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how to use it in English

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  • This article looks into the characteristics of young learners, teaching and learning of vocabulary among young learners and how storytelling, with its characteristics, facilitates that. With evidence from the observation, the strengths and weaknesses of storytelling in vocabulary learning and teaching are also discussed. Suggesting classroom implication of storytelling is mentioned.

    pdf3p visergey 02-04-2024 0 0   Download

  • As a consensus network, Bitcoin enables new payment systems and money that are entirely digital or can be interpreted as a virtual currency that uses open source user-to-peer network systems. It offers easier way of payment without the need for a bank account, credit card or intermediary. Bitcoin is cash stored in a computer that can be used to replace cash in an online sale transaction.

    pdf4p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 2 1   Download

  • If you want to create web sites, there are hundreds of books and web pages that claim to show you how. Some of them are very good indeed. But this book isn’t like all those other books and web pages, for a number of important reasons: The Web Book is an electronic book, or ebook. You simply download it as a PDF file from and print it yourself. Or read it on-screen. The Web Book covers all of the technologies that you need to know in order to create Web sites, both using static HTML pages and database-driven sites.

    pdf350p longtimenosee08 31-03-2024 0 0   Download

  • The .NET Framework contains such a large selection of topics that it is impossible to cover all of them in a single book of any depth. This section introduces the focus of this book, and provides an overview of the contents and conventions used in the text. The end of this section describes the online forum available for any questions or comments on the book, and explains how the source code used in the book can be downloaded from the Internet.

    pdf755p longtimenosee08 31-03-2024 0 0   Download

  • The content is systematically arranged and presented so the book may be used as both a tutorial and a reference. The rich example programs in this definitive text show CORBA developers how to write clearer code that is more maintainable, portable, and efficient. The authors’ detailed coverage of the IDL-to-C++ mapping moves beyond the mechanics of the APIs to discuss topics such as potential pitfalls and efficiency. An in-depth presentation of the new Portable Object Adapter (POA) explains how to take advantage of its numerous features to create scalable and high-performance servers.

    pdf885p longtimenosee08 31-03-2024 0 0   Download

  • ASP.NET can be challenging to learn unless you follow the step-by-step approach that is used in this book. Topics are presented in the order in which many developers like to learn them, starting with basic components and then gradually moving on to those features found on classy web sites. Each chapter follows a time-tested formula that first explains the topic in an easy-to-read style and then shows how it is used in a working web page that you can copy and load yourself.

    pdf289p longtimenosee08 31-03-2024 0 0   Download

  • A good defense starts with a thorough understanding of your opponent’s offense. Hackers Beware teaches you how hackers think, what tools they use, and the techniques they utilize to compromise a machine. Eric Cole, a leading expert in information security, shows you not only how to detect these attacks, but what you can do to protect yourself against them. When it comes to securing your site, knowledge is power. This book gives you the knowledge to build a proper defense against attackers.

    pdf817p longtimenosee05 31-03-2024 1 0   Download

  • The researcher in this study attempted to understand the efficiency of the suppliers on supplied products in a marine company in Malaysia. This study is the first to find out how supplier management leads to supply chain excellence in a marine organisation. Also, the paper attempts to capture the buyer-supplier relationship and management of its supply performance. The research design for this study is a qualitative method by using interviews that are conducted for respondents from the Purchasing Department.

    pdf13p longtimenosee06 27-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • Ebook "Computational chemistry: Introduction to the theory and applications of molecular and quantum mechanics (Third edition)" on computational chemistry; this one is (as in its previous editions) a unique textbook in the field with copious exercises (and questions) and solutions with discussions. Noteworthy is the fact that it is the only book at the introductory level that shows in detail yet clearly how matrices are used in one important aspect of computational chemistry. It also serves as an essential guide for researchers, and as a reference book.

    pdf739p tudohanhtau1006 29-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • In a country with a majority Muslim population, increase in economy, purchasing power and consumption such as Indonesia, halal food is a principal requirement. This has led to the springing of certified and uncertified halal food stalls in their supply chain. Therefore, this study aims to observe the supply chains used in naming halal food stalls and restaurants and how its distribution chain is applied to its certification in Indonesia through the official government agencies.

    pdf6p longtimenosee06 27-03-2024 2 2   Download

  • Ebook "Electrostatic and stereoelectronic effects in carbohydrate chemistry" deals with polar effects in carbohydrates and how these effects control the stereochemistry of carbohydrate reactions. This is important for understanding the mechanisms of certain carbohydrate reactions, including enzymatic reactions such as glycosidases, a very important group of enzymes in living matter. It is also very useful for synthetic carbohydrate chemists who would like to synthesize stereoselectively certain classes of carbohydrates.

    pdf313p tudohanhtau1006 29-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • Ebook "Nanobioelectrochemistry: From implantable biosensors to green power generation" describes some of the different electrochemical techniques that can be used to study new strategies for patterning electrode surfaces with enzymes, organelles, cells and biomimetic systems. Also, it focuses on how enzymes and microorganisms can be used as biological catalysts in fuel cells for green power generation.

    pdf144p coduathanh1122 27-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • Ebook "Total diet studies" introduces the TDS concept to a wider audience and presents the various steps in the planning and implementation of a TDS. It illustrates how TDSs are being used to protect public health from chemicals in the food supply in many developed and developing countries. The book also examines some of the applications of TDSs to specific chemicals, including contaminants and nutrients.

    pdf549p coduathanh1122 27-03-2024 1 1   Download

  • This research talks about how supply chain management (SCM) is being developed using robotics and process automation and the challenges being faced in the process of transition and whether such transition is desirable. RPA is the mainstay of Intelligent Automation of supply chain operation and management. The top level managers and executives insist on RPA implementation to better serve the customers but at the same time cannot give assurance whether the entire displaced labor will be absorbed.

    pdf17p longtimenosee06 27-03-2024 2 2   Download

  • This paper used a descriptive qualitative method with secondary data to examine how Canada promoted its national image on social media platforms in Vietnam. The paper is divided into three main parts: (i) identifying “digital diplomacy” and its importance in Canadian foreign policy; (ii) applying a rubric developed by Hassan M. Selim to determine Canada’s presence and content to evaluate Canadian implementation of digital diplomacy;...

    pdf8p visergey 14-03-2024 2 2   Download

  • Ebook "Natural resource administration: Wildlife, fisheries, forests and parks" presents a clear perspective on natural resource administration in North America, how it developed, how it is currently structured, and where it might be heading. Intertwined areas of natural resources, including wildlife administration, fisheries, forestry, and other competitive land uses, are heavily discussed.

    pdf280p nguyetthuongvophong1010 04-03-2024 3 1   Download

  • Ebook "Physical oceanography: A mathematical introduction with matlab®" is about the interplay between applied mathematics and the field of geophysical fluid dynamics. Its primary goals are to demonstrate how one uses the basic tenets of multivariate calculus to derive the governing equations of fluid dynamics in a rotating frame, and how one uses methods from linear algebra and partial differential equations to solve some of the basic initial-boundary value problems that have become the hallmark of physical oceanography.

    pdf454p duongthandue0501 28-02-2024 2 1   Download

  • Ebook "Oceanography and marine biology: A book of techniques" is primarily addressed to those who wish to learn something of how our knowledge of the sea is obtained. In it will be found an account of the apparatus used in many branches of oceanography. Although we are not really concerned with results, lest the description of apparatus becomes too tedious, some reference to them—particularly when they are of general interest or when they are rather new—has been made. The descriptions are accompanied by diagrams, either specially prepared or taken from original papers.

    pdf196p duongthandue0501 28-02-2024 2 1   Download

  • Ebook "Nutrient use efficiency in plants: Concepts and approaches" presents a broad overview of topics related to improvement of nutrient use efficiency of crops. Nutrient use efficiency (NUE) is a measure of how well plants use the available mineral nutrients. It can be defined as yield (biomass) per unit input (fertilizer, nutrient content). NUE is a complex trait: it depends on the ability to take up the nutrients from the soil, but also on transport, storage, mobilization, usage within the plant, and even on the environment.

    pdf287p manmanthanhla0201 26-02-2024 2 1   Download

  • Ebook "Cryptic female choice in arthropods: Patterns, mechanisms and prospects" offers an essential source of information on how two fields, selective cooperation and individual sex interests, work together in the context of cryptic female choice in nature, using arthropods as model organisms. It is bound to spark valuable discussions among scientists working in evolutionary biology across the world, motivating new generations to unveil the astonishing secrets of sexual biology throughout the animal kingdom.

    pdf525p manmanthanhla0201 26-02-2024 1 1   Download


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