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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh nhà hàng quốc tế: Phần 2

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Mỗi bài trong cuốn "Tiếng Anh nhà hàng quốc tế" trình bày một khía cạnh khác nhau của các hoạt động trong khách sạn như đặt bàn, gọi món ăn, chuẩn bị món ăn, bày dọn bàn, thanh toán hóa đơn,... và tập trung vào phần ngôn ngữ chức năng có liên quan với các hoạt động này. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 2 cuốn sách.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Tiếng Anh nhà hàng quốc tế: Phần 2

  1. UNIT Later stages of the meal 9 Các g ia i đoạn sau bữa ăn To start you off B ắt đ ầ u 1. Think of a good restaurant that you know. Which of these items would it serve after the main course? Would it serve any other items which are not on the list? In what order would it serve the items? Hãy n g h ĩ về một nhà hàng tốt mà bạn biết. M ón nào trong số các món sau đây mà nó phục vụ sau món chính? Nó có phục vụ các món nào khác không nằm tron g danh sách khô ng? Nó sẽ phục vụ các món theo thứ tự nào? (a) petits fours, mints, Turkish delight, or other small sweets (b) cheese (c) coffee (d) dessert (e) cigars (f) liqueurs (g) fresh fruit (h) dessert wine or fortified wine 2. The table sets out some of the basic ingredients and prepared elements of desserts. From the list, can you find two more items for each heading? Bảng dưới đây sắp đặt m ột số thành phần cơ bản và các thành phần đã dược chuẩn bị của các món trảng miệng. Từ danh sách, bạn có thể tìm thêm hai món cho m ỗi tiêu đề không? Fruits Nuts Dried fruits Other basic ingredients oranges walnuts currants flour Flavourings Prepared elements coffee meringue almonds - batter - cherries - cinnamon - cream - eggs - ginger - pastry - pineapple - pistachios - plums - raisins - prunes - vanilla . How many more items of each type can you name? (You will find lists of these items on page 94-95 and pages 188-184. Có bao nhiêu món nữa thuộc mỗi loại mà bạn có th ể kể tên? (Bạn sẽ tìm thấy danh sách các món này ở trang 94-95 và trang 188-184. 89
  2. 3. Which verb goes with which picture? Động từ nào đ i với hình nào? to beat - to chop - to dip - to grate - to grind (past tense: ground) - to shred - to whip 4. Can you name desserts of these different kinds? Bạn có th ể nêu tên các món trá n g m iệng thuộc các loại khác nhau này không? (a) very sweet - not very sweet - rich - light - not fattening (b) which contain no flour (c) which contain no or very little sugar 5. Can you name desserts which include: Bạn có th ể nêu tên các món trá n g m iệng bao gồm : jelly - ice cream - whipped cream - short pastry - flaky pastry - choux pastry - sponge (cake) - chocolate - marzipan 6. Add any cheeses that you know to this list: Hãy thêm bất cứ lo ạ i pho m át nào vào danh sách sau đây: Strong: Gorgonzola Rather strong: Cheddar Mild: Philadelphia Rather mild: Brie Hard: Cheddar Medium hard: Gorgonzola Soft: Brie Cream: Philadelphia Blue: Gorgonzola You will use the list in Exercises 13 and 14. Bạn sẽ sử dụng danh sách ở bài tập 13 và 14 Developing the topic P h á t triển chủ đề Q _Q 7. You will hear a list of fifteen ingredients that can be used in desserts. Write down each ingredient. Bạn sẽ nghe m ộtdanh sách gồm m ười lăm thành phần có đư tron g món trá n g miệng. H ãy viế t ra m ỗi thành phần. For example: 1. sliced oranges 90
  3. Play the tape again, and follow the procedure for Exercise 7 on page 7. Mở băng một lần nữa, và thực hiện theo thủ tục bài tập 7 ở trang 7. 8. Llsten to the descriptions of three desserts, and complété the details in the chart. Lắng nghe các phần m iêu tả về ba món trảng m iệng, và hoàn thành các chi tiẽ t trong biểu dồ. Apple Charlotte Apricot amber Malakoff pudding It's a cold It consists of cooked,_____ and a mixture of apples,_____ ___________ in crumbs and — and _____ of with on top. It's flavoured — • with and it's - served with — — C LO , ____ JI 9. Play the tape again, and follow the procedure for Exercise 7 on page 7. M ở băng một lần nữa, và thực hiện theo thủ tục dành cho bài tập 7 ở trang 7. 10. Work on your own or with a partner. Use the framework in Exercise 8 to write explanations of three desserts. Then read your explanations to another student or group of students. They should try to guess what dessert you are explaining. Together discuss the wording of your explanations: if they are accurate, if there is enough information, and so on. Làm việc m ột m ình hoặc với một bạn học. Sử dụng khung trong bài tập 8 dể viế t phần g iả i thích về ba món tráng miệng. Sau đó đọc phần g iả i thích cho m ột hoặc m ột nhóm học viên khác nghe. Họ nên cố gắng doán xem món trá n g m iệng nào bạn dang g iả i thích. Cùng nhau thảo luận lờ i g iả i thích của bạn: xem liệ u chúng chính xác không , có đủ thông tin hay không, v.v. 11. Use the framework below to compare desserts from the menu on page 57, like this: The chocolate brandy cake is richer than the cream caramel. Sử dụng khung dưới đây để so sánh các món trá n g m iệng từ thực đơn ở trang 57, như thế này: 91
  4. The chocolate brandy cake is sweeter than the cherry and almond tart richer cream caramel lighter fresh fruit salad contains more cream sugar is less sweet rich contains less cream sugar 12. Write down a list of six desserts for a menu, and compare them in the same way. Viết ra m ột danh sách gồm sáu món trá n g m iệng cho m ột thực đơn, và so sánh chúng theo cách tương tự. 13. Use the information ỉn the list in Exercise 6 to describe various cheeses. For example: Sử dụng thông tin trong danh sách ở hài tập 6 để mô tả các món phó mát khác nhau. Ví dụ: Brie is a rather mild, soft cheese. Cheddar is a rather strong, hard cheese. Gorgonzola is a strong, medium hard, blue cheese. 14. Use the information from Exercise 6. Take turns to be A (a customer) or B (a w aiter/waitress). Sử dụng thông tin ờ bài tập 6. Lần lượt thay p h iê n đóng vai là A (khách hàng) và B (nhân viên phục vụ) A Which is stronger: the ... or the ...? milder: harder: softer: B Oh, the ... is stronger than the ... etc. 15. Find the right description in column 2 for each kind of coffee in column 1 For example: (a) * 5. Tìm phần mồ tả thích hợp ở cột 2 cho m ỗi lo ạ i cà phê ờ cột 1. Ví dụ: (a) = 5. (a) black 1. strong coffee combined with hot milk, with ground (b) white cinarrunon and nutmeg on top (c) capuccino 2. coffee with no caffeine in it (d) espresso 3. strong black coffee; boiled with su g a r. (e) decaffeinated/ 4. strong coffee with Irish whisky, brown sugar decaf/Hag and cream (f) Irish 5. coffee without milk or cream (9) Caribbean 6. strong black coffee, made by forcing steam (h) Turkish through the coffee 7. coffee with milk or cream 8. strong coffee with rum, brown sugar and cream 92
  5. In the same way, describe any other kinds of coffee which are usual in your region. Theo cách tương tựy hãy mô ta hất kỳ ì nại cà phờ nào khác phổ hiến trong vùng của hạn. 16. You will hear three orders for coffee Note down the orders, putting a tick (v^) in columns 4, 5 or 6. Bạn sẽ nghe 3 phần gọ i cà phê. Ghi các món gọi dó dặt dấu chọn ( S) vào cột 4y 5 hoặc G. Order No. Types of coffee Details Before With After next next next course course course 1 2 btzck 1... v ifh ... 2 _3___ _ 1 [HD 17. You will hear a waiter taking down two customers’ orders for the later stages of a meal. Write down the order. First, the waiter wants to know if the woman has finished her meat course. Bạn sẽ nghe một nhân viên phục vụ dang nhận các món gọi cứa hai khách trong các g ia i doạn cuối của bữa ăn. Hãy viết ra. món gọi. Trước tiên, nhãn viên phục vụ muốn biết liệ u người phụ nữ dã dùng xong món th ịt hay chưa. Woman Man 1. 1 2. 2. 3. 3. 0-0 18. Study and then practise the waiter’s sentences. Follow the procedure for Exercise 7 on page 7. Hãy nghiên cứu và sau dó tập nói các câu của nhân viên phục vụ. Thực hiện theo thủ tục dành cho bài tập 7 ớ trang 7. Follow-up Tiếp theo 19. Work with a partner who knows your language. Take turns to be A or B. A should say the names of dessert ingredients in your language; B should say the names in English, as quickly as possible. For example: Làm việc với m ột bạn học biết ngôn ngữ của bạn. Lần lượt thay phiên dóng vai A hoặc B. A nên nó i tên các thành phần món trá n g m iệng bàng ngôn ngừ của bạn; B nên nói tên các thành phần bàng tiếng A n h , càng nhanh càng tốt. Ví d ụ : A: mantequilla fundida. B: melted butter. A: crème. B: cream. 93
  6. 20. Work with one or more students. Write down the names of three suitable desserts for each of these types of customer: Làm việc với m ột hoặc nhiều học viên. Viết tên của ba món trán g m iệng thích hợp cho m ỗi lo ạ i khách hàng sau đây: (a) diabetic (b) on a low-fat diet (c) Jewish, having had meat for the main course (d) with ulcers (e) loves really sweet desserts (f) wants something light You will use these lists in Exercise 21. Bạn sẽ sử dụng các danh sách này trong bài tập 21. 21. Work with a partner. Using the lists you drew up in Exercise 20, take turns to be A (a customer) and B (a walter/waltress). B should answer A’s questions. Làm việc với m ột bạn học. Sử dụng các danh sách mà bạn thảo ở bải tập 20, lần lượt thay phiên đóng vai là A (khách hàng) và B (nhân viên phục vụ). B nên trả lờ i các câu hỏi của A. A B I'm diabetlc/l have I'd suggest the ... ulcers, etc. What could I have? Which Is sweeter/etc.? The ... is sweeter/etc. than the ... Which contains less The ... contains less sugar/etc. than the sugar/etc.? 22. Role-play ỉn groups. Draw up a menu for the later stages of a meal, or use ar existing menu. Practise giving and taking orders for desserts, cheese, coffee and liqueurs. Include customers who ask for explanations or advice. Đóng vai theo các nhóm. Phác thảo một thực đơn cho các g ia i đoạn sau cùng của bửa ăn hoặc dùng m ột thực đơn hiện có. Tập gọi món và nhận cho các món trá n g m iệng , món phó m át, cà phê và rượu. Bao gồm cả các khách cần g iả i thích hoặc cần lờ i khuyên. Language reference Tham khảo ngôn ngữ Types of desserts/sweets a cake, a mousse, a pudding, a pie (= with pastry on top, Brit.E; with or without pastn on top, Am.E), a tan (= without pastry on top, Brit.E) Ingredients in desserts Fruits ( countable): apples, apricots, cherries, oranges, peaches, pears, plums Nuts (countable): almonds, pistachios, walnuts ( uncountable): coconut Dried fruit ( countable): currants, raisins, sultanas ( uncountable): mixed dried fruit Other basic ingredients ( countable): eggs, egg whites, egg yolks (uncountable): butter, chocolate, cream, flour, milk, sugar 94
  7. Flavourings (uncountable): cinnamon, coffee, chocolate, ginger, nutmeg, rum, vanilla Prepared elements ( uncountable): batter, ice cream, jam, jelly, meringue, choux pastry, flaky pastry, short pastry Preparation of ingredients Chopped nuts, ground almonds, grated nutmeg, shredded coconut, sliced apples, mixed dried fruit, whipped cream, beaten eggs/egg whites, tinned peaches, apples dipped in batter, stewed fruit Describing desserts/sweets cold, hot, sweet, rich, fattening, heavy, light; contains (no) sugar/flour Describing fru it raw, fresh, dried, cooked, baked, poached, stewed Describing cheeses strong, (rather) mild, (medium) hard, (medium) soft, blue, cream Types of coffee black, white with cream/milk, cappucino, espresso, Irish, Caribbean, Turkish, decaffeinated/decaf/Hag Compound nouns apricot sauce, fruit pie Comparing The Gorgonzola is stronger than the Brie. The chocolate cake contains more sugar than the fruit salad. The fruit salad is less rich and contains less sugar than the chocolate cake. Polite questions Will that be sufficient, Sir/Madam? (Have you finished? Informat) Would you like dessert? 95
  8. UNIT 9 LATER STAGES OF THE MEAL c TOPIC 1 ) THE FOOD YOU EAT THỨCAn MÀBANAn the general word for things that people usually proper nourishment. * a nutritious meal eat: food (noun U) * There's not muchfood in - the food that you eat and the way it affects thefridge! * food and drink * babyfood your health: nutrition (noun U) * I ’m study­ food that you have or want to have on a ing food and nutrition at college. particu-lar occasion: something to eat * ■ EATING j i LOT Would you like something to eat? AN NHIEU the flavour o f a particular food or drink: - to eat too much: overeat* taste * / don }t know what you put in it but - a person who eats too much is greedy; i t ’s got a really strange taste. nouns ([}): greed, greediness * You ’re only anything which a person can eat is edible; allowed one biscuit, not three - don't be so opposite : inedible greedy. * I 've never seen such greediness - ■food which is eaten at a particular time o f she ate the whole cake herself the day: meal - a person who eats too much: glutton, (in ­ a small meal, for example a sandwich, that fo rm a l) pig * G r e e d y p ig ! you can eat between main meals: snack - to eat a lot, in a greedy way: gorge yourself light food and drinks served in public places: (on sth), (informal) make* a pig of your­ (rather form al) refreshments* Light re­ self * There was so much to eat - 1 ended freshments w ill be available. up making a real pig o f myself the food that a person usually eats: diet ■ NOT EATING ENOUGH (noun C /U ) * People who live on the East ẮN KHÔNG ĐỦ coast o f Africa have a diet mainly o f fish - a person who has not been given enough and rice. * A healthy diet is important fo r food is underfed a long life. * a balanced diet (= having a - to have nothing or very little to eat: starve; healthy variety o f different kinds o f food) * noun (U): starvation; adjective: starving, illnesses caused by poor diet (half-) starved * There are people starving when you eat only certain foods, for ex­ a ll over the world. * a famine (= a period ample because you want to lose weight or when there is not enough food) leading to for medical reasons, you follow a special mass starvation o a starving child o Those diet * a high fib re diet * a low calorie diet poor animals - they look half-starved. • to have sth as your only food: live on sth * - the illness that people can have from not They live on fish and chips! eating enough food: malnutrition (noun U) to eat or drink less o f sth: cut * down on sth * to sufferfrom malnutrition * I'm cutting down on sugar. - a person who is suffering from malnutrition to avoid eating or drinking sth; keep* off is malnourished sth * He's going to try and keep o fffa tty ■choosing to eat a little foods fo r a while. - to choose not to eat very much because you food that you need to stay healthy, nour­ want to lose weight: diet, go*/be on a diet * ishment (noun U); to give sb nourishment: / want to lose weight so I 'm going on a diet. nourish sb; food which is good and healthy - to choose not to eat, for religious rea­ is nourishing, nutritious * You can't ju st sons for example: fast; noun: fast * Mus­ eat sweets and crisps -you need to get some lim s fa s t during Ramadan. 96
  9. ; topic 2 ) WANTING TO EAT MUdNAN - w hen you n eed or w ant to eat sth, you are - the desire or need for food; appetite h u n g r y , the fe e lin g that y o u w ant or need {noun C lU) * Jack’s got a huge appetite to eat: h u n g e r (noun U ) * I ’m hungry-what - you’ d better make enough for four. * / tim e’s dinner? * suffering from hunger don 7 think she’s w ell - she’s got no ap­ - a bit hungry; p e c k ish * to feel a bit peckish petite. - very hungry, fa m ish e d , r a v e n o u s , sta rv in g - to become hungry because o f working: * I ’m absolutely famished. work up an appetite Cto to 3) eating BANGAN - to take food into you r b o d y through your - to send food or liquid out o f your mouth: m outh: eat* (sth) * I'm hungry. 1really must spit* sth out have something to eat. * Are you ready to - the wet substance in your mouth which eat now? helps you to chew and swallow the food: - to take liquid into you r b o d y through your saliva (noun U) m outh: d r in k * (sth) - to pull a liquid into your mouth by making - to eat and/or drink: ( formal) consume sth; your lips into a round shape and pulling noun (U): consumption * Onlyfood bought your cheeks in; suck (sth) * You should here may be consumed on the premises. suck cough sweets slowly, not chew them. - to cut food w ith your teeth ; b ite* (Into sth f - to move your tongue across sth; lick sth * noun: b ite * She bit into her sandwich . * to lick an ice cream Can / have a bite o f your apple? - to eat food very quickly; bolt sth (down), - the am ount o f food y o u put in your mouth gobble sth (up) * D on’t bolt your food - at on e tim e; a sm all am ount o f food ; m ou th ­ you ’ll get indigestion. fu l * / 'm not really hungry, I ’ll just have a - to eat or drink sth very quickly; gulp sth mouthful. ("down) * / woke up really late, gulped - to break up food in yo u r m outh w ith your down my tea and ate my toast on the bus. teeth: c h e w (sth) - to eat sth by taking small rites; nibble fatl - to m ake fo o d or drink p ass into your body on) sth * She nibbled a piece o f cheese. from your mouth: s w a llo w (sth ) - to give food to sb / sth: feed* sb / sth C im T f) after eating SAUKHIAN - w hen you h ave had e n o u g h to eat you are manage sth * That was a lovely meal but {informal) fu ll (up) * Would you like some l ’m afraid I can 7 manage any more. more?"No thanks, it was lovely but I ’m - to change food in the stomach so that it full. ’ can be used by the body; digest sth; noun - if y o u cannot eat any m ore, then you c a n ’t (U): digestion; the system in your body 97
  10. w h ich c a u ses fo o d to be digested : digestive up, (formal) vomit; to avoid vom iting: keep system * Small babies cannot digest solid sth down * He can }t keep anything down - food. he was sick three times during the night - w h en yo u r sto m a c h hurts b eca u se it can­ and then he threw up again this morning. not d ig e st the fo o d , y o u have indigestion ■MORE... {noun U) * Onions give me indigestion. - i f yo u se e sth n ice to eat and the sm ell m akes y o u feel hungry, it makes* your mouth w a ­ - air that y o u s w a llo w w h en y o u are eating or ter * Mm, that smells delicious, its really drinking; th e g a s in y o u r stom ach : w in d making my mouth water. {noun U) - to g iv e p e o p le o n ly a sm all am ount o f sth - to bring th e g a s up through you r mouth: (n o t as m uch as th ey m ay want): ration sth; belch, (informal) burp noun (\J): ration in g * During the war, food - the so u n d that y o u m ake w hen y o u bring , clothes and petrol were a ll rationed. * Ra­ g as up th rou gh y o u r m outh: belch, (infor­ tioning did not end until the 1950s. mal) burp * to give a burp - the am ount g iv e n to sb w hen there is not - to bring fo o d up through the m outh when en o u g h to g o round, for exam p le in a war: you are ill: be sick (especially AmE) throw ration 98
  11. UNIT Drinks 10 Thức uống To start you off B ắt đ ầ u 1. List each of the following drinks against its correct heading in the list below For example: Spirits : ưoẩía. ... L iệ t kè m ỗi tro n g số các thức uống sau đây đưa vào tiêu dề thích hợp trong danh sách bẽn dưới. Ví dụ: c S ^ íx ã í. : ưodỂa. ... ginger ale/beer — Perrier — Cointreau — Dubonnet — vodka — Tabasco — Grème de menthe — whisky — lemonade — Evian — tomato juice — Campari — Grand Marnier — vermouth — Vittel — Angostura bitters — orange squash — Bénédictine — sherry Add to the lists any drinks which are usual in your region. Bo sung vào các danh sách bất cứ loại nước uống nào phổ biến trong vùng của bạn. Spirits: Other apéritifs: Liqueurs: Mineral water: Other non-alcoholic/soft drinks: Mixes: 2. Look at the list of drinks below. Can you say what the usual combinations are? For example: gin and orange (juice), gin and bitter lemon, Çfin and ... Hãy xem danh sách các loại nước uống dưới đây. Bạn có the nói các kết hợp thông thường là gì không? Ví dụ: gin and orange (juice), gin and bitter lemon, gin and ... whisky soda gin bitter lemon Bourbon tomato juice vodka Coke brandy tonic water rum ginger lime water 3. In the second column, find and complete the opposites of the drinks In the first column. For example: a short drink — a long drink. You will use your answers in Exercise 5. ơ cột thứ h a i, hãy tìm và hoàn thành các từ trá i nghĩa của các thức uống ở cột đầu tiên. Ví d ụ : a short d rin k — a long drink. Bạn sẽ sử dụng các câu trả lờ i của m ình ở bài tập 5. a short drink . bottled ... a single whisky . sparkling/car bonated/fizzy* ... a light beer . soft/non-alcoholic ... some still mineral water . sweet ... a dry sherry or vermouth . long ... a draught beer . double ... an alcoholic drink . and soda or water ... a neat (Am.E = straight) whisky . strong ... (*Informal) 99
  12. 4. When customers ask for drinks, they may use the phrases in the fist column. Find and complete the correct explanations in the second column. You will hear some of the phrases in Exercise 5. K h i khách hàng yêu cầu các thức uống, hãy sử dụng các cụm từ ở cột thứ nhất. Tìm và hoàn thành các ph ần g iả i thích ở cột thứ hai. Bạn sẽ nghe một số cụm từ trong bài tập 5. On the rocks. I want only a little ... Thank you! With ice, and nothing else. A stiff whisky. Stop pouring now. Go easy on the soda. A large ... with nothing added. Developing the topic P h á t triển chủ đề Q -O 5. You will hear five customers ordering drinks. Listen once and put ticks Ự ) to indicate each customer’s order. Then listen again, and indicate if the customer wants only a little (+) or a lot (+ +). B ạ n s ẽ n g h e n ă m k h á c h h à n g g ọ i cá c th ứ c u ốn g. N g h e m ộ t lầ n v à đ ặ t d ấ u ch ọ n (S ) đ ể c h ỉ ra m ó n g ọ i c ủ a từ n g k h á c h h à n g . S a u đ ó n g h e lạ i, k h á c h h à n g m u ố n c h l m ộ t í t (+) h a y n h iề u (++) 1 2 3 4 5 whisky brandy v'' gin ++ vodka soda y tonic + orange juice ice 6. Study and then practise the w a ite rs ’ sentences. Follow the procedure for Exercise 7 on page 7. H ã y n g h iê n cứ u v à s a u đ ó t ậ p n ó i c á c c â u cù a n h â n v iê n p h ụ c v ụ . T h ự c h iệ n th e o th ủ tụ c d à n h ch o b à i tậ p 7 ở tr a n g 7. 100
  13. 7. Work with a partner. Take turns to be A, a customer, and B, a waiter/waitress who is making suggestions. Use language from Exercises 1 and 2, and include other drinks that are usual in your region. Làm việc với m ột bạn học. Lần lượt đóng vai là A , một khách hàng, và B, nhản viên phục vụ đang đưa ra các lờ i dề nghị. Sử dụng ngôn ngữ từ bài tập 1 và 2, và bao gồm các thức uống khác ph ổ biến trong vùng của bạn. A B I d like something non-alcoholic. Certainly, Sir/Madam. a long cool drink. How about a gin and tonic? an apéritif. a Dubonnet? a liqueur, etc. a soft drink, some mineral water. 8. Work with a partner. Take turns to be A, a customer, and B, a waiter/waitress. Use language from E xercise 3. B should reply som etim es as in (i) and sometimes as in (ii). Làm việc với m ột bạn học. Lần lượt thay phiên dóng vai A, m ột khách hàng, và B, m ột nhân viên phục vụ. Sử dụng ngôn ngữ ở bài tập 3. Đ ôi k h i B nên trả lờ i như trong phần (i) và đôi k h i như trong phần (ii). A I'd like a whisky/Scotch I think I'll have gin Can you get me beer some mineral water B A whisky (etc.), Sir/Madam?_____________________ (i) Single or double? ... or ...?_____________________________ (ii) Would you like some tonic/soda (etc.) with that? C LP 9. You will hear three customers ordering several drinks each. They speak at natural speed and so you may need to listen more than once. First, listen and put ticks (7 ) to show how many drinks each custom er wants. Then listen again and write the name of the drink under each tick. Bạn sẽ nghe ba khách hàng gọi m ột vài thức uống cho m ỗi người. Họ nói với tốc độ tự nhiên và vì vậy bạn có thể cần p h ả i nghe nhiều lần. Trước tiên , lắng nghe và dánh dấu chọn (*0 cho biết m ỗi khách hàng muốn bao nhiêu thức uống. Sau đó lắng nghe lạ i và v iế t tên m ỗi thức uống dưới m ỗi dấu chọn. 101
  14. Q -P I 10. study and practise the waiters’ sentences. Follow the procedure for Exercise 7 on page 7. N ghiên cứu và thực hành các câu của nhân viên phục Thực theo th ủ tục dành cho bài tập 7 ở trang sô' 7. Follow
  15. L an gu age referen ce Tham khảo ngôn ngữ General categories of drinks spirits, aperitifs, liqueurs, mineral water, non-alcoholic/soft drinks, mixes (for wines, see Unit 6) S pirits bourbon, brandy, gin, rum, rye (whisky), Scotch (whisky), vodka A peritifs Campari, Dubonnet, sherry Liqueurs Benedictine, Cointreau, crème de menthe, Grand Harmer Mineral water Evian, Perrier, Vittel Non-alcoholic/soft drinks bitter lemon, Coca-Cola, ginger (beer/ale), lemonade, (orange) juice, (orange) squash, soda (water), tomato juice, tonic (water) Mixes Angostura bitters, Tabasco, Worcester sauce Garnishes maraschino cherry, lemon slice, sprig of mint, olive Describing drinks long, short; large, small; alcoholic, soft/non-alcoholic; still, sparkling/carbonated/fizzy ( informal); draught, bottled beer; light, strong beer; dry, sweet sherry; single, double whisky; neat (Am.E = straight); a stiff (brandy); with/without ice/lemon; on the rocks Description of quantity (for comprehension) a little, a splash, a dash, a spot; go easy on the water; don’t drown it! Thank you!/ Thanks! (= Stop pouring!) plenty of soda; fill it up! Making suggestions How about a sherry? Asking what a customer wants What can I get you, Sir/Madam? (What)would you like, Sir/Madam? Stating the price That’ll be $5.60, Sir/Madam. 103
  16. UNIT 10 DRINKS c TOPIC 1 ) PLACES WHERE PEOPLE GO TO BUY AND DRINK ALCOHOL NHƠNBNƠINBtítìl BÉNMUA VÀ UÕNBRÚỌU - a place in a hotel, restaurant, club, etc where friends and drink: pub (AmE bar), (formal) you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks: bar public house * We're going down to the * / 7/ meet you downstairs in the bar * a pub fo r a drink. theatre bar - a shop where you can buy alcohol: off-li- - a building where people go to meet their cence (AmE package store) c TOPIC 2 ) DRINKS MADE WITH ALCOHOL THỨCUÚNBBượcPHA CHẾVƠIRượu - drinks made with alcohol: (alcoholic) drink - a strong colourless drink typically from (AmE liquor) ( noun U), ( informal) booze Russia: vodka (noun U) * We must get some drink fo r the Note: beer, wine, etc can be used as party. uncount-able nouns: * Do you like Aus­ - strong alcoholic drinks: spirits (noun plu­ tra lia n wine? *.\1y fa v o u rite drink is ral) (AmE hard liquor, noun U) * l never Scotch on the rocks (= Scotch whisky with drink spirits, only beer and wine. ice). * There's some beer in the fridge. If - a drink made from grain: beer; a type of light used as countable nouns, the meaning is ‘a beer: lager type o f or ‘a glass o f : * This is an excellent - a drink made from grapes: wine brandy (= a good type o f brandy). * Would - a drink made from apples: cider you like a beer (= a glass of beer)? - a strong brown drink made from grain: - a drink that people have before a meal: aperi­ whisky (AmE whiskey); whisky which t if * Shall we have an aperitif? comes from Scotland: Scotch; a type o f - a strong sweet drink that is usually drunk whiskey made in the USA: bourbon in small quantities after a meal: liqueur - a strong dark brown drink made from wine: - a drink containing a mixture o f alcoholic brandy drinks, fruit juices, etc: cocktail - a strong colourless drink often drunk with - a mixture of different drinks made in a large tonic water: gin container at a party: punch c TOPIC 3 ) DRINKING ALCOHOL UONBRtflfU - to drink alcohol: drink*, have a drink * He al-coholic drink, people sometimes say drinks too much. * She was sitting in the cheers * They raised their glasses to each bar having a drink. other and said *cheers \ - to express good wishes before having an (used about a drink) containing twice as 104
  17. much as the usual amount: double, large * a - a person who has drunk too much is drunk, double brandy * a large whisky and soda ( informal) pissed, (formal) intoxicated * It - (used about a strong alcoholic drink) served was a good party - no one got really drunk. with nothing added: neat * neat vodka * - very drunk: blind drunk, (informal) plas­ No water, thanks. I 'll drink it neat. tered * "Was he drunk? ’ Absolutely plas­ ■ P E O P L E W H O D R IN K A LOT tered. ' OF ALCOHOL - a person starts feeling the effects o f alco­ N G Ư Ờ I U Ố N G N H I Ề U R Ư Ợ U hol when it goes to their head * She only had one drink but it went straight to her - a person who drinks a lot o f alcohol is a head. (heavy) drinker - having drunk too much alcohol, or show­ - a person who often drinks too much is a ing the effects o f too much alcohol: drunkard drunken (only before a noun); noun (U): - a person who needs alcohol every day is drunkenness * / was shouted at by some an al-coholic; the medical condition is al­ drunken youths. * drunken singing coholism (noun U) * the social costs o f al­ - not drunk: sober * / stayed sober last night coholism because I had to drive home. ■ W H E N P E O P L E D R I N K T O O - to start to feel normal again after being MUCH drunk: sober up * He drank some coffee to K H I N G Ư Ờ I T A U Ố N G N H IE U try and sober up. RƯỢU - the headache that a person may have after drinking too much: hangover * / couldn't - if sb drinks too much, they get drunk * do any work this morning; I had a terrible Peter got really drunk last night. hangover. c TOPIC 4 ) NOT DRINKING ALCOHOL KHÔNG UONB RƯỢU - containing no alcohol: non-alcoholic, a low-alcohol * alcoholfree wine drink which is non-alcoholic: soft drink * _ t0 drink |ess a|cohol than you normal|y do; / 'dbetter have something non-alcoholic - (on sth) * J have a I m driving. thanks l 'm cutting down. - (used about beer or wine) containing no t0 nol drink alcohol; keep* o ff * alcohol or very little alcohol: alcohol-free, to keep ( ^ ¡ p ic ~ 5 ) m m t al c o h o l NÂURƯỢU, PH A C - a person who never drinks alcohol: teeto- the sugar changes to alcohol. taller (AmE teetotaler); adjective: teetotal - /he main process used in making whisky, * She never drinks - she s teetotal. gin, etc: distilling (noun U); verb: distil sth - to change chemically: ferment; noun (U): - a place where whisky, gin, etc are made: dis- fermentation * As a result o f fermentation, tillery 105
  18. UNIT Talking about money 11 Nói về tiền bạc To start you off B ắt đầu 1. On the left are phrases which one may find on a menu. On the right are the explanations which a head waiter might give to a customer who is paying a bill. Find the explanations to match the phrases. For example: (a) = 3 Bên trá i là cụm từ mà m ột người có thể tìm thấy trên thực đơn. Bên ph ải là lờ i g iả i thích mà m ột trưởng phục vụ có thề cho khách hàng bi&t k h i họ thanh toán tiền. Tìm các lờ i g iả i thích để kết hợp các cụm từ. Ví dụ: (a) There is no service charge. 1. Yes, Madam. You can use your Gratuities are at your discretion. American Express card. (b) All major credit cards accepted. 2. The cost of your meal Is $65, Sir The extra $6.50 is for the waiter. (c) We regret we do not accept 3. The bill doesn’t include service, Sir. credit cards. If you would like to give the waitress something, that’s for you to decide. 4. We have to add this amount for (d) ALL PRICES INCLUDE ... TAX. ... tax, Madam. It’s 8% of the cost of the meal. 5. This isn’t for any food or drink, (e) Cover charge: $2.00. Madam. We add this sum to every bill, for tha rolls, linen, and so on. (f) 10% SERVICE CHARGE WILL 6. You don’t pay anything extra for BE ADDED. tax, Sir. It’s already in the price of the meal. 106
  19. 7. I’m very sorry, Sir, you won’t be / (g) All prices are exclusive of ... tax able to use your Diner’s club card. / at.the current rate. Could you pay in cash or by traveller’s cheque? 2. Write down these numbers and symbols in words. You will hear them in Exercise 3. Vièt các con số này và các kí hiệu bằng chữ. Bạn sẽ nghe chúng trong bài tập 3. (a) 12; 14; 40; 52; 137; 286; 1,473. (b) 5+13; 22-4; 8 x11; 45+9. (C) 10.5; 15%; 193-10%; $16.50. Developing the topic P h á t triể n chủ đề Q _g 3. Listen and check your answers to sections (a), (b) and (c) in Exercise 2. Then write down in numbers the phrases that you hear in section (d). Lang nghe và kiểm tra các câu trả lờ i của bạn trong phần (a), (b), và (c) ở bài tập 2. Sau dó viết bằng số các cụm từ mà bạn nghe được trong phần (d). 0-0 4. Play the tape again, and practise saying the numbers. Hãy mở lạ i băng và thực hành nói các con số. 5. Use the table below to express the seven pieces of information in Exercise 1; for example: 1. American Express cards are accepted. Sử dụng bảng dưới đây để diễn tả 7 thông tin trong bài tập 1; ví dụ: 1. American Express cards are accepted. 1. American Express cards is (not) accepted 2. A 10% service charge are included in the bill 3. A service charge added to the bill 4. 8% hospital tax 5. A $2.00 cover charge 6. 8% Value Added Tax 7. Credit cards 0-0 6. You will hear six customers asking about paying their bills. First, make sure you know what the words below mean. Then listen and tick (^) the right box for each customer to show what he or she is asking about. Add any details in the last column. B ail sẽ nghe sáu khách hàng đang hỏi về việc thanh toán hoá đơn của họ. Trước tiên, chắc chắn rằng bạn biết các từ dưới đây có ý nghĩa là gì. Sau dó, lắng nghe và đánh dấu chọn ( o vào ô đúng cho m ỗi khách hàng để biểu th ị những gì mà họ dang nói. Thêm bất cứ chi tiết nào vào trong cột cuối cùng. 107
  20. Cash (local Foreign Traveller's Credit Cheque plus Details currency) currency cheques card banker's card 1. y UBdUars 2. 3. 4. 5 6. C LP 7. Listen again and practise the waiter’s replies. Follow the procedure to r Exercise 7 on page 7. Nghe lạ i vàthực hành các câu trả th ủ tục dành cho bài tập 7 ở trang 7. 8. Work with a partner. Take turns to be A (a waiter/waitress) and B (a customer, who is ready to pay the bill). Use phrases from Exercise 6. Làm việc với một bạn học. Lần lượt thay phiên đóng vai là A(nhăn viên phục vụ) và B (khách hàng, người đang thanh toán hoá đơn). Sử dụng cụm từ ở bài tập 6. A How will you be paying, Sir/Madam? B In cash. OK? US dollars/French francs/etc. All right? By credit card. traveller's cheque. cheque with a banker's card. A (i) That'll be fine, Sir/Madam. (ii) I'm very sorry, Sir/Madam. We don't accept... We only accept... _ iii!L I'll just ask the manager/cashier/... about that. 9. Work in the same way. This time, after B has said how he/she wants to pay, continue: Làm việc theo cách tương tự. Lần này, sau k h i B n ó i về cách anh ta /c ô ta muốn thanh toán, hãy tiếp tục: A By which card? B (Answers or shows card) In which currency? May I see your card? A (i) That'll be fine, Sir/Madam. Could you please sign here. Could you please make out your cheque to Restaurant Chez N ous ... (ii) I'm very sorry ..., (iii) I'll just ask ... (As in Exercise 8) (iv) I'm sorry, Sir/Madam. This card has expired. 10 8



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