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Tham khảo tài liệu 'luyện thi tốt nghiệp lớp 12 - no6', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP LỚP 12 - No6

  1. 1. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. odour b. vapour c. our d. favour 2. Car ________ contains carbon monoxide which is invisible, but dangerous. a. rubbish b. garbage c. exhaust d. air 3. The volcanic eruptions made some cities in the US covered with ______. a. rubbish and garbage b. smoke and fumes c. dust and ash d. smog and rain 4. The most serious threat to the planet is the warning of the earth's ________ a. atmosphere b. layers c. air d. breath 5. The principal usually has his pupils _____ waste paper for their mini-project. a. collect b. to collect c. collecting d. collected 6. Pink is the ________ of red and white. a. addition b. combination c. cooperation d. contribution 7. The suffix of "success" is _________. a. -ful b. -ness c. -ment d. ?less 8. The _____ in the city needs repairing so that some streets will not be flooded in the rainy season. a. air-conditioning system b. drainage system c. traffic system d. communication system 9. _________ more and more polluted with industrial waste and garbage. a. Water b. It is water c. It is water that
  2. d. It is water that is 10. A combine harvester is very _________ , it can cut and thresh rice at the same time. a. use b. useless c. useful d. usefulness 11. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. message b. page c. garbage d. luggage 12. - What can we do to reduce air pollution?- I have no ________ idea a. a b. an c. the d. no article 13. Environmental pollution is a term that ________ to all the way by which man pollutes his surrounding. a. mentions b. commands c. says d. refers 14. They are interested in the _________ of synthetic fabrics. a. manufacture b. manufactured c. manufacturer d. manufacturers 15. "Walking a lot made Tom tired". means _______ a. Tom was tired of walking b. Tom was tied from walking c. Tom was tired because he had walked a lot d. b and c 16. When I am learning English, sometimes I _________ the accent. a. will be confused about b. was confused about c. had be confused about d. am confused about 17. Iraq is very _________ oil. a. richness of b. rich in c. of rich in d. getting rich in 18. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
  3. a. plastic b. vapour c. late d. day 19. A volcano____ smoke, lava, and ash. a. blows b. emits c. smells d. vomits 20. Many people who are concerned about the environment have tried their best _____ the earth from being polluted. a. protect b. to protect c. protecting d. protected 21. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. provide b. mineral c. consider d. contaminate 22. Medicare is combined from _________. a. medicine and care b. media and care c. medical and care d. medician and care 23. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. exhaust b. hight c. hour d. honour 24. People are looking for the best methods to recycle _____ into manure. a. wood pulp b. soil c. garbage d. land 25. "I did not agree with your idea." means __________. a. I approved of your idea b. I was not in favour of your idea c. Your idea is my favourite d. I am not in agreement with your idea 26. "We cannot eliminate pollution completely." means __________ a. . Eliminating pollution completely is impossible. b. It is quite easy for us to eliminate pollution. c. It is possible for us to eliminate pollution completely.
  4. d. Pollution can be eliminated completely. 27. There are many people who do not know anyt hing about protecting the environment." means __________. a. They are unaware of protecting the environment b. They have no knowledge of protecting the environment c. a and b are correct d. a and b are incorrect 28. We must be responsible __________. a. for what we have done b. what we have done for c. for we what have done d. what for we have done 29. NO is the formula of __________. a. nitrogen b. nitric oxide c. nitric acid d. nitrate 30. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. pollen b. move c. pond d. popular 31. Not only ________ air pollution but it also does harm to our health. a. . car exhaust cause b. car exhaust causes c. does car exhaust cause d. do car exhaust cause 32. The suffixes of "child" are _______. a. -less b. -y c. -ful d. all are correct 33. I will never talk to you again _____ you apologize me ________ being rude a. if / for b. unless / for c. or / of d. whether/ or 34. _________ not discarding the litter? - Not at all. I am sorry. a. Can you please b. Would you please c. Would you mind d. Let's 35. We want to reduce pollution but we also want to enjoy convenience that _________ science and technology supply us. a. a
  5. b. an c. the d. no article 36. Human beings are the worst ________ on the earth a. pollutes b. polluters c. pollutant d. pollutions 37. The _________ of the water supply caused some infectious diseases for the people in the area. a. conservation b. contamination c. concentration d. conclusion 38. Mary is ________ most beautiful girl of _________. three sisters. a. the/ the b. a/ the c. the/ no article d. a/ no article 39. "Brunch" is combined from the two words _________. a. breakfast and lunch b. break and lunch c. breakfast and bunch d. break and bunch 40. H2SO4 is the formula of __________ a. carbon monoxide b. hydrogen fluoride c. sulphur dioxide d. sulphuric acid 41. You are very lucky _______ aft er the earthquake. a. being alive b. to be alive c. of being to be alive d. of alive 42. "Interpol" is combined from the two words _____. a. internet and pole b. internet and police c. international and pole d. international and police 43. The prefix of adjective "large" is ________. a. im- b. in- c. en- d. it- 44. We should do something to protect water from being polluted ________ we will have nothing to drink in the future.
  6. a. if b. whether c. or d. unless 45. Mrs. Pike has been told by her doctor that she is _____, she cannot have a child of her own. a. childless b. childhood c. childish d. child 46. Water is colourless and __________. a. careless b. hopeless c. useless d. odourless 47. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. oxygen b. supply c. healthy d. slowly 48. The prefix of "pleasant" is _________. a. -im b. -in c. -ip d. -un 49. Many people have a habit of smoking after lunch. a. used to b. are used to c. are accustomed to d. b and c 50. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. amount b. count c. mountain d. course 51. The more waste paper we recycle _______ a. the more trees we preserve b. the most trees we preserve c. the less trees we preserve d. the least trees we preserve 52. There were some serious forest _________ in the Mekong Delta last dry season. a. burns b. fires c. sacks
  7. d. dismisses 53. These pupils ________ waste paper for their mini-project. a. are collecting familiar with b. are familiar with collecting c. are collecting with familiar d. are familiar collecting with 54. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. breathe b. breath c. sea d. seat 55. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. va b. age c. carry d. case 56. Coal, oil, and forests are the most important _________ resources. a. industrial b. agricultural c. natural d. national 57. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a. concentrate b. concern c. centre d. camp 58. We must __________ our efforts on conservation. a. open b. built c. contaminate d. concentrate 59. The suffixes of hope are _________. a. -less b. -ful c. ?ness d. a and b are correct 60. Nowadays, city dwellers live under the constant threat of __________. a. pollute b. polluted c. pollution d. polluters



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