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Sodium chloride (NaCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced changes in antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, and POX) of contrasting wheat cultivars under favourable growth conditions

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Therefore, the study was undertaken to identify the marker antioxidant enzymes of drought sensitive and drought tolerant wheat cultivars those may be helpful in plant breeding for salt tolerance.

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Nội dung Text: Sodium chloride (NaCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced changes in antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, and POX) of contrasting wheat cultivars under favourable growth conditions

  1. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1510-1515 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 11 (2020) Journal homepage: Original Research Article Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Induced Changes in Antioxidant Enzymes (SOD, CAT, and POX) of Contrasting Wheat Cultivars under Favourable Growth Conditions Santosh Kumari1* and Vipin Kumar Verma2 1 Division of Plant Physiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India 2 Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Differential response of CAT1, CAT2 and CAT3 indicated the positive correlation of Catalase, Hydrogen catalase and H2O2 accumulation in C306 under control, H2O2, NaCl and NaCl+H2O2 peroxide, treatments accompanied with enhancement of SOD activity in flag leaves of the drought Peroxidase, Sodium tolerant wheat cultivar. SOD activities provide extra protection in combination with chloride, catalase in wheats under oxidative stresses. The POX and SOD activity enhancement in Superoxide flag leaves was positively associated with plant height and leaf size reduction under salt dismutase, Wheats stress in wheats. The differential accumulation of H 2O2 is cultivar specific and associated with SOD isoforms (CuZnSOD) that is involved in lignin biosynthesis. CuZnSOD or CAT Article Info were not inhibited under salt stress suggest that it is superoxide rather than other forms of Accepted: ROS mediating proline oxidase induced apoptosis. Proline accumulation/ oxidation alter 12 October 2020 the intracellular redox status by proline oxidase inhibition by MnSOD and superoxide Available Online: dismutation to H2O2 which is utilised by POX for lignin biosynthesis. 10 November 2020 Introduction incorporating suberin. Lignin is present in xylem vessels and xylem fibers in high Plants adjust their antioxidant enzymes to concentrations. Peroxidases play role in the avoid cellular injury due to oxidative stress cell wall loosening and cell elongation via triggered by reactive oxygen species. generation of hydroxyl radicals (OH radical) Superoxide dismutase (MnSOD, FeSOD and with the ability to chop cell wall CuZnSOD) a group of metal-enzymes polysaccharides. Peroxidases stiffening of cell dismutase the superoxide radical to hydrogen wall by cross linking cell wall protein and peroxide. Catalase detoxifies H2O2 to water ferulic acid residues in polysaccharides and and oxygen. Peroxidases catalyze lignin cessation of cell elongation. polymerization using monolignols (coniferyl, sinapyl p-coumaryl alcohols) and H2O2 in the Superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl apoplastic space, modify cell walls radicals are continuously generated in 1510
  2. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1510-1515 respiration and photosynthesis. ROS serve as spray treatment after five days of NaCl signalling molecules similar to treatment. Twenty pots were used for seeds phytohormones. ROS accumulation modifies harvested from 15 January 2017 grown plants cell walls, root elongation, leaf expansion, and sown in the normal season (November biomass accumulation plant growth and 15, 2018) for epigenetic phenotypes development, therefore, plant productivity. characterization. Drought and salinity affect plant molecular, Fresh flag leaves samples were ground in biochemical and physiological processes via liquid nitrogen and homogenized in 50 mM ROS (Smirnoff, 1993, Hasegawa et al., 2000). sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing Plants modulate the antioxidant enzymes to 2 mM EDTA and 4% (w/v) PVP-40 and alleviate the cellular injury caused by ROS centrifuged at 10000 g for 20 min at 4⁰C. (Foyer and Noctor, 2005). The supernatant was used for protein The production of both ABA and H2O2 is estimation (Bradford 1976). Antioxidant induced by water stress and drought due to enzymes (SOD, CAT and POX) activity salt stress; can act as signals under stress staining was performed following conditions. Therefore, we investigated the (Beauchamp and Fridovich, 1971; Seevers et relationships between ABA, salt stress, H2O2, al., 1971; Woodbury et al., 1971) using equal accumulation and changes in antioxidants amount of protein. Isozymes pattern of wheats enzymes under favourable growth conditions. were compared with epigenetic phenotypes to Wheat is an important staple food crop analyse the changes due to H2O2 or ABA worldwide. Therefore, the study was accumulation under favorable growth undertaken to identify the marker antioxidant conditions. Kharchia DW1278 a salt tolerant enzymes of drought sensitive and drought cultivar was used as a check under salinity. tolerant wheat cultivars those may be helpful Proline was extracted following Bates et al., in plant breeding for salt tolerance. (1973). Materials and Methods Results and Discussion Drought sensitive wheat cultivar, HD2428 Drought tolerant wheat cultivar C306 and drought tolerant wheat cultivar- C306 exhibited more SOD isoforms and activity were grown under normal environment for staining in flag leaves of control and in roots growth and development (November 15, under salt treatment than drought sensitive 2018) to expose them to normal and oxidative wheat cultivar HD2428. NaCl and a stress environment under late sown combination of salt with H2O2 spray induced conditions. Plants were grown in a CuZnSOD5 in roots of both cultivars. H2O2 greenhouse green house in earthen pots (size spray treatment induced CuZnSOD4 in flag 30x30 cm) filled with sandy loam soil and leaves of C306 that suggest higher levels of farmyard manure in 3:1 under natural superoxide radicals in C306 control flag environment. Each pot was fertilized leaves than HD2428. Further induction of corresponding to 120, 90 and 60 kg ha-1 of N, SOD4 could have increased H2O2 P and K, respectively. Plants were kept free accumulation by dismutation of superoxide from diseases. Twenty pots were used for radicals under this treatment. Salt tolerant H2O2 (10 mM) spray treatment, NaCl (200 wheat cultivar already had higher levels of mM) soil application and H2O2 (10 mM) CuZnSOD3 & 4, therefore, higher H2O2 1511
  3. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1510-1515 accumulation in flag leaves of control than of these phenotypes of both wheat cultivars HD2428 and C306. These data suggested that under normal growth environment. HD2428 maintained low levels of H2O2 in the Exogenous ABA has been shown to increase cytosol by antioxidant enzyme other than wheat plant biomass under drought and CuZnSOD. C306 maintained higher SOD related with stomatal closure reduced isoforms in leaves and roots of epigenetic transpiration and solute uptake (Kirkham phenotype than HD2428 epigenetic 1983). Growth retardants, growth inhibitors phenotype under same growth environment. and plant growth promoters alter the plant The pattern was similar in both epigenetic growth under water stress either by changing phenotypes when compared with both wheat the rate of water uptake/ water loss from the cultivars under NaCl stress. Both cultivars plant or changing the osmolyte/factors showed inhibited root and shoot growth and affecting the water within the plant cells. A asymmetrical leaf growth (visual observation) shift in osmotic pressure due to stomatal in these phenotypes. The data clearly closure or osmolyte accumulation could have indicated the rise in H2O2 accumulation in metabolic consequences. flag leaves of HD2428 & C306 phenotypes than flag leaves of control plants under The higher levels of proline and SOD favourable growth conditions. SOD isoform isoforms indicating more oxidative stress pattern in flag leaves and roots of both accompanied with proline accumulation in phenotypes were similar to that of salt tolerant salt tolerant Kharchia than epigenetic cultivar Kharchia, drought tolerant cultivar phenotypes. Further, the delayed senescence C306 and drought sensitive wheat cultivar and the lowest levels of proline in flag leaves HD2428 under + H2O2 treatment. Reduced of epigenetic phenotypes are associated with proline accumulation in these phenotypes changes in gene expression for SOD, CAT indicated reduced injury and senescence and POX when compared with control flag (Plate1A). Therefore, role of inherited ABA leaves of wheats. cannot be ruled out in the delayed senescence HD2428 C306 Kharchia HD2428 C306 Kharchia HD2428 C306 SOD1 MNSOD SOD2 A SOD4 SOD3 SOD1 SOD2 B SOD5 SOD4 CuZnSOD SOD3 C H2 O2 C H2 O2 C H2 O2 NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl Epigenetic phenotypes + H2 O2 + H2 O2 Plate1. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) in leaves (A) and roots (B) of contrasting wheat cultivars under sodium chloride (NaCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatments and favourable growth conditions 1512
  4. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1510-1515 HD2428 Kharchia HD2428 C306 C H2 O2 NaCl NaCl C NaCl Epigenetic phenotypes + H2 O2 Plate1A. Proline accumulation in flag leaves of drought sensitive wheat cultivar HD2428, salt tolerant wheat cultivar Kharchia and Epigenetic phenotypes of HD2428 and C306 under oxidative stress conditions (NaCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatments under favourable growth conditions HD2428 C306 Kharchia HD2428 C306 Kharchia HD2428 C306 A CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 B C H2O2 C H2O2 C H2O2 NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl Epigenetic phenotypes + H2O2 + H2O2 + H2O2 Plate2. Catalase (CAT) in leaves (A) and roots (B) of contrasting wheat cultivars under sodium chloride (NaCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatments and favourable growth conditions HD2428 C306 Kharchia HD2428 C306 Kharchia HD2428 C306 POX1 POX 2 A POX 1 POX 2 B POX 3 C H2 O2 C H2 O2 C H2 O2 NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl Epigenetic phenotypes + H2 O2 + H2 O2 + H2 O2 Plate3. Peroxidase (POX) in leaves (A) and roots (B) of contrasting wheat cultivars under sodium chloride (NaCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatments and favourable growth conditions Kharchia showed higher activity staining of H2O2 scavenging antioxidant enzyme CAT SOD isoforms in flag leaves of control and activity was very low in roots of wheats under H2O2 treated plants. The lowest proline all treatments and favourable growth accumulation was exhibited in epigenetic conditions. Differential response of CAT1, phenotypes of HD2428 and C306 with CAT2 and CAT3 indicated the positive delayed senescence under favourable growth correlation of catalase and H2O2 accumulation conditions. in C306 under control, H2O2, NaCl and 1513
  5. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1510-1515 NaCl+H2O2 treatments accompanied with activity and delay in the onset of senescence enhancement of SOD activity in flag leaves of in the drought sensitive semi dwarf wheat the drought tolerant wheat cultivar. cultivar HD2428 followed by drought tolerant tall wheat cultivar C306 accompanied reduced Overall CAT staining activity (CAT1, 2&3) root biomass than roots of their controls. Plant was higher in both epigenetic phenotypes than growth response to salt stress and ABA control flag leaves of wheats. SOD activities biosynthesis in epigenetic phenotypes of provide extra protection in combination with wheats involves POX activity enhancement in catalase in wheats under oxidative stresses. roots and leaves to utilise H2O2.. However, Expression of SOD isoforms depends on the CuZnSOD in C306 control flag leaves nature of the elicitor triggering oxidative indicates its association with lignin stress and intracellular pH changes (Abele et biosynthesis supporting tall stem under al.1998). favourable growth conditions. Overall POX activity was increased in flag MnSOD inhibits proline oxidase that led to leaves and roots of the contrasting wheats proline accumulation in drought sensitive under H2O2 treatment. NaCl treatment cultivar of wheat HD2428. CuZnSOD or CAT enhanced these POX isozymes in wheats. were not inhibited under salt stress suggest POX1was not altered in flag leaves and roots that it is superoxide rather than other forms of under any treatment. POX2 exhibited ROS mediating proline oxidase induced considerable enhancement in flag leaves apoptosis. Accompanying the decrease in under NaCl and NaCl+H2O2 treatment. The CuZnSOD isoforms in the flag leaves, POX and SOD activity enhancement in flag increased proline oxidation with generation of leaves was positively associated with plant superoxide radicals markedly increased the height and leaf size reduction under salt stress level of H2O2 by MnSOD that is reflected in in wheats. Data clearly indicate the rise in POX activity enhancement in epigenetic levels of H2O2 accumulation and its utilisation phenotypes. MnSOD generated a higher by POX in lignin/suberin biosynthesis in concentration of H2O2 owing to dismutation of leaves and roots. superoxide radicals which was elevated by proline oxidase (Yongmin et al., 2005) in The differential accumulation of H2O2 is both phenotypes of wheats. Excess H2O2 can cultivar specific and associated with SOD participate in protein oxidations via hydroxyl isoforms (CuZnSOD) that is involved in radical generation. lignin biosynthesis. The highest activities of POX2 in flag leaves and roots of wheat Since proline accumulation level is the lowest phenotypes were associated with asymmetric in C306 epigenetic phenotype, the increased leaf growth due to restricted mechanical level of superoxide radicals is exhibited as stretching caused by lignin deposition and increased activity of CuZnSOD in flag leaves reduced root growth in both phenotypes under and roots than HD2428 under favourable favourable growth conditions. Further the growth conditions. development of mechanical strength in higher number of xylem vessels in C306 Therefore, proline accumulation/ oxidation (unpublished) correlate with the differential alter the intracellular redox status by proline response of POX activity under all treatments. oxidase inhibition by MnSOD and superoxide POX activity also indicates the effect of salt dismutation to H2O2 which is utilised by POX stress on the degree of root extension in for lignin biosynthesis. contrasting wheats. The highest POX2 1514
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