blend mode, try dragging the bottom layer to the top of the stack on the Layers panel, and then assign this layer a blend mode instead of the bottom one. You are not 6 limited to using only two layers in a blend composition; however, as you begin to experiment, the results are more predictable if you use only two, and one layer is in Normal mode. 7 7 TIP Work with Dissolve Mode 8 Layer blend modes are not permanent. Like opacity, you Dissolve is both a painting and a layer mode. This mode scatters random pixels can change a layer’s blend mode at any time and then wherever you paint, single pixels (not clumps of pixels, such as you see with save your settings in a PSD file. Close it, and reopen it to photographic noise) that are aliased—you can see them very clearly— by itself, expect the same blend mode associated with the layer, Dissolve produces a harsh look. However, if you combine Dissolve painting the way you last left it. 9 mode with Overlay blend mode for a layer, you can achieve a pleasing, even dramatic lighting effect on a photo on the bottom layer. 10 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Using Paint and Layer Blend Modes PC QuickSteps Getting to Know Your PC 151 151



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